332 research outputs found

    Optimizing Collective Communication for Scalable Scientific Computing and Deep Learning

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    In the realm of distributed computing, collective operations involve coordinated communication and synchronization among multiple processing units, enabling efficient data exchange and collaboration. Scientific applications, such as simulations, computational fluid dynamics, and scalable deep learning, require complex computations that can be parallelized across multiple nodes in a distributed system. These applications often involve data-dependent communication patterns, where collective operations are critical for achieving high performance in data exchange. Optimizing collective operations for scientific applications and deep learning involves improving the algorithms, communication patterns, and data distribution strategies to minimize communication overhead and maximize computational efficiency. Within the context of this dissertation, the specific focus is on optimizing the alltoall operation in 3D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) applications and the allreduce operation in parallel deep learning, particularly on High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Advanced communication algorithms and methods are explored and implemented to improve communication efficiency, consequently enhancing the overall performance of 3D FFT applications. Furthermore, this dissertation investigates the identification of performance bottlenecks during collective communication over Horovod on distributed systems. These bottlenecks are addressed by proposing an optimized parallel communication pattern specifically tailored to alleviate the aforementioned limitations during the training phase in distributed deep learning. The objective is to achieve faster convergence and improve the overall training efficiency. Moreover, this dissertation proposes fault tolerance and elastic scaling features for distributed deep learning by leveraging the User-Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) from Message Passing Interface (MPI). By incorporating ULFM MPI, the dissertation aims to enhance the elastic capabilities of distributed deep learning systems. This approach enables graceful and lightweight handling of failures while facilitating seamless scaling in dynamic computing environments

    Runtime support for irregular computation in MPI-based applications

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    In recent years there are increasing number of applications that have been using irregular computation models in various domains, such as computational chemistry, bioinformatics, nuclear reactor simulation and social network analysis. Due to the irregular and data-dependent communication patterns and sparse data structures involved in those applications, the traditional parallel programming model and runtime need to be carefully designed and implemented in order to accommodate the performance and scalability requirements of those irregular applications on large-scale systems. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the industry standard communication library for high performance computing. However, whether MPI can serve as a suitable programming model / runtime for irregular applications or not is one of the most debated aspects in the community. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the suitability of MPI to irregular applications. This thesis consists of two subtopics. The first subtopic focuses on improving MPI runtime to support the irregular applications from perspective of scalability and performance. The first three parts in this subtopic focus on MPI one-sided communication. In the first part, we present a thorough survey of current MPI one-sided implementations and illustrate scalability limitations in those implementations. In the second part, we propose a new design and implementation of MPI one-sided communication, called ScalaRMA, to effectively address those scalability limitations. The third part in this subtopic focuses on various issuing strategies in MPI one-sided communication. We propose an adaptive issuing strategy which can adaptively choose between delayed issuing strategy and eager issuing strategy in MPI runtime to achieve high performance based on current communication volume in MPI-based application. The last part in this subtopic is to tackle the scalability limitations in the virtual connection (VC) objects in MPI implementation. We propose a scalable design to reduce the memory consumption of VC objects in MPI runtime. The second subtopic of this thesis focuses on improving MPI programming model to better support the irregular applications. Traditional two-sided data movement model in MPI standard designed for scientific computation provides a paradigm for user to specify how to move the data between processes, however, it does not provide interface to flexibly manage the computation, which means user needs to explicitly manage where the computation should be performed. This model is not well suited for irregular applications which involve irregular and data-dependent communication pattern. In this work, we combine Active Messages (AM), an alternative programming paradigm which is more suitable for irregular computations, with traditional MPI data movement model, and propose a generalized MPI-interoperable Active Messages framework (MPI-AM). The framework allows MPI-based applications to incrementally use AMs only when necessary, avoiding rewriting the entire MPI-based application. Such framework integrates data movement and computation together in the programming model and MPI can coordinate the computation and communication in a much more flexible manner. In this subtopic, we propose several strategies including message streaming, buffer management and asynchronous processing, in order to efficiently handle AMs inside MPI. We also propose subtle correctness semantics of MPI-AM to define how AMs can work correctly with other MPI messages in the system, from perspectives of memory consistency, concurrency, ordering and atomicity

    Acceleration of the hardware-software interface of a communication device for parallel systems

