500 research outputs found

    Convertisseurs à bobine variable pour applications de transport durables

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    Abstract: Power electronics converters are key components and enable efficient conversion and management of electrical energy in a wide range of applications. For vehicular use, there is an inevitable need to improve their performance and reducing their size. This is particularly important in case of powertrain DC-DC converters as they are required to have improved performance while respecting the specifications, characteristics and stringent space limitations. These objectives define research targets and a particular progress is essential in the field of passive components, semiconductor devices, converter topologies and control. At the current state of technologies, the passive components particularly the power inductors are dominant components which affect the overall volume, cost and performance of power electronic converters. Considering the aforementioned critical aspects, this thesis proposes a variable inductor (VI) concept in order to reduce the weight and size power inductors which are traditionally bulky and have fairly limited operating range. By modulating the permeability of the magnetic material, this concept enhances the current handling capability of power inductors, controls the current ripples, reduces the magnetic and switching losses, as well as the stresses applied to switching devices. Furthermore, it enables the use of smaller cores which leads to the reduction of mass and volume allowing improvements in the converter operation and its overall performance. However, to integrate it into powertrain DC-DC converters, it is fundamental, to question the design of the component itself, the selection of suitable magnetic core materials, and the control of current in the auxiliary winding and saturation management of magnetic cores. This thesis systematically addresses these different research challenges. A particular attention is paid to the experimental study of a VI prototype to demonstrate the concept on a small-scale in order to explore its viability. Subsequently a detailed characterization was developed using finite element analysis to determine the intrinsic functionality of the passive component. Furthermore, this thesis proposed an RMS current based VI design to reduce oversizing of power inductors for electric vehicles application. In this methodology, the selection of a suitable magnetic core material is a crucial step to assure smaller and efficient converters. Hence, this thesis proposes a simplified approach based on weighted property method (WPM) for an appropriate selection of magnetic core in accordance to the needs of the user. Furthermore, to validate the integration of this concept in DC-DC converter topology used in the powertrain of electrified vehicles, an affine parameterization method is used to design the control parameters and a simple management strategy is proposed to enable dynamic control of the VI. The converter control and the proposed strategy are evaluated through simulations of a complete powertrain of a three-wheel recreational vehicle. The small-scale experimental and simulations, and full-scale simulations have demonstrated an interesting capacity of the VI for improving the performance of DC-DC converters for electrified vehicles and manage the saturation of the magnetic core while reducing the size and weight of magnetic components.Les convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance sont des composants clés de la conversion et gestion efficace de l’énergie électrique dans une large gamme d’applications. Pour des utilisations véhiculaires, il est inévitablement nécessaire d’améliorer leurs performances et de réduire leur taille. Ceci est particulièrement important dans le cas des convertisseurs à courant continu (CC) de la chaine de traction où des performances améliorées en réponse à une large gamme de variations de charge sont recherchées tout en respectant les spécificités, caractéristiques et limitation d’espace nécessaires aux véhicules électrifiés. Ces objectifs définissent une cible de recherche et en particulier des progrès sont essentiels dans le domaine des composants passifs, des dispositifs semi-conducteurs, des topologies des convertisseurs et leurs commandes pour généraliser l’utilisation de véhicules électriques. Les composants passifs, en particulier les inductances de puissance, sont des composants dominants qui affectent le volume global, le coût et les performances de ces convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance. Compte tenu de ces aspects, cette thèse propose un concept de bobine variable afin de réduire le poids et la taille des inductances de puissance qui sont traditionnellement encombrantes et ont une gamme de fonctionnement assez limitée. En modulant la perméabilité du matériau magnétique, ce concept améliore la capacité de gestion du courant des bobines de puissance, contrôle les ondulations du courant et réduit les pertes magnétiques et par commutation, bien comme les contraintes appliquées aux dispositifs de commutation. En outre, il permet l’utilisation de noyaux plus petits, ce qui entraîne une réduction de masse et de volume, en permettant une amélioration du fonctionnement du convertisseur et de ses performances globales. Cependant, pour l’intégrer aux convertisseurs CC-CC utilisés dans la chaine de traction, il est fondamental de se questionner sur la conception du composant lui-même, la sélection du matériau magnétique, la commande du courant de l’enroulement auxiliaire et la gestion de la saturation du noyau magnétique. Cette thèse aborde de manière systématique ces différents défis de recherche. Une attention particulière est accordée à l’étude expérimentale d’un prototype de bobine variable pour faire la preuve de concept à petite échelle afin d’explorer sa viabilité. Par la suite, une large caractérisation par éléments finis a été développée pour déterminer le fonctionnement intrinsèque de ce composant passif. De plus, cette thèse propose une méthode systématique de design de bobine variable basée sur le courant RMS pour réduire le surdimensionnement traditionnellement associer aux inductances de puissance pour des applications véhiculaires. Dans cette méthodologie, la sélection appropriée du matériau pour le noyau magnétique est une étape cruciale pour garantir des convertisseurs plus petits et efficaces, donc une démarche de sélection simplifiée basée sur la méthode des propriétés pondérées pour le choix de noyau magnétique approprié au besoin de l’application a été mis au point. De plus, pour valider l’intégration de ce concept dans une topologie de convertisseur CC-CC traditionnellement utilisée dans la chaine de traction des véhicules électrifiés, une méthode de synthèse affine a été utilisée pour définir les paramètres des contrôleurs de courant et une stratégie de gestion de la saturation du noyau a été proposée pour permettre le contrôle dynamique de la bobine variable. La commande du convertisseur et la stratégie ont été évaluées par simulation d’une chaine de traction complète d’un véhicule récréatif réel. Les résultats expérimentaux à petite échelle et simulations à pleine échelle ont démontrés des capacités intéressantes de cette bobine variable pour l’amélioration des performances des convertisseurs CC-CC, ayant la capacité de gestion de la saturation du noyau magnétique tout en réduisant la taille et le poids de ces composants passifs, dans le but de son utilisation dans la chaine de traction des véhicules électrifiés

