27 research outputs found

    Pregled stanja u području bezkontaktnog prijenosa električne energije: primjene, izazovi i trendovi

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    Methods of contactless electrical power transfer technologies have been surveyed and results are presented here. In this among, the inductive based contactless electrical power transfer systems are investigated in more detail. The principles, structures and operations of the systems as well as their methods presented in the literature are reviewed and their applications are explored. Also, current challenges and opportunities and future trends are noted. An effective index is proposed to compare different contactless power transfer systems describing their present statuses and the future trends. Finally, some remarks and recommendations regarding future studies are proposed.U radu je dan prikaz različitih tehnologija u području bezkontaktnog prijenosa električne energije. U radu je naglasak na indukcijom baziranim sustavima bezkontaktnog prijenosa električne energije. Pregledom literature utvrðeni su koncepti, strukture i način rada pojedinih sustava bezkonaktnog prijenosa kao i njihove primjene. Također, zabilježeni su trenutni izazovi, prilike i trendovi. Predložen je efektivni indeks za vrednovanje sustava bezkontaktnog prijenosa električne energije s ciljem komparativne analize različitih sustava opisanih trenutnim statusom i trendovima. Konačno, dan je kritički osvrt i predložene su preporuke za buduće studije

    Minimális kimeneti teljesítmény meghatározása energy harvesting prototípushoz: egy esettanulmány mobiltelefon specifikációkra

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    A mikro mértékű “energy harvesting” megoldásokra világszerte, szinte minden területen óriási igény van. Különösen, amikor a mobiltelefon élettartamát illeti, hiszen a használati követelmények nem megfelelően gondoskodnak a képességek szerinti technológiai fejlesztésekről. Ebben a kiegyensúlyozatlan helyzetben az akkumulátor technológia és a mobiltelefon fejlődése között hatalmas különbség van a tudományos kutatásokban is. Azonban egy hatékony rendszerre van szükség, amely képes a mobiltelefon töltésére akkor is, amikor messze vagyunk az áramforrástól. A kutatók figyelmet fordítanak a könnyen elérhető energiaforrásokra, amelyek töltési célokra “beszüretelhetőek”. Az ilyen erőfeszítésekkel számos megoldás érhető el, de számos akadály is rejlik bennük, mint például a tervezés, a kompatibilitás és ami a legfontosabb, hogy minden mobiltelefon készülék különböző paraméterekkel rendelkezik. Ez a cikk bemutatja a különböző telefon modellek specifikációit, valamint egy adatlapot állít elő, amely meghatározza a minimális kimeneti teljesítmény követelményeket készenléti és beszélgetési időre vonatkozóan ideális körülmények között

    Carregamento Wireless de Bicicletas Elétricas

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    O sistema de carregamento indutivo (IPT) é amplamente investigado dentro dos métodos modernos para carregamento de baterias, providenciando uma solução sem fios tanto para aplicações automotivas como para dispositivos portáteis. Para aplicações automotivas, o carregamento da bateria por transferência de energia indutiva está a ganhar grande popularidade em relação ao carregamento convencional, pois este é efeito de forma automática sem a intervenção do utilizador. O sistema de carregamento indutivo (IPT) funciona da mesma forma que um transformador, no qual a energia é transferida de uma bobina para a outra por meio de um campo magnético variável. Nesta dissertação é feita a análise de um sistema de transferência de energia por indução sem fios para o carregamento de baterias de bicicletas elétricas. Para o mesmo sistema, é considerada uma topologia não ressonante e uma topologia ressonante. É apresentado o modelo matemático para cada topologia, os quais são simulados em ambiente Simulink (Matlab) para diferentes números de espiras por bobina. As características eletromagnéticas de cada sistema são calculadas pelo método de elementos finitos através do Software MagNet. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pelas simulações dos respetivos modelos é feita a análise do desempenho das diferentes configurações consideradas.Inductive charging system (IPT) is extensively investigated within modern battery charging methods, providing a wireless solution for both automotive applications and portable devices. For automotive applications, battery charging by inductive power transfer is gaining a lot of popularity over conventional charging, as this is automatically done without user intervention. Inductive charging system (IPT) works in the same way as a transformer, in which the energy is transferred from one coil to another by means of a variable magnetic field. In this dissertation the wireless power induction transfer analysis for electric bicycle battery charging is made. For the same system, it is considered a non-resonant topology and a resonant topology. The mathematical model is presented for each topology, which are simulated in Simulink environment (Matlab) for different numbers of turns per coil. The electromagnetic characteristics of each system are calculated using the finite element method using MagNet Software. According to the results obtained by the simulations of the respective models, the performance of the different configurations considered is analyzed

    Human-Powered Concrete Mixer

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    There are currently many non-profit organizations and social enterprises working to alleviate the hardships of living in a developing economy, such as lack of proper homes, schooling, and bathrooms. The solutions to these problems rely on concrete, and are currently limited by the mixing time for these batches of concrete in rural and remote areas. Mixing with shovels is inefficient and imprecise, and the possible solution of a portable gas-powered concrete mixer is too expensive and too immobile for remote areas. The Human-Powered Concrete Mixer (HPCM) provides an alternative to these methods that is more efficient and more precise than hand mixing with shovels, yet cheaper and more mobile than a portable gas-powered concrete mixer. Our team was able to successfully design a mixer that, in comparison to mixing with shovels, reduced mixing time from 15 minutes to 5 minutes, reduced the necessary number of laborers from 6 to 2, and produced structurally sound concrete. The modular design of the mixer allows the HPCM to be easily moved to remote construction areas, and the cost of the mixer makes it more economically viable for non-profit organizations and social enterprises than a gas-powered alternative. In sum, the HPCM provides a low cost, efficient, mobile, and reproducible alternative that enables non-profit organizations and social enterprises to more effectively help more people

