23 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Produksi Industri Kreatif Kerajinan Kayu dengan Mesin Adjustable Scroll Saw di Kota Wisata Batu Jawa Timur

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    Kota Batu sebagai kota wisata banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan dari berbagai daerah. Adanya kunjungan wisatawan ke Kota Batu ini secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan pembelian barang-barang oleh wisatawan sebagai oleh-oleh yang akan dibawa pulang. Salah satu industri kreatif kerajinan kayu yang memproduksi berbagai macam souvenir adalah  “UD Tohu Srijaya“  di  Desa Junrejo Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu.  Guna meningkatkan daya jual produk, pada proses produksi akan dikembangkan disain adjustable  sroll saw. Metode yang akan diterapkan untuk merealisasikan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan dari satgas pelaksana kegiatan. Kegiatan yang dakan dilakukan adalah pembuatan mesin, pengoperasian, dan perawatan mesin dengan memperhatikan masukan permasalahan dari mitra dilanjutkan dengan melakukan uji kinerja mesin. Hasil dari kegiatan ini meliputi: 1) peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi industri kreatif kerajinan kayu dengan mesin adjustable scroll saw di Kota Wisata Batu Jawa Timur; 2) mesin adjustable scroll saw yang didesiminasikan berhasil meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi industri kreatif kerajinan kayu di Kota Wisata Batu Jawa Timur; dan 3) berhasil meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi industri kreatif kerajinan kayu dengan mesin adjustable scroll saw di Kota Wisata Batu Jawa Timur dan terbukti mampu menambah wawasan mitra dan masyarakat sekitar.Kata Kunci— adjustable scroll saw, industri kreatif, kerajinan kayu, wisata Kota Batu AbstractBatu City as a tourist city is visited by many tourists from various regions. The existence of tourist visits to Batu City will indirectly increase the purchase of goods by tourists as souvenirs to be brought home. One of the woodcraft creative industries that produce various kinds of souvenirs is “UD Tohu Srijaya” in Junrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. In order to increase the selling power of the product, an adjustable sroll saw design will be developed in the production process. The method that will be applied to realize this community service program is training and assistance from the task force implementing the activities. The activities that will be carried out are the manufacture of machines, operation and maintenance of machines by paying attention to input problems from partners followed by conducting engine performance tests. The results of this activity include: 1) increasing the quality and quantity of production of the wood craft creative industry with an adjustable scroll saw machine in Kota Wisata Batu, East Java; 2) the adjustable scroll saw machine that was presented had succeeded in increasing the quality and quantity of the woodcraft creative industry's production in Kota Wisata Batu, East Java; and 3) succeeded in increasing the quality and quantity of woodcraft creative industry production with an adjustable scroll saw machine in Kota Wisata Batu, East Java and proved to be able to increase the knowledge of partners and the surrounding community.Keywords— adjustable scroll saw, creative industry, wood crafts, Batu City touris

    Evaluation of Online Learning in Vocational High School Major in Accounting and Financial Institution: Kirkpatrick’s Model

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    Online learning during the pandemic of COVID-19 in accounting and financial institution major of Public Vocational High School 1 of Boyolangu has not been evaluated as yet, which makes the effect and result of the learning still unknown; therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the online learning established at the school. The model of evaluation adopted in this research was Kirkpatrick’s two levels of evaluation: reaction and learning. The purposes are to measure students’ satisfaction with the online learning and understanding of subject materials given during the online learning. The data in this research were collected through questionnaires. The research found that students on the whole felt satisfied with the establishment of online learning during the pandemic for at least two reasons: students began to feel comfort and used to online learning and the information technology skills of both teachers and students improved by virtue of online learning. However, there were some problems which impaired the effectiveness of online learning, including limited internet quota and poor internet connection. Additionally, students had difficulty completing practical assignments because some of them did not possess laptops, and sometimes teachers had not given them any explanation of the subject materials befor

    Peningkatan Daya Tarik dan Wawasan Wisatawan dengan Pembangunan Eco-Smart Mini Lab Sebagai Wisata Edukasi Alam

