18 research outputs found


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    Multiple intrusion detection in RPL based networks

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    Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks based networks consists of large number of tiny sensor nodes with limited resources. These nodes are directly connected to the Internet through the border router. Hence these nodes are susceptible to different types of attacks. The possible attacks are rank attack, selective forwarding, worm hole and Denial of service attack. These attacks can be effectively identified by intrusion detection system model. The paper focuses on identification of multiple intrusions by considering the network size as 10, 40 and 100 nodes and adding 10%, 20% and 30% of malicious nodes to the considered network. Experiments are simulated using Cooja simulator on Contiki operating system. Behavior of the network is observed based on the percentage of inconsistency achieved, energy consumption, accuracy and false positive rate. Experimental results show that multiple intrusions can be detected effectively by machine learning techniques

    Security wireless sensor networks: prospects, challenges, and future

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    With the advancements of networking technologies and miniaturization of electronic devices, wireless sensor network (WSN) has become an emerging area of research in academic, industrial, and defense sectors. Different types of sensing technologies combined with processing power and wireless communication capability make sensor networks very lucrative for their abundant use in near future. However, many issues are yet to be solved before their full-scale practical implementations. Among all the research issues in WSN, security is one of the most challenging topics to deal with. The major hurdle of securing a WSN is imposed by the limited resources of the sensors participating in the network. Again, the reliance on wireless communication technology opens the door for various types of security threats and attacks. Considering the special features of this type of network, in this chapter we address the critical security issues in wireless sensor networks. We talk about cryptography, steganography, and other basics of network security and their applicability in WSN. We explore various types of threats and attacks against wireless sensor networks, possible countermeasures, mentionable works done so far, other research issues, etc. We also introduce the view of holistic security and future trends towards research in wireless sensor network security

    Detection of Hidden Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks using Neighborhood and Connectivity Information

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have inspired many applications such as military applications, environmental monitoring and other fields. WSN has emergence in various fields, so security is very important issue for sensor networks. Security comes from attacks. Due to the wireless and distributed nature anyone can connect with the network. Among all possible attacks, wormholes are very hard to detect because they can cause damage to the network without knowing the protocols used in the network. It is a powerful attack that can be conducted without requiring any cryptographic breaks. Wormholes are hard to detect because they use a private, out-of-band channel invisible to the underlying sensor network. In this paper we have proposed a wormhole detection protocol based on neighborhood and connectivity information. Performance analysis shows that our proposed approach can effectively detect wormhole attack with less storage cost. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, wormhole, out-of-band, security, neighborhood

    Security attacks and challenges in wireless sensor networks

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    Simulation of attacks for security in wireless sensor network

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    The increasing complexity and low-power constraints of current Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) require efficient methodologies for network simulation and embedded software performance analysis of nodes. In addition, security is also a very important feature that has to be addressed in most WSNs, since they may work with sensitive data and operate in hostile unattended environments. In this paper, a methodology for security analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks is presented. The methodology allows designing attack-aware embedded software/firmware or attack countermeasures to provide security in WSNs. The proposed methodology includes attacker modeling and attack simulation with performance analysis (node?s software execution time and power consumption estimation). After an analysis of different WSN attack types, an attacker model is proposed. This model defines three different types of attackers that can emulate most WSN attacks. In addition, this paper presents a virtual platform that is able to model the node hardware, embedded software and basic wireless channel features. This virtual simulation analyzes the embedded software behavior and node power consumption while it takes into account the network deployment and topology. Additionally, this simulator integrates the previously mentioned attacker model. Thus, the impact of attacks on power consumption and software behavior/execution-time can be analyzed. This provides developers with essential information about the effects that one or multiple attacks could have on the network, helping them to develop more secure WSN systems. This WSN attack simulator is an essential element of the attack-aware embedded software development methodology that is also introduced in this work.This work has been funded by the Spanish MICINN under the TEC2011-28666-C04-02 and TEC2014-58036-C4-3-R project

    An innovative approach of blending security features in energy-efficient routing for a crowded network of wireless sensors

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are emerging as both an important new tier in the IT (information technology) ecosystem and a rich domain of active research involving hardware and system design, networking, distributed algorithms, programming models, data management, security, and social factors [1,2]. The basic idea of a sensor network is to disperse tiny sensing devices over a specific target area. These devices are capable of sensing certain changes of incidents or parameters and of communicating with other devices. WSNs could be very useful for providing support for some specific purposes, such as target tracking, surveillance, environmental monitoring, etc. Today’s sensors can monitor temperature, pressure, humidity, soil makeup, vehicular movement, noise levels, lighting conditions, the presence or absence of certain kinds of objects or substances, mechanical stress levels on attached objects, and other properties. As such types of networks are composed of resource-constrained tiny sensor nodes, many research works have tried to focus on efficient use of the available resources of the sensors. Energy is, in fact, one of the most critical factors that play a great role to define the duration of an active and operable network. Energy efficiency is often very crucial in these sorts of networks as the power sources of the inexpensive sensors are (in most of the cases) not replaceable after deployment. If any intermediate node between any two communicating nodes runs out of battery power, the link between the end nodes is eventually broken. So any protocol should ensure a competent way of utilizing the energies of the sensors so that a fair connectivity of the network could be ensured throughout its operation time. Energy efficiency is also very necessary to maximize the lifetime of the network

    Інформаційна безпека в середовищі безпроводових сенсорних мереж

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    Для підвищення надійності автоматизованих систем з використанням безпроводових сенсорних мереж (БСМ), необхідна швидка ідентифікація пошкоджених інформаційних вузлів та їх графічне представлення. Існуючі засоби ідентифікації в переважній більшості стосуються пошуку одиничних пошкоджених елементів мережі. Відомі методи не дають можливості забезпечити надійність роботи БСМ при швидкому збільшенні кількості вузлів мережі та при «атаці» на групу сенсорів. У монографії здійснено аналіз загроз інформаційним ресурсам, які обробляються в системах з використанням безпроводових сенсорних мереж. Описано прості та ефективні методи контролю та візуалізації параметрів, що характеризують роботу сенсорної мережі. Здійснено організацію контролю та візуалізації параметрів сигналів інформаційних вузлів, які являються складовими частинами мережі, створюють і використовують засоби моделювання безпроводових сенсорних мереж. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання кластерної моделі із симплексним покриттям його поля для візуалізації областей трансформації сенсорів, сигнали яких зазнали атак. Реалізовано аналітичний метод дослідження зміни параметрів сигналів з використанням геометричних моделей, в основі побудови яких використано чотириточкові симплекси. Доведено доцільність використання аналітичного методу для дослідження зміни сили сигналів інформаційних вузлів. Запропоновані методи моделювання допоможуть суттєво зменшувати час і фінансові затрати на розроблення апаратного і програмного забезпечення мереж порівняно з використанням реальних пристроїв. Отримані результати досліджень дають можливість забезпечити більш гнучкий моніторинг, виявлення пошкоджених елементів сенсорної мережі, отримання якісних і кількісних результатів. Монографія актуальна як для наукових працівників і дисертантів, так і для спеціалістів в галузі захисту інформації