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    During the last decades the ever growing need for computational power fostered the development of parallel computer architectures. Applications need to be parallelized and optimized to be able to exploit modern system architectures. Today, scalability of applications is more and more limited both by development resources, as programming of complex parallel applications becomes increasingly demanding, and by the fundamental scalability issues introduced by the cost of communication in distributed memory systems. Lowering the latency of communication is mandatory to increase scalability and serves as an enabling technology for programming of distributed memory systems at a higher abstraction layer using higher degrees of compiler driven automation. At the same time it can increase performance of such systems in general. In this work, the software/hardware interface and the network interface controller functions of the EXTOLL network architecture, which is specifically designed to satisfy the needs of low-latency networking for high-performance computing, is presented. Several new architectural contributions are made in this thesis, namely a new efficient method for virtual-tophysical address-translation named ATU and a novel method to issue operations to a virtual device in an optimal way which has been termed Transactional I/O. This new method needs changes in the architecture of the host CPU the device is connected to. Two additional methods that emulate most of the characteristics of Transactional I/O are developed and employed in the development of the EXTOLL hardware to facilitate usage together with contemporary CPUs. These new methods heavily leverage properties of the HyperTransport interface used to connect the device to the CPU. Finally, this thesis also introduces an optimized remote-memory-access architecture for efficient split-phase transactions and atomic operations. The complete architecture has been prototyped using FPGA technology enabling a more precise analysis and verification than is possible using simulation alone. The resulting design utilizes 95 % of a 90 nm FPGA device and reaches speeds of 200 MHz and 156 MHz in the different clock domains of the design. The EXTOLL software stack is developed and a performance evaluation of the software using the EXTOLL hardware is performed. The performance evaluation shows an excellent start-up latency value of 1.3 μs, which competes with the most advanced networks available, in spite of the technological performance handicap encountered by FPGA technology. The resulting network is, to the best of the knowledge of the author, the fastest FPGA-based interconnection network for commodity processors ever built

    Enhancing the interoperability between distributed-memory and task-based programming models

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    Hybrid applications allow to exploit both inter- and intra-node parallelism, however the programming models currently used are not designed to be combined. For this reason, we propose a generic mechanism to enhance the interoperability between distributed-memory and task-based programming models

    Overlapping of Communication and Computation and Early Binding: Fundamental Mechanisms for Improving Parallel Performance on Clusters of Workstations

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    This study considers software techniques for improving performance on clusters of workstations and approaches for designing message-passing middleware that facilitate scalable, parallel processing. Early binding and overlapping of communication and computation are identified as fundamental approaches for improving parallel performance and scalability on clusters. Currently, cluster computers using the Message-Passing Interface for interprocess communication are the predominant choice for building high-performance computing facilities, which makes the findings of this work relevant to a wide audience from the areas of high-performance computing and parallel processing. The performance-enhancing techniques studied in this work are presently underutilized in practice because of the lack of adequate support by existing message-passing libraries and are also rarely considered by parallel algorithm designers. Furthermore, commonly accepted methods for performance analysis and evaluation of parallel systems omit these techniques and focus primarily on more obvious communication characteristics such as latency and bandwidth. This study provides a theoretical framework for describing early binding and overlapping of communication and computation in models for parallel programming. This framework defines four new performance metrics that facilitate new approaches for performance analysis of parallel systems and algorithms. This dissertation provides experimental data that validate the correctness and accuracy of the performance analysis based on the new framework. The theoretical results of this performance analysis can be used by designers of parallel system and application software for assessing the quality of their implementations and for predicting the effective performance benefits of early binding and overlapping. This work presents MPI/Pro, a new MPI implementation that is specifically optimized for clusters of workstations interconnected with high-speed networks. This MPI implementation emphasizes features such as persistent communication, asynchronous processing, low processor overhead, and independent message progress. These features are identified as critical for delivering maximum performance to applications. The experimental section of this dissertation demonstrates the capability of MPI/Pro to facilitate software techniques that result in significant application performance improvements. Specific demonstrations with Virtual Interface Architecture and TCP/IP over Ethernet are offered

    Towards Network-Accelerated Databases

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    Throughout the last years, data processing systems have seen substantial changes, notably moving towards disaggregation of resources. This shift separates compute and storage resources into distinct servers for better resource utilization, as they can now be scaled independently based on demand. This development is crucial for cloud-native Database Management Systems (DBMS), which mainly build on such disaggregated structures. This thesis examines two significant hardware trends in disaggregated architectures for DBMSs: modern networks and heterogeneous computing. Modern networks such as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) are critical for efficient, high-throughput, low-latency data transfer, but present challenges for achieving optimal performance for DBMSs. The reason for this is that RDMA comes with a low-level interface with a plentitude of performance-critical aspects to consider. To address this challenge, this thesis introduces a high-level programming interface, the Data Flow Interface, specifically targeting the needs of data-intensive processing systems. In addition, this thesis highlights the emerging trend toward programmable network devices that offer data processing capabilities in the network. This trend is especially interesting for distributed DBMSs as they have to transfer large amounts of data over the network due to the disaggregated architecture, but also typical distributed data processing operations such as joins have to shuffle data between compute nodes. In the thesis, in-network processing devices are evaluated with typical DBMS operations to investigate the benefits and potential shortcomings. Another trend in the data center is the increasing heterogeneity of computing units such as GPUs and FPGAs due to their fast processing capabilities. Incorporating these heterogeneous devices into disaggregated architectures with fast networks has many merits. The reason is that specialized compute units can be exposed as network-attached disaggregated accelerator pools and thus provide flexible and scalable high-performance data processing. This integration of heterogeneous compute units and fast RDMA-capable networks is however non-trivial since networks like RDMA are typically not directly supported for devices besides CPUs and are as such non-trivial to integrate efficiently. The challenge of how to achieve efficient communication between different types of compute devices is addressed by proposing a network-driven communication scheme that leverages a programmable switch to carry out the network communication on behalf of the compute devices

