207 research outputs found

    A study on the effect of stroop test on the formation of students discipline by using the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) technique

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    Discipline refers to self-control and individual behaviour. Other than that, discipline is an important element in the formation of integrity level. The objective of the study is to assess the effects of using the Stroop test of biofeedback protocol in order to evaluate individual level of discipline. A clinical study has been conducted on 50 participants which is the participants is a undergraduate student from Universiti Malaysia Pahang, who were divided into two groups. First group is students get high achiever and second group is students get low achierver in academic. The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) technique has been used in the assessment of this protocol. The findings show that there was a positive relationship between the Stroop test and the students discipline that those who excelled managed to get higher score of LF spectrum as compared to HF and VLF, while the students with lower achievement showed higher score of VLF and HF spectrum than LF. In conclusion, this test is one of the tests that can be used in increasing the level of individual discipline

    Accelerating BLAST Computation on an FPGA-enhanced PC Cluster

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    This paper introduces an FPGA-based scheme to accelerate mpiBLAST, which is a parallel sequence alignment algorithm for computational biology. Recent rapidly growing biological databases for sequence alignment require highthroughput storage and network rather than computing speed. Our scheme utilizes a specialized hardware configured on an FPGA-board which connects flash storage and other FPGAboards directly. The specialized hardware configured on the FPGAs, we call a Data Stream Processing Engine (DSPE), take a role for preprocessing to adjust data for high-performance multi- and many- core processors simultaneously with offloading system-calls for storage access and networking. DSPE along the datapath achieves in-datapath computing which applies operations for data streams passing through the FPGA. Two functions in mpiBLAST are implemented using DSPE to offload operations along the datapath. The first function is database partitioning, which distributes the biological database to multiple computing nodes before commencing the BLAST processes. Using DSPE, we observe a 20-fold improvement in computation time for the database partitioning operation. The second function is an early part of the BLAST process that determines the positions of sequences for more detailed computations. We implement IDP-BLAST (In-datapath BLAST), which annotates positions in data streams from solid-state drives. We show that IDP-BLAST accelerates the computation time of the preprocess of BLAST by a factor of three hundred by offloading heavy operations to the introduced special hardware

    Design and analysis of an accelerated seed generation stage for BLASTP on the Mercury system - Master\u27s Thesis, August 2006

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    NCBI BLASTP is a popular sequence analysis tool used to study the evolutionary relationship between two protein sequences. Protein databases continue to grow exponentially as entire genomes of organisms are sequenced, making sequence analysis a computationally demanding task. For example, a search of the E. coli. k12 proteome against the GenBank Non-Redundant database takes 36 hours on a standard workstation. In this thesis, we look to address the problem by accelerating protein searching using Field Programmable Gate Arrays. We focus our attention on the BLASTP heuristic, building on work done earlier to accelerate DNA searching on the Mercury platform. We analyze the performance characteristics of the BLASTP algorithm and explore the design space of the seed generation stage in detail. We propose a hardware/software architecture and evaluate the performance of the individual stage, and its effect on the overall BLASTP pipeline running on the Mercury system. The seed generation stage is 13x faster than the software equivalent, and the integrated BLASTP pipeline is predicted to yield a speedup of 50x over NCBI BLASTP. Mercury BLASTP also shows a 2.5x speed improvement over the only other BLASTP-like accelerator for FPGAs while consuming far fewer logic resources

    Regular Expression Synthesis for BLAST Two-Hit Filtering

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    Genomic databases are exhibiting a growth rate that is outpacing Moore\u27s Law, which has made database search algorithms a popular application for use on emerging processor technologies. NCBI BLAST is the standard tool for performing searches against these databases, which operates by transforming each database query into a filter that is subsequently applied to the database. This requires a database scan for every query, fundamentally limiting its performance by I/O bandwidth. In this dissertation we present a functionally-equivalent variation on the NCBI BLAST algorithm that maps more suitably to an FPGA implementation. This variation of the algorithm attempts to reduce the I/O requirement by leveraging FPGA-specific capabilities, such as high pattern matching throughput and explicit on-chip memory structure and allocation. Our algorithm transforms the database—not the query—into a filter that is stored as a hierarchical arrangement of three tables, the first two of which are stored on-chip and the third off-chip. Our results show that it is possible to achieve speedups of up to 8x based on the relative reduction in I/O of our approach versus that of NCBI BLAST, with a minimal impact on sensitivity. More importantly, the performance relative to NCBI BLAST improves with larger databases and query workload sizes

    Reconfigurable acceleration of genetic sequence alignment: A survey of two decades of efforts

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    Genetic sequence alignment has always been a computational challenge in bioinformatics. Depending on the problem size, software-based aligners can take multiple CPU-days to process the sequence data, creating a bottleneck point in bioinformatic analysis flow. Reconfigurable accelerator can achieve high performance for such computation by providing massive parallelism, but at the expense of programming flexibility and thus has not been commensurately used by practitioners. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a thorough survey of the proposed accelerators by giving a qualitative categorization based on their algorithms and speedup. A comprehensive comparison between work is also presented so as to guide selection for biologist, and to provide insight on future research direction for FPGA scientists

