2,106 research outputs found

    An HCAI Methodological Framework: Putting It Into Action to Enable Human-Centered AI

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    Human-centered AI (HCAI), as a design philosophy, advocates prioritizing humans in designing, developing, and deploying intelligent systems, aiming to maximize the benefits of AI technology to humans and avoid its potential adverse effects. While HCAI has gained momentum, the lack of guidance on methodology in its implementation makes its adoption challenging. After assessing the needs for a methodological framework for HCAI, this paper first proposes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary HCAI methodological framework integrated with seven components, including design goals, design principles, implementation approaches, design paradigms, interdisciplinary teams, methods, and processes. THe implications of the framework are also discussed. This paper also presents a "three-layer" approach to facilitate the implementation of the framework. We believe the proposed framework is systematic and executable, which can overcome the weaknesses in current frameworks and the challenges currently faced in implementing HCAI. Thus, the framework can help put it into action to develop, transfer, and implement HCAI in practice, eventually enabling the design, development, and deployment of HCAI-based intelligent systems

    Seven HCI Grand Challenges

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    This article aims to investigate the Grand Challenges which arise in the current and emerging landscape of rapid technological evolution towards more intelligent interactive technologies, coupled with increased and widened societal needs, as well as individual and collective expectations that HCI, as a discipline, is called upon to address. A perspective oriented to humane and social values is adopted, formulating the challenges in terms of the impact of emerging intelligent interactive technologies on human life both at the individual and societal levels. Seven Grand Challenges are identified and presented in this article: Human-Technology Symbiosis; Human-Environment Interactions; Ethics, Privacy and Security; Well-being, Health and Eudaimonia; Accessibility and Universal Access; Learning and Creativity; and Social Organization and Democracy. Although not exhaustive, they summarize the views and research priorities of an international interdisciplinary group of experts, reflecting different scientific perspectives, methodological approaches and application domains. Each identified Grand Challenge is analyzed in terms of: concept and problem definition; main research issues involved and state of the art; and associated emerging requirements

