3,154 research outputs found

    Image databases: Problems and perspectives

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    With the increasing number of computer graphics, image processing, and pattern recognition applications, economical storage, efficient representation and manipulation, and powerful and flexible query languages for retrieval of image data are of paramount importance. These and related issues pertinent to image data bases are examined

    Development of an Ontology of Tourist Attractions for Recommending Points of Interest in a Group Recommender System for Tourism

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    In recent years, the tourism industry has witnessed substantial growth, thanks to the pro liferation of digital technology and online platforms. Tourists now have greater access to information and the ability to make informed travel decisions. However, the abundance of available information often leaves tourists overwhelmed when selecting points of inter est (POI) that align with their preferences. Recommender Systems (RS) have emerged as a solution, personalising recommendations based on tourist behaviour, social networks, and contextual factors. To enhance RS efficacy, researchers have begun exploring the integration of psychological factors, such as personality traits. Yet, to meet the demands of modern tourists, a robust knowledge base, such as a tourist attractions ontology, is essential for seamless and rapid matching of tourist characteristics and preferences with available POI. With that in mind, this project aims to enhance a Group Recommender System (GRS) prototype, GrouPlanner, by creating a robust tourist attractions ontology. This ontology will facilitate rapid and accurate matching of points of interest with tourists’ character istics, including personality, preferences, and demographic data, ultimately improving POI recommendations. First, there needs to be an understanding of the personality of tourists and how it influences their choices when it comes to picking the best point of interest based on their personality. With that knowledge acquired, it is time to choose a way to represent this knowledge in the form of an ontology. In this project, the Protégé ontology editor was used to design the ontology and the rela tionships between the tourists’ personality and the points of interest. After designing the ontology, it had to be converted to a database so the Grouplanner system could access it. So, to do that, a solution was designed to integrate the designed ontology in a triple store data base, in this case, Apache Fuseki. With the database implemented, several tests were made to verify if the database would give the recommended points of interests based on the tourists’ preferences. This tests were later analysed.Nos anos mais recentes, a indústria do turismo presenciou um crescimento substancial dev ido à tecnologia digital e plataformas online. Cada vez mais, os turistas têm acesso a uma abundância de informação que influencia a habilidade de tomar decisões sobre viajar. No entanto, esta informação pode complicar a seleção dos pontos de interesse que alinhem com as preferências dos turistas. Para combater isso, sistemas de recomendação (SR) emergi ram como uma solução, personalizando as recomendações com base no comportamento do turista, redes socias e outros fatores. Para aumentar a eficácia destes sistemas, os investi gadores começaram a explorar a possibilidade de integração com fatores psicológicos, como traços de personalidade. Apesar disso, para cumprir as exigências dos turistas modernos, uma base de conhecimento robusta, como uma ontologia de atrações turísticas, é essencial para, de forma eficaz e eficiente, corresponder as características dos turistas com os pontos de interesse disponíveis. Com isso em mente, este projeto tem como objetivo melhorar um protótipo de um sistema de recomendação (GrouPlanner), criando uma ontologia robusta de atrações turísticas. Essa ontologia facilitará a correspondência rápida e precisa de pontos de interesse com as car acterísticas dos turistas, incluindo a sua personalidade e as suas preferências, melhorando assim as recomendações de pontos de interesse. Em primeiro lugar, é necessário compreender a personalidade dos turistas e como ela influ encia as suas escolhas ao selecionar o melhor ponto de interesse com base na sua person alidade. Com esse ponto adquirido, é necessário escolher uma maneira de representar esse conhecimento na forma de uma ontologia. Neste projeto, o editor de ontologias Protégé foi utilizado para projetar a ontologia e as relações entre a personalidade dos turistas e os pontos de interesse. Após a construção da ontologia, foi necessário convertê-la numa base de dados para que o sistema Grouplanner pudesse ter acesso. Para isso, foi desenhada uma solução para integrar a ontologia projetada numa base de dados "triple store", neste caso, o Apache Fuseki. Com a base de dados implementada, foram realizados vários testes para verificar se esta forneceria os pontos de interesse recomendados com base nas preferências dos turistas. Esses testes foram depois analisados

    Object-oriented querying of existing relational databases

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    In this paper, we present algorithms which allow an object-oriented querying of existing relational databases. Our goal is to provide an improved query interface for relational systems with better query facilities than SQL. This seems to be very important since, in real world applications, relational systems are most commonly used and their dominance will remain in the near future. To overcome the drawbacks of relational systems, especially the poor query facilities of SQL, we propose a schema transformation and a query translation algorithm. The schema transformation algorithm uses additional semantic information to enhance the relational schema and transform it into a corresponding object-oriented schema. If the additional semantic information can be deducted from an underlying entity-relationship design schema, the schema transformation may be done fully automatically. To query the created object-oriented schema, we use the Structured Object Query Language (SOQL) which provides declarative query facilities on objects. SOQL queries using the created object-oriented schema are much shorter, easier to write and understand and more intuitive than corresponding S Q L queries leading to an enhanced usability and an improved querying of the database. The query translation algorithm automatically translates SOQL queries into equivalent SQL queries for the original relational schema