    FPGAs in Bioinformatics: Implementation and Evaluation of Common Bioinformatics Algorithms in Reconfigurable Logic

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    Life. Much effort is taken to grant humanity a little insight in this fascinating and complex but fundamental topic. In order to understand the relations and to derive consequences humans have begun to sequence their genomes, i.e. to determine their DNA sequences to infer information, e.g. related to genetic diseases. The process of DNA sequencing as well as subsequent analysis presents a computational challenge for recent computing systems due to the large amounts of data alone. Runtimes of more than one day for analysis of simple datasets are common, even if the process is already run on a CPU cluster. This thesis shows how this general problem in the area of bioinformatics can be tackled with reconfigurable hardware, especially FPGAs. Three compute intensive problems are highlighted: sequence alignment, SNP interaction analysis and genotype imputation. In the area of sequence alignment the software BLASTp for protein database searches is exemplarily presented, implemented and evaluated.SNP interaction analysis is presented with three applications performing an exhaustive search for interactions including the corresponding statistical tests: BOOST, iLOCi and the mutual information measurement. All applications are implemented in FPGA-hardware and evaluated, resulting in an impressive speedup of more than in three orders of magnitude when compared to standard computers. The last topic of genotype imputation presents a two-step process composed of the phasing step and the actual imputation step. The focus lies on the phasing step which is targeted by the SHAPEIT2 application. SHAPEIT2 is discussed with its underlying mathematical methods in detail, and finally implemented and evaluated. A remarkable speedup of 46 is reached here as well

    FPGA acceleration of sequence analysis tools in bioinformatics

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityWith advances in biotechnology and computing power, biological data are being produced at an exceptional rate. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of FPGAs to accelerate high impact production biosequence analysis tools. Compared with other alternatives, FPGAs offer huge compute power, lower power consumption, and reasonable flexibility. BLAST has become the de facto standard in bioinformatic approximate string matching and so its acceleration is of fundamental importance. It is a complex highly-optimized system, consisting of tens of thousands of lines of code and a large number of heuristics. Our idea is to emulate the main phases of its algorithm on FPGA. Utilizing our FPGA engine, we quickly reduce the size of the database to a small fraction, and then use the original code to process the query. Using a standard FPGA-based system, we achieved 12x speedup over a highly optimized multithread reference code. Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA)--the extension of pairwise Sequence Alignment to multiple Sequences--is critical to solve many biological problems. Previous attempts to accelerate Clustal-W, the most commonly used MSA code, have directly mapped a portion of the code to the FPGA. We use a new approach: we apply prefiltering of the kind commonly used in BLAST to perform the initial all-pairs alignments. This results in a speedup of from 8Ox to 190x over the CPU code (8 cores). The quality is comparable to the original according to a commonly used benchmark suite evaluated with respect to multiple distance metrics. The challenge in FPGA-based acceleration is finding a suitable application mapping. Unfortunately many software heuristics do not fall into this category and so other methods must be applied. One is restructuring: an entirely new algorithm is applied. Another is to analyze application utilization and develop accuracy/performance tradeoffs. Using our prefiltering approach and novel FPGA programming models we have achieved significant speedup over reference programs. We have applied approximation, seeding, and filtering to this end. The bulk of this study is to introduce the pros and cons of these acceleration models for biosequence analysis tools

    FPGA acceleration of DNA sequence alignment: design analysis and optimization

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    Existing FPGA accelerators for short read mapping often fail to utilize the complete biological information in sequencing data for simple hardware design, leading to missed or incorrect alignment. In this work, we propose a runtime reconfigurable alignment pipeline that considers all information in sequencing data for the biologically accurate acceleration of short read mapping. We focus our efforts on accelerating two string matching techniques: FM-index and the Smith-Waterman algorithm with the affine-gap model which are commonly used in short read mapping. We further optimize the FPGA hardware using a design analyzer and merger to improve alignment performance. The contributions of this work are as follows. 1. We accelerate the exact-match and mismatch alignment by leveraging the FM-index technique. We optimize memory access by compressing the data structure and interleaving the access with multiple short reads. The FM-index hardware also considers complete information in the read data to maximize accuracy. 2. We propose a seed-and-extend model to accelerate alignment with indels. The FM-index hardware is extended to support the seeding stage while a Smith-Waterman implementation with the affine-gap model is developed on FPGA for the extension stage. This model can improve the efficiency of indel alignment with comparable accuracy versus state-of-the-art software. 3. We present an approach for merging multiple FPGA designs into a single hardware design, so that multiple place-and-route tasks can be replaced by a single task to speed up functional evaluation of designs. We first experiment with this approach to demonstrate its feasibility for different designs. Then we apply this approach to optimize one of the proposed FPGA aligners for better alignment performance.Open Acces
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