    IM-sgi an interface model for shape grammar implementations

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    This research arises from the interest in computing as offering new paradigms in the design practice. Information technologies are the driving force for progress in the processes of design, enabling new forms of creativity. The increasing sophistication of computer applications, their easier access, and lower cost have had a significant impact on design practices and can be regarded as a paradigm shift. The invention and creativity are thus seen as knowledge processing activities and can, at least partially, be carried out with the support of computer applications. In this context Shape Grammars (SG) as production systems of designs through rules have the potential to create designs with variable user input and the ability to evaluate a large number of alternatives that may lead to innovative designs. Most architects and designers use computers on their daily practice as a representation tool for their projects, but not as a facilitator or increaser of the creative process. SG computational implementations have the potential to enhance creativity with the test of a wide range of design options, helping the appearance of new solutions, either through the emergence of new shapes or by stimulating the designer’s creativity with the possibilities presented. As Architects and Designers haven't adopted existing SG computational implementations, that take advantage of computation to facilitate and enhance their work, could the problem be on the communication between the applications and the user? If the interface of the SG implementation does not allow the user to understand how to use it or how to control and make use of its results, it can’t be successfully used. With interest in SG implementations as creative partners in the creative process, our research starts with the analysis of existing SG implementations, trying to understand if they had the potential to be adopted by architects and designers in their practice and, if not, what could be done to lead to that objective. User Interface Inspection Methods were used to perform this analysis and allowed us to understand that there are interactions and communication issues that need to be addressed for SG implementations to be adopted by designers. Taking this direction, we understood that models of interaction between the user and SG implementations have already been developed. The present research proposal started from the analysis of the interaction model of Scott Chase, where he defines the different levels of interaction between the user and SG implementation, with more or less input from the user, establishing different ways to combine synergies to obtain new creative solutions. Taking this interaction model as a starting point, next, we must assure the correct communication between user and implementation occurs. The means of communication between these two agents is the computational interface. Understanding the importance of the interface to allow the user to know how to use the computational implementation and be able to produce results, our research presents the development of an interface model for SG implementations to help to take a step towards the adoption of SG for creative projects. For this, we used methods from Human-Computer Interaction discipline, and we also took Bastien & Scapin's "List of Ergonomic Criteria Guidelines" as guiding lines to define the Criteria of our interface model, called IM-sgi, Interface Model for Shape Grammar Implementations. Thus, IM-sgi, an interface model for SG Implementations, has the purpose of helping SG implementations developers to address the interface on the right path to a correct communication with the particular type of user that architects and designers are. Interface prototypes following IM-sgi criteria are finally developed and presented to test the suitability of the IM-sgi Model to SG implementations and validate the objectives we propose.A presente pesquisa surge do interesse na computação por oferecer novos paradigmas na prática do design. As tecnologias da informação são a força motriz para o progresso nos processos de design, permitindo novas formas de criatividade. A crescente sofisticação das aplicações computacionais, o acesso mais fácil às mesmas e menor custo associado tiveram um grande impacto nas práticas de projeto e podemos considerar estar perante uma mudança de paradigma. A invenção e a criatividade são, portanto, vistas como atividades de processamento de conhecimento e podem, pelo menos parcialmente, ser realizadas com o suporte do computador. Nesse contexto, As Gramáticas de Forma, como sistemas de produção de designs através de regras, têm o potencial de criar projetos com entradas com níveis variáveis de intervenção do utilizador e apresentam a capacidade de avaliar um grande número de alternativas que podem levar a designs inovadores. A maioria dos arquitetos e designers usa o computador na sua prática diária como uma ferramenta de representação para seus projetos, mas não como um facilitador ou potenciador do processo criativo. As implementações computacionais de Gramáticas de Forma têm o potencial de aumentar a criatividade com o teste de uma ampla gama de opções de design, ajudando no surgimento de novas soluções, seja pela emergência de novas formas ou estimulando a criatividade do designer com as opções desenvolvidas. Uma vez que as implementações computacionais de Gramáticas de Forma existentes não foram adotadas por Arquitetos e Designers, que claramente tiram proveito de aplicações computacionais para facilitar e aperfeiçoar o seu trabalho, poderá o problema estar na comunicação entre as implementações e o utilizador? Se a interface da implementação não permitir que o utilizador entenda como usá-la ou como controlar e utilizar os seus resultados, ela não poderá ser utilizada com sucesso. Com interesse nas implementações de Gramáticas de Forma como parceiros criativos no processo criativo, a nossa investigação começa com a análise das implementações de Gramáticas de Forma existentes, tentando entender se estas têm potencial para ser adotadas pelos criativos na sua prática e, se não, o que poderia ser feito para chegar a este objetivo. Foram usados métodos de inspeção para realizar esta análise para nos permitir compreender que há interações e problemas de comunicação que precisam de ser resolvidos para que as implementações de Gramáticas de Forma sejam adotadas pelos projetistas. Seguindo essa direção de investigação, percebemos que foram já desenvolvidos modelos de interação entre o utilizador e as implementações de Gramáticas de Forma. A presente proposta de pesquisa surgiu a partir da análise do modelo de interação de Scott Chase, onde este define os diferentes níveis de interação entre utilizador e implementação de Gramáticas de Forma, com maior ou menor input do utilizador, estabelecendo diferentes formas de combinar sinergias para obter novas soluções criativas. Tomando esse modelo de interação como ponto de partida, devemos assegurar que a comunicação correta entre o utilizador e a implementação ocorra. O meio de comunicação desses dois agentes é o interface computacional. Entendendo a importância do interface para permitir que o utilizador entenda como usar a implementação computacional e seja capaz de produzir resultados, a nossa pesquisa apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de interface para implementações de Gramáticas de Forma para ajudar a dar um passo na direção da adoção das Gramáticas de Forma para projetos criativos. Deste modo, aplicámos métodos da disciplina de HCI e também adotámos a Lista de Diretrizes e Critérios Ergonómicos de Bastien & Scapin como linhas de orientação para definir os Critérios do nosso modelo de interface, denominado IM-sgi. O IM-sgi, um modelo de interface para Implementações de Gramática de Forma, tem a finalidade de ajudar programadores de implementações de Gramáticas de Forma a endereçar a interface no sentido de atingir uma comunicação correta com o tipo particular de utilizador que são os arquitetos e designers. Protótipos de interface seguindo os critérios IM-sgi são finalmente desenvolvidos e apresentados para testar a adequação do modelo IM-sgi e validar os objetivos que propomos

    User-Centered Evaluation Framework to Support the Interaction Design for Augmented Reality Applications

