525 research outputs found

    Research and Development Workstation Environment: the new class of Current Research Information Systems

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    Against the backdrop of the development of modern technologies in the field of scientific research the new class of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and related intelligent information technologies has arisen. It was called - Research and Development Workstation Environment (RDWE) - the comprehensive problem-oriented information systems for scientific research and development lifecycle support. The given paper describes design and development fundamentals of the RDWE class systems. The RDWE class system's generalized information model is represented in the article as a three-tuple composite web service that include: a set of atomic web services, each of them can be designed and developed as a microservice or a desktop application, that allows them to be used as an independent software separately; a set of functions, the functional filling-up of the Research and Development Workstation Environment; a subset of atomic web services that are required to implement function of composite web service. In accordance with the fundamental information model of the RDWE class the system for supporting research in the field of ontology engineering - the automated building of applied ontology in an arbitrary domain area, scientific and technical creativity - the automated preparation of application documents for patenting inventions in Ukraine was developed. It was called - Personal Research Information System. A distinctive feature of such systems is the possibility of their problematic orientation to various types of scientific activities by combining on a variety of functional services and adding new ones within the cloud integrated environment. The main results of our work are focused on enhancing the effectiveness of the scientist's research and development lifecycle in the arbitrary domain area.Comment: In English, 13 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, added references in Russian. Published. Prepared for special issue (UkrPROG 2018 conference) of the scientific journal "Problems of programming" (Founder: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Software Systems of NAS Ukraine

    RESTful Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Sensor networks have diverse structures and generally employ proprietary protocols to gather useful information about the physical world. This diversity generates problems to interact with these sensors since custom APIs are needed which are tedious, error prone and have steep learning curve. In this thesis, I present RESThing, a lightweight REST framework for wireless sensor networks to ease the process of interacting with these sensors by making them accessible over the Web. I evaluate the system and show that it is feasible to support widely used and standard Web protocols in wireless sensor networks. Being able to integrate these tiny devices seamlessly into the global information medium, we can achieve the Web of Things

    Web API Fragility: How Robust is Your Web API Client

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    Web APIs provide a systematic and extensible approach for application-to-application interaction. A large number of mobile applications makes use of web APIs to integrate services into apps. Each Web API's evolution pace is determined by their respective developer and mobile application developers are forced to accompany the API providers in their software evolution tasks. In this paper we investigate whether mobile application developers understand and how they deal with the added distress of web APIs evolving. In particular, we studied how robust 48 high profile mobile applications are when dealing with mutated web API responses. Additionally, we interviewed three mobile application developers to better understand their choices and trade-offs regarding web API integration.Comment: Technical repor

    A Proposed Model for Build a Secure Restful API to Connect between Server Side and Mobile Application Using Laravel Framework with Flutter Toolkits

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    Any business these days need a mobile application connected with central database, like E-commerce, E-Learning, Restaurant applications …etc., and in order to create a professional application -connected with backend, Restful API is needed, therefore, choose the best languages, tools and frameworks to build a mobile application in the client side, and Database, API and Dashboard in the backend is crucial. this paper proposed a model to create a Cross-platform mobile application using Flutter Framework with some packages like http to connect with API, (flutter_secure_storage) to store a token and (GetX) for state management and MVC Architectural style, beside using Laravel framework with MySQL database to build an Restful API and the dashboard in the backend, and for make a system for Rules and permissions, Spatie package has been used  with Laravel, as well as use Sanctum for Authentication and Authorization system to protect the APIs with JWT, the result is build a full stack application (frontend and Backend)  called (My Services), which is a kind of Ecommerce application for services only in less than one month

    Developing back-end part of a mobile application for participation in local events

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    REST ja SOAP pohjaisien web-palveluiden käyttö ja suorituskyky

