226 research outputs found

    A Review of Structural Health Monitoring Techniques as Applied to Composite Structures.

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    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is the process of collecting, interpreting, and analysing data from structures in order to determine its health status and the remaining life span. Composite materials have been extensively use in recent years in several industries with the aim at reducing the total weight of structures while improving their mechanical properties. However, composite materials are prone to develop damage when subjected to low to medium impacts (ie 1 – 10 m/s and 11 – 30 m/s respectively). Hence, the need to use SHM techniques to detect damage at the incipient initiation in composite materials is of high importance. Despite the availability of several SHM methods for the damage identification in composite structures, no single technique has proven suitable for all circumstances. Therefore, this paper offers some updated guidelines for the users of composites on some of the recent advances in SHM applied to composite structures; also, most of the studies reported in the literature seem to have concentrated on the flat composite plates and reinforced with synthetic fibre. There are relatively fewer stories on other structural configurations such as single or double curve structures and hybridised composites reinforced with natural and synthetic fibres as regards SHM

    Out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials: origins, detection and mechanical evaluation

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    Out-of-plane fiber waviness, also referred to as wrinkling, is considered one of the most significant effects that occur in composite materials. It significantly affects mechanical properties, such as stiffness, strength and fatigue and, therefore, dramatically reduces the load carrying capacity of the material. Fiber waviness is inherent to various manufacturing processes of fiber-reinforced composite parts. They cannot be completely avoided and thus have to be tolerated and considered as an integral part of the structure. Because of this influenceable but in many cases unavoidable nature of fiber waviness, it might be more appropriate to consider fiber waviness as effects or features rather than defects. Hence, it is important to understand the impact of different process parameters on the formation of fiber waviness in order to reduce or, in the best case, completely avoid them as early as possible in the product and process development phases. Mostly depending on the chosen geometry of the part and the specific manufacturing process used, different types of fiber waviness result. Fiber-reinforced composite materials allow for a significant mass reduction due to the comparably low density (c.f. 4-5 times less than steel) and, in addition, fibers can be aligned in accordance with the load paths. This possibility of alignment allows the fibers to be placed at the exact position where they are needed to provide the component with the required stiffness and strength. However, this can lead to a load path-optimized composite structure, which is not necessarily easy to produce and free of defects. The placement of the fibers or semi-finished textile products is still often carried out by hand-lay-up, especially in the aviation industry. This allows a diverse draping of the unidirectional (UD) layers, woven textiles or non-crimped fabrics (NCF) onto the production tool. However, manufacturing effects such as fiber waviness, porosity, delamination and distortion cannot be completely avoided. The increased demand for composite components and their production process stability for the aviation and automotive industries requires a transition to at least partially automated manufacturing processes. Those systems come with a higher deposition rate and ensure reproducible quality, but also imply production effects, e.g. fiber waviness. This necessitates a sophisticated understanding of those implicit effects on the mechanical properties of the manufactured structure. The decision as to whether these unwanted irregularities are considered as manufacturing features (effects), or as defects, depends on the size, number and location in the component. Those allowance limits depend on the strength and stiffness reserve at the location of the feature, as well as on functional requirements, e.g. water tightness. The assessment of manufacturing effects further depends on the industry. In the aviation industry, the allowance limits for defects are very restricted, while in the automotive industry the need for short cycle times leads to a trade-off between robust processes and tolerated manufacturing imperfections. To this point, there is still no generally accepted approach to quantitatively support accept/reject/repair-decisions and make a consistent assessment of wavy layers in composites. If the effect is termed to be a defect, typically a deviation from design must be requested in the aviation industry and an individual decision must be made on "use as is", repair or reject entirely. In some cases, experiments on representative test samples are performed at the subcomponent-level on a statistical basis. However, this is both time consuming and cost intensive. It is necessary to strive for a fiber-oriented and in particular a manufacturing-oriented design and construction of composite components. Towards this goal, design and production engineers aim to expand the permissible margin of safety by assessing the effect on stiffness and strength of those production effects, i.e. fiber waviness, porosity, delamination etc. Additionally, they aim to reduce or, in the best case, avoid them on the process side, increasingly with the help of finite element based process simulations. In this thesis, numerous mechanisms of wrinkling were analyzed, leading to several recommendations to prevent wrinkle formation not only during composite processing, but also at an earlier design stage, where generally several influencing factors are defined. Based on that, an overview of typically occurring wave shapes is presented and a classification scheme based on ten characteristic features is suggested for categorization purposes. The assessment of out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials is strongly dependent on the accuracy of detection and quantification of the wave parameters such as amplitude, wavelength and position in the laminate. In the aviation industry, ultrasonic testing (UT) is the preferred method for the evaluation of composite materials. The evaluation of the ultrasound signal from different manufacturing effects is difficult and it often cannot be clearly determined whether there are actually wavy regions in the laminate or not. In this thesis, different non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, such as infrared thermography (IRT), digital shearography, eddy current testing (ET) and X-ray computed tomography (CT) have been used to assess their potential for the detection and characterization of embedded out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials. These methods were applied on test plates with artificially embedded waviness with varying amplitudes, wavelengths and positions in the laminate and evaluated with respect to their ability of detecting the wrinkle morphology. The experimental non-destructive procedures of infrared thermography and digital shearography were simulated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to gain a deeper understanding on the influence of fiber waviness on the measured results. To understand the complex failure behaviour of composite materials containing out-of-plane fiber waviness under compressive and tensile loading, numerous experimental tests have been carried out. Digital image correlation (DIC), passive thermography (IRT) and acoustic emission (AE) test methods have been used to investigate damage initiation and propagation on specimen level. In addition to that, an extensive material characterization on planar specimens was also performed. Composite materials exposed to harsh environmental conditions, i.e. hot-wet, show considerably reduced mechanical properties, governed by a degrading matrix. To investigate the effect of fiber waviness on the mechanical properties at both room temperature and after 12 months hot-wet conditioning at 70°C and 85% relative humidity, mechanical tests (compressive and tensile loading) were conducted. The basic strategies for the assessment of fiber waviness are briefly described. In engineering practice several approaches are used, i.e. empirical, generic, and semi-empirical. These include experimentally obtained knockdown factors, simplified simulations or extensive testing on subcomponent level, both experimentally and numerically. A developed micromechanical model is implemented in a MATLAB GUI to determine the effective elastic properties as well as the resulting complex stress state of uniform and graded fiber waviness. The well-established Puck failure criterion was implemented and applied on the calculated stresses to predict local ply failure and determine the strength of wavy plies. The mechanical behavior of out-of-plane fiber waviness is investigated for both unidirectional and quasi-isotropic laminates by numerically simulating damage initiation and propagation. A nonlinear material model was implemented in ABAQUS/Explicit as a material user-subroutine, which is able to capture the material behavior including shear nonlinearities, failure initiation and propagation in unidirectional laminates reasonably accurate

