11 research outputs found


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    The review of recent papers related to modeling of refrigerant properties using artificial neural networks as an alternative to conventional thermodynamic approach for modeling prediction of thermodynamic properties of refrigerants has been given in the paper. The study also discusses efficiency, adequacy and limitation of this approach.В работе проведен обзор статей, связанных с моделированием свойств хладагентов  с помощью искусственных нейронных сетей, представляющих альтернативу прогнозированию термодинамических свойств веществ на основе аппарата термодинамики. В статье обсуждается эффективность, адекватность и ограничения применения этого подхода.В роботі проведено огляд статей, пов'язаних з моделюванням властивостей холодоагентів за допомогою штучних нейронних мереж, що представляють альтернативу прогнозуванню термодинамічних властивостей речовин на основі апарату термодинаміки. У статті обговорюється ефективність, адекватність і обмеження застосування цього підходу

    Design Manufacture and Performance Test of a Reciprocating Refrigeration Compressor

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    The first generation of refrigeration compressors is reciprocating type compressors, the second generation is scroll type, and the third generation is screw type compressors that are available on the market. Although the need of semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor in Turkey market is 15000 per year, there is no any domestic manufacturer of semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor, and consequently Turkey imports all of the refrigeration compressors from abroad market. In this study, the performance and the manufacturing processes of the semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor that is designed and manufactured with a hundred percent of domestic opportunities are investigated. The performance tests of the compressor are done, the catalogue of the compressor is prepared and it is 12 % more efficient in comparison with equivalent European one

    Development of a fault detection and diagnosis approach for a binary ice system

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    Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) is an important part to maintain the performance, improve the reliability and prevent energy wastage of the refrigeration systems. Binary ice systems, which have become more commonly employed in both industry and domestic applications, are essentially refrigeration systems using water-ice slurry mixture as a secondary refrigerant. The existence of the ice makes binary ice systems different from conventional liquid chillers, leading to the requirement of a specified FDD method. Therefore, the current research focuses on developing a model based dynamic FDD approach that can capture the unique features of binary ice systems in order to detect some pre-selected faults, including binary ice flow restriction, cooling water flow restriction, incorrect solution concentration, ice generator scraper fault and ice generator motor failure. To provide fault free predictions for the FDD, a dynamic hybrid model of the binary ice system was proposed. The model consisted of an analytical sub-model of the scraped surface ice generator, which was an essential component of the binary ice system that produced ice, and an artificial neural network (ANN) sub-model of the primary refrigeration circuit. The two sub-models were coupled by using two of the ANN model’s outputs as the inputs to the analytical model, namely the evaporating temperature and the compressor power consumption, as well as sharing some of the input parameters. The coupled model was validated with data from a 2.5kW laboratory binary ice test rig. The FDD was carried out by monitoring the changes of the residuals of some carefully chosen parameters, using CUmulative SUM (CUSUM) test. Two parameters, namely cooling water temperature difference and evaporating temperature, were monitored for fault detection purpose, and condenser outlet temperature, cooling water temperature difference, discharge temperature and binary ice outlet temperature were observed for fault diagnosis function. An ANN fault classifier was developed to identify the type of the fault by analysing the combinations of the fault diagnosis parameter variations. This FDD method was found to be able to detect and diagnose successfully the pre-selected faults without raising any false alarm, and in addition it was capable of diagnosing three pairs of double faul

    Energy Processes, Systems and Equipment

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    This book focuses on the progress in modern energy processes, systems and equipment. Since the beginning of humankind, energy has been the most important need for each human and living being. Thus, the development of different ways of energy conversion that can be applied to cover growing energy needs has become a crucial challenge for scientists and engineers around the world, making the power industry, in which operation is based on subsequent energy conversion processes, one of the most important fields of the local, national, and global economy today. Progress in precise description, modeling, and optimization of physical phenomena related to the energy conversion processes bounded to large and dispersed power systems is a key research and development field of the economy

    Sustainable energy for a resilient future: proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies

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    Volume I, 898 pages, ISBN 9780853583134 Energy Technologies & Renewables Session 1: Biofuels & Biomass Session 5: Building Energy Systems Session 9: Low-carbon/ Low-energy Technologies Session 13: Biomass Systems Session 16: Solar Energy Session 17: Biomass & Biofuels Session 20: Solar Energy Session 21: Solar Energy Session 22: Solar Energy Session 25: Building Energy Technologies Session 26: Solar Energy Session 29: Low-carbon/ Low-energy Technologies Session 32: Heat Pumps Session 33: Low-carbon/ Low-energy Technologies Session 36: Low-carbon/ Low-energy Technologies Poster Session A Poster Session B Poster Session C Poster Session E Volume II, 644 pages, ISBN 9780853583141 Energy Storage & Conversion Session 2: Heating and Cooling Systems Session 6: Heating and Cooling Systems Session 10: Ventilation and Air Conditioning Session 14: Smart and Responsive Buildings Session 18: Phase Change Materials Session 23: Smart and Responsive Buildings Session 30: Heating and Cooling System Session 34: Carbon Sequestration Poster Session A Poster Session C Poster Session D Policies & Management Session 4: Environmental Issues and the Public Session 8: Energy and Environment Security Session 12: Energy and Environment Policies Poster Session A Poster Session D Volume III, 642 pages, ISBN 9780853583158 Sustainable Cities & Environment Session 3: Sustainable and Resilient Cities Session 7: Energy Demand and Use Optimization Session 11: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Session 15: Green and Sustainable Buildings Session 19: Green Buildings and Materials Session 24: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Session 27: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Session 28: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Session 31: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Session 35: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Poster Session A Poster Session D Poster Session


