107 research outputs found

    Design and Evaluation of a Short Version of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S)

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    The user experience questionnaire (UEQ) is a widely used questionnaire to measure the subjective impression of users towards the user experience of products. The UEQ is a semantic differential with 26 items. Filling out the UEQ takes approximately 3-5 minutes, i.e. the UEQ is already reasonably efficient concerning the time required to answer all items. However, there exist several valid application scenarios, where filling out the entire UEQ appears impractical. This paper deals with the creation of an 8 item short version of the UEQ, which is optimized for these specific application scenarios. First validations of this short version are also described

    Beyond Gravity: Exploring the Use of Augmented Reality Devices for Enhanced Astronaut Performance

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    Astronauts are beginning to use Augmented Reality to enhance their daily tasks through the use of mobile devices, headsets, and glasses. This study reports on a comparative analysis between the XREAL Air AR Smart Glasses, the Meta Quest 3, and a smart tablet, for a variety of tasks involving video streaming and viewing of complex schematics. While all three devices allow users to view a virtual screen along with their physical environment, it is not known how they compare in user preference, comfort, and readability. The study places considerable emphasis on conducting usability tests tailored to astronaut performance (i.e. observing spacewalks, viewing schematics, etc.) to discern how users interact with and perceive the XREAL glasses in contrast to the Meta Quest 3 and the smart tablet. Factors such as usability, comfort, navigation ease, and overall user experience will be pivotal in evaluating all devices. Furthermore, the project serves as a valuable avenue for offering insights into the comparative strengths and weaknesses of a consumer product such as the XREAL glasses against the Meta Quest 3 and a smart tablet, and can serve to act as a baseline for observing how eXtended Reality technologies can be applied to improve task performance within the space industry and other industries

    Integrating Competency-Based Education in Interactive Learning Systems

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    Artemis is an interactive learning system that organizes courses, hosts lecture content and interactive exercises, conducts exams, and creates automatic assessments with individual feedback. Research shows that students have unique capabilities, previous experiences, and expectations. However, the course content on current learning systems, including Artemis, is not tailored to a student's competencies. The main goal of this paper is to describe how to make Artemis capable of competency-based education and provide individual course content based on the unique characteristics of every student. We show how instructors can define relations between competencies to create a competency relation graph, how Artemis measures and visualizes the student's progress toward mastering a competency, and how the progress can generate a personalized learning path for students that recommends relevant learning resources. Finally, we present the results of a user study regarding the usability of the newly designed competency visualization and give an outlook on possible improvements and future visions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Best Practitioner Report Awar

    ARCADIA-Kit with augmented reality application / Roslaili Anuar [et al.]

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the efficient use of a developed product namely ARCADIA-KIT among Visual Arts Education (VAE) teachers. The study used the ADDIE model as a guideline to develop the product. Virtual Reality (VR) Application has been added to enhance the kit with the technology development to embrace the 21st Century classroom. The VR is the latest trend in teaching and learning in the classroom and is believed to be growing rapidly as is it more robust due to the virtual information embedded with the learning environment to create a realtime performance in the teaching and learning processes. With the growth of the Android and Smartphone among the users, the VR provided such an interesting platform for teaching as it can be accessed anywhere and anytime to ensure the teaching process to be delivered effectively. Quantitative method with questionnaire as a research instrument was used with selected respondents. The samples involved 60 Visual Art Education (VAE) teachers from selected schools in Shah Alam. Correlation analyses were carried out to determine the relationship between the variables studied. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to obtain percentage and frequency. The findings indicate that the ARCADIAKit is efficient and useful for the teachers to use when teaching the Landscape topi

    Analisis UI/UX untuk Perancangan Ulang Front-End Web Smart-SITA dengan Metode UCD dan UEQ