    Analysis of the Response of Modal Parameters to Damage in CFRP Laminates Using a Novel Modal Identification Method

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    Nowadays, composite materials are widely used in several industries, e.g. the aeronautical, automotive, and marine, due to their excellent properties, such as stiffness and strength to weight ratios and high resistance to corrosion. However, they are prone to develop Barely Visible Impact Damage (BVID) from low to medium energy impacts (i.e. 1 – 10 m/s and 11 – 30 m/s respectively) that are reported to occur during both service and maintenance, such as bird strike; hailstones and tool drops. Therefore, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques have been developed to allow identifying damage at an early stage, in an attempt to avoid catastrophic consequences. Vibration measurement was conducted on healthy and damaged Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) specimens. Damage is introduced to the specimen through a static indentation and the work done by the hemispherical indenter measured. This test was mainly for the purpose of damage introduction in the test samples. In this work, the effects of damage on the individual mode were studied to understand the response pattern of the modal parameters. It is intended that the current study will inform the development of a new damage identification method based on the variations between healthy and damaged specimen’s dynamic results. A new modal identification method (“Elliptical Plane”) that uses an alternative plot of the receptance has been developed in this work. The Elliptical Plane method used the energy dissipated per cycle of vibration as a starting point, to identify modal constants from Frequency Response Functions (FRFs). In comparison with the method of inverse, this new method produces accurate results, for systems that are lightly damped with its modes well-spaced. The sine of the phase of the receptance is plotted against the amplitude of the receptance, through which damping was calculated from the slope of a linear fit to the resulting plot. The results show that, there are other relevant properties of the plot that were not yet delve into by researchers. The shape of the plot is elliptical, near the resonant frequencies, whereby both parts of the modal constants (real and imaginary) can be determined from numerical curve-fitting. The method offers a new perspective on the way the receptance may be represented, in the Elliptical Plane, which may bring valuable insights for other researchers in the field. The novel method is discussed through both numerical and experimental examples. It is a simple method and easy to use. Interestingly, as the energy level increases, the percentage changes in both the modal frequency and damping increases. The linear equations reveal that there is a correlation between the increase in energy and the percentage variation in modal frequency and damping, especially from a threshold energy level determined to be between 15J and 20J for the analysed cases. Finally, modal identification is conducted on the healthy and damaged specimens, and the results were analysed with BETAlab software and the Elliptical Modal identification method. It was observed that the Elliptical Modal identification method provides some interesting results. For instance, a comparison between the modal damping from the ellipse and BETAlab methods revealed that, the level of reduction in the modal damping from the ellipse method is higher than that of the BETAlab. This behaviour offers a promising future in the area of damage identification in structures

