6,207 research outputs found

    Action in cognition: the case of language

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    Empirical research has shown that the processing of words and sentences is accompanied by activation of the brain's motor system in language users. The degree of precision observed in this activation seems to be contingent upon (1) the meaning of a linguistic construction and (2) the depth with which readers process that construction. In addition, neurological evidence shows a correspondence between a disruption in the neural correlates of overt action and the disruption of semantic processing of language about action. These converging lines of evidence can be taken to support the hypotheses that motor processes (1) are recruited to understand language that focuses on actions and (2) contribute a unique element to conceptual representation. This article explores the role of this motor recruitment in language comprehension. It concludes that extant findings are consistent with the theorized existence of multimodal, embodied representations of the referents of words and the meaning carried by language. Further, an integrative conceptualization of “fault tolerant comprehension” is proposed

    Hearing meanings: the revenge of context

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    According to the perceptual view of language comprehension, listeners typically recover high-level linguistic properties such as utterance meaning without inferential work. The perceptual view is subject to the Objection from Context: since utterance meaning is massively context-sensitive, and context-sensitivity requires cognitive inference, the perceptual view is false. In recent work, Berit Brogaard provides a challenging reply to this objection. She argues that in language comprehension context-sensitivity is typically exercised not through inferences, but rather through top-down perceptual modulations or perceptual learning. This paper provides a complete formulation of the Objection from Context and evaluates Brogaards reply to it. Drawing on conceptual considerations and empirical examples, we argue that the exercise of context-sensitivity in language comprehension does, in fact, typically involve inference

    TEST: A Tropic, Embodied, and Situated Theory of Cognition

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    TEST is a novel taxonomy of knowledge representations based on three distinct hierarchically organized representational features: Tropism, Embodiment, and Situatedness. Tropic representational features reflect constraints of the physical world on the agent’s ability to form, reactivate, and enrich embodied (i.e., resulting from the agent’s bodily constraints) conceptual representations embedded in situated contexts. The proposed hierarchy entails that representations can, in principle, have tropic features without necessarily having situated and/or embodied features. On the other hand, representations that are situated and/or embodied are likely to be simultaneously tropic. Hence while we propose tropism as the most general term, the hierarchical relationship between embodiment and situatedness is more on a par, such that the dominance of one component over the other relies on the distinction between offline storage vs. online generation as well as on representation-specific properties

    The role of simulations in consumer experiences and behavior: insights from the grounded cognition theory of desire

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    What are the mechanisms by which extrinsic and environmental cues affect consumer experiences, desires, and choices? Based on the recent grounded cognition theory of desire, we argue that consumption and reward simulations constitute a central mechanism in these phenomena. Specifically, we argue that appetitive stimuli, such as specific product cues, can activate simulations of consuming and enjoying the respective products, based on previous learning experiences. These consumption and reward simulations can lead to motivated behavior, and can be modulated by state and trait individual differences, situational factors, and product-extrinsic cues. We outline the role of simulations within the grounded theory of desire, offering a theoretical framework for understanding motivational processes in consumer behavior. Then we illustrate the theory with behavioral, physiological, and neuroimaging findings on simulations in appetitive behavior and sensory marketing. Finally, we outline important issues for further research and applications for stimulating healthy, prosocial, and sustainable consumer choices

    Visual world studies of conversational perspective taking: similar findings, diverging interpretations