    Step up and down converter combined with motor inverter for powertrain applications

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    In the electric vehicle industry, the inclusion of a DC-DC converter between the battery and the inverter has shown to improve the efficiency of the propulsion system and reduce its size. Typically, a boost converter is used as DC-DC, which, although is simple to implement, has high losses, low power density and generates high-frequency electromagnetic noise. This thesis proposes a new step-up and step-down stage combined with the motor inverter that is able to increase efficiency, operate in soft switching, provide galvanic isolation and operate in a wider voltage range, optimizing the propulsion system significantly. The proposed topology is analyzed and a design method is presented to meet the main automotive requirements. Subsequently, the proposed converter is modeled in discrete time and continuous time. With these models, a control for the stage is proposed. In addition, a second control loop is added to improve the efficiency of the system. All the results obtained throughout this thesis are validated experimentally by means of two setups, agreeing previous theoretical and simulated results.En la industria de los vehículos eléctricos, la inclusión de un convertidor DC-DC entre la batería y el inversor ha demostrado mejorar la eficiencia del sistema de propulsión y reducir su tamaño. Por lo general, un convertidor elevador se usa como DC-DC, que, aunque es simple de implementar, tiene altas pérdidas, baja densidad de potencia y genera alta frecuencia ruido electromagnético. Esta tesis propone una nueva etapa elevadora y reductora combinada con el motor inverter que es capaz de aumentar la eficiencia, operar en conmutación suave, proporcionar aislamiento galvánico y operar en un rango de voltaje más amplio, optimizando significativamente el sistema de propulsión. Se analiza la topología propuesta y se presenta un método de diseño para cumplir con los principales requerimientos automotrices. Posteriormente, se modela el convertidor propuesto en tiempo discreto y tiempo continuo. Con estos modelos, un control para el escenario que se propone. Además, se añade un segundo lazo de control para mejorar la eficiencia del sistema. Todos Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de esta tesis se validan experimentalmente mediante dos montajes, coincidiendo resultados teóricos y simulados.A la indústria del vehicle elèctric, la inclusió d'un convertidor DC-DC entre la bateria i l'inversor ha demostrat millorar l'eficiència del sistema de propulsió i reduir-ne la mida. Normalment, s'utilitza un convertidor boost com a DC-DC, que, tot i que és senzill d'implementar, té pèrdues elevades, baixa densitat de potència i genera alta freqüència. soroll electromagnètic. Aquesta tesi proposa una nova etapa de pujada i baixada combinada amb el motor inversor que és capaç d'augmentar l'eficiència, operar en commutació suau, proporcionar aïllament galvànic i operar en un rang de tensió més ampli, optimitzant significativament el sistema de propulsió. S'analitza la topologia proposada i es presenta un mètode de disseny per satisfer els principals requisits de l'automoció. Posteriorment, el convertidor proposat es modela en temps discret i temps continu. Amb aquests models, un control per l'etapa es proposa. A més, s'afegeix un segon bucle de control per millorar l'eficiència del sistema. Tot el Els resultats obtinguts al llarg d'aquesta tesi es validen experimentalment mitjançant dos muntatges, coincidint anteriorment resultats teòrics i simulats

