21,159 research outputs found

    Clustering properties of a type-selected volume-limited sample of galaxies in the CFHTLS

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    (abridged) We present an investigation of the clustering of i'AB<24.5 galaxies in the redshift interval 0.2<z<1.2. Using 100,000 precise photometric redshifts in the four ultra-deep fields of the Canada-France Legacy Survey, we construct a set of volume-limited galaxy catalogues. We study the dependence of the amplitude and slope of the galaxy correlation function on absolute B-band rest-frame luminosity, redshift and best-fitting spectral type. We find: 1. The comoving correlation length for all galaxies decreases steadily from z~0.3 to z~1. 2. At all redshifts and luminosities, galaxies with redder rest-frame colours have clustering amplitudes between two and three times higher than bluer ones. 3. For bright red and blue galaxies, the clustering amplitude is invariant with redshift. 4. At z~0.5, less luminous galaxies have higher clustering amplitudes of around 6 h-1 Mpc. 5. The relative bias between galaxies with red and blue rest-frame colours increases gradually towards fainter absolute magnitudes. One of the principal implications of these results is that although the full galaxy population traces the underlying dark matter distribution quite well (and is therefore quite weakly biased), redder, older galaxies have clustering lengths which are almost invariant with redshift, and by z~1 are quite strongly biased.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Relativistic effects and primordial non-Gaussianity in the galaxy bias

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    When dealing with observables, one needs to generalize the bias relation between the observed galaxy fluctuation field to the underlying matter distribution in a gauge-invariant way. We provide such relation at second-order in perturbation theory adopting the local Eulerian bias model and starting from the observationally motivated uniform-redshift gauge. Our computation includes the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity. We show that large scale-dependent relativistic effects in the Eulerian bias arise independently from the presence of some primordial non-Gaussianity. Furthermore, the Eulerian bias inherits from the primordial non-Gaussianity not only a scale-dependence, but also a modulation with the angle of observation when sources with different biases are correlated.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX file; version accepted for publication in JCA

    Testing Inflation with Large Scale Structure: Connecting Hopes with Reality

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    The statistics of primordial curvature fluctuations are our window into the period of inflation, where these fluctuations were generated. To date, the cosmic microwave background has been the dominant source of information about these perturbations. Large scale structure is however from where drastic improvements should originate. In this paper, we explain the theoretical motivations for pursuing such measurements and the challenges that lie ahead. In particular, we discuss and identify theoretical targets regarding the measurement of primordial non-Gaussianity. We argue that when quantified in terms of the local (equilateral) template amplitude fNLlocf_{\rm NL}^{\rm loc} (fNLeqf_{\rm NL}^{\rm eq}), natural target levels of sensitivity are ΔfNLloc,eq.1\Delta f_{\rm NL}^{\rm loc, eq.} \simeq 1. We highlight that such levels are within reach of future surveys by measuring 2-, 3- and 4-point statistics of the galaxy spatial distribution. This paper summarizes a workshop held at CITA (University of Toronto) on October 23-24, 2014.Comment: 27 pages + reference

    Nuclear Structure based on Correlated Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials

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    We present a novel scheme for nuclear structure calculations based on realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. The essential ingredient is the explicit treatment of the dominant interaction-induced correlations by means of the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM). Short-range central and tensor correlations are imprinted into simple, uncorrelated many-body states through a state-independent unitary transformation. Applying the unitary transformation to the realistic Hamiltonian leads to a correlated, low-momentum interaction, well suited for all kinds of many-body models, e.g., Hartree-Fock or shell-model. We employ the correlated interaction, supplemented by a phenomenological correction to account for genuine three-body forces, in the framework of variational calculations with antisymmetrised Gaussian trial states (Fermionic Molecular Dynamics). Ground state properties of nuclei up to mass numbers A<~60 are discussed. Binding energies, charge radii, and charge distributions are in good agreement with experimental data. We perform angular momentum projections of the intrinsically deformed variational states to extract rotational spectra.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure