10 research outputs found


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    Interactive media is something that is important to be developed in order to improve students' mathematical understanding abilities. One of the learning media used is scratch. Scratch-assisted learning media on rank numbers material is made to make it easier for students to understand concepts and to increase student interest in learning, by studying it is expected to be able to give birth to creative students in making learning media based on scratch animation. The research design used in this research is the research design of 4D model development (Four D Models). This includes 4 stages, namely the definition, design, development and dissemination stages, which the researcher then simplifies by changing from four stages (4D) to three stages (3D), namely: defining, designing and developing

    The Effect of the Kahoot Quiz on the Student's Results in the Exam

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    Students taking low-stake quizzes in a gamified environment shows improvement on their studies, thus has the potential to be an effective part in an improved learning experience. Previous researches show that implementing gamification into the educational system has positive outcome on the student's engagement, motivation and the overall experience of learning. In this study is a field experiment, where quizzes were created with the Kahoot application, to bring action and visual triggers into the classroom. The aim of this paper to measure the long-term learning effect of the Kahoot quiz in the exams. Several of the quiz questions during the class were purposefully blended into the exam's question bank as a multiple choice or a true or false question. In this research 200 bachelor students participated in a 14-week long elective course. The data was collected weekly from the Kahoot quizzes and from the two mandatory exams. All the results from the Kahoot quiz and the exams provided the base of the analysis. Furthermore, the exam results were analyzed based on number of Kahoot quizzes they took part, a comparison of the results of each question based. The results show that students who took part in more Kahoot quizzes tend to reach higher exam mark. Moreover, they marked more correct answers and less incorrect ones. As a conclusion, using some level of game-based learning has a positive effect on the student's results and perception of learning

    Avaliando a formação de professores no contexto do pensamento computacional

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    Este artigo descreve a implementac¸ao de um programa de formac¸ ˜ ao˜ de professores oferecida a rede municipal de ensino de um munic ` ´ıpio do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Um total de 49 professores participaram da formac¸ao˜ que trouxe conceitos relacionados ao Pensamento Computacional utilizando como ferramenta de implementac¸ao o Scratch. Uma an ˜ alise do desempenho ´ dos professores na utilizac¸ao do Scratch dentro das 7 dimens ˜ oes do Pensamento ˜ Computacional foi realizada utilizando a ferramenta Dr. Scratch. As impressoes ˜ dos professores com relac¸ao˜ a formac¸ ` ao foram analisadas atrav ˜ es das an ´ alises ´ de conteudo com processo de codificac¸ ´ ao. Os resultados obtidos sugerem de- ˜ terminada resistencia por parte dos professores em integrar atividades relaci- ˆ onadas ao pensamento computacional em seus encargos e praticas de ensino ´ correntes.This article describes a training program offered to a public education network in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil to train teachers to work with computational thinking. A total of 49 teachers participated in the program, which proposed the use of the tool Scratch. An analysis of the performance of teachers in the use of Scratch within the 7 dimensions of Computational Thinking was performed using Dr. Scratch. Teachers’ perceptions regarding the training program were analyzed through content analysis with coding process. Results suggest a certain resistance from teachers to integrate computational thinking to their current tasks and teaching practices

