18 research outputs found


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    Consumers are used to buying cement brands that they are used to buying. Consumers have their own perception of the brand. Consumers who are familiar with the cement they have used will buy this brand again. This study aims to see the effect of brand image on repurchase intention on cement products at shop x. This research is quantitative research. The 50 participants were collected by incidental sampling. Data collected through questionnaires The reliability test was carried out by calculating the Cronbach Alpha reliability correlation. The data analysis technique used a simple linear regression technique. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant positive effect between the brand image and repurchase intention variables, which means that the more positive the brand image, the higher the repurchase intention. This research is expected to enrich the knowledge of readers about the topic of brand image, especially the influence of brand image on repurchase intention in students of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. In addition, the results of the existing research are expected to be a reference for further research. This study uses an incidental sampling technique so that it cannot be ascertained that the representatives of the subjects from all study programs are not certain. It is hoped that future researchers will use subjects from all study programs so that research results can be generalized

    Holistic View Of Important Elements For Mobile Commerce Continuance Purchase Intention In Indonesia

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    Perkembangan internet mengubah cara komunikasi dari satu arah menjadi berbagai arah. Selain itu, internet hadir untuk mempermudah kehidupan manusia dengan mempersingkat proses kerja sehingga terciptanya efisiensi. Salah satu industri yang tumbuh melesat adalah perdagangan. Perdagangan digital atau yang marak disebut e-commerce (electronic commerce) merupakan proses penjualan produk dan atau servis melalui media jaringan internet. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan angka penjualan melalui internet yang didominasi oleh pengguna ponsel pintar. Terlebih, pandemi COVID-19 yang mendorong masyarakat beralih berbelanja menggunakan media digital untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus dimana seluruh aktivitas dilakukan melalui genggaman yang kita kenal sebagai m-commerce (mobile commerce). Fenomena ini mendorong para pelaku bisnis menggunakan m-commerce sebagai media penjualan jika ingin mempertahankan roda bisnis. Terdapat banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh pemilik bisnis namun investasi untuk memaksimalkan m-commerce cukup tinggi terutama untuk UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah). Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian sekunder berdasarkan kerangka S-O-R (Stimulus, Organism, Response) untuk melihat stimulan yang paling efektif untuk mendorong konsumen dalam berbelanja berkelanjutan dalam media m-commerce. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan rumusan teori yang selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan untuk memprioritaskan elemen terpenting sehingga pemilik bisnis mampu mengalokasikan investasi terbaik dalam perngembangan m-commerce terutama diantara faktor kesenangan, pelayanan digital, kemanan, desain, kepuasan dan kepercayaan

    Belajar Al-Quran Kapan Saja, Dimana Saja: Kampanye Platform Quran Call PPPA Darul Quran melalui Instagram @qurancall

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    In the era of the internet and social media, reading the Quran is no longer a specific activity that must be bound by a certain time and place. This article describes the Instagram-based campaign efforts carried out by PPPA Darul Quran as a pesantren that focuses on the study of the Quran. Using the virtual ethnography method, this research shows how the @qurancall account has become a strategic campaign media aimed at the increasingly literate social media community. In general, the contents of @qurancall not only promote learning and memorizing the Quran anytime and anywhere, but also there are some messages of wisdom that can inspire its followers. Furthermore, this account also has a pragmatic function as a channel to promote PPPA Darul Quran as an institution for studying the Quran in Indonesia

    The Effect of Social Media on Company Marketing in Batam City

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    This study aims to determine the influence of marketing that occurs on social media. And to find out the differences in marketing a product using offline and online systems. This study uses qualitative research methods, in-depth interviews, and observations of the influence of marketing and social media use. The subjects in this study are the public, this study concludes that producers need to utilize social media optimally and consistently in updating the information every day to develop and improve products or services on the marke


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    The internet is one of the technologies that is inevitable in today's digital era. One effect of the internet is also having an impact on the business world, among others, with the development of e-commerce and the decreasing number of offline retailers. therefore the use of internet / e-commerce as an alternative sale must be made by all entrepreneurs including traditional snack entrepreneurs. This research aims to be able to help SMEs to introduce products through sales through the internet and its derivatives. In addition, this service also aims to introduce traditional snack products with better marketing strategies, including by using more eye catching packaging and selling so that they can be easily accepted by millennials. This research has carried out several activities including operational training in marketing training on the importance of attractive brands and packaging, as well as online marketing. This service has helped provide assistance in making stickers, cardboard boxes and jars as a diversification of product packaging for UKM Kembang Goyang “Bu Ninikâ€, Sragen. This dedication also initiates the use of gift boxes as a respondent to the beautiful appearance of souvenirs. In UKM Kumari Crispi, this research carried out by initiating product innovations with various flavors that are of interest to millennialsand providing shelter assistance for Kumari Crispy souvenir shops to support online businesses that will be run. All of training and accompaniment hope can improve the business performance of the target SMEs by increasing the demand for their products