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    Penelusuran ragam potensi unggulan di Indonesia tidak akan pernah terlepas dari keindahan alamnya. Masyarakat perkotaan khususnya era millenial saat ini menggandrungi objek wisata yang berkonsep alam atau biasa dikenal dengan ekowisata. Terutama banyaknya potensi wisata alam yang ada di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Salah satu yang sudah ada yaitu wisata bumi perkemahan bedengan yang terletak di kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Sesuai dengan bidang dari sebagian besar tim pelaksana, maka disepakati untuk mengembangkan desain Eco-Smart Mini Lab berbasis solar cell sebagai konsep wisata alam edukasi dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan daya tarik wisatawan di area bumi perkemahan Bedengan. Eco-Smart Mini Lab berbasis solar cell merupakan bangunan laboratorium mini berkonsep alam yang di dalamnya berisi pengetahuan dan informasi terkait dengan wisata yang ada di Desa Selorejo seperti wisata Bumi Perkemahan Bedengan. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini yaitu metode demonstrasi dengan pendekatan diskusi kelompok dan studi kasus. Metode demonstrasi dipilih dikarenakan telah tersedianya alat sarana dan prasarana pendukung untuk melakukan pelatihan. Diskusi kelompok dan studi kasus dipilih untuk menentukan permasalahan (trouble) yang akan diambil pada kegiatan ini. Hasil dari kegiatan pegabdian ini meliputi: 1) kegiatan yang telah dilakukan terdiri dari pembuatan Eco-Smart Mini Lab, sosialisasi, dan pelatihan perawatan; 2) adanya peningkatan pendapatan wisata Bedengan meningkat; 3) terjadi peningkatan tata nilai masyarakat terkait dengan lapangan pekerjaan; dan 4) peningkatan wawasan pengunjung terkait dengan pembudidayaan jeruk di Bedengan. Kata kunci— wisata Bedengan, wisata alam, budidaya jeruk, potensi unggulan daerah AbstractExploring the variety of superior potential in Indonesia will never be separated from its natural beauty. Urban communities, especially the millennial era, currently love tourist objects with a natural concept or commonly known as ecotourism. Especially the large number of natural tourism potentials in Malang Regency. One that already exists is a tour of the bed campground located in Dau sub-district, Malang district. In accordance with the areas of most of the implementing team, it was agreed that a solar cell-based Eco-Smart Mini Lab design would be developed as a concept for educational nature tourism in increasing knowledge and tourist attraction in the Bedengan campground area. Eco-Smart Mini Lab based on solar cell is a mini laboratory building with a natural concept which contains knowledge and information related to tourism in Selorejo village such as Bumi Perkemahan Bedengan. The method used in this activity is the demonstration method with a group discussion approach and case studies. The demonstration method was chosen because of the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure for conducting training. Group discussions and case studies were selected to determine problems (trouble) to be taken up in this activity. The results of service include: 1) activities that have been carried out consisting of making an Eco-Smart Mini Lab, socialization, and maintenance training; 2) increased tourism revenue for Bedengan increases; 3) there is an increase in community values related to employment; and 4) increasing visitors' insight related to citrus cultivation in Bedengan..Keywords— Bedengan village tourism, nature tourism, citrus cultivation, regional superior potentia

    Learning Innovation Online Course Based on Blended Learning for Interactive Learning in The Era of Education 4.0

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    The objectives of this study: (1) developing online learning innovations based on blended learning for interactive learning media era education 4.0; and (2) testing the attractiveness of the product being developed. The development of Quipper School learning tools follows the 4-D model (namely defining, designing, developing, and disseminating). The results of this study include: (1) quipper school has several advantages to help the learning process, including students being able to learn independently, learning that is fun and interesting through features, displaying material and varied videos, students can practice questions, and teachers can monitor the progress of student learning; (2) Quipper School media which is proven to improve student learning outcome

    Development of online learning groups based on MBTI learning style and fuzzy algorithm

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    Group development is an initial step and an important influence on learning collaborative problem solving (CPS) based on the digital learning environment (DLE). Group development based on the Myers-Briggs types indicators (MBTI) rule proved successful for the educational and industrial environment. The MBTI ideal group rules are reached when a group leader has the highest level of leadership and compatibility between group members. The level of leadership and suitability of group members is determined based on the MBTI learning style (LS). Problems arise when the population of MBTI LS with the highest level of leadership is over. This will lead to dual leadership problems and have an impact on group disharmony. This study proposes an intelligent agent software for the development of the ideal group of MBTI, using the Fuzzy algorithm. The intelligent agent was developed on the SKACI platform. SKACI is a DLE for CPS learning. Fuzzy algorithm for solving dual leadership problems in a group. Fuzzy algorithm is used to increase the population of MBTI LS to 3 levels, namely low, medium and high. Increasing the population of MBTI LS can increase the probability of forming an ideal group of MBTI. Intelligent agents are tested based on a quantitative analysis between experimental classes (applying intelligent agents), and control classes (without intelligent agents). Experiment results show an increase in performance and productivity is better in the experimental class than in the control class. It was concluded that the development of intelligent agents had a positive impact on group development based on the MBTI LS

    Student Exchange Program of Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The MBKM student exchange program is conducted in the Department of Educational Management, FIP, State University of Surabaya. The program is implemented online considering the pandemic is still ongoing. This research has a high urgency because it is important to know how the management of MBKM student exchanges during the Covid-19 pandemic, considering that so far student exchanges have been carried out directly or face-to-face before the Covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative approach with the case study method was used in this research. The results showed that student exchange management started from planning, organizing, implementing, to evaluating. The four steps are summarized in seven activities in the management of MBKM student exchange during the pandemic in the Department of Education Management, FIP Unesa, namely: (1) planning; (2) socialization; (3) recruitment; (4) student orientation; (5) student placement; (6) student development; and (7) recording and reporting. This study can be used as recommendations for the implementation of online student exchanges by other universities because it shows the process starting from program planning, organizing, implementing, to evaluation

    Different 21st Century Skills Among Z Generation in The Higher Education Based On The Level of Students, and Gender Difference