    Graph analytics on modern massively parallel systems

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    Graphs provide a very flexible abstraction for understanding and modeling complex systems in many fields such as physics, biology, neuroscience, engineering, and social science. Only in the last two decades, with the advent of Big Data era, supercomputers equipped by accelerators –i.e., Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs)–, advanced networking, and highly parallel file systems have been used to analyze graph properties such as reachability, diameter, connected components, centrality, and clustering coefficient. Today graphs of interest may be composed by millions, sometimes billions, of nodes and edges and exhibit a highly irregular structure. As a consequence, the design of efficient and scalable graph algorithms is an extraordinary challenge due to irregular communication and memory access patterns, high synchronization costs, and lack of data locality. In the present dissertation, we start off with a brief and gentle introduction for the reader to graph analytics and massively parallel systems. In particular, we present the intersection between graph analytics and parallel architectures in the current state-of-the-art and discuss the challenges encountered when solving such problems on large-scale graphs on these architectures (Chapter 1). In Chapter 2, some preliminary definitions and graph-theoretical notions are provided together with a description of the synthetic graphs used in the literature to model real-world networks. In Chapters 3-5, we present and tackle three different relevant problems in graph analysis: reachability (Chapter 3), Betweenness Centrality (Chapter 4), and clustering coefficient (Chapter 5). In detail, Chapter 3 tackles reachability problems by providing two scalable algorithms and implementations which efficiently solve st-connectivity problems on very large-scale graphs Chapter 4 considers the problem of identifying most relevant nodes in a network which plays a crucial role in several applications, including transportation and communication networks, social network analysis, and biological networks. In particular, we focus on a well-known centrality metrics, namely Betweenness Centrality (BC), and present two different distributed algorithms for the BC computation on unweighted and weighted graphs. For unweighted graphs, we present a new communication-efficient algorithm based on the combination of bi-dimensional (2D) decomposition and multi-level parallelism. Furthermore, new algorithms which exploit the underlying graph topology to reduce the time and space usage of betweenness centrality computations are described as well. Concerning weighted graphs, we provide a scalable algorithm based on an algebraic formulation of the problem. Finally, thorough comprehensive experimental results on synthetic and real- world large-scale graphs, we show that the proposed techniques are effective in practice and achieve significant speedups against state-of-the-art solutions. Chapter 5 considers clustering coefficients problem. Similarly to Betweenness Centrality, it is a fundamental tool in network analysis, as it specifically measures how nodes tend to cluster together in a network. In the chapter, we first extend caching techniques to Remote Memory Access (RMA) operations on distributed-memory system. The caching layer is mainly designed to avoid inter-node communications in order to achieve similar benefits for irregular applications as communication-avoiding algorithms. We also show how cached RMA is able to improve the performance of a new distributed asynchronous algorithm for the computation of local clustering coefficients. Finally, Chapter 6 contains a brief summary of the key contributions described in the dissertation and presents potential future directions of the work

