530 research outputs found

    A bi-level model for the design of dynamic electricity tariffs with demand-side flexibility

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    This paper addresses the electricity pricing problem with demand-side flexibility. The interaction between an aggregator and the prosumers within a coalition is modeled by a Stackelberg game and formulated as a mathematical bi-level program where the aggregator and the prosumer, respectively, play the role of upper and lower decision makers with conflicting goals. The aggregator establishes the pricing scheme by optimizing the supply strategy with the aim of maximizing the profit, prosumers react to the price signals by scheduling the flexible loads and managing the home energy system to minimize the electricity bill. The problem is solved by a heuristic approach which exploits the specific model structure. Some numerical experiments have been carried out on a real test case. The results provide the stakeholders with informative managerial insights underlining the prominent roles of aggregator and prosumers

    Decision support for participation in electricity markets considering the transaction of services and electricity at the local level

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    [EN] The growing concerns regarding the lack of fossil fuels, their costs, and their impact on the environment have led governmental institutions to launch energy policies that promote the increasing installation of technologies that use renewable energy sources to generate energy. The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources brings a great fluctuation on the generation side, which strongly affects the power and energy system management. The control of this system is moving from hierarchical and central to a smart and distributed approach. The system operators are nowadays starting to consider the final end users (consumers and prosumers) as a part of the solution in power system operation activities. In this sense, the end-users are changing their behavior from passive to active players. The role of aggregators is essential in order to empower the end-users, also contributing to those behavior changes. Although in several countries aggregators are legally recognized as an entity of the power and energy system, its role being mainly centered on representing end-users in wholesale market participation. This work contributes to the advancement of the state-of-the-art with models that enable the active involvement of the end-users in electricity markets in order to become key participants in the management of power and energy systems. Aggregators are expected to play an essential role in these models, making the connection between the residential end-users, electricity markets, and network operators. Thus, this work focuses on providing solutions to a wide variety of challenges faced by aggregators. The main results of this work include the developed models to enable consumers and prosumers participation in electricity markets and power and energy systems management. The proposed decision support models consider demand-side management applications, local electricity market models, electricity portfolio management, and local ancillary services. The proposed models are validated through case studies based on real data. The used scenarios allow a comprehensive validation of the models from different perspectives, namely end-users, aggregators, and network operators. The considered case studies were carefully selected to demonstrate the characteristics of each model, and to demonstrate how each of them contributes to answering the research questions defined to this work.[ES] La creciente preocupación por la escasez de combustibles fósiles, sus costos y su impacto en el medio ambiente ha llevado a las instituciones gubernamentales a lanzar políticas energéticas que promuevan la creciente instalación de tecnologías que utilizan fuentes de energía renovables para generar energía. La creciente penetración de las fuentes de energía renovable trae consigo una gran fluctuación en el lado de la generación, lo que afecta fuertemente la gestión del sistema de potencia y energía. El control de este sistema está pasando de un enfoque jerárquico y central a un enfoque inteligente y distribuido. Actualmente, los operadores del sistema están comenzando a considerar a los usuarios finales (consumidores y prosumidores) como parte de la solución en las actividades de operación del sistema eléctrico. En este sentido, los usuarios finales están cambiando su comportamiento de jugadores pasivos a jugadores activos. El papel de los agregadores es esencial para empoderar a los usuarios finales, contribuyendo también a esos cambios de comportamiento. Aunque en varios países los agregadores están legalmente reconocidos como una entidad del sistema eléctrico y energético, su papel se centra principalmente en representar a los usuarios finales en la participación del mercado mayorista. Este trabajo contribuye al avance del estado del arte con modelos que permiten la participación activa de los usuarios finales en los mercados eléctricos para convertirse en participantes clave en la gestión de los sistemas de potencia y energía. Se espera que los agregadores desempeñen un papel esencial en estos modelos, haciendo la conexión entre los usuarios finales residenciales, los mercados de electricidad y los operadores de red. Por lo tanto, este trabajo se enfoca en brindar soluciones a una amplia variedad de desafíos que enfrentan los agregadores. Los principales resultados de este trabajo incluyen los modelos desarrollados para permitir la participación de los consumidores y prosumidores en los mercados eléctricos y la gestión de los sistemas de potencia y energía. Los modelos de soporte de decisiones propuestos consideran aplicaciones de gestión del lado de la demanda, modelos de mercado eléctrico local, gestión de cartera de electricidad y servicios auxiliares locales. Los modelos propuestos son validan mediante estudios de casos basados en datos reales. Los escenarios utilizados permiten una validación integral de los modelos desde diferentes perspectivas, a saber, usuarios finales, agregadores y operadores de red. Los casos de estudio considerados fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados para demostrar las características de cada modelo y demostrar cómo cada uno de ellos contribuye a responder las preguntas de investigación definidas para este trabajo