    High Frequency Power Converter with ZVT for Variable DC-link in Electric Vehicles

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    abstract: The most important metrics considered for electric vehicles are power density, efficiency, and reliability of the powertrain modules. The powertrain comprises of an Electric Machine (EM), power electronic converters, an Energy Management System (EMS), and an Energy Storage System (ESS). The power electronic converters are used to couple the motor with the battery stack. Including a DC/DC converter in the powertrain module is favored as it adds an additional degree of freedom to achieve flexibility in optimizing the battery module and inverter independently. However, it is essential that the converter is rated for high peak power and can maintain high efficiency while operating over a wide range of load conditions to not compromise on system efficiency. Additionally, the converter must strictly adhere to all automotive standards. Currently, several hard-switching topologies have been employed such as conventional boost DC/DC, interleaved step-up DC/DC, and full-bridge DC/DC converter. These converters face respective limitations in achieving high step-up conversion ratio, size and weight issues, or high component count. In this work, a bi-directional synchronous boost DC/DC converter with easy interleaving capability is proposed with a novel ZVT mechanism. This converter steps up the EV battery voltage of 200V-300V to a wide range of variable output voltages ranging from 310V-800V. High power density and efficiency are achieved through high switching frequency of 250kHz for each phase with effective frequency doubling through interleaving. Also, use of wide bandgap high voltage SiC switches allows high efficiency operation even at high temperatures. Comprehensive analysis, design details and extensive simulation results are presented. Incorporating ZVT branch with adaptive time delay results in converter efficiency close to 98%. Experimental results from a 2.5kW hardware prototype validate the performance of the proposed approach. A peak efficiency of 98.17% has been observed in hardware in the boost or motoring mode.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    Integrated DC-DC Charger Powertrain Converter Design for Electric Vehicles Using Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) adoption is growing due to environmental concerns, government subsidies, and cheaper battery packs. The main power electronics design challenges for next-generation EV power converters are power converter weight, volume, cost, and loss reduction. In conventional EVs, the traction boost and the onboard charger (OBC) have separate power modules, passives, and heat sinks. An integrated converter, combining and re-using some charging and powertrain components together, can reduce converter cost, volume, and weight. However, efficiency is often reduced to obtain the advantage of cost, volume, and weight reduction.An integrated converter topology is proposed to combine the functionality of the traction boost converter and isolated DC-DC converter of the OBC using a hybrid transformer where the same core is used for both converters. The reconfiguration between charging and traction operation is performed by the existing Battery Management System (BMS) contactors. The proposed converter is operated in both boost and dual active bridge (DAB) mode during traction operation. The loss mechanisms of the proposed integrated converter are modeled for different operating modes for design optimization. An aggregated drive cycle is considered for optimizing the integrated converter design parameters to reduce energy loss during traction operation, weight, and cost. By operating the integrated converter in DAB mode at light-load and boost mode at high-speed heavy-load, the traction efficiency is improved. An online mode transition algorithm is also developed to ensure stable output voltage and eliminate current oscillation during the mode transition. A high-power prototype is developed to verify the integrated converter functionality, validate the loss model, and demonstrate the online transition algorithm. An automated closed-loop controller is developed to implement the transition algorithm which can automatically make the transition between modes based on embedded efficiency mapping. The closed-loop control system also regulates the integrated converter output voltage to improve the overall traction efficiency of the integrated converter. Using the targeted design approach, the proposed integrated converter performs better in all three aspects including efficiency, weight, and cost than comparable discrete solutions for each converter