    Surface and inter-phase analysis of Composite Materials using Electromagnetic Techniques based on SQUID Sensors

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    In this thesis an electromagnetic characterization and a non-destructive evaluation of new advanced composite materials, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) and Fiber-Glass Aluminium (FGA) laminates, using an eddy-current technique based on HTS dc-SQUID (Superconductive QUantum Interference Device) magnetometer is proposed. The main goal of this thesis is to propose a prototype based on a superconducting sensor, such as SQUID, to guarantee a more accuracy in the quality control at research level of the composite materials employed in the aeronautical applications. A briefly introduction about the superconductivity, a complete description of the SQUID properties and its basic working principles have been reported. Moreover, an overview of the most widely used non destructive technique employed in several industrial and research fields have been described. Particular attention is given to the eddy current testing and the technical improvement obtained using SQUID in NDE. The attention has been focused on two particular application, that are the main topics of this thesis. The first concerns with the investigation of the damage due to impact loading on the composites materials, and the second is the study of the corrosion process on the metallic surface. The electrical and mechanical properties of the tested advanced composite materials, such as Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) and Fiber-glass Aluminium (FGA) laminates are investigated. The experimental results concern the non-destructive evaluation of impact loading on the CFRPs and FGA composites, by means of the electromagnetic techniques; the investigation of the electromechanical effect in the CFRPs using the SQUID based prototype and the AFM analyses; and the study of corrosion activity of the metallic surface using magnetic field measurement

    Development of active microwave thermography for structural health monitoring

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    Active Microwave Thermography (AMT) is an integrated nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) method that incorporates aspects of microwave NDT and thermography techniques. AMT uses a microwave excitation to generate heat and the surface thermal profile of the material or structure under test is subsequently measured using a thermal camera (or IR camera). Utilizing a microwave heat excitation provides advantages over traditional thermal excitations (heat lamps, etc.) including the potential for non-contact, selective and focused heating. During an AMT inspection, two heating mechanisms are possible, referred to as dielectric and induction heating. Dielectric heating occurs as a result of the interaction of microwave energy with lossy dielectric materials which results in dissipated microwave energy and a subsequent increase in temperature. Induction heating is a result of induced surface current on conductive materials with finite conductivity under microwave illumination and subsequently ohmic loss. Due to the unique properties of microwave signals including frequency of operation, power level, and polarization, as well as their interaction with different materials, AMT has strong potential for application in various industries including infrastructure, transportation, aerospace, etc. As such, this Dissertation explores the application of AMT to NDT&E needs in these important industries, including detection and evaluation of defects in single- or multi-layered fiber-reinforced polymer-strengthened cement-based materials, evaluation of steel fiber percentage and distributions in steel fiber reinforced structures, characterization of corrosion ratio on corroded reinforcing steel bars (rebar), and evaluation of covered surface cracks orientation and size in metal structures --Abstract, page iv

    Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring of Manufacturing Flaws and Operational Damage in Composite Structures