    Optimal sizing for a grid-connected hybrid renewable energy system.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRESs) refer to power generating systems that integrate several sources of energy, including renewables, to provide electricity to consumers. HRESs can either work as standalone or grid-connected systems. Since wind and solar have complementary characteristics and are available in most areas, they are considered as suitable energy sources to be combined in an HRES. Moreover, the maturity of technologies needed for generating electricity from wind and solar has turned them into more economical options in many locations. Many countries, including South Africa, have introduced policies and incentives to increase their renewable energy capacities in order to address environmental concerns and reduce pollutant emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, consumers in South Africa have faced the ever-increasing price of electricity and unreliability of the grid since 2007 due to the lack of sufficient electricity production. As a result, employing HRESs has gained popularity among consumers in different sectors. This research is focused on grid-connected hybrid energy systems based on solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines as a potential solution to reduce the dependency of residential sector consumers on the grid in Durban. The aim of the research is to identify the optimal sizing of such a HRES to be cost-effective for consumers over a certain period of time. Since the energy supplied by renewable sources are intermittent and dependent on the geographical location of the system, identifying optimal sizing becomes a challenging task in HRESs. In this research, Durban’s meteorological data and eThekwini municipality tariff rates have been considered. Moreover, two artificial intelligence methods have been used to obtain the optimal sizing for different types of available PV panels, wind turbines and inverters in the market. The results have shown that the combination of PV panels and battery storage (BS) can become a profitable option for Durban area. Moreover, the systems using higher rated power PV panels can start to become profitable in a shorter lifetime. Considering BS in a system can only become a cost-effective choice if we consider a long enough lifespan for the system