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    Smart-SITA merupakan sebuah aplikasi berbasis web untuk membantu mahasiswa FTKI UNAS melakukan proses pengerjaan Tugas Akhir secara online. Dalam pembuatan suatu sistem, tiap-tiap aspek harus diterapkan dengan baik demi kenyamanan user dalam berinteraksi dengan aplikasinya yang dimana dapat dinilai dari usability User Interface (UI) dan User Experience (UX) nya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan, yaitu, menganalisis UI/UX dari Smart-SITA dan membuat desain solusi UI/UX nya untuk diterapkan dalam perancangan ulang Front-End Web Smart-SITA dengan menggunakan metode User Centered Design (UCD). Dalam tahapan evaluasi sistemnya, digunakan evaluasi User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) yang diajukan kepada minimal 72 responden mahasiswa FTKI UNAS dan didapatkan hasil nilai mean dari total 6 aspek UEQ pada desain lama sebesar 0,20, lalu 1,28 untuk desain baru. Selanjutnya, testing menggunakan toolLigthouse untuk mengetahui kualitas halaman web dari Front-End WebSmart-SITA yang sudah dirancang ulang mendapat nilai meanPerformances sebesar 91, Accessibility 88,7, Best Practise 95,2


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    Keterlambatan perkembangan anak pada masa emas terjadi karena kurangnya stimulasi pada otak. Salah satu instrumen deteksi dini perkembangan pada anak adalah kuesioner pra skrining perkembangan (KPSP). Pemantauan tersebut merupakan salah satu kewenangan Bidan. Selama ini, pengisian KPSP dilakukan secara konvensional dari lembaran formulir. Maka dari itu, diciptakan sebuah aplikasi KPSP berbasis android yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini merancang dan membangun format deteksi dini perkembangan (KPSP) berbasis android yang dipasang pada smartphone agar memudahkan mahasiswa dalam proses skrining. Desain penelitian ini adalah rancang bangun dengan pendekatan waterfall tahapan software development life cycle (SDLC) dan dianalisis menggunakan User Experiment Questionnaire (UEQ). Responden terdiri dari mahasiswa D3 Kebidanan semester 4 dan 6. Statistik data menunjukkan interpretasi seluruh komponen 50% hasil yang baik/memuaskan dan 25% lainnya tidak memuaskan. Empat komponen bernilai positif dari aplikasi KPSP diantaranya adalah daya tarik, kejelasan, efisiensi, dan ketepatan. Sedangkan komponen stimulasi dan kebaruan bernilai netral. Aplikasi KPSP perlu perbaikan pada aspek kebaruan, keterbatasan tampilan (user interface), isi, dan bahasa aplikasi ini perlu dimodifikasi agar lebih interaktif dan mutakhir sesuai dengan minat pengguna


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    This study aims to evaluate the use of interactive e-modules based on Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual (SAVI) in the learning process with light material. Several multimedia aspects are presented in this interactive e-module (such as video, sound, picture, etc.). To collect relevant information, this descriptive research involved 27 students grade 8 from a State Islamic Junior High School in Kediri. A valid and reliable User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) was use to examine students’ experience while using SAVI-based interactive e-module. The SAVI-based interactive e-modules received good responses for each user experience questionnaire indicator. The good response from the students showed that the SAVI-based interactive e-modules was good to use in learning process

    Perancangan User Experience Aplikasi Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Menggunakan Metode Human-Centered Design

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    Aplikasi mobile untuk calon pendaftar pada sebuah Universitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Tidak terlepas dari tingginya penggunaan perangkat mobile dibandingkan dengan desktop/PC. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan berdasarkan trend dan riset internal perguruan tinggi X untuk mengkomodir kebutuhan akan aplikasi mobile pendaftaran mahasiswa baru untuk perangkat Android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melaukan perancangan User Experience dan User Interface pada aplikasi mobile pendaftaran mahasiswa baru secara online. Evaluasi menggunakan metode Usability Testing dan User Experience Questionaire dari kerangka aplikasi yang dibangun. Aplikasi ini merupakan pengembangan dari versi web mobile dari website pendaftaran mahasiswa baru yang memiliki berbagai macam permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan oleh aplikasi mobile ini. Beberapa permasalahan diantaranya adalah kesulitan calon pendaftar untuk menemukan beberapa informasi yang penting seperti biaya kuliah, alur pendaftaran, dan support. Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan hasil yang cukup signifikan antara penggunaan mobile web dan mobile application. Tingkat keberhasilan dari masing-masing tugas juga meningkat seiring dengan kemudahan menggunakan aplikasi
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