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    Advanced composite materials have begun to be used extensively in the manufacturing of aerospace structures. Composite aerospace structures can develop complex types of damages during the manufacturing stages and operational lifetime. This creates an indispensable demand for appropriate nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) methods that are tailored to specific types of damage. This dissertation addresses innovative methods for NDE and SHM of manufacturing flaws and operational damage in composite structures. For the NDE of manufacturing flaws in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites, an eddy current testing (ECT) NDE method has been developed by conducting multiphysics modeling and simulation of ECT detection of different types of manufacturing flaws. In addition, extensive experiments have also been conducted on in-house manufactured composite specimens with embedded manufacturing flaws, and specimens obtained from Boeing which had realistic manufacturing flaws. To validate NDE and SHM methods, controlled impact testing experiments have been conducted on quasi-isotropic CFRP composites of increasing thicknesses (2-mm, 4-mm and 6-mm) to create approximately 1 impact damage diameter. The impact testing experiments were conducted with increasing energy and it was observed that it was easier to experimentally obtain desired impact damage size in thin composites compared to thicker composites. Each impact damage was characterized using ultrasonic NDE, X-ray micro computed tomography (CT) and contact profilometry methods. A pure mode guided wave excitation method using a variable angle beam transducer (ABT) as the excitation, and a phased array transducer (PAT) as the receiver, has been developed. This method has been used for exciting pure SH0 mode guided wave in quasi-isotropic composites for the detection of impact damage. Experiments have demonstrated that the presence of impact damage in thin composites leads to amplitude drop in the received signal. On the other hand, in thicker composites, in addition to amplitude drop we can also observe mode conversion. An in-situ acoustic emission recording method for impact damage ascertainment has been implemented. This method utilizes a quasi-isotropic composite coupon which has been instrumented with four piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) to record real-time acoustic emission signals during an impact event. The impact event is created by conducting drop weight impact tests. Through this method, it is possible to ascertain if an impact event has indeed caused damage to the composite or not. The dissertation finishes with concluding remarks which include summary, conclusions and suggestions for future work

    Strain state detection in composite structures: Review and new challenges

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    Developing an advanced monitoring system for strain measurements on structural components represents a significant task, both in relation to testing of in-service parameters and early identification of structural problems. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on strain detection techniques in composite structures. The review represented a good opportunity for direct comparison of different novel strain measurement techniques. Fibers Bragg grating (FBG) was discussed as well as non-contact techniques together with semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), specifically infrared (IR) thermography and the digital image correlation (DIC) applied in order to detect strain and failure growth during the tests. The challenges of the research community are finally discussed by opening the current scenario to new objectives and industrial applications

    Strain State Detection in Composite Structures: Review and New Challenges

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    Developing an advanced monitoring system for strain measurements on structural components represents a significant task, both in relation to testing of in-service parameters and early identification of structural problems. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on strain detection techniques in composite structures. The review represented a good opportunity for direct comparison of different novel strain measurement techniques. Fibers Bragg grating (FBG) was discussed as well as non-contact techniques together with semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), specifically infrared (IR) thermography and the digital image correlation (DIC) applied in order to detect strain and failure growth during the tests. The challenges of the research community are finally discussed by opening the current scenario to new objectives and industrial applications

    Tracing visual and acoustic signatures of mechanical behavior of composite materials

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    Fiber-reinforced advanced composite materials are widely used in applications of various engineering fields such as aerospace, marine, transportation, and energy. They offer high stiffness and strength along with substantial weight saving potential and allow intriguing design options for superior performance. Despite their remarkably growing use and adaptation into engineering design, the complexity of mechanical behavior of the composite materials, in particular strength and failure, is still a challenge leading to broadening research efforts. This thesis is an effort to address how composite engineers can associate the material characteristics and mechanical behavior of composites using visual and acoustic imaging/recording. Two case studies of structural laminated composites exemplify the potential use of the information obtained specifically from, micro-computed tomographic imaging and general purpose microphone recordings supplemented by video microscopy to seek their correlations with the traditional mechanical test data. The first case focused on the effect of meso-architectural, self-arrangement of fiber bundles with different yarn numbers on the mechanical behavior of non-crimp glass fiber reinforced composites. The visual inspection of anomalies (like the void presence) and in-situ deviations from ideal yarn structures are characterized by using micro-focus computed tomography. Results reveal that the yarn number is directly affecting the tensile behavior of composites in terms of bundle/inter-bundle size, micro-void presence, waviness, and crimping. The second case study aims to show how basic mechanical testing can be supplemented by a general purpose noise reducing microphone and video microscope. The method is simple, affordable, easy to incorporate, yet capable of collecting useful information. The acoustic signatures of the six different cross-ply orthotropic carbon fiber reinforced composites are investigated. In-situ characterization of the progressive failure events is presented as minor, intermediate, major and ultimate with unique sound profiles
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