    Measuring the impact of learning at the workplace on organisational performance

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the importance of workplace learning in the context of performance measurement on an organisational level. It shows how workplace learning analytics can be grounded on professional identity transformation theory and integrated into performance measurement approaches to understand its organisation-wide impact. Design/methodology/approach: In a conceptual approach, a framework to measure the organisation-wide impact of workplace learning interventions has been developed. As a basis for the description of the framework, related research on relevant concepts in the field of performance measurement approaches, workplace learning, professional identity transformation, workplace and social learning analytics are discussed. A case study in a European Public Employment Service is presented. The framework is validated by qualitative evaluation data from three case studies. Finally, theoretical as well as practical implications are discussed. Findings: Professional identity transformation theory provides a suitable theoretical framework to gain new insights into various dimensions of workplace learning. Workplace learning analytics can reasonably be combined with classical performance management approaches to demonstrate its organisation-wide impact. A holistic and streamlined framework is perceived as beneficial by practitioners from several European Public Employment Services. Research limitations/implications: Empirical data originates from three case studies in the non-profit sector only. The presented framework needs to be further evaluated in different organisations and settings. Practical implications: The presented framework enables non-profit organisations to integrate workplace learning analytics in their organisation-wide performance measurement, which raises awareness for the importance of social learning at the workplace. Originality/value: The paper enriches the scarce research base about workplace learning analytics and its potential links to organisation-wide performance measurement approaches. In contrast to most previous literature, a thorough conceptualisation of workplace learning as a process of professional identity transformation is used

    La cultura a través de la comparación: la creación de materiales audiovisuales de escucha para un curso AICLE

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    Authentic listening has become a part of CLIL materials, but it can be difficult to find listening materials that perfectly match the language level, length requirements, content, and cultural context of a course. The difficulty of finding appropriate materials online, financial limitations posed by copyright fees, and necessity to produce intellectual work led to the idea of designing videos specifically for a university level CLIL course. This article presents a brief overview of current approachesto creating CLIL materials, gives rationale for recording of CLIL audio-visual materials, and discusses their challenges. It provides an example of audio-visual materials design for listening comprehension taking into consideration educational and cultural contexts, course content, and language learning outcomes of the program. In addition, it discusses advantages and limitations of created audio-visual materials by contrasting them with authentic materials of similar type foundon YouTube. According to a pilot survey, language used in recorded CLIL videos is easier to understand than the language used in YouTube videos. The content of CLIL videos is more related to students’ life and they experience more positive emotions while watching them. CLIL videos bridge the gap between the concepts studied and a local culture making the learning more meaningful and enjoyable. doi: 10.5294/laclil.2016.9.2.5La escucha de textos auténticos se ha convertido en una parte de los materiales AICLE, pero puede ser difícil encontrar materiales de escucha que coincidan perfectamente con el nivel de lengua, los requisitos en cuanto a longitud, contenido y contexto cultural de un curso específico. La dificultad de encontrar materiales apropiados en línea, las limitaciones financieras impuestas por las tarifas de derechos de autor y la necesidad para producir trabajo intelectual condujeron a la idea de diseñar videos específicamente para un curso AICLE de nivel universitario. Esteartículo presenta una breve descripción de los enfoques actuales para la creación de materiales AICLE, fundamenta algunos principios para la grabación de material audiovisual de AICLE y analiza los retos en este proceso. También proporciona un ejemplo de diseño de materiales audiovisuales para la comprensión auditiva teniendo en cuenta los contextos educativos y culturales, el contenido del curso ylos resultados del programa de aprendizaje de la lengua. Además, el artículo analiza las ventajas y restricciones del material audiovisual creado, contrastándolo con materiales auténticos de corte similar que se encuentran en YouTube. Según la encuesta de la fase de pilotaje, el lenguaje utilizado en los videos AICLE grabados es de más fácil comprensión que el lenguaje utilizado en los videos de YouTube.El contenido de los videos AICLE está más relacionado con la vida de los estudiantes, y son ellos quienes reportan experimentar emociones más positivas mientras los ven. El uso de los videos AICLE reduce la brecha entre los conceptos estudiados y la cultura local, lo que gesta un aprendizaje más significativo y agradable

    Formação em pensamento computacional utilizando scratch para professores de matemática e informática da educação fundamental

