26 research outputs found

    Exploring User Satisfaction in a Tutorial Dialogue System

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    Abstract User satisfaction is a common evaluation metric in task-oriented dialogue systems, whereas tutorial dialogue systems are often evaluated in terms of student learning gain. However, user satisfaction is also important for such systems, since it may predict technology acceptance. We present a detailed satisfaction questionnaire used in evaluating the BEETLE II system (REVU-NL), and explore the underlying components of user satisfaction using factor analysis. We demonstrate interesting patterns of interaction between interpretation quality, satisfaction and the dialogue policy, highlighting the importance of more finegrained evaluation of user satisfaction

    Evaluating multi-agent conversational interfaces in the early stages of the design process

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    In this paper we describe a mixed-approach technique to understand user’s perceptions of concepts in the early stage of the design process. We designed an evaluation study to understand desirability of a multi-agent cognitive investment advisor, a Chabot. The study was threefold. First participants watched the video, then chose reaction card adjectives to report their perceptions, and lastly gave their opinions guided by questions about the multi-party dialogue. From this experiment, we gather positive and negative reactions from users that helped to shape the user experience of cognitive investment advisors.Â

    Emotional scaffolding with respect to time factors in Networking Collaborative Learning Environments

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    With regard to learning, emotional considerations have been included in the research agenda for a long time and literature offers a variety of studies evaluating the role of emotions in different settings (class, tests and exams, studying at home, etc.). This knowledge and experience has tentatively begun to endow intelligent network systems with emotion assessment and affective feedback capabilities, although the process is still in its infancy. This paper reviews emotional aspects in learning and affect recognition as well as feedback strategies. In the described strategies, the need for considering the time factor is also stressed.

    Affective learning: improving engagement and enhancing learning with affect-aware feedback

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    This paper describes the design and ecologically valid evaluation of a learner model that lies at the heart of an intelligent learning environment called iTalk2Learn. A core objective of the learner model is to adapt formative feedback based on students’ affective states. Types of adaptation include what type of formative feedback should be provided and how it should be presented. Two Bayesian networks trained with data gathered in a series of Wizard-of-Oz studies are used for the adaptation process. This paper reports results from a quasi-experimental evaluation, in authentic classroom settings, which compared a version of iTalk2Learn that adapted feedback based on students’ affective states as they were talking aloud with the system (the affect condition) with one that provided feedback based only on the students’ performance (the non-affect condition). Our results suggest that affect-aware support contributes to reducing boredom and off-task behavior, and may have an effect on learning. We discuss the internal and ecological validity of the study, in light of pedagogical considerations that informed the design of the two conditions. Overall, the results of the study have implications both for the design of educational technology and for classroom approaches to teaching, because they highlight the important role that affect-aware modelling plays in the adaptive delivery of formative feedback to support learning

    On the Development of Adaptive and User-Centred Interactive Multimodal Interfaces

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    Multimodal systems have attained increased attention in recent years, which has made possible important improvements in the technologies for recognition, processing, and generation of multimodal information. However, there are still many issues related to multimodality which are not clear, for example, the principles that make it possible to resemble human-human multimodal communication. This chapter focuses on some of the most important challenges that researchers have recently envisioned for future multimodal interfaces. It also describes current efforts to develop intelligent, adaptive, proactive, portable and affective multimodal interfaces

    Learning user modelling strategies for adaptive referring expression generation in spoken dialogue systems

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    We address the problem of dynamic user modelling for referring expression generation in spoken dialogue systems, i.e how a spoken dialogue system should choose referring expressions to refer to domain entities to users with different levels of domain expertise, whose domain knowledge is initially unknown to the system. We approach this problem using a statistical planning framework: Reinforcement Learning techniques in Markov Decision Processes (MDP). We present a new reinforcement learning framework to learn user modelling strategies for adaptive referring expression generation (REG) in resource scarce domains (i.e. where no large corpus exists for learning). As a part of the framework, we present novel user simulation models that are sensitive to the referring expressions used by the system and are able to simulate users with different levels of domain knowledge. Such models are shown to simulate real user behaviour more closely than baseline user simulation models. In contrast to previous approaches to user adaptive systems, we do not assume that the user’s domain knowledge is available to the system before the conversation starts. We show that using a small corpus of non-adaptive dialogues it is possible to learn an adaptive user modelling policy in resource scarce domains using our framework. We also show that the learned user modelling strategies performed better in terms of adaptation than hand-coded baselines policies on both simulated and real users. With real users, the learned policy produced around 20% increase in adaptation in comparison to the best performing hand-coded adaptive baseline. We also show that adaptation to user’s domain knowledge results in improving task success (99.47% for learned policy vs 84.7% for hand-coded baseline) and reducing dialogue time of the conversation (11% relative difference). This is because users found it easier to identify domain objects when the system used adaptive referring expressions during the conversations

    A Satisfaction-based Model for Affect Recognition from Conversational Features in Spoken Dialog Systems

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    Detecting user affect automatically during real-time conversation is the main challenge towards our greater aim of infusing social intelligence into a natural-language mixed-initiative High-Fidelity (Hi-Fi) audio control spoken dialog agent. In recent years, studies on affect detection from voice have moved on to using realistic, non-acted data, which is subtler. However, it is more challenging to perceive subtler emotions and this is demonstrated in tasks such as labelling and machine prediction. This paper attempts to address part of this challenge by considering the role of user satisfaction ratings and also conversational/dialog features in discriminating contentment and frustration, two types of emotions that are known to be prevalent within spoken human-computer interaction. However, given the laboratory constraints, users might be positively biased when rating the system, indirectly making the reliability of the satisfaction data questionable. Machine learning experiments were conducted on two datasets, users and annotators, which were then compared in order to assess the reliability of these datasets. Our results indicated that standard classifiers were significantly more successful in discriminating the abovementioned emotions and their intensities (reflected by user satisfaction ratings) from annotator data than from user data. These results corroborated that: first, satisfaction data could be used directly as an alternative target variable to model affect, and that they could be predicted exclusively by dialog features. Second, these were only true when trying to predict the abovementioned emotions using annotator?s data, suggesting that user bias does exist in a laboratory-led evaluation

    I feel you: the design and evaluation of a domotic affect-sensitive spoken conversational agent

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    We describe the work on infusion of emotion into a limited-task autonomous spoken conversational agent situated in the domestic environment, using a need-inspired task-independent emotion model (NEMO). In order to demonstrate the generation of affect through the use of the model, we describe the work of integrating it with a natural-language mixed-initiative HiFi-control spoken conversational agent (SCA). NEMO and the host system communicate externally, removing the need for the Dialog Manager to be modified, as is done in most existing dialog systems, in order to be adaptive. The first part of the paper concerns the integration between NEMO and the host agent. The second part summarizes the work on automatic affect prediction, namely, frustration and contentment, from dialog features, a non-conventional source, in the attempt of moving towards a more user-centric approach. The final part reports the evaluation results obtained from a user study, in which both versions of the agent (non-adaptive and emotionally-adaptive) were compared. The results provide substantial evidences with respect to the benefits of adding emotion in a spoken conversational agent, especially in mitigating users' frustrations and, ultimately, improving their satisfaction