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    Visual-world eyetracking greatly expanded the potential for insight into how listeners access and use common ground during situated language comprehension. Past reviews of visual world studies on perspective taking have largely taken the diverging findings of the various studies at face value, and attributed these apparently different findings to differences in the extent to which the paradigms used by different labs afford collaborative interaction. Researchers are asking questions about perspective taking of an increasingly nuanced and sophisticated nature, a clear indicator of progress. But this research has the potential not only to improve our understanding of conversational perspective taking. Grappling with problems of data interpretation in such a complex domain has the unique potential to drive visual world researchers to a deeper understanding of how to best map visual world data onto psycholinguistic theory. I will argue against this interactional affordances explanation, on two counts. First, it implies that interactivity affects the overall ability to form common ground, and thus provides no straightforward explanation of why, within a single noninteractive study, common ground can have very large effects on some aspects of processing (referential anticipation) while having negligible effects on others (lexical processing). Second, and more importantly, the explanation accepts the divergence in published findings at face value. However, a closer look at several key studies shows that the divergences are more likely to reflect inconsistent practices of analysis and interpretation that have been applied to an underlying body of data that is, in fact, surprisingly consistent. The diverging interpretations, I will argue, are the result of differences in the handling of anticipatory baseline effects (ABEs) in the analysis of visual world data. ABEs arise in perspective-taking studies because listeners have earlier access to constraining information about who knows what than they have to referential speech, and thus can already show biases in visual attention even before the processing of any referential speech has begun. To be sure, these ABEs clearly indicate early access to common ground; however, access does not imply integration, since it is possible that this information is not used later to modulate the processing of incoming speech. Failing to account for these biases using statistical or experimental controls leads to over-optimistic assessments of listeners’ ability to integrate this information with incoming speech. I will show that several key studies with varying degrees of interactional affordances all show similar temporal profiles of common ground use during the interpretive process: early anticipatory effects, followed by bottom-up effects of lexical processing that are not modulated by common ground, followed (optionally) by further late effects that are likely to be post-lexical. Furthermore, this temporal profile for common ground radically differs from the profile of contextual effects related to verb semantics. Together, these findings are consistent with the proposal that lexical processes are encapsulated from common ground, but cannot be straightforwardly accounted for by probabilistic constraint-based approaches

    Integrative priming occurs rapidly and uncontrollably during lexical processing

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    Lexical priming, whereby a prime word facilitates recognition of a related target word (e.g., nurse ? doctor), is typically attributed to association strength, semantic similarity, or compound familiarity. Here, the authors demonstrate a novel type of lexical priming that occurs among unassociated, dissimilar, and unfamiliar concepts (e.g., horse ? doctor). Specifically, integrative priming occurs when a prime word can be easily integrated with a target word to create a unitary representation. Across several manipulations of timing (stimulus onset asynchrony) and list context (relatedness proportion), lexical decisions for the target word were facilitated when it could be integrated with the prime word. Moreover, integrative priming was dissociated from both associative priming and semantic priming but was comparable in terms of both prevalence (across participants) and magnitude (within participants). This observation of integrative priming challenges present models of lexical priming, such as spreading activation, distributed representation, expectancy, episodic retrieval, and compound cue models. The authors suggest that integrative priming may be explained by a role activation model of relational integration

