675 research outputs found

    KLAIM: A Kernel Language for Agents Interaction and Mobility

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    We investigate the issue of designing a kernel programming language for mobile computing and describe KLAIM, a language that supports a programming paradigm where processes, like data, can be moved from one computing environment to another. The language consists of a core Linda with multiple tuple spaces and of a set of operators for building processes. KLAIM naturally supports programming with explicit localities. Localities are first-class data (they can be manipulated like any other data), but the language provides coordination mechanisms to control the interaction protocols among located processes. The formal operational semantics is useful for discussing the design of the language and provides guidelines for implementations. KLAIM is equipped with a type system that statically checks access rights violations of mobile agents. Types are used to describe the intentions (read, write, execute, etc.) of processes in relation to the various localities. The type system is used to determine the operations that processes want to perform at each locality, and to check whether they comply with the declared intentions and whether they have the necessary rights to perform the intended operations at the specific localities. Via a series of examples, we show that many mobile code programming paradigms can be naturally implemented in our kernel language. We also present a prototype implementaton of KLAIM in Java

    Feature interaction in composed systems. Proceedings. ECOOP 2001 Workshop #08 in association with the 15th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Budapest, Hungary, June 18-22, 2001

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    Feature interaction is nothing new and not limited to computer science. The problem of undesirable feature interaction (feature interaction problem) has already been investigated in the telecommunication domain. Our goal is the investigation of feature interaction in componet-based systems beyond telecommunication. This Technical Report embraces all position papers accepted at the ECOOP 2001 workshop no. 08 on "Feature Interaction in Composed Systems". The workshop was held on June 18, 2001 at Budapest, Hungary

    University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science Annual Report 1998

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    Traps characterize home states in free choice systems

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    AbstractFree choice nets are a subclass of Petri nets allowing to model concurrency and nondeterministic choice, but with the restriction that choices cannot be influenced externally. Home states are ground markings which can be reached from any other reachable marking of a system. A trap is a structurally defined part of a net with the property that once it is marked (that is, carries at least one token), it will remain remarked in any successor marking.The main result of this paper characterizes the home states of a live and bounded free choice system by the property that all traps are marked. This characterization leads to a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding the home state property. Other consequences include the proof that executing all parts of a net at least once necessarily leads to a home state; this has been a long standing conjecture
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