2,544 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Verification of Asynchronous Programs

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    Asynchronous programming is a ubiquitous systems programming idiom to manage concurrent interactions with the environment. In this style, instead of waiting for time-consuming operations to complete, the programmer makes a non-blocking call to the operation and posts a callback task to a task buffer that is executed later when the time-consuming operation completes. A co-operative scheduler mediates the interaction by picking and executing callback tasks from the task buffer to completion (and these callbacks can post further callbacks to be executed later). Writing correct asynchronous programs is hard because the use of callbacks, while efficient, obscures program control flow. We provide a formal model underlying asynchronous programs and study verification problems for this model. We show that the safety verification problem for finite-data asynchronous programs is expspace-complete. We show that liveness verification for finite-data asynchronous programs is decidable and polynomial-time equivalent to Petri Net reachability. Decidability is not obvious, since even if the data is finite-state, asynchronous programs constitute infinite-state transition systems: both the program stack and the task buffer of pending asynchronous calls can be potentially unbounded. Our main technical construction is a polynomial-time semantics-preserving reduction from asynchronous programs to Petri Nets and conversely. The reduction allows the use of algorithmic techniques on Petri Nets to the verification of asynchronous programs. We also study several extensions to the basic models of asynchronous programs that are inspired by additional capabilities provided by implementations of asynchronous libraries, and classify the decidability and undecidability of verification questions on these extensions.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figure

    On determining the AND-OR hierarchy in workflow nets

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    This paper presents a notion of reduction where a WF net is transformed into a smaller net by iteratively contracting certain well-formed subnets into single nodes until no more of such contractions are possible. This reduction can reveal the hierarchical structure of a WF net, and since it preserves certain semantic properties such as soundness, can help with analysing and understanding why a WF net is sound or not. The reduction can also be used to verify if a WF net is an AND-OR net. This class of WF nets was introduced in earlier work, and arguably describes nets that follow good hierarchical design principles. It is shown that the reduction is confluent up to isomorphism, which means that despite the inherent non-determinism that comes from the choice of subnets that are contracted, the final result of the reduction is always the same up to the choice of the identity of the nodes. Based on this result, a polynomial-time algorithm is presented that computes this unique result of the reduction. Finally, it is shown how this algorithm can be used to verify if a WF net is an AND-OR net

    Diagnosing workflow processes using Woflan

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    Obstructions in Security-Aware Business Processes

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    This Open Access book explores the dilemma-like stalemate between security and regulatory compliance in business processes on the one hand and business continuity and governance on the other. The growing number of regulations, e.g., on information security, data protection, or privacy, implemented in increasingly digitized businesses can have an obstructive effect on the automated execution of business processes. Such security-related obstructions can particularly occur when an access control-based implementation of regulations blocks the execution of business processes. By handling obstructions, security in business processes is supposed to be improved. For this, the book presents a framework that allows the comprehensive analysis, detection, and handling of obstructions in a security-sensitive way. Thereby, methods based on common organizational security policies, process models, and logs are proposed. The Petri net-based modeling and related semantic and language-based research, as well as the analysis of event data and machine learning methods finally lead to the development of algorithms and experiments that can detect and resolve obstructions and are reproducible with the provided software

    Analysing Bang & Olufsen's BeoLink Audio/Video System Using Coloured Petri Nets

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    Bang & Olufsen A/S (B&O) is a renowned manufacturer of audio and video products. Their BeoLink (BeoLink) system distributes sound and vision throughout a home via a network. In this way, e.g., while doing the cooking in the kitchen, a person can remotely select and listen to a track from a CD, loaded in the CD player situated in the living room. To resolve conflicts, synchronisation between various actions is needed, and is indeed taken care of by appropiate communication protocols.The purpose of the project described in this paper vas to test Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPN) as a way to improve B&O's methods for specification, validation, and verification of protocols. In the main experiment, an engineer from B&O used the Desing/CPN tool to build a simulations with a familiar graphical feedback, and to formally verify crucial properties using occurrence graphs (also known as state spaces and reachability graphs/trees). The latter activity demonstrated the applicability of occurrence graphs for timed CP-nets. Moreover, CPN was used to examine important aspects of a possible future revision of Beo-Link, and to check compatibility between the new and the old version. Based on the experiments reported in this paper, CPN has been included in the set of methods for specification, validation, and verification of future protocols at B&O. Topics: System design oand verification using nets; higher-level net models; computer tools for nets; experience with using nets, case studies; application of nets to protocols and embedded systems

    Vérification efficace de systèmes à compteurs à l'aide de relaxations

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    Abstract : Counter systems are popular models used to reason about systems in various fields such as the analysis of concurrent or distributed programs and the discovery and verification of business processes. We study well-established problems on various classes of counter systems. This thesis focusses on three particular systems, namely Petri nets, which are a type of model for discrete systems with concurrent and sequential events, workflow nets, which form a subclass of Petri nets that is suited for modelling and reasoning about business processes, and continuous one-counter automata, a novel model that combines continuous semantics with one-counter automata. For Petri nets, we focus on reachability and coverability properties. We utilize directed search algorithms, using relaxations of Petri nets as heuristics, to obtain novel semi-decision algorithms for reachability and coverability, and positively evaluate a prototype implementation. For workflow nets, we focus on the problem of soundness, a well-established correctness notion for such nets. We precisely characterize the previously widely-open complexity of three variants of soundness. Based on our insights, we develop techniques to verify soundness in practice, based on reachability relaxation of Petri nets. Lastly, we introduce the novel model of continuous one-counter automata. This model is a natural variant of one-counter automata, which allows reasoning in a hybrid manner combining continuous and discrete elements. We characterize the exact complexity of the reachability problem in several variants of the model.Les systèmes à compteurs sont des modèles utilisés afin de raisonner sur les systèmes de divers domaines tels l’analyse de programmes concurrents ou distribués, et la découverte et la vérification de systèmes d’affaires. Nous étudions des problèmes bien établis de différentes classes de systèmes à compteurs. Cette thèse se penche sur trois systèmes particuliers : les réseaux de Petri, qui sont un type de modèle pour les systèmes discrets à événements concurrents et séquentiels ; les « réseaux de processus », qui forment une sous-classe des réseaux de Petri adaptée à la modélisation et au raisonnement des processus d’affaires ; les automates continus à un compteur, un nouveau modèle qui combine une sémantique continue à celles des automates à un compteur. Pour les réseaux de Petri, nous nous concentrons sur les propriétés d’accessibilité et de couverture. Nous utilisons des algorithmes de parcours de graphes, avec des relaxations de réseaux de Petri comme heuristiques, afin d’obtenir de nouveaux algorithmes de semi-décision pour l’accessibilité et la couverture, et nous évaluons positivement un prototype. Pour les «réseaux de processus», nous nous concentrons sur le problème de validité, une notion de correction bien établie pour ces réseaux. Nous caractérisions précisément la complexité calculatoire jusqu’ici largement ouverte de trois variantes du problème de validité. En nous basant sur nos résultats, nous développons des techniques pour vérifier la validité en pratique, à l’aide de relaxations d’accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri. Enfin, nous introduisons le nouveau modèle d’automates continus à un compteur. Ce modèle est une variante naturelle des automates à un compteur, qui permet de raisonner de manière hybride en combinant des éléments continus et discrets. Nous caractérisons la complexité exacte du problème d’accessibilité dans plusieurs variantes du modèle
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