    The functional locus of emotion effects in visual word processing

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    Die emotionale Valenz von Wörtern beeinflusst deren kognitive Verarbeitung. UngeklĂ€rt ist, obwohl von zentraler Bedeutung fĂŒr die Disziplinen der Psycholinguistik und der Neurowissenschaften, die Frage nach dem funktionellen Lokus von Emotionseffekten in der visuellen Wortverarbeitung. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde mit Hilfe von Ereignis-korrelierten Potentialen (EKPs) untersucht, ob emotionale Valenz auf lexikalischen oder auf semantischen Wortverarbeitungsstufen wirksam wird. Vorausgegangene Studien weisen auf einen post-lexikalischen Lokus von Emotionseffekten hin, wobei einige wenige heterogene Befunde von sehr frĂŒhen Emotionseffekten auch einen lexikalischen Lokus vermuten lassen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden drei emotions-sensitive EKP Komponenten beobachtet, die distinkte zeitliche und rĂ€umliche Verteilungen aufwiesen, und daher verschiedene Wortverarbeitungsstufen zu reflektieren scheinen. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen von allgemeinen Annahmen aktueller Wortverarbeitungs- und semantischer ReprĂ€sentationsmodelle diskutiert. Als zentrales Ergebnis kann benannt werden, dass Emotion am stĂ€rksten semantische Wortverarbeitungsstufen beeinflusste. Hieraus wurde geschlussfolgert, dass emotionale Valenz einen Teil der Wortbedeutung darstellt. Eine Interaktion mit einem lexikalischen Faktor sowie sehr frĂŒhe Emotionseffekte deuten auf einen zusĂ€tzlichen Lokus auf lexikalischen oder sogar perzeptuellen Wortverarbeitungsstufen hin. Dies bedeutet, Emotion verĂ€nderte die visuelle Wortverarbeitung auf multiplen Stufen, dabei konnten separate emotions-sensitive EKP Komponenten, die unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen unterliegen, mit jeweils einem frĂŒhen (pre-)lexikalischen und einem spĂ€ten semantischen Lokus in der Wortverarbeitung in Verbindung gesetzt werden. Die Befunde stĂŒtzen Wortverarbeitungsmodelle, die zeitlich flexible und interaktive Wortverarbeitungsstufen annehmen.Emotional valence of words influences their cognitive processing. The functional locus of emotion effects in the stream of visual word processing is still elusive, although it is an issue of great importance for the disciplines of psycholinguistics and neuroscience. In the present dissertation event-related potentials (ERPs) were applied to examine whether emotional valence influences visual word processing on either lexical or semantic processing stages. Previous studies argued for a post-lexical locus of emotion effects, whereas a lexical locus has been indicated by a few heterogeneous findings of very early emotion effects. Three emotion-related ERP components were observed that showed distinct temporal and topographic distributions, and thus seem to reflect different processing stages in word recognition. Results are discussed within a framework of common assumptions from word recognition and semantic representation models. As a main finding, emotion impacted most strongly semantic processing stages. Thus, emotional valence can be considered to be a part of the meaning of words. However, an interaction of emotion with a lexical factor and very early emotion effects argued for an additional functional locus on lexical, or even on perceptual processing stages in word recognition. In conclusion, emotion impacted visual word processing on multiple stages, whereas distinct emotion-related ERP components, that are subject to different boundary conditions, were associated each with an early (pre-)lexical locus or a late semantic locus. The findings are in line with models of visual word processing that assume time-flexible and interactive processing stages, and point out the need for integration of word recognition models with models of semantic representation

    Aiming for Cognitive Equivalence – Mental Models as a Tertium Comparationis for Translation and Empirical Semantics

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    This paper introduces my concept of cognitive equivalence (cf. Mandelblit, 1997), an attempt to reconcile elements of Nida’s dynamic equivalence with recent innovations in cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology, and building on the current focus on translators’ mental processes in translation studies (see e.g. Göpferich et al., 2009, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, 2010; Halverson, 2014). My approach shares its general impetus with Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk’s concept of re-conceptualization, but is independently derived from findings in cognitive linguistics and simulation theory (see e.g. Langacker, 2008; Feldman, 2006; Barsalou, 1999; Zwaan, 2004). Against this background, I propose a model of translation processing focused on the internal simulation of reader reception and the calibration of these simulations to achieve similarity between ST and TT impact. The concept of cognitive equivalence is exemplarily tested by exploring a conceptual / lexical field (MALE BALDNESS) through the way that English, German and Japanese lexical items in this field are linked to matching visual-conceptual representations by native speaker informants. The visual data gathered via this empirical method can be used to effectively triangulate the linguistic items involved, enabling an extra-linguistic comparison across languages. Results show that there is a reassuring level of interinformant agreement within languages, but that the conceptual domain for BALDNESS is linguistically structured in systematically different ways across languages. The findings are interpreted as strengthening the call for a cognition-focused, embodied approach to translation

    A new insight into sentence comprehension : the impact of word associations in sentence processing as shown by invasive EEG recording

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    The effect of word association on sentence processing is still a matter of debate. Some studies observe no effect while others found a dependency on sentence congruity or an independent effect. In an attempt to separate the effects of sentence congruity and word association in the spatio-temporal domain, we jointly recorded scalp- and invasive-EEG (iEEG). The latter provides highly localized spatial (unlike scalp-EEG) and high temporal (unlike fMRI) resolutions. We recorded scalp- and iEEG in three patients with refractory epilepsy. The stimuli consisted of 280 sentences with crossed factors of sentence congruity and within sentence word-association. We mapped semantic retrieval processes involved in sentence comprehension onto the left temporal cortex and both hippocampi, and showed for the first time that certain localized regions participate in the processing of word association in sentence context. Furthermore, simultaneous recording of scalp- and iEEG gave us a direct overview of signal change due to its propagation across the head tissues