    Control Strategies of DC–DC Converter in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

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    There is a significant need to research and develop a compatible controller for the DC–DC converter used in fuel cells electric vehicles (EVs). Research has shown that fuel cells (FC) EVs have the potential of providing a far more promising performance in comparison to conventional combustion engine vehicles. This study aims to present a universal sliding mode control (SMC) technique to control the DC bus voltage under varying load conditions. Additionally, this research will utilize improved DC–DC converter topologies to boost the output voltage of the FCs. A DC–DC converter with a properly incorporated control scheme can be utilized to regulate the DC bus voltage–. A conventional linear controller, like a PID controller, is not suitable to be used as a controller to regulate the output voltage in the proposed application. This is due to the nonlinearity of the converter. Furthermore, this thesis will explore the use of a secondary power source which will be utilized during the start–up and transient condition of the FCEV. However, in this instance, a simple boost converter can be used as a reference to step–up the fuel cell output voltage. In terms of application, an FCEV requires stepping –up of the voltage through the use of a high power DC–DC converter or chopper. A control scheme must be developed to adjust the DC bus or load voltage to meet the vehicle requirements as well as to improve the overall efficiency of the FCEV. A simple SMC structure can be utilized to handle these issues and stabilize the output voltage of the DC–DC converter to maintain and establish a constant DC–link voltage during the load variations. To address the aforementioned issues, this thesis presents a sliding mode control technique to control the DC bus voltage under varying load conditions using improved DC–DC converter topologies to boost and stabilize the output voltage of the FCs

    An Improved MPPT Interleaved Boost Converter for Solar Electric Vehicle Application

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    International audienceAn interleaved boost dc/dc converter is developed featuring smaller input/output filters, faster dynamic response and lower device stress than conventional designs, for solar electric vehicle (SEV) applications. The converter is connected between the photovoltaic power generation and dc bus in a multisource energy storage system of a SEV. Typically, interleaved converters require a current control loop to reduce the input current ripples, the output voltage ripples, and the size of passive components with high efficiency. A Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller for a Photovoltaic (PV) solar system associated to backup source (Battery) guarantees an uninterrupted power supply and assist the propulsion of the vehicle during transients and recover energy during regenerative braking. The design, construction, and testing of an experimental hardware p rototype is presented, with the test results included

    Robust and fast sliding-mode control for a DC-DC current-source parallel-resonant converter

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    Modern DC-DC resonant converters are normally built around a voltage-source series-resonant converter. This study aims to facilitate the practical use of current-source parallel-resonant converters due to their outstanding properties. To this end, this study presents a sliding-mode control scheme, which provides the following features to the closed-loop system: (i) high robustness to external disturbances and parameter variations and (ii) fast transient response during large and abrupt load changes. In addition, a design procedure for determining the values of the control parameters is presented. The theoretical contributions of this study are experimentally validated by selected tests on a laboratory prototype.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Hybrid electric vehicle fuel minimization by DC-DC converter dual-phase-shift control