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    A formação de professores que estão em pré-serviço, assim como a formação daqueles que já atuam profissionalmente são de extrema importância para o sis- tema educacional. O docente, durante sua vida profissional busca estar atualizando constantemente seus conhecimentos para que sua atuação tenha impacto significa- tivo sobre seus alunos. No atual contexto tecnológico, em que a informação está disponível para todos, o papel do professor se torna ainda mais essencial como me- diador do conhecimento. Dentre a infinidade de saberes essenciais para o cidadão do novo milênio, destaca-se o Pensamento Computacional, que é considerado por alguns autores como sendo uma habilidade tão importante quanto aptidões funda- mentais como a leitura e a escrita. Esta tese teve como objetivo compreender como professores de Matemática e Informática dos anos finais do ensino fundamental se apropriaram dos conhecimentos de um curso de formação em Pensamento Com- putacional aplicando estes conceitos em atividades de sala de aula. A metodologia foi estruturada como um estudo de caso de caráter descritivo, com uma análise de dados quali-quantitativa. No decorrer da metodologia, foram realizadas duas eta- pas principais: (1) o curso de formação em Pensamento Computacional para 49 professores dos anos finais do ensino fundamental e (2) atividades realizadas nas escolas onde aqueles profissionais atuavam. O curso de formação foi realizado entre setembro de 2017 e outubro de 2018, e as atividades nas escolas foram realizadas entre abril e dezembro de 2019. Em cada uma das etapas citadas, foram gerados dados para análise. Os dados gerados foram provenientes de entrevistas com os professores e de programas criados por eles, utilizando conceitos do Pensamento Computacional. As ferramentas utilizadas para analisar os dados foram a análise de conteúdo das falas dos professores e o Dr. Scratch para pontuar os programas que os professores criaram no Scratch. Ao analisar os dados coletados observou-se que o trabalho interdisciplinar entre a Matemática e a Informática geraram melhores resultados em relação à atuação individual de um docente de uma destas disciplinas isoladamente. Dentre os resultados obtidos na tese destacaram-se a certificação de 49 professores após a etapa de formação com um total de 50 horas de atividade realizadas e produção de 115 programas no Scratch. E na etapa de atividades em 7 escolas visitadas foram realizadas 25 horas de atividades, onde professores e alunos produziram 56 programas no Scratch. A análise quantitativa dos dados referentes aos programas criados evidenciou que os alunos com melhor desempenho nas ativi- dades foram aqueles que receberam orientação dos professores que trabalharam de forma interdisciplinar. E a forma como os alunos desenvolveram seus programas foi influenciada diretamente pelos professores, com os conceitos do Pensamento Com- putacional com maior pontuação para os alunos possuindo uma forte correlação com os conceitos mais pontuados para os professores.The training of teachers who are in pre-service, as well as the training of those who already work professionally are extremely important for the educational system. The teacher, during his professional life seeks to be constantly updating his knowledge once it has significant impact on your students. In the current techno- logical context, in which information is available to everyone, the role of the teacher becomes even more essential as a mediator of knowledge. Among the infinity of essential knowledge for the citizen of the new millennium, Computational, which is considered by some authors to be a skill as important as fundamental skills such as reading and writing. This thesis aimed to understand how mathematics and in- formatics teachers in the final years of elementary school have appropriated the knowledge of a training course in Computational Thinking applying these concepts in classroom activities. The methodology was structured as a descriptive case study, with a quali-quantitative data analysis. During the methodology, two main stages were carried out: (1) the Computational Thinking training course for 49 teachers in the final years of elementary school and (2) activities carried out in the schools where those professionals worked. The training course was held between September 2017 and October 2018, and activities in schools were carried out between April and December 2019. In each of the steps mentioned, data were generated for anal- ysis. The data generated came from interviews with teachers and programs created by them, using Computational Thinking concepts. The tools used to analyzing the data were the content analysis of the teachers’ statements and use of Dr. Scratch to score the programs that teachers created with Scratch. When analyzing the data collected, it was observed that the interdisciplinary work between Mathematics and Informatics generated better results in relation to the individual performance of a teacher in one of these disciplines in isolation. Some results obtained in this thesis included certification of 49 teachers after the teacher training stage with a total of 50 hours of activities carried out and production of 115 programs in the Scratch. And in the activities stage in 7 schools visited, 25 hours of activities were carried out, where teachers and students produced 56 Scratch programs. The quantitative analysis of the data referring to the created programs showed that the students with better performance in the activities were those that received guidance from teachers who worked in an interdisciplinary way. And the way in wich students developed their programs was directly influenced by the teachers. The high score for concepts of Computational Thinking from students hadcorresponding with the high scored concepts for teachers wich demonstrates a strong correlation explained by teachers actuation with students