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    Z Generation is a generation that is unique from the previous generation because it has technological capabilities and lives in an era of advanced technology. This uniqueness requires Z generation to have 21st-century skills to adapt to the demands of the industrial era 4.0. However, not all Z Generation have these skills and adaptability. Therefore, this study aims to describe and distinguish the skills of 21st-century students as seen from the level of lectures and gender differences. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The sample in this study amounted to 268 students from 9 faculties, namely Education, Language, Engineering, art, psychology, social science, sports, economics and science. This sample consisted of 130 women and 138 men. The measuring instrument in this study uses an adaptation of the 21st-century skill instrument, which consists of 4 aspects: 1) Information and technology literacy skills, 2) Entrepreneurship and innovation skills, 3) Social responsibility and leadership skills, and 4) career consciousness. Techniques of data analysis using descriptive statistical data analysis and ANOVA using JASP assistance. The results showed that there were differences in students' 21st-century skills based on semester level, and there were differences in students' 21st-century skills based on gender

    Pengembangan Media Virtual Reality Pada Muatan Pelajaran IPA Kelas VI Sekolah Dasar

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    The media is based on Virtual Reality, which can help educators as a learning medium to explain the material content of science lessons in learning activities. The purpose of this study is to produce a virtual reality-based learning media on the content of elementary school science classes IV. This research is a development study with a 4D development model from Thiagarajan that has been modified. This development model consists of the stages define (definition), design (design), develop (development). The research and development stage is carried out until the develop stage. The results showed that the virtual reality media is very feasible to be used in grade VI elementary school on the subject of natural science by referring to the results of the validation of the experts. The results of validation by media experts are 85% or Very Valid. Material expert validation on the media consisted of 5 aspects. The results of validation by material experts are 82% or Very Valid. The validation of the field application experts to the developed media consisted of 3 aspects. The results of validation by the field application experts are 89% or Very Valid

    El proyecto Go-Lab como entorno virtual de aprendizaje : análisis y futuro

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    Este estudio parte del objetivo de evaluar el proyecto Go-Lab en clave de espacio virtual de aprendizaje. La necesidad de aprender ciencia de una forma más aplicada y manipulativa se enfrenta al alto coste de los laboratorios. En este sentido Go-Lab proporciona acceso a laboratorios en línea para enriquecer la experiencia formativa. En el presente trabajo se ha utilizado una metodología mixta con un diseño secuencial explicativo que ha permitido realizar una evaluación de este espacio virtual de aprendizaje. Por un lado, se ha utilizado un cuestionario con una muestra de 34 usuarios avanzados de Go-Lab que evalúan la plataforma a partir de las características de un espacio virtual de aprendizaje y, por otro lado, un grupo focal, como técnica cualitativa, con un equipo de 8expertos en espacios virtuales de aprendizaje que han evaluado Go-Lab desde una perspectiva técnica. Se contrastan los resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos para concluir que Go-Lab cumple algunos de los requisitos para ser considerado un espacio virtual de aprendizaje inteligente, si bien, considerando las posibilidades tecnológicas actuales, tiene ciertas carencias para adaptarse mejor a diferentes tipos de alumnos, brindar nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje colaborativo y dar mejores soluciones al aprendizaje móvil multiplataforma.Aquest estudi es basa en l'objectiu d'avaluar Go-Lab en termes d'espai d'aprenentatge virtual. La necessitat d'aprendre ciència d'una manera més aplicada i manipulativa s'enfronta a l'alt cost dels laboratoris. En aquest sentit Go-Lab proporciona accés a laboratoris en línia per enriquir l'experiència formativa. En el present treball s'ha utilitzat una metodologia mixta amb un disseny seqüencial explicatiu que ha permès realitzar una avaluació d'aquest espai d'aprenentatge virtual. D'una banda, s'ha utilitzat un qüestionari amb una mostra de 34 usuaris avançats de Go-Lab que avaluen aquesta plataforma en funció de les característiques d'un espai d'aprenentatge virtual. D'altra banda, un grup focal, com atècnica qualitativa, amb un equip de 8 experts en espais d'aprenentatge virtual que han avaluat l'entorn de Go-Lab des d'una perspectiva més tècnica. Es contrasten els resultats qualitatius i quantitatius per concloure que Go-Lab compleix alguns dels requisits per ser considerat un espai d'aprenentatge virtual intel·ligent, tot i que, tenint en compte les possibilitats tecnològiques actuals, pateix certes mancances per adaptar-se millor als diferents tipus d'alumnes, permetre nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu i oferir millors solucions per a l'aprenentatge mòbil multiplataforma.The aim of this study was to evaluate Go-Lab as a virtual learning space. For this purpose, a mixed methodology with an explanatory sequential design was used. On the one hand, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 34 advanced Go-Lab users to evaluate the platform based on the characteristics of a virtual learning space. On the other hand, a focus group of eight experts in virtual learning spaces was used as a qualitative technique to assess the Go-Lab environment from a more technical perspective. A comparison of the qualitative and quantitative results showed that Go-Lab meets some of the requirements to be considered an intelligent virtual learning space, although it has certain shortcomings given the current potential of technologies to better adapt to different types of students, support new approaches to collaborative learning and provide more effective solutions to multiplatform mobile learning