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    The paper introduces an advanced DC-link variable voltage control methodology that improves significantly the fuel economy of series Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). The DC-link connects a rectifier, a Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC-DC converter and an inverter, interfacing respectively the two sources and the load in a series HEV powertrain. The introduced Dual Phase Shift (DPS) proportional voltage conversion ratio control scheme is realized by manipulating the phase shifts of the gating signals in the DAB converter, to regulate the amount of DAB converter power flow in and out of the DC-link. Dynamic converter efficiency models are utilized to account for switching, conduction, copper and core losses. The control methodology is proposed on the basis of improving the individual efficiency of the DAB converter but with its parameters tuned to minimize the powertrain fuel consumption. Since DPS control has one additional degree of freedom as compared to Single Phase Shift (SPS) voltage control schemes, a Lagrange Multiplier optimization method is applied to minimize the leakage inductance peak current, the main cause for switching and conduction losses. The DPS control scheme is tested in simulations with a full HEV model and two associated conventional supervisory control algorithms, together with a tuned SPS proportional voltage conversion ratio control scheme, against a conventional PI control in which the DC-link voltage follows a constant reference. Nonlinear coupling difficulties associated with the integration of varying DC-link voltage in the powertrain are also exposed and addressed

    Onduleur quasi-Z-source pour un système de traction de véhicules électriques à sources multiples : contrôle et gestion