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    ABSTRACT Kampung houses are houses in kampung area of the city. Kampung House oftenly transformed into others use as urban dynamics. One of the transfomation is related to the commercial activities addition by the house owner. It make house with full private space become into mixused house with more public spaces or completely changed into full public commercial building. This study investigate the spatial transformation pattern of the kampung houses due to their commercial activities addition. Site observations, interviews and questionnaires were performed to study the spatial transformation. This study found that in kampung houses, the spatial transformation pattern was depend on type of commercial activities and owner perceptions, and there are several steps of the spatial transformation related the commercial activity addition. Keywords: spatial transformation pattern; commercial activity; owner perception, kampung house; adaptabilit

    Derivation of empirical equations for thermodynamic properties of a ozone safe refrigerant (R404a) using artificial neural network

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    ARCAKLIOGLU, Erol/0000-0001-8073-5207WOS: 000272432300031This study, deals with the potential application of the artificial neural networks (ANNs) to represent PVTx (pressure-specific volume-temperature-vapor quality) data in the range of temperature of 173-498 K and pressure of 10-3600 kPa. Generally, numerical equations of thermodynamic properties are used in the computer simulation analysis instead of analytical differential equations. And also analytical computer codes usually require a large amount of computer power and need a considerable amount of time to give accurate predictions Instead of complex rules and mathematical routines, this study proposes an alternative approach based on ANN to determine the thermodynamic properties of an environmentally friendly refrigerant (R404a) for both saturated liquid-vapor region (wet vapor) and superheated vapor region as numerical equations. Therefore, reducing the risk of experimental uncertainties and also removing the need for complex analytic equations requiring long computational time and effort. R-2 values which are errors known as absolute fraction of variance - in wet vapor region are 0.999401, 0 999982 and 0.999993 for specific volume. enthalpy and entropy for training data, respectively. For testing data, these values are 0.998808. 0.999988, and 0 999993 Similarly, for superheated vapor region, they are 0.999967, 0.999999 and 0.999999 for training data, 0.999978, 0.999997 and 0.999999 for testing data. As seen from the results of mathematical modeling, the calculated thermodynamic properties are obviously within acceptable uncertainties. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Advances in raw material industries for sustainable development goals

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    """Advances in Raw Material Industries for Sustainable Development Goals"" presents the results of joint scientific research conducted in the context of the Russian-German Raw Materials Forum. Today Russia and Germany are exploring various forms of cooperation in the field of mining, geology, mineralogy, mechanical engineering and energy. Russia and Germany are equally interested in expanding cooperation and modernizing the economy in terms of sustainable development. The main theme of this article collection is connected with existing business ventures and ideas from both Russia and Germany. In this book the authors regard complex processes in mining industry from various points of view, including: - modern technologies in prospecting, exploration and development of mineral resources - progressive methods of natural and industrial mineral raw materials processing - energy technologies and digital technologies for sustainable development - cutting-edge technologies and innovations in the oil and gas industry. Working with young researchers, supporting their individual professional development and creating conditions for their mobility and scientific cooperation are essential parts of Russian-German Raw Materials Forum founded in Dresden 13 years ago. This collection represents both willingness of young researchers to be involved in large-scale international projects like Russian-German Raw Material Forum and the results of their long and thorough work in the promising areas of cooperation between Russia and Germany.

    4.Uluslararası Öğrenciler Fen Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı

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    Çevrimiçi ( XIII, 495 Sayfa ; 26 cm.)

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference EEDAL 2013 Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting

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    This book contains the papers presented at the seventh international conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting. EEDAL'2013 was organised in Coimbra, Portugal in September 2013. This major international conference, which was previously been staged in Florence 1997, Naples 2000, Turin 2003, London 2006, B2e0r0l9in, Copenhagen 2011 has been very successful in attracting an international community of stakeholders dealing with residential appliances, equipment, metering liagnhdti ng (including manufacturers, retailers, consumers, governments, international organisations aangde ncies, academia and experts) to discuss the progress achieved in technologies, behavioural aspects and poliacineds , the strategies that need to be implemented to further progress this important work. Potential readers who may benefit from this book include researchers, engineers, policymakers, and all those who can influence the design, selection, application, and operation of electrical appliances and lighting.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc