17 research outputs found

    Adopsi e-Government di Era Kebiasaan Baru

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence e-government adoption. This paper investigates the impact of trust in the Internet and trust in government on e-government adoption. The sample data used in this study were 126 respondents from 18 districts/cities in Central Java. SPSS was used to test the significance of the effect of the independent variable (trust in the internet and trust in the government) on the dependent variable (e-government adoption). The SPSS test results show that trust in the internet and trust in the government have a positive and significant effect on e-government adoption. Public service providers can predict the behavior of their users through this paper, while for academics, this paper can be used for further research by integrating trust as a predictor of adoption behavior. Empirically, this research is useful for increasing understanding of public service provider platforms in the communicative digital era

    Pelaksanaan sistem kerajaan eletronik dan impaknya terhadap organisasi dan masyarakat setempat: Kajian kes Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar

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    This research aimed to study on the implementation of electronic government system in selected local authorities, Alor Setar City Council (MBAS) and its impacts on the organization and the local community. Electronic government was introduced on 1999 through Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) which was one of the plans under Vision 2020. In Malaysia, the main aim on introducing electronic government was to make it acts as a medium to transform government sector and also as the trigger of MSC development success. Electronic government system is also a transformation in enhancing service quality by local authorities towards local community. Therefore, government has taken several proactive initiatives in enhancing the electronic based administration and management of country, starting from the local authority level. Besides that, people had been exposed with consumers towards information and communication technology (ICT) which made the implementation of electronic government system, as people demands a service that is effective, efficient, practical, and fast in line with progress of the nation. The implementation of electronic government especially in local authorities has not only changed the way of service providing, it also changes the communication structure of the authorities with local people. The people get benefits in connecting with local authorities’ service and getting information by using the application provided by the local authorities. However, this study found that there are still some constraints that dampen the process in implementing electronic government fully in the local authority level because of lacks of innovation in providing services

    Trends of e-government research: contextualization and research opportunities

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    E-Government is a broad research field in which researchers are currently involved in a range of different research projects. Our purpose in this paper is to assist researchers in the development and direction of future analyses, identifying trends in terms of research and the methodology used. Universities and departments that make the main scientific contributions are identified, in order to locate and contextualize the research carried out into e-Government and to enhance intercommunication among researchers and thus knowledge in this field. To achieve this goal, we examined periodical publications listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in the fields of Public Administration and Information Science, during the period 2000-2009. Knowledge gaps and research opportunities have been derived, highlighting the need to use quantitative methodologies and to identify key factors to promote a theoretical framework to enhance the efficient implementation of e-Government, as well as identification the main universities where the researchers can complete their doctoral academic training

    Responsabilidad social en el gobierno local: evidencia empírica en la región de Extremadura

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    This paper serves as a double purpose in the context of local administrations’ information on line disclosure of Social Responsibility (SR). First, this study examines how levels of information dissemination of SR are evolving. Second, some fiscal, political, population, and socioeconomic factors were investigated as determinants of this information disclosed. A content analysis of the websites of the local government in a region of Spain was carried out. This region is the first which has a Corporate Social Responsibility Lay. Later, according to literature review, the authors propose a multiple linear regression model based on disclosure index scores calculated previously. On the one hand, the results show an increase in the amount of SR information disclosed between 2013 and 2016. On the other hand, the study concludes that larger municipalities with more resources, progressive party governments, and intense political competition present higher levels of information disclosure of social responsibility.En el contexto de la divulgación de información sobre Responsabilidad Social (RS) por la Administración Local, este trabajo presenta un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, se examina cómo evolucionan los niveles de divulgación de información sobre RS. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de las páginas web de los gobiernos locales en una región de España, pionera en la aprobación de una Ley de Responsabilidad Social Coroporativa. En segundo lugar, se investigan algunos factores poblacionales, socio-económicos, fiscales y políticos determinantes de la divulgación de este tipo de información, planteando un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple en función de un índice de divulgación calculado previamente. Los resultados muestran, por un lado, un aumento en la cantidad de información divulgada entre los años 2013 y 2016. Por otro lado, los municipios de mayor tamaño, con mayores recursos, gobernados por partidos progresistas y con una alta competencia política, muestran mayores niveles de divulgación de información sobre RS

    Online information disclosure in Spanish municipal-owned enterprises: A study based on the compliance with transparency requirements

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    Purpose- This paper examines the amount of online information reported by Spanish municipal-owned enterprises (MOEs) according to the legal requirements indicated in the Spanish Law 19/2013 on Transparency and Good Governance. In addition, we analyse how different variables can affect the extent of online information reported by such enterprises. Design/methodology/approach- To do this, we conducted a content analysis of the web pages of Spanish MOEs located in cities with more than 100.000 habitants, as well as those cities that are provincial capitals. To find information about these enterprises, we accessed the General Intervention Board of the State Administration (IGAE) webpage (http://www.igae.pap.minhafp.gob.es/sitios/igae/es-ES/Paginas/inicio.aspx). This sample was composed of 273 enterprises majority owned and controlled by local governments. Findings- The findings reveal that the amount of information reported by Spanish MOEs, in accordance with the legal requirements, is quite reduced. The most influential variables for explaining Spanish MOEs’s commitment to information disclosure are population size, political positioning of the local government and reputation. Originality/value- This study seeks to contribute to the scarce literature on mandatory transparency in the public sector as well as to reinforce the degree of compliance with requirements of information disclosure

    Model Adopsi E-Government Dalam Perspektif Sistem

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    E-Government is actually an application of business concept in the public sectorwhose existence is now recognized many countries as being to their advantage inserving its citizens more efficiently and effectively. The main purpose of the paper isa review of E-Government as a system, which should be observed for E-Governmentadoption process more quickly and successfully. As a system, E-Government consistsof seven elements that are interdependent with one another, namely the government’scommitment, the characteristics of users, website design, cultural awareness, servicequality and clients satisfaction. Thus the successful adoption of E-Government isunlikely released from a good understanding of the seven elements.Keywords: E-Government adoption, system, elements of E-governmen


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    Abstract. This study aims to examine the effect of region own source revenue (PAD), capital expenditure, internal auditor capability, internal auditor expertise to the implementation of e-government on municipalities in Indonesia. This study used a dependent variable like index ranking of e-government local government (PeGI) and so the independent variable used is region own source revenue, capital expenditure, internal auditor capability, internal auditor expertise. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling. The criteria are determined based on the index ranking of e-government local government (PeGI) issued by the Kemenkominfo. The criteria are divided into five dimensions, namely policies, institutions, infrastructure, applications, and planning. Based on the criteria that have been established, there are 198 municipalities as a sample. Data in this study is collected from the Local Government Financial Report (LKPD) in 2012-2014 and the index ranking of e-government implementation (PeGI) in 2012-2014. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, classical assumption test and multiple linear regression. The results showed that political region own source revenue (PAD), capital expenditure, internal auditor capability have an effect on e-government implementation. However, internal auditor expertise does not have an effect on e-government implementation in Indonesia.Keywords: e-government; region own source revenue; capital expenditure; capabilityAbstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pendapatan sumber pendapatan daerah (PAD), belanja modal, kemampuan auditor internal, keahlian auditor internal terhadap pelaksanaan e-government di kota-kota di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel dependen seperti indeks ranking pemerintah daerah e-government (PeGI) dan variabel independen yang digunakan adalah pendapatan sumber sendiri, pengeluaran modal, kemampuan auditor internal, keahlian auditor internal. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Kriteria tersebut ditentukan berdasarkan peringkat indeks pemerintah daerah e-government (PeGI) yang dikeluarkan oleh Kemenkominfo. Kriteria dibagi menjadi lima dimensi, yaitu kebijakan, institusi, infrastruktur, aplikasi, dan perencanaan. Berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, terdapat 198 kotamadya sebagai sampel. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (LKPD) 2012-2014 dan peringkat indeks implementasi e-government (PeGI) pada tahun 2012-2014. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber pendapatan daerah politik (PAD), belanja modal, kemampuan auditor internal berpengaruh terhadap implementasi e-government. Namun, keahlian auditor internal tidak berpengaruh pada implementasi e-government di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: e-government; sumber pendapatan daerah; belanja modal; kapabilita

    Information on social responsibility contained in municipal web pages: study on the region of Alentejo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el grado de divulgación de información en materia de Responsabilidad Social (RS) llevada a cabo por los 58 municipios que conforman el Alentejo, en Portugal Continental, así como la identificación de sus posibles factores explicativos. El análisis viene motivado porque, en los últimos años, se ha asistido a un crecimiento significativo de las entidades que forman el sector público que informan sobre cuestiones relativas a su comportamiento económico, social y medioambiental. Para alcanzar este objetivo se lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido de las páginas webs de los ayuntamientos de la población objeto de estudio. Los resultados indican que el grado de divulgación de información sobre RS es bajo y está relacionado con el tamaño de la entidad, la población dependiente, el nivel educativo, la capacidad institucional y la participación electoral.The aim of this paper is to analyze the degree to which information on Social Responsibility (SR) is disseminated by the 58 municipalities of the Alentejo region in Continental Portugal, as well as identifying possible explanatory factors. The analysis is motivated due to the significant increase in recent years of entities within the public sector that report on issues relating to economic, social and environmental performance. To achieve this objective, a content analysis of the websites of the municipalities in the study population was conducted. The results indicate that the degree of dissemination of information on SR is low and is related to the size of the entity, the dependent population, educational level, institutional capacity and electoral participation.peerReviewe

    Motivación del logro y compromiso organizacional del talento humano de la Ejecutora 400 Gerencia Regional de Salud

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    El presente estudio, la entidad Ejecutora 400 Gerencia Regional de Salud obtuvo puntajes no satisfactorios en su análisis, además, no cuentan con un perfil de puestos y hay un porcentaje de trabajadores sin experiencia que ingresan a laborar mayormente por “cuestiones políticas” por lo que, la entidad se encuentra sobrepoblada y crea deficiencias en el logro de los objetivos como en la falta de compromiso con la organización. Puesto que, se plantea como objetivo general determinar si la motivación de logro es un factor que se relaciona con el compromiso organizacional. La investigación se basó en un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance aplicada, nivel correlacional, con respecto al diseño de investigación es no experimental, transversal y prospectivo. Así mismo, se trabajó con toda la población, en caso que no respondan al 100% se optó por la utilización de tasa de respuesta, esperando que está sea mayor a un 40%. Por lo que, para la medición de los dos constructos Motivación de logro y Compromiso Organizacional se utilizará el inventario MLP de (Romero García y Salom Bustamante, 1990) y la escala de (Meyer y Allen, 1990). Así mismo, en el proceso del análisis de los datos se ejecutó en el programa estadístico SPSS en función a los objetivos propuestos se estableció que, la motivación de logro y el compromiso organizacional tenían niveles bajos de confiabilidad. De esta manera se optó por la utilización del programa SmartPlS3 por cada constructo para conocer más a fondo los resultados entre las variables, Así mismo, obteniendo como resultados una falta de correlación entre dichas variables, pero a su vez, cada dimensión se relacionaba de una manera correcta con su mismo constructo correspondiente