    Cloud-efficient modelling and simulation of magnetic nano materials

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    Scientific simulations are rarely attempted in a cloud due to the substantial performance costs of virtualization. Considerable communication overheads, intolerable latencies, and inefficient hardware emulation are the main reasons why this emerging technology has not been fully exploited. On the other hand, the progress of computing infrastructure nowadays is strongly dependent on perspective storage medium development, where efficient micromagnetic simulations play a vital role in future memory design. This thesis addresses both these topics by merging micromagnetic simulations with the latest OpenStack cloud implementation while providing a time and costeffective alternative to expensive computing centers. However, many challenges have to be addressed before a high-performance cloud platform emerges as a solution for problems in micromagnetic research communities. First, the best solver candidate has to be selected and further improved, particularly in the parallelization and process communication domain. Second, a 3-level cloud communication hierarchy needs to be recognized and each segment adequately addressed. The required steps include breaking the VMisolation for the host’s shared memory activation, cloud network-stack tuning, optimization, and efficient communication hardware integration. The project work concludes with practical measurements and confirmation of successfully implemented simulation into an open-source cloud environment. It is achieved that the renewed Magpar solver runs for the first time in the OpenStack cloud by using ivshmem for shared memory communication. Also, extensive measurements proved the effectiveness of our solutions, yielding from sixty percent to over ten times better results than those achieved in the standard cloud.Aufgrund der erheblichen Leistungskosten der Virtualisierung werden wissenschaftliche Simulationen in einer Cloud selten versucht. Beträchtlicher Kommunikationsaufwand, erhebliche Latenzen und ineffiziente Hardwareemulation sind die Hauptgründe, warum diese aufkommende Technologie nicht vollständig genutzt wurde. Andererseits hängt der Fortschritt der Computertechnologie heutzutage stark von der Entwicklung perspektivischer Speichermedien ab, bei denen effiziente mikromagnetische Simulationen eine wichtige Rolle für die zukünftige Speichertechnologie spielen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit diesen beiden Themen, indem mikromagnetische Simulationen mit der neuesten OpenStack Cloud-Implementierung zusammengeführt werden, um eine zeit- und kostengünstige Alternative zu teuren Rechenzentren bereitzustellen. Viele Herausforderungen müssen jedoch angegangen werden, bevor eine leistungsstarke Cloud-Plattform als Lösung für Probleme in mikromagnetischen Forschungsgemeinschaften entsteht. Zunächst muss der beste Kandidat für die Lösung ausgewählt und weiter verbessert werden, insbesondere im Bereich der Parallelisierung und Prozesskommunikation. Zweitens muss eine 3-stufige CloudKommunikationshierarchie erkannt und jedes Segment angemessen adressiert werden. Die erforderlichen Schritte umfassen das Aufheben der VM-Isolation, um den gemeinsam genutzten Speicher zwischen Cloud-Instanzen zu aktivieren, die Optimierung des Cloud-Netzwerkstapels und die effiziente Integration von Kommunikationshardware. Die praktische Arbeit endet mit Messungen und der Bestätigung einer erfolgreich implementierten Simulation in einer Open-Source Cloud-Umgebung. Als Ergebnis haben wir erreicht, dass der neu erstellte Magpar-Solver zum ersten Mal in der OpenStack Cloud ausgeführt wird, indem ivshmem für die Shared-Memory Kommunikation verwendet wird. Umfangreiche Messungen haben auch die Wirksamkeit unserer Lösungen bewiesen und von sechzig Prozent bis zu zehnmal besseren Ergebnissen als in der Standard Cloud geführt

    ACiS: smart switches with application-level acceleration

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    Network performance has contributed fundamentally to the growth of supercomputing over the past decades. In parallel, High Performance Computing (HPC) peak performance has depended, first, on ever faster/denser CPUs, and then, just on increasing density alone. As operating frequency, and now feature size, have levelled off, two new approaches are becoming central to achieving higher net performance: configurability and integration. Configurability enables hardware to map to the application, as well as vice versa. Integration enables system components that have generally been single function-e.g., a network to transport data—to have additional functionality, e.g., also to operate on that data. More generally, integration enables compute-everywhere: not just in CPU and accelerator, but also in network and, more specifically, the communication switches. In this thesis, we propose four novel methods of enhancing HPC performance through Advanced Computing in the Switch (ACiS). More specifically, we propose various flexible and application-aware accelerators that can be embedded into or attached to existing communication switches to improve the performance and scalability of HPC and Machine Learning (ML) applications. We follow a modular design discipline through introducing composable plugins to successively add ACiS capabilities. In the first work, we propose an inline accelerator to communication switches for user-definable collective operations. MPI collective operations can often be performance killers in HPC applications; we seek to solve this bottleneck by offloading them to reconfigurable hardware within the switch itself. We also introduce a novel mechanism that enables the hardware to support MPI communicators of arbitrary shape and that is scalable to very large systems. In the second work, we propose a look-aside accelerator for communication switches that is capable of processing packets at line-rate. Functions requiring loops and states are addressed in this method. The proposed in-switch accelerator is based on a RISC-V compatible Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs). To facilitate usability, we have developed a framework to compile user-provided C/C++ codes to appropriate back-end instructions for configuring the accelerator. In the third work, we extend ACiS to support fused collectives and the combining of collectives with map operations. We observe that there is an opportunity of fusing communication (collectives) with computation. Since the computation can vary for different applications, ACiS support should be programmable in this method. In the fourth work, we propose that switches with ACiS support can control and manage the execution of applications, i.e., that the switch be an active device with decision-making capabilities. Switches have a central view of the network; they can collect telemetry information and monitor application behavior and then use this information for control, decision-making, and coordination of nodes. We evaluate the feasibility of ACiS through extensive RTL-based simulation as well as deployment in an open-access cloud infrastructure. Using this simulation framework, when considering a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) application as a case study, a speedup of on average 3.4x across five real-world datasets is achieved on 24 nodes compared to a CPU cluster without ACiS capabilities
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