53 research outputs found

    Derivation of Test Cases for LAP-B from a LOTOS Specification

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    this paper, we show how this method has been applied to obtain test cases for LAP-B that are comparable, and in fact occasionally better, than those obtained by [KLPU][Kan]. Since TTCN is a common language for the spec- ification of test trees, the test cases obtained are written in TTCN (we should observe, however, that LOTOS itself appears to be adequate for the specification of test trees [Steen]). This technique appears to be valuable for conformance testing, at least until such time as the more formal approaches being developed by other authors become available (see Section 7). It makes it possible to extract test cases directly from (possibly standardized) formal descriptions, eliminating or reducing the importance of the interpretation of the informally specified standard. The formal specification is more complete and precise than the state tables and, unlike the latter, allows full formal treatment of the data part. For example, we shall show that automatic or semiautomatic generation of frame values appear to be possible by using the information contained in selection predicates

    Analysis and representation of test cases generated from LOTOS

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper presents a method to generate, analyse and represent test cases from protocol specification. The language of temporal ordering specification (LOTOS) is mapped into an extended finite state machine (EFSM). Test cases are generated from EFSM. The generated test cases are modelled as a dependence graph. Predicate slices are used to identify infeasible test cases that must be eliminated. Redundant assignments and predicates in all the feasible test cases are removed by reducing the test case dependence graph. The reduced test case dependence graph is adapted for a local single-layer (LS) architecture. The reduced test cases for the LS architecture are enhanced to represent the tester's behaviour. The dynamic behaviour of the test cases is represented in the form of control graphs by inverting the events, assigning verdicts to the events in the enhanced dependence graph. © 1995

    Design and implementation of a TTCN to C translator

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    The conformance testing of a protocol implementation, may be logically divided into, the specification of the abstract test suite (ATS) from a formal descnption of the protocol, and the subsequent derivation of the executable test suite (ETS) from the ATS specification. Our concern here is with the latter step, in particular, the automatic derivation of an ATS expressed in the Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN) to an executable C language equivalent. This process is currently a manual one, and as a consequence is error prone, time consuming, often repetitive and not necessarily consistent. To overcome these problems, there exists the real need for a computer aided, and if possible, fully automatic solution. This study descnbes the design and implementation of a fully working TTCN subset to C language translator, which takes a TTCN ATS and produces an equivalent ETS, with a minimal amount of manual intervention. The methodology used is logically divided into three stages direct TTCN to C language mappings, implementation issues, including the generation of additional code to drive the above mappings, and test system implementation issues. The system was tested using parts of an ETSI ISDN LAPD ATS and the results showed considerable time savings against a similar manual implementation. In conclusion, suggestions are provided to the further development of the TTCN to C translator system, and discussion is given to the apphcation of this tool to a complete conformance testing system

    Distributed systems : architecture-driven specification using extended LOTOS

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    The thesis uses the LOTOS language (ISO International Standard ISO 8807) as a basis for the formal specification of distributed systems. Contributions are made to two key research areas: architecture-driven specification and LOTOS language extensions. The notion of architecture-driven specification is to guide the specification process by providing a reference-base of pre-defined domain-specific components. The thesis builds an infra-structure of architectural elements, and provides Extended LOTOS (XL) definitions of these elements. The thesis develops Extended LOTOS (XI.) for the specification of distributed systems. XL- is LOTOS enhanced with features for the formal specification of quantitative timing. probabilistic and priority requirements. For distributed systems, the specification of these ‘performance’ requirements, ran be as important as the specification of the associated functional requirements. To support quantitative timing features, the XL semantics define a global, discrete clock which can be used both to force events to occur at specific times, and to measure Intervals between event occurrences. XL introduces time policy operators ASAP (as soon as possible’ corresponding to “maximal progress semantics") and ALAP (late as possible'). Special internal transitions are introduced in XL semantics for the specification of probability, Conformance relations based on a notion of probabilization, together with a testing framework, are defined to support reasoning about probabilistic XL specifications. Priority within the XL semantics ensures that permitted events with the highest priority weighting of their class are allowed first. Both functional and performance specification play important roles in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) systems. The thesis uses a CIM system known as the CIM- OSA lntegrating Infrastructure as a case study of architecture-driven specification using XL. The thesis thus constitutes a step in the evolution of distributed system specification methods that have both an architectural basis and a formal basis

    On testing concurrent systems through contexts of queues

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    Concurrent systems, including asynchronous circuits, computer networks, and multi-threaded programs, have important applications, but they are also very complex and expensive to test. This thesis studies how to test concurrent systems through contexts consisting of queues. Queues, modeling buffers and communication delays, are an integral part of the test settings for concurrent systems. However, queues can also distort the behavior of the concurrent system as observed by the tester, so one should take into account the queues when defining conformance relations or deriving tests. On the other hand, queues can cause state explosion, so one should avoid testing them if they are reliable or have already been tested. To solve these problems, we propose two different solutions. The first solution is to derive tests using some test selection criteria such as test purposes, fault coverage, and transition coverage. The second solution is to compensate for the problems caused by the queues so that testers do not discern the presence of the queues in the first place. Unifying the presentation of the two solutions, we consider in a general testing framework partial specifications, various contexts, and a hierarchy of conformance relations. Case studies on test derivation for asynchronous circuits, communication protocols, and multi-threaded programs are presented to demonstrate the applications of the results

    Verification of a sliding window protocol in µCRL

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    We prove the correctness of a sliding window protocol with an arbitrary finite window size n and sequence numbers modulo 2n. The correctness consists of showing that the sliding window protocol is branching bisimilar to a queue of capacity 2n. The proof is given entirely on the basis of an axiomatic theory, and has been checked in the theorem prover PVS

    A Formal Methodology for the Specification of Distributed Systems From an Object Perspective.

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    Distributed computing systems are systems in which multiple processors run independently by communicating with each other. The design of distributed systems is difficult to achieve as the execution patterns of distributed system are typically more complex than those of non-distributed computing systems. The application of object-oriented techniques to the design of distributed systems has the potential to increase the power of modeling and computing. A formal methodology which includes a specification language, developed from an object perspective, for the development of distributed systems is presented. The formal specification language, DOSL (Distributed Object-based Specification Language), represents the specification of distributed systems from an object perspective. DOSL has a hybrid format which combines the property-oriented approach and the model-oriented approach. In particular, it has strong features for message passing specification. The semantics of DOSL is defined formally by two operational semantics methods: transition systems and Petri nets. In addition, a formal object-based methodology for the specification of distributed systems is given. The methodology presents a framework for using the DOSL specification language and includes an integrated formalized method for identification of objects, their operations and behaviors from multiple modeling formats. The implementation of the methodology is supported by assistance with a knowledge base

    The Oracle Problem in Software Testing: A Survey

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    Testing involves examining the behaviour of a system in order to discover potential faults. Given an input for a system, the challenge of distinguishing the corresponding desired, correct behaviour from potentially incorrect behavior is called the “test oracle problem”. Test oracle automation is important to remove a current bottleneck that inhibits greater overall test automation. Without test oracle automation, the human has to determine whether observed behaviour is correct. The literature on test oracles has introduced techniques for oracle automation, including modelling, specifications, contract-driven development and metamorphic testing. When none of these is completely adequate, the final source of test oracle information remains the human, who may be aware of informal specifications, expectations, norms and domain specific information that provide informal oracle guidance. All forms of test oracles, even the humble human, involve challenges of reducing cost and increasing benefit. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of current approaches to the test oracle problem and an analysis of trends in this important area of software testing research and practice