    Viewpoints on emergent semantics

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    Authors include:Philippe Cudr´e-Mauroux, and Karl Aberer (editors), Alia I. Abdelmoty, Tiziana Catarci, Ernesto Damiani, Arantxa Illaramendi, Robert Meersman, Erich J. Neuhold, Christine Parent, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Monica Scannapieco, Stefano Spaccapietra, Peter Spyns, and Guy De Tr´eWe introduce a novel view on how to deal with the problems of semantic interoperability in distributed systems. This view is based on the concept of emergent semantics, which sees both the representation of semantics and the discovery of the proper interpretation of symbols as the result of a self-organizing process performed by distributed agents exchanging symbols and having utilities dependent on the proper interpretation of the symbols. This is a complex systems perspective on the problem of dealing with semantics. We highlight some of the distinctive features of our vision and point out preliminary examples of its applicatio

    Potentially Polluting Marine Sites GeoDB: An S-100 Geospatial Database as an Effective Contribution to the Protection of the Marine Environment

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    Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS) are objects on, or areas of, the seabed that may release pollution in the future. A rationale for, and design of, a geospatial database to inventory and manipu-late PPMS is presented. Built as an S-100 Product Specification, it is specified through human-readable UML diagrams and implemented through machine-readable GML files, and includes auxiliary information such as pollution-control resources and potentially vulnerable sites in order to support analyses of the core data. The design and some aspects of implementation are presented, along with metadata requirements and structure, and a perspective on potential uses of the database

    Integrated Solution Support System for Water Management

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    Solving water management problems involves technical, social, economic, political and legal challenges and thus requires an integrated approach involving people from different backgrounds and roles. The integrated approach has been given a prominent role within the European Union¿s Water Framework Directive (WFD). The WFD requires an integrated approach in water management to achieve good ecological status of all water bodies. It consists amongst others of the following main planning stages: describing objectives, assessing present state, identifying gaps between objectives and present state, developing management plan, implementing measures and evaluating their impacts. The directive prescribes broad participation and consultation to achieve its objectives. Besides the obvious desktop software, such an integrated approach can benefit from using a variety of support tools. In addition to tools for specific tasks such as numerical models and questionnaires, knowledge bases on options and process support tools may be utilized. Water stress, defined as the lack of water of appropriate quality is one issue related to, but not specifically addressed by the WFD. However, like in the WFD, a participatory approach could be used to mitigate water stress. Similarly various tools can or need to be used in such a complex process. In the AquaStress Integrated project the Integrated Solution Support System (I3S ¿ I-triple-S) is developed. One of the cornerstones of the approach taken in AquaStress is that organizing available knowledge provides sufficient information to improve the possibility to make a water stress mitigation process truly end-user driven, meaning that dedicated local information is only collected after specific need is expressed by the stakeholders in the process. The novelty of the I3S lies in the combination of such knowledge stored in knowledge-bases, with adaptable workflow management facilities and with specific task-oriented tools ¿ all originating from different sources. This paper describes the I3S

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Smart Environmental Data Infrastructures: Bridging the Gap between Earth Sciences and Citizens

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    The monitoring and forecasting of environmental conditions is a task to which much effort and resources are devoted by the scientific community and relevant authorities. Representative examples arise in meteorology, oceanography, and environmental engineering. As a consequence, high volumes of data are generated, which include data generated by earth observation systems and different kinds of models. Specific data models, formats, vocabularies and data access infrastructures have been developed and are currently being used by the scientific community. Due to this, discovering, accessing and analyzing environmental datasets requires very specific skills, which is an important barrier for their reuse in many other application domains. This paper reviews earth science data representation and access standards and technologies, and identifies the main challenges to overcome in order to enable their integration in semantic open data infrastructures. This would allow non-scientific information technology practitioners to devise new end-user solutions for citizen problems in new application domainsThis research was co-funded by (i) the TRAFAIR project (2017-EU-IA-0167), co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union, (ii) the RADAR-ON-RAIA project (0461_RADAR_ON_RAIA_1_E) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Iterreg V-A Spain-Portugal program (POCTEP) 2014-2020, and (iii) the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional of the regional government of Galicia (Spain), through the support for research groups with growth potential (ED431B 2018/28)S