    Design and implementation of rural microgrids : Laguna Grande case study

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    In 2015 the United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: a set of interrelated objectives and a guide to reach a more sustainable and higher quality future for all humanity. The goals were set with a timeline for 2030, the seventh goal refers specifically to the universal access to “affordable and clean energy”. Taking account the considerable fraction of world population that do not have access to electricity, especially in rural areas, this goal still requires a great effort and investment. Rural hybrid microgrids, that integrate and manage solar and wind energy resources to provide electric service to remote locations, are a promising solution to reach this “last mile” scenario. However, as is reported in the literature, there is still scarce information about the performance of these systems based on measured data obtained in real working field conditions. This work aims to contribute to this aspect mainly by analyzing the data obtained in the 9 kW Laguna Grande community hybrid microgrid, which is cooperative since 2016 in the coast of Perú, and has been equipped with sensors and data acquisition systems that measure and register solar radiation, wind speed, temperatures, and all the relevant electric parameters. As a preliminary study, the rural electrification gap and costs are assessed, as well as the availability of solar and wind resources in the area of interest. A literature and state of the art review is undertaken followed by the definition of the microgrid concept and the different ways in which a rural microgrid can be configured. The particular way in which the Laguna Grande microgrid is configured and instrumented is described. Measured meteorological conditions as solar radiation, wind speed and temperature are analyzed and related to the power generated by the photovoltaic arrays and wind turbine. This in turn leads to a balance with respect to the power delivered to the community and consequently to the voltage levels of the battery bank. Battery dynamics concepts are used to determine the depth of discharge (DOD) of the batteries in a real time regime. The statistics of the DOD values allows for the duration of the battery to be estimated which is a key factor to the microgrid economics and reliability. A parametric study is done to assess the effect of varying battery size on the technical and economic performance of the microgrid; similarly, with generating capacity in both photovoltaic arrays and wind turbines. Complementarily, a commercial software is used to optimize the microgrid, introducing state of the art components as lithium-ion batteries, power electronics and photovoltaic modules for a future upgrade. Finally, this study would not be complete without emphasizing the importance and adequate consideration of the human factor for the success and long-term sustainability of rural electrification projects.En el año 2015 las Naciones Unidas estableció los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: un conjunto de objetivos interrelacionados y una guía para alcanzar un futuro más sostenible y de mayor calidad para toda la humanidad. Las metas se establecieron con una línea de tiempo para el 2030, la séptima meta se refiere específicamente al acceso universal a “energía limpia y asequible”. Teniendo en cuenta la fracción considerable de la población mundial que no tiene acceso a la electricidad, especialmente en las zonas rurales, este objetivo aún requiere un gran esfuerzo e inversión. Las microrredes híbridas rurales, que integran y gestionan los recursos de energía solar y eólica para proporcionar servicio eléctrico a lugares remotos, son una solución prometedora para llegar a este escenario de “última milla”. Sin embargo, como se reporta en la literatura, aún existe poca información sobre el desempeño de estos sistemas basada en datos medidos y obtenidos en condiciones operativas, reales de campo. Este trabajo busca contribuir en este aspecto principalmente mediante el análisis de los datos obtenidos en la microrred híbrida comunitaria de 9 kW en Laguna Grande, que está operativa desde 2016 en la costa de Perú. Esta microrred ha sido equipada con sensores y sistemas de adquisición de datos que miden y registran la energía solar, radiación, velocidad del viento, temperaturas y todos los parámetros eléctricos relevantes. Como estudio preliminar se evalúa la brecha y costos de electrificación rural, así como la disponibilidad de recurso solar y eólico en la zona de interés. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica y del estado del arte, seguida de la definición del concepto de microrred y las diferentes formas en que se puede configurar una microrred rural. Se describe la forma particular en que se configura e instrumenta la microrred de Laguna Grande. Las condiciones meteorológicas medidas como la radiación solar, la velocidad del viento y la temperatura se analizan y relacionan con la energía generada por los arreglos fotovoltaicos y la turbina eólica. Esto a su vez conduce a realizar un balance con respecto a la potencia entregada a la comunidad y consecuentemente a los niveles de voltaje del banco de baterías. Los conceptos de dinámica de batería se utilizan para determinar la profundidad de descarga (DOD) de las baterías en un régimen a tiempo real. Las estadísticas de los valores DOD permiten estimar la duración de la batería, lo cual es un factor clave para la economía y confiabilidad de la microrred. Se realiza un estudio paramétrico para evaluar el efecto de variar el tamaño de la batería en el desempeño técnico y económico de la microrred; de igual forma, con la capacidad de generación tanto en arreglos fotovoltaicos como turbinas eólicas. Complementariamente, se utiliza un software comercial para optimizar la microrred, introduciendo componentes de última generación como baterías de iones de litio, electrónica de potencia y módulos fotovoltaicos para una futura actualización. Finalmente, este estudio no estaría completo sin enfatizar la importancia y la adecuada consideración del factor humano para el éxito y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de los proyectos de electrificación rural.Postprint (published version

    Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium 2018 (RERIS 2018)

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    This open access book presents the proceedings of the 2nd Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium (RERIS 18), held in Maseru, Lesotho in January 2018. The symposium aimed to foster research cooperation on renewable energy between Africa and Europe – in academia, as well as the private and public sectors. Addressing thematic areas such as • Grid-connected renewable energy; • Decentralised renewable and household energy solutions; • Energy socioeconomics; and • Promotion of energy research, innovation, education and entrepreneurship, the book brings together contributions from academics and practitioners from the EU and Africa to enable mutual learning and knowledge transfer – a key factor in boosting sustainable development in the African renewable energy market. It also plays a significant role in promoting African renewable energy research, which helps to secure energy supply in both rural and urban areas and to increase generation capacities and energy system resilience. This book is an invaluable resource for academics and professionals across the renewable energy spectrum

    Energy Efficient Policies, Scheduling, and Design for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

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    Climate mitigation, more stringent regulations, rising energy costs, and sustainable manufacturing are pushing researchers to focus on energy efficiency, energy flexibility, and implementation of renewable energy sources in manufacturing systems. This thesis aims to analyze the main works proposed regarding these hot topics, and to fill the gaps in the literature. First, a detailed literature review is proposed. Works regarding energy efficiency in different manufacturing levels, in the assembly line, energy saving policies, and the implementation of renewable energy sources are analyzed. Then, trying to fill the gaps in the literature, different topics are analyzed more in depth. In the single machine context, a mathematical model aiming to align the manufacturing power required to a renewable energy supply in order to obtain the maximum profit is developed. The model is applied to a single work center powered by the electric grid and by a photovoltaic system; afterwards, energy storage is also added to the power system. Analyzing the job shop context, switch off policies implementing workload approach and scheduling considering variable speed of the machines and power constraints are proposed. The direct and indirect workloads of the machines are considered to support the switch on/off decisions. A simulation model is developed to test the proposed policies compared to others presented in the literature. Regarding the job shop scheduling, a fixed and variable power constraints are considered, assuming the minimization of the makespan as the objective function. Studying the factory level, a mathematical model to design a flow line considering the possibility of using switch-off policies is developed. The design model for production lines includes a targeted imbalance among the workstations to allow for defined idle time. Finally, the main findings, results, and the future directions and challenges are presented

    Metaheuristics for online drive train efficiency optimization in electric vehicles

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    Utilization of electric vehicles provides a solution to several challenges in today’s individual mobility. However, ensuring maximum efficient operation of electric vehicles is required in order to overcome their greatest weakness: the limited range. Even though the overall efficiency is already high, incorporating DC/DC converter into the electric drivetrain improves the efficiency level further. This inclusion enables the dynamic optimization of the intermediate voltage level subject to the current driving demand (operating point) of the drivetrain. Moreover, the overall drivetrain efficiency depends on the setup of other drivetrain components’ electric parameters. Solving this complex problem for different drivetrain parameter setups subject to the current driving demand needs considerable computing time for conventional solvers and cannot be delivered in real-time. Therefore, basic metaheuristics are identified and applied in order to assure the optimization process during driving. In order to compare the performance of metaheuristics for this task, we adjust and compare the performance of different basic metaheuristics (i.e. Monte-Carlo, Evolutionary Algorithms, Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Optimization). The results are statistically analyzed and based on a developed simulation model of an electric drivetrain. By applying the bestperforming metaheuristic, the efficiency of the drivetrain could be improved by up to 30% compared to an electric vehicle without the DC/DC- converter. The difference between computing times vary between 30 minutes (for the Exhaustive Search Algorithm) to about 0.2 seconds (Particle Swarm) per operating point. It is shown, that the Particle Swarm Optimization as well as the Evolutionary Algorithm procedures are the best-performing methods on this optimization problem. All in all, the results support the idea that online efficiency optimization in electric vehicles is possible with regard to computing time and success probability

    Development of technical economic analysis for optimal sizing of a hybrid power system: a case study of an industrial site in Tlemcen Algeria

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    The current study aimed to develop an optimal sizing simulation model for an off-grid photovoltaic-wind hybrid power system of an industrial site in Algeria. The loss of power supply probability algorithm was used for sizing our hybrid system. The technical and economic evaluation for the case study showed that the storage system occupied the most critical part of the total investment cost of the hybrid system. The investment cost analysis indicated a unique optimal configuration for each size of the batteries bank. For one day's autonomy, the best size of the hybrid system corresponded to 61 PV panels and 9 wind turbines. Based on a levelized cost of energy analysis, the cost of the batteries represented for this combination is 52% of the total investment cost. The wind turbines accounted for 42% and the PV panels for only 3%. This combination of the hybrid system resulted in an energy cost that was very competitive with most European countries. However, the public energy grid cost in the case study region was still six times lower due to government subsidies. The findings are very encouraging and can help decision-makers adopt alternative and more sustainable solutions in energy policy. These results will aid in determining future research directions in Algeria's hybrid renewable energy systems.National funds funded Luís Frölén Ribeiro through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, through project UIDB/50022/2020 – LAETAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: End of Year Report 2009

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    The overall goal of Project 2 has been to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of distributed energy (DG) on the Australian Electricity System. The research team at the UQ Energy Economics and Management Group (EEMG) has constructed a variety of sophisticated models to analyse the various impacts of significant increases in DG. These models stress that the spatial configuration of the grid really matters - this has tended to be neglected in economic discussions of the costs of DG relative to conventional, centralized power generation. The modelling also makes it clear that efficient storage systems will often be critical in solving transient stability problems on the grid as we move to the greater provision of renewable DG. We show that DG can help to defer of transmission investments in certain conditions. The existing grid structure was constructed with different priorities in mind and we show that its replacement can come at a prohibitive cost unless the capability of the local grid to accommodate DG is assessed very carefully.Distributed Generation. Energy Economics, Electricity Markets, Renewable Energy