    Energy Management of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Electric Vehicle Applications

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    Wireless power transfer is a method of transferring electric power from a transmitter to a receiver without requiring any physical connection between the two. Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) entails having the transmitters buried under the roadway and the receiver unit being installed on the Electric Vehicle (EV). In this method, EVs are charged while driving over the transmitters as they receive bursts of electric energy at the time of significant alignment between transmitters and receivers. Compared to the stationary charging method which involves parking the EV for long hours for a full charge, the dynamic charging method (i.e., DWPT) offers convenience as the vehicle gets charged while driving. It also facilitates extended driving range of EVs. Despite offering these advantages, DWPT causes a few significant issues. DWPT charging results in a transient power profile both at grid side and EV side, which not only hampers grid-side regulation but also affects EV-battery longevity. To address these two issues, both grid-side and EV-side energy management are needed to be employed to protect the grid and the vehicle from sudden exposure to harmful power transients. In this dissertation, the grid-side and EV-side energy management methods have been investigated. Firstly, a detection system to safely detect the vehicle on charging lane is proposed. This detection system is used to facilitate safe and efficient operation of DWPT chargers on EV roadways. Secondly, A novel DWPT system is proposed, which reduces the grid-side power transients with minimal additional hardware requirements. Finally, an EV-side energy management system is proposed which reduces the exposure of EV batteries to pulsating DPWT-power, thereby helping batteries to last longer

    Microstrip Array Antenna for Wireless Power Transfer

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    In this thesis, a triangular microstrip patch antenna is used to transfer wireless power at 2.4 GHz. First, the simple patch antenna is studied and its performance is investigated. Then, the new design is introduced to boost the efficiency and transmission coefficient of the simple patch antenna. Since the simple patch aimed to operate at 2.4GHz, its dimension is optimized to be 56mm with a reflection coefficient of -28.2 dB at the resonance frequency. An identical patch acting as a receiver is then placed in a 50mm distance to the main patch acting as a transmitter to enable us to measure the power transferred to the receiver antenna. The transmission coefficient between the two simple patches is -3.5 dB at the resonance frequency of 2.4 GHz. Furthermore, the proposed array is designed and simulated yielding a reflection coefficient of -28 dB at 2.4 GHz. The same procedure for the simple patch is followed to obtain the transmission coefficient of -0.55 dB at 2.4 GHz. The simulation results show 89% efficiency for the proposed structure compared to the 44% efficiency of the single patch. Similarly, the structure is studied for 5.8 GHz and the corresponding results are provided. A titled version of the structure is also investigated and a similar efficiency as the original proposed structure is reported

    Wearable technology industry: challenges and opportunties in the European market

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    Wearable technology is a new industry which is develop. Smartwatches, activity trackers are done explains of these devices. In this new field, fashion and technology work together to create successful products with limitless function

    Investigating the design of Smart Objects in the domain of forgetfulness

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    PhDWhen we forget things, we feel anxious which can impact our day negatively. Some individuals believe they are forgetful, so emphatically, it disrupts their day. There has been little discussion about perceived forgetfulness in design and HCI, combined with few studied smart objects to aid with memory. However, embedded systems, radio frequency identification (RFID) and HCI research provides inspiration towards creating a solution. Challenges of creating a day-to-day smart object that can enhance a user’s lifestyle are explored and recommended design guidelines for creating a smart object in a specific domain are the focus of this thesis. Using an experience-centred approach, ‘Message Bag’ and ‘Tag Along’ are two purpose built object-based memory aids that have emerged as a result of investigating the design processes for smart objects. The work examines smart objects in the context of forgetting what items to pack in a bag. A solution presented is a device consisting of an RFID system involving (a) pre-tagging essential items; (b) scanning those tagged items and; (c) viewing a corresponding light illuminate, to communicate to the user. Although the conceptual model is simple, success depends on a combination of technical design, usability and aesthetics. These scanning interactions result in a person feeling more confident as suggested through autoethnography reporting, real-world, third person engagements - single user walkouts, conference demos, professional critiques, and residential weekends with potential users (focus group) studies conducted. My work involved extensive autobiographical research and design-led enquiries. Testing was undertaken with investigative prototypes, followed by field testing high-fidelity prototypes. This involved an in-the-wild comparative study involving six users over several months. Results show that people feel more confident and respondents claim no longer needing to continually check items are packed, thus ‘gaining time’, and feeling less forgetful. Although the application of RFID is not new to ubiquitous computing, this implementation, styling and system immediacy is novel. This thesis presents the development of ten prototypes as well as design guidelines. The research provides a solid base for further exploration, and includes discovery of the importance of a user’s style universe and extreme ease-of-use. I conclude with the presentation of early positive results including; (i) the unique form factor becomes a reminder itself and; (ii) usability coupled with the intuitive nature of the system is shown to be essential. We found that when you are creating a smart object, usability and an intuitive nature is even more important than in a standard system. When dealing within the domain of forgetfulness, this is paramount.This research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the Media and Arts Technology Doctoral Training Centre from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London

    Easy Peripherals for the Internet of Things

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    The project aims to develop a communication protocol, using a Bluetooth Low Energy profile as a carrier, to enable easy access to the functionalities offered by the Pandlet platform. The Pandlet features a Nordic Semmiconductor microcontroller (with integrated BLE radio) as well as a large number of on-board sensors (e.g. IMU, EMU). The supported functionalities will include GPIO operations, as well as I2C and UART communication. A companion API will also be developed as a way to seamlessly integrate an Android gateway device and the Pandlet platform