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    REST and SOAP are web service technologies for solving the message delivery problem. The choice between the two is not clear and comparison is difficult. This thesis tries to do the comparison and ease the choice with the recommendations. Also the aim of this work is to research REST as a replacement for SOAP for Seitatech Payment solution. The definitions of SOAP and REST and the usage of both is described. The definition studies are used to do the comparison in a conceptual and feature level. In addition, practical tests about the performance of each technologies is made. A simple test setup is created using Seitatech provided web service platform. Afterwards, the test results are analysed. The test results show REST to outperform SOAP in terms of bandwidth usage and message processing performance. During the test cases, performance issues was discovered when message size grows, which indicates parser issues in Seitatech platform. The comparison provided results of characteristic differences between SOAP and REST. The recommendation of REST is made in most common cases, as it is less complex, less burdening and easier to develop and use than SOAP. SOAP should only be chosen if particular functionality, such as security options, is required.Web-palveluiden kehityksessä viestien kuljetus järjestelmässä on merkittävä ongelma. REST ja SOAP ovat teknologioita, mitkä vastaavat tähän ongelmaan. Valinta näiden teknologioiden kesken on vaikea, sillä REST ja SOAP ovat tyyliltään erilaisia ja haastavia verrata keskenään. Tämä työ pyrkii tekemään vertailun näiden teknologioiden kesken ja helpottamaan tätä valintaa. Tämän työn tarkoitus on myös tutkia REST pohjaisen web-palvelun potentiaalia korvaamaan SOAP pohjaista palvelua. Tässä työssä käydään läpi REST ja SOAP teknologioiden määritelmät. Näiden määritelmien avulla vertaillaan järjestelmiä keskenään sekä määritelmä, että toiminnallisuustasolla. Määritelmävertailun lisäksi suoritetaan käytännön testejä, millä pyritään löytämään mahdolliset suorituskykyerot. Näitä testejä varten Seitatech on tarjonnut alustan, mitä muokkaamalla testit saadaan suoritettua. Käytännöntestit osoittavat REST arkkitehtuurin suoriutuvan paremmin sekä viestien prosessoinnissa että kaistankäytössä. Testien aikana saatiin myös tietoa Seitatechin alustasta, missä huomattiin ongelmia viestien käsittelyssä kun viestien koko kasvoi suureksi. Vertailun lopputuloksena osoitettiin REST pohjaisen järjestelmän sopeutuvan paremmin yleisimmissä tilanteissa. Suorituskyvyn lisäksi REST määritellään yksinkertaisemmaksi ja helpommaksi kehittää ja käyttää, kun taas SOAP on yleisesti rajoitetumpi ja raskaampi viestien siirtoon. SOAP kuitenkin tarjoaa laajemmat työkalut ja laajennukset, jolloin se voi olla soveltuvampi ratkaisu esimerkiksi turvallisuutta ja luotettavuutta vaativissa järjestelmissä

    A Framework for Collaborative Content Mashup with Pervasive Services

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    Kombineerides erinevaid teenuseid saavad mobiiltelefonid rahuldada paljusid tööstus ja ärivajadusi.Samas tuleb teenuste kombineerimise raames sisu õigesti tuvastamiseks ja tõlgendamiseks avastada ja töödelda suurt hulka andmeid. Kuna ainult ühe seadme kasu-tamine mingi ülesande lahendamiseks ei ole väga efektiivne on ühiste eesmärkide saa-vutamiseks soovitatav tööd mitme seadme vahel jagada. Pakume välja ja arendame üldraamistikku, mis toetab teenustele orienteeritud sisu segunemist ning laialt levinud teenuste loomise integreerimist, mis toimuks Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)-tuginevale kollaboratsioonile. Esitasime kollaboratsioonis seadmetele ressursi-säästliku teisaldamise plaani ja implementeerimise selle proof of concept'ina (kontseptsiooni tõestus). Hinnangu tulemused näitavad, et raamistik toetab kollaboratiivset ülesannete teisaldamise kava, mis vähendab mobiilsete seadete ressursside kasutamist.By composing pervasive services, mobile phones can support various industrial and commercial needs. However, the pervasive services composition involves discovering and processing a large amount of data in order to identify and interpret the content. Due to the limitation of the single device capability, it is advisable to collaborate with other devices via a wireless network to accomplish common goals. In this thesis, we propose and develop a generic framework that supports service-oriented content mashup and integrating pervasive services composition in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)-based collaboration. A resource-aware offloading scheme to collaborative devices has been proposed and implemented as a proof of concept. The evaluation results have shown that the framework supports collaborative task-offloading scheme that reduces the resource usage of mobile devices

    Web services approach for ambient assisted living in mobile environments

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    Web services appeared as a promising technology for Web environments independent of technologies, services, and applications. First, a performance comparison study between the two most used Web service architectures, SOAP and REST, is presented, considering messages exchange between clients and a server. Based on this study, the REST architecture was chosen to deploy the system because it gets better results compared to SOAP architecture. Currently, there are some issues related with this approach that should be studied. For instance, if massive quantities of data are sent to databases it can influence significantly the performance of the whole system. The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMPQ) appears as a promising solution to address this problem. Then, in order to evaluate the performance of this approach, this work presents a performance evaluation and a comparison study of RESTful Web services and the AMQP Protocol considering exchanging messages between clients and a server. The study is based on the averaged exchanged messages for a certain period of time. It was observed and concluded that, for large quantities of messages exchange, the best results comes from the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) was addressed in this work because it is a similar protocol to AMQP but it can be used by mobile devices with a processing capacity smallest unlike the AMQP that needs greater processing capacity. These studies are performed in the context of Ambient Assisted Living environments, since the work was applied to this topic in order to experiment the effectiveness and evaluate the performance of these protocols in this scenario

    A Comparative Study of SOAP Vs REST Web Services Provisioning Techniques for Mobile Host

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    Web services are moving towards mobile wireless world as a new emerging technology for mobile applications communication. Now mobile devices can operate as web service providers due to the advancement in mobile device capabilities and it has also become possible due to improvement in web service development technologies and wireless communication techniques. Today’s most important need is to provide uninterrupted, lightweight, continuous web services to resource constrained mobile device in wireless environment. This paper presents a detailed comparison between two frameworks used for providing web services through SOAP and REST and also discusses the problems and challenges in these two frameworks. With the help of comparison we can decide which frame work is most suitable for wireless environment and fulfills the current needs of accessing lightweight mobile web services continuously from resource constrained mobile device. Keywords Mobile Web Services, SOAP, REST, RESTfu