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    The advancement of Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been remarkable, enabling the augmentation of user perception with timely information. This progress holds great promise in the field of interaction design. However, the mere advancement of technology is not enough to ensure widespread adoption. The user dimension has been somewhat overlooked in AR research due to a lack of attention to user motivations, needs, usability, and perceived value. The critical aspects of AR technology tend to be overshadowed by the technology itself. To ensure appropriate future assessments, it is necessary to thoroughly examine and categorize all the methods used for AR technology validation. By identifying and classifying these evaluation methods, researchers and practitioners will be better equipped to develop and validate new AR techniques and applications. Therefore, comprehensive and systematic evaluations are critical to the advancement and sustainability of AR technology. This paper presents a theoretical framework derived from a cluster analysis of the most efficient evaluation methods for AR extracted from 399 papers. Evaluation methods were clustered according to the application domains and the human–computer interaction aspects to be investigated. This framework should facilitate rapid development cycles prioritizing user requirements, ultimately leading to groundbreaking interaction methods accessible to a broader audience beyond research and development centers

    Enhancing portuguese public services: prototype of a mobile application with a digital assistant

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    Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.A inteligência artificial (IA) está a transformar a forma como interagimos com a tecnologia, incluindo a forma como os cidadãos acedem e interagem com os serviços públicos. Portugal desenvolveu uma estratégia nacional para a adoção da IA, a fim de melhorar a experiência e o envolvimento dos cidadãos, com destaque para a inclusão digital e a digitalização da administração pública. Apesar dos progressos, o país está atrasado em relação a outros países da União Europeia no que respeita à transformação digital. Para simplificar e modernizar os serviços públicos, Portugal introduziu o portal ePortugal, que inclui o chatbot “Sigma” e uma assistente virtual, que neste momento ainda se encontra numa versão de teste. A adoção de sistemas de IA conversacional, como os assistentes de voz e os chatbots, tem o potencial de reduzir os encargos administrativos, melhorar a acessibilidade e aumentar a participação dos cidadãos. Este projeto visa conceber uma aplicação móvel para o ePortugal, que inclui uma assistente digital equipada com funcionalidades de texto e voz.ABSTRACT: Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we interact with technology, including how citizens access and engage with government services. Portugal has developed a national strategy for AI adoption to improve the citizen experience and engagement, with a focus on digital inclusion and the digitalization of public administration. Despite progress, the country lags behind other European Union countries in digital transformation. To simplify and modernize public services, Portugal has introduced the ePortugal portal, featuring a chatbot named “Sigma” and a virtual assistant that is currently being tested. The adoption of conversational AI systems, such as voice assistants and chatbots, has the potential to reduce administrative burdens, improve accessibility, and enhance citizen engagement. This project aims to design the ePortugal mobile application, featuring a digital assistant equipped with both text and voice functionalities.N/

    Theory-driven Visual Design to Support Reflective Dietary Practice via mHealth: A Design Science Approach

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    Design for reflection in human-computer interaction (HCI) has evolved from focusing on an abstract and outcome-driven design subject towards exposing procedural or structural reflection characteristics. Although HCI research has recognized that an individual\u27s reflection is a long-lasting, multi-layered process that can be supported by meaningful design, researchers have made few efforts to derive insights from a theoretical perspective about appropriate translation into end-user visual means. Therefore, we synthesize theoretical knowledge from reflective practice and learning and argue for a differentiation between time contexts of reflection that design needs to address differently. In an interdisciplinary design-science-research project in the mHealth nutrition promotion context, we developed theory-driven guidelines for “reflection-in-action” and “reflection-on-action”. Our final design guidelines emerged from prior demonstrations and a final utility evaluation with mockup artifacts in a laboratory experiment with 64 users. Our iterative design and the resulting design guidelines offer assistance for addressing reflection design by answering reflective practice’s respective contextual requirements. Based on our user study, we show that reflection in terms of “reflection- in-action” benefits from offering actionable choice criteria in an instant timeframe, while “reflection-on-action” profits from the structured classification of behavior-related criteria from a longer, still memorable timeframe

    Responsive and Personalized Web Layouts with Integer Programming

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    Over the past decade, responsive web design (RWD) has become the de facto standard for adapting web pages to a wide range of devices used for browsing. While RWD has improved the usability of web pages, it is not without drawbacks and limitations: designers and developers must manually design the web layouts for multiple screen sizes and implement associated adaptation rules, and its "one responsive design fits all"approach lacks support for personalization. This paper presents a novel approach for automated generation of responsive and personalized web layouts. Given an existing web page design and preferences related to design objectives, our integer programming -based optimizer generates a consistent set