245 research outputs found

    Split and Shift Methodology: Overcoming Hardware Limitations on Cellular Processor Arrays for Image Processing

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    Na era multimedia, o procesado de imaxe converteuse nun elemento de singular importancia nos dispositivos electrónicos. Dende as comunicacións (p.e. telemedicina), a seguranza (p.e. recoñecemento retiniano) ou control de calidade e de procesos industriais (p.e. orientación de brazos articulados, detección de defectos do produto), pasando pola investigación (p.e. seguimento de partículas elementais) e diagnose médica (p.e. detección de células estrañas, identificaciónn de veas retinianas), hai un sinfín de aplicacións onde o tratamento e interpretación automáticas de imaxe e fundamental. O obxectivo último será o deseño de sistemas de visión con capacidade de decisión. As tendencias actuais requiren, ademais, a combinación destas capacidades en dispositivos pequenos e portátiles con resposta en tempo real. Isto propón novos desafíos tanto no deseño hardware como software para o procesado de imaxe, buscando novas estruturas ou arquitecturas coa menor area e consumo de enerxía posibles sen comprometer a funcionalidade e o rendemento

    Hardware Implementation of Deep Network Accelerators Towards Healthcare and Biomedical Applications

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    With the advent of dedicated Deep Learning (DL) accelerators and neuromorphic processors, new opportunities are emerging for applying deep and Spiking Neural Network (SNN) algorithms to healthcare and biomedical applications at the edge. This can facilitate the advancement of the medical Internet of Things (IoT) systems and Point of Care (PoC) devices. In this paper, we provide a tutorial describing how various technologies ranging from emerging memristive devices, to established Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and mature Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology can be used to develop efficient DL accelerators to solve a wide variety of diagnostic, pattern recognition, and signal processing problems in healthcare. Furthermore, we explore how spiking neuromorphic processors can complement their DL counterparts for processing biomedical signals. After providing the required background, we unify the sparsely distributed research on neural network and neuromorphic hardware implementations as applied to the healthcare domain. In addition, we benchmark various hardware platforms by performing a biomedical electromyography (EMG) signal processing task and drawing comparisons among them in terms of inference delay and energy. Finally, we provide our analysis of the field and share a perspective on the advantages, disadvantages, challenges, and opportunities that different accelerators and neuromorphic processors introduce to healthcare and biomedical domains. This paper can serve a large audience, ranging from nanoelectronics researchers, to biomedical and healthcare practitioners in grasping the fundamental interplay between hardware, algorithms, and clinical adoption of these tools, as we shed light on the future of deep networks and spiking neuromorphic processing systems as proponents for driving biomedical circuits and systems forward.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (21 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables

    High-Level Synthesis Hardware Design for FPGA-Based Accelerators: Models, Methodologies, and Frameworks

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    Hardware accelerators based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and system on chip (SoC) devices have gained attention in recent years. One of the main reasons is that these devices contain reconfigurable logic, which makes them feasible for boosting the performance of applications. High-level synthesis (HLS) tools facilitate the creation of FPGA code from a high level of abstraction using different directives to obtain an optimized hardware design based on performance metrics. However, the complexity of the design space depends on different factors such as the number of directives used in the source code, the available resources in the device, and the clock frequency. Design space exploration (DSE) techniques comprise the evaluation of multiple implementations with different combinations of directives to obtain a design with a good compromise between different metrics. This paper presents a survey of models, methodologies, and frameworks proposed for metric estimation, FPGA-based DSE, and power consumption estimation on FPGA/SoC. The main features, limitations, and trade-offs of these approaches are described. We also present the integration of existing models and frameworks in diverse research areas and identify the different challenges to be addressed

    Toolflows for Mapping Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs: A Survey and Future Directions

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    In the past decade, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various Artificial Intelligence tasks. To accelerate the experimentation and development of CNNs, several software frameworks have been released, primarily targeting power-hungry CPUs and GPUs. In this context, reconfigurable hardware in the form of FPGAs constitutes a potential alternative platform that can be integrated in the existing deep learning ecosystem to provide a tunable balance between performance, power consumption and programmability. In this paper, a survey of the existing CNN-to-FPGA toolflows is presented, comprising a comparative study of their key characteristics which include the supported applications, architectural choices, design space exploration methods and achieved performance. Moreover, major challenges and objectives introduced by the latest trends in CNN algorithmic research are identified and presented. Finally, a uniform evaluation methodology is proposed, aiming at the comprehensive, complete and in-depth evaluation of CNN-to-FPGA toolflows.Comment: Accepted for publication at the ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) journal, 201

    Simulation and implementation of novel deep learning hardware architectures for resource constrained devices

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    Corey Lammie designed mixed signal memristive-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware architectures, which were used to reduce the power and resource requirements of Deep Learning (DL) systems; both during inference and training. Disruptive design methodologies, such as those explored in this thesis, can be used to facilitate the design of next-generation DL systems

    Neuromorphic deep convolutional neural network learning systems for FPGA in real time

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    Deep Learning algorithms have become one of the best approaches for pattern recognition in several fields, including computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, and audio recognition, among others. In image vision, convolutional neural networks stand out, due to their relatively simple supervised training and their efficiency extracting features from a scene. Nowadays, there exist several implementations of convolutional neural networks accelerators that manage to perform these networks in real time. However, the number of operations and power consumption of these implementations can be reduced using a different processing paradigm as neuromorphic engineering. Neuromorphic engineering field studies the behavior of biological and inner systems of the human neural processing with the purpose of design analog, digital or mixed-signal systems to solve problems inspired in how human brain performs complex tasks, replicating the behavior and properties of biological neurons. Neuromorphic engineering tries to give an answer to how our brain is capable to learn and perform complex tasks with high efficiency under the paradigm of spike-based computation. This thesis explores both frame-based and spike-based processing paradigms for the development of hardware architectures for visual pattern recognition based on convolutional neural networks. In this work, two FPGA implementations of convolutional neural networks accelerator architectures for frame-based using OpenCL and SoC technologies are presented. Followed by a novel neuromorphic convolution processor for spike-based processing paradigm, which implements the same behaviour of leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model. Furthermore, it reads the data in rows being able to perform multiple layers in the same chip. Finally, a novel FPGA implementation of Hierarchy of Time Surfaces algorithm and a new memory model for spike-based systems are proposed

    Cellular Nonlinear Networks: optimized implementation on FPGA and applications to robotics

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi consisteix a estudiar la factibilitat d'implementar un sensor càmera CNN amb plena funcionalitat basat en FPGA de baix cost adequat per a aplicacions en robots mòbils. L'estudi dels fonaments de les xarxes cel•lulars no lineals (CNNs) i la seva aplicació eficaç en matrius de portes programables (FPGAs) s'ha complementat, d'una banda amb el paral•lelisme que s'estableix entre arquitectura multi-nucli de les CNNs i els eixams de robots mòbils, i per l'altre banda amb la correlació dinàmica de CNNs i arquitectures memristive. A més, els memristors es consideren els substituts dels futurs dispositius de memòria flash per la seva capacitat d'integració d'alta densitat i el seu consum d'energia prop de zero. En el nostre cas, hem estat interessats en el desenvolupament d’FPGAs que han deixat de ser simples dispositius per a la creació ràpida de prototips ASIC per esdevenir complets dispositius reconfigurables amb integració de la memòria i els elements de processament general. En particular, s'han explorat com les arquitectures implementades CNN en FPGAs poden ser optimitzades en termes d’àrea ocupada en el dispositiu i el seu consum de potència. El nostre objectiu final ens ah portat a implementar de manera eficient una CNN-UM amb complet funcionament a un baix cost i baix consum sobre una FPGA amb tecnología flash. Per tant, futurs estudis sobre l’arquitectura eficient de la CNN sobre la FPGA i la interconnexió amb els robots comercials disponibles és un dels objectius d'aquesta tesi que se seguiran en les línies de futur exposades en aquest treball.El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en estudiar la factibilidad de implementar un sensor cámara CNN con plena funcionalidad basado en FPGA de bajo coste adecuado para aplicaciones en robots móviles. El estudio de los fundamentos de las redes celulares no lineales (CNNs) y su aplicación eficaz en matrices de puertas programables (FPGAs) se ha complementado, por un lado con el paralelismo que se establece entre arquitectura multi -núcleo de las CNNs y los enjambres de robots móviles, y por el otro lado con la correlación dinámica de CNNs y arquitecturas memristive. Además, los memristors se consideran los sustitutos de los futuros dispositivos de memoria flash por su capacidad de integración de alta densidad y su consumo de energía cerca de cero. En nuestro caso, hemos estado interesados en el desarrollo de FPGAs que han dejado de ser simples dispositivos para la creación rápida de prototipos ASIC para convertirse en completos dispositivos reconfigurables con integración de la memoria y los elementos de procesamiento general. En particular, se han explorado como las arquitecturas implementadas CNN en FPGAs pueden ser optimizadas en términos de área ocupada en el dispositivo y su consumo de potencia. Nuestro objetivo final nos ah llevado a implementar de manera eficiente una CNN-UM con completo funcionamiento a un bajo coste y bajo consumo sobre una FPGA con tecnología flash. Por lo tanto, futuros estudios sobre la arquitectura eficiente de la CNN sobre la FPGA y la interconexión con los robots comerciales disponibles es uno de los objetivos de esta tesis que se seguirán en las líneas de futuro expuestas en este trabajo.The main goal of this thesis consists in studying the feasibility to implement a full-functionality CNN camera sensor based on low-cost FPGA device suitable for mobile robotic applications. The study of Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNNs) fundamentals and its efficient implementation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has been complemented, on one side with the parallelism established between multi-core CNN architecture and swarm of mobile robots, and on the other side with the dynamics correlation of CNNs and memristive architectures. Furthermore, memristors are considered the future substitutes of flash memory devices because of its capability of high density integration and its close to zero power consumption. In our case, we have been interested in the development of FPGAs that have ceased to be simple devices for ASIC fast prototyping to become complete reconfigurable devices embedding memory and processing elements. In particular, we have explored how the CNN architectures implemented on FPGAs can be optimized in terms of area occupied on the device or power consumption. Our final accomplishment has been implementing efficiently a fully functional reconfigurable CNN-UM on a low-cost low-power FPGA based on flash technology. Therefore, further studies on an efficient CNN architecture on FPGA and interfacing it with commercially-available robots is one of the objectives of this thesis that will be followed in the future directions exposed in this work