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    The development of the digital world today has had a significant impact on the industrial sector, one of which is the development of e-commerce. E-commerce is one of the platforms used by consumers in searching for information related to the needs of both products or services. Rating of a product plays an important role that can help consumers to support purchasing decisions and reduce search costs. Many factors can influence online purchasing decisions such as ewom, celebrity influencers, and online discounts, but very few studies have examined product ratings in determining purchasing decisions. This study aims to obtain results regarding the effect of product rating and web quality on purchasing decisions among private university students in Bandung. This type of research is an explanatory research that intends to explain the position of the variables studied and the relationship between one variable and another. The sample used in this study was 100 6th semester students with a focus on 3 classes of business and management faculty. The results showed that there was an influence between product rating and web quality variables on purchasing decisions. Although the results show that the effect is not large enough, these two factors, especially product ratings, are one of the variables that are often used by consumers in supporting online purchasing decisions


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan dan manfaat yang dirasakan terhadap minat beli ulang pada e-commerce Tokopedia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif melalui analisis model persamaan struktural (Structural Equation Model/SEM) AMOS. Variabel yang akan diuji adalah kepuasan, manfaat yang dirasakan, dan minat beli ulang. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat DKI Jakarta yang pernah membeli produk di Tokopedia dalam kurun waktu enam bulan terakhir. Total sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu 250 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang, manfaat yang dirasakan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang, dan manfaat yang dirasakan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan. This study aims to determine the effects of satisfaction and perceived usefulness on repurchase intention in e-commerce Tokopedia. The research method that was used in this research is quantitative method through structural equation model (SEM) AMOS. Variables to be tested are satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and repurchase intention. The population in this study is the people of DKI Jakarta who have purchased products in Tokopedia within the last six months. The total sample used in this study are 250 respondents. The results of this study show that satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, perceived usefulness had a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, and perceived usefulness had a positive and significant effect on satisfaction. Keywords: Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness, Repurchase Intention, ECommerc


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi repurchase intention pada konsumen produk fashion TikTok live streaming di Jakarta. Terdapat lima variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu brand experience, brand trust, customer satisfaction, word of mouth (WOM), dan repurchase intention. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di Jakarta melalui penyebaran kuesioner online dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Jumlah total responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 260, terdiri dari 51 pria dan 209 wanita yang berdomisili di Jakarta. Teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk mengolah data yaitu uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas dengan software SPSS dan SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dengan software AMOS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan semua indikator valid dan reliabel. Kemudian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa brand experience memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand trust, customer satisfaction, dan WOM, kemudian customer satisfaction dan WOM memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap repurchase intention, serta tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara brand trust dan repurchase intention. *** This research aims to investigate the factors influencing repurchase intention among consumers of fashion products through TikTok live streaming in Jakarta. There are five variables investigated in this study: brand experience, brand trust, customer satisfaction, word of mouth (WOM), and repurchase intention. The data was collected through the distribution of online questionnaires using the purposive sampling method. The total number of respondents in this study was 260, comprising 51 males and 209 females who are residing in Jakarta. The data analysis techniques employed for processing the data included validity and reliability tests using SPSS software, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS software. The results of this research indicate that all indicators are valid and reliable. Subsequently, the research findings reveal that brand experience has a positive and significant influence on brand trust, customer satisfaction, and WOM. Furthermore, customer satisfaction and WOM have a positive and significant impact on repurchase intention. However, there is no significant influence between brand trust and repurchase intention. Keywords: brand experience, brand trust, customer satisfaction, word of mouth, repurchase intentio

    Effect of Price, Quality, Trust on Repurchase Intentions (Case Study on PT Tokopedia)

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    PT Tokopedia is an Indonesian technology company that specializes in e-commerce. This study aims to analyze the variables of price, quality, and trust on repurchase intentios and see whether the variables of price, quality and trust have a positive and significant influence on repurchase intentions. The research model is primary research where the researcher gets the price, quality, and trust variables from the survey results conducted by the researcher and repurchase intentions variable with the results of a discussion with one of the experts before the start of this study. The examination technique utilized is a quantitative exploration strategy with the kind of exploration as illustrative, theory testing, and correlational with a cross-sectional methodology. Respondents were chosen through likelihood inspecting and compounding examining. The quantity of respondents taken for this review is 607 respondents. The information for the aftereffects of this review were gotten through disseminating polls utilizing a Likert size of 1-5 utilizing Google Form. This review utilizes the PLS-SEM technique to examine the information. The aftereffects of this review show that value, quality, and trust affect repurchase aims. In light of the data acquired from the aftereffects of this review, Tokopedia can endeavor to keep up with costs, and enhancements of the quality and trust angles from Tokopedia clients by thinking about the segment part of most of Tokopedia clients


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    The digital industry is growing rapidly until it can easily meet the community's needs. Especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been going on since early 2020 in Indonesia, has forced people to use technology to meet their daily needs, one of which is the use of the Tokopedia application to buy food products. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of brand leadership and brand trust on repurchase intentions by active users of Tokopedia with a sample of 108 respondents. In distributing the questionnaire using a Likert scale and using PLS. Based on the examination of the data, there is a positive influence of brand leadership on repurchase intentions and a positive influence of brand trust on repurchase intentions. This research can provide information about the dimensions that Tokopedia can improve to strengthen each variable in the future. This research has limitations and recommendations for future researchers to produce better research