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    Abstract: Power electronics play a fundamental role and help to achieve the new goals of the automobiles in terms of energy economy and environment. The power electronic converters are the key elements which interface their power sources to the drivetrain of the electric vehicle (EV). They contribute to obtaining high efficiency and performance in power systems. However, traditional inverters such as voltage-source, current-source inverters and conventional two-stage inverters present some conceptual limitations. Consequently, many research efforts have been focused on developing new power electronic converters suitable for EVs application. In order to develop and enhance the performance of commercial multiple sources EV, this dissertation aims to select and to control the impedance source inverter and to provide management approaches for multiple sources EV traction system. A concise review of the main existing topologies of impedance source inverters has been presented. That enables to select QZSI (quasi-Z-source inverter) topology as promising architectures with better performance and reliability. The comparative study between the bidirectional conventional two-stage inverter and QZSI for EV applications has been presented. Furthermore, comparative study between different powertrain topologies regarding batteries aging index factors for an off-road EV has been explored. These studies permit to prove that QZSI topology represents a good candidate to be used in multi-source EV system. For improving the performance of QZSI applied to EVs, optimized fractional order PI (FOPI) controllers for QZSI is designed with the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO-NM) to obtain more suitable aging performance index values for the battery. Moreover, this thesis proposes a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for EVs to allow an efficient energy use of the battery for a longer distance coverage. Optimized FOPI controller and the finite control set model predictive controller (FCS-MPC) for HESS using bidirectional QZSI is applied for the multi-source EV. The flux-weakening controller has been designed to provide a correct operation with the maximum available torque at any speed within current and voltage limits. Simulation investigations are performed to verify the topologies studied and the efficacity of the proposed controller structure with the bidirectional QZSI. Furthermore, Opal-RT-based real-time simulation has been implemented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed HESS control strategy. The results confirm the EV performance enhancement with the addition of supercapacitors using the proposed control configuration, allowing the efficient use of battery energy with the reduction of root-mean-square value, the mean value, and the standard deviation by 57%, 59%, and 27%, respectively, of battery current compared to the battery-only based inverter.L'électronique de puissance joue un rôle fondamental et contribue à atteindre les nouveaux objectifs de l'automobile en termes d'économie d'énergie et d'environnement. Les convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance sont considérés comme les éléments clés qui interfacent leurs sources d'alimentation avec la chaîne de traction du véhicule électrique (VE). Ils contribuent à obtenir une efficacité et des performances élevées dans les systèmes électriques. Cependant, les onduleurs traditionnels tels que les onduleurs à source de tension, les onduleurs à source de courant et les onduleurs conventionnels à deux étages qui constituent les onduleurs les plus couramment utilisés, présentent certaines limitations conceptuelles. Par conséquent, de nombreux efforts de recherche se sont concentrés sur le développement de nouveaux convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance adaptés à l'application aux véhicules électriques. Afin de développer et d'améliorer les performances des VEs à sources multiples commerciales, cette thèse vise à sélectionner, contrôler l'onduleur à source impédante et fournit une approche de gestion pour l'application du système de traction du VE à sources multiples. Une revue concise des principales topologies existantes d'onduleur à source impédante a été présentée. Cela a permis de sélectionner la topologie de l’onduleur quasi-Z-source (QZS) comme architectures prometteuses pouvant être utilisées dans les véhicules électriques, avec de meilleures performances et de fiabilité. L'étude comparative entre l'onduleur bidirectionnel conventionnel à deux étages et de celui à QZS pour les applications du VE a été présentée. En outre, une étude comparative entre différentes topologies de groupes motopropulseurs concernant les facteurs d'indice de vieillissement des batteries pour une application du VE hors route a été explorée. Ces études ont permis de prouver que la topologie de l’onduleur QZS représente une bonne topologie candidate à utiliser dans un système de VE à sources multiples. Pour améliorer les performances de l’onduleur QZS appliquées aux véhicules électriques, des contrôleurs PI d'ordre fractionnaire (PIOF) optimisés pour l’onduleur QZS sont conçus avec l'algorithme de colonies de fourmis afin d'obtenir des valeurs d'indice de performance de vieillissement plus appropriées pour la batterie. De plus, cette thèse propose un système de stockage d'énergie hybride (SSEH) pour le VE afin de permettre une utilisation efficace de l'énergie de la batterie pour une couverture de distance plus longue et une extension de son autonomie. L’optimisation du contrôleur PIOF et du contrôleur par modèle prédictif d'ensemble de contrôle fini (CMP-ECF) pour l’onduleur QZS bidirectionnel a été appliqué au VE à sources multiples avec des approches de gestion appuyées par des règles. Le contrôleur d'affaiblissement de flux magnétique du moteur a été conçu pour fournir un fonctionnement correct avec le couple maximal disponible à n'importe quelle vitesse dans les limites de courant et de tension. Des investigations et des simulations sont effectuées pour vérifier les différentes topologies étudiées et l'efficacité de la structure de contrôleur proposée avec l’onduleur QZS bidirectionnel. De plus, une simulation en temps réel basée sur Opal-RT a été mise en œuvre pour valider l'efficacité de la stratégie de contrôle SSEH proposée. Les résultats confirment l'amélioration des performances du VE avec l'ajout d'un supercondensateur utilisant la configuration du contrôle proposée, permettant une utilisation efficace de l'énergie de la batterie avec une réduction de la valeur moyenne quadratique, de la valeur moyenne et de l'écart type de 57%, 59% et 27%, respectivement, du courant de la batterie par rapport à l'onduleur connecté directement à la batterie

    Energy Conversion and Control of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Based Electric Transport

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    The research investigates the effective utilization of hydrogen fuel cells in electric transport applications, addressing the challenges associated with power generation, energy storage, and control. By implementing the MPPT Perturb and Observe (P&O) technique, the thesis aims to optimize the power output of the fuel cell system, ensuring maximum efficiency and performance. To enhance the overall energy management of the system, a battery and supercapacitor combination is employed as supplementary energy storage. The thesis dives into the design and control strategies required for the seamless integration of these energy conversion systems. The battery’s SOC is closely regulated based on the fuel cell voltage, allowing for efficient energy utilization and improved system reliability. The findings of this research contribute to the advancement of hydrogen fuel cell based electric transport systems. The utilization of MPPT techniques, combined with the integration of battery and supercapacitor systems, offers a promising approach to optimize energy conversion and control. The proposed strategies can lead to enhanced energy efficiency, extended driving range, and improved reliability for future hydrogen fuel cell-based electric transport applications
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