    Konzeption und Untersuchung eines technologiegestützten Selbstcoachings als Intervention zur Förderung von ergebnisorientierter Selbstreflexion bei Studierenden am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

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    In einer dynamischen Arbeitswelt voller Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen wächst der Unterstützungsbedarf bei der Bewältigung komplexer Probleme und bei der Entscheidungsfindung. Es gibt viele Wege um mit Herausforderungen umzugehen, dennoch kann die Komplexität von Herausforderungen zur Überforderung führen. Zudem sind Entscheidungen oftmals unter Zeitdruck zu fällen. Diese in der Arbeitswelt verbreiteten Bedingungen finden sich in ähnlicher Weise bereits im Studium. So ist es ratsam, möglichst früh den geeigneten Umgang mit Herausforderungen zu erlernen. Selbstreflexion ‒ angeregt durch Selbstcoaching ‒ kann ein möglicher Weg sein, die Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Technologiegestütztes Selbstcoaching bietet zudem besondere Möglichkeiten zur Einbeziehung der Zielgruppe „Studierende“. In der hiermit vorgelegten Arbeit geht es um die Frage ob und wie eine ergebnisorientierte Selbstreflexion bei Studierenden am KIT durch ein technologiegestütztes Selbstcoaching gefördert werden kann. Die Kernfrage der Untersuchung lautet dementsprechend: Kann ergebnisorientierte Selbstreflexion durch technologiegestütztes Selbstcoaching (mittels einer Selbstcoaching-App) gefördert werden? Die Konzeption des Selbstcoachings und der zu implementierenden App basiert auf aktuellen Studien zu technologiegestütztem Selbstcoaching, E-Coaching und Tools in diesem Bereich. Das verwendete Selbstcoaching-Konzept orientiert sich an dem Vorgehen der „Karlsruher Schule“ (vgl. Berninger-Schäfer 2011, S. 84). Der Untersuchungsaufbau für die Haupthypothese folgt einem Prä-Post-Warte-Kontrollgruppendesign, um die Wirkung des technologiegestützten Selbstcoachings auf die individuelle ergebnisorientierte Selbstreflexion zu erfassen. Die Probandengruppe bestand aus 70 Personen wovon 34 der Interventionsgruppe (IG) und 36 der Kontrollgruppe (KG) zugehörig waren. Die Auswertung zeigt signifikante Ergebnisse bezüglich der ergebnisorientierten Selbstreflexion der Studierenden. Insgesamt konnte die Haupthypothese der Untersuchung bestätigt und technologiegestütztes Selbstcoaching professionell konzipiert und wissenschaftlich fundiert werden. Damit leistet die vorliegende Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Professionalisierung im Coaching bezogen auf Selbstcoaching und technologiegestütztes Selbstcoaching

    Improving Hybrid Brainstorming Outcomes with Scripting and Group Awareness Support

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    Previous research has shown that hybrid brainstorming, which combines individual and group methods, generates more ideas than either approach alone. However, the quality of these ideas remains similar across different methods. This study, guided by the dual-pathway to creativity model, tested two computer-supported scaffolds – scripting and group awareness support – for enhancing idea quality in hybrid brainstorming. 94 higher education students,grouped into triads, were tasked with generating ideas in three conditions. The Control condition used standard hybrid brainstorming without extra support. In the Experimental 1 condition, students received scripting support during individual brainstorming, and students in the Experimental 2 condition were provided with group awareness support during the group phase in addition. While the quantity of ideas was similar across all conditions, the Experimental 2 condition produced ideas of higher quality, and the Experimental 1 condition also showed improved idea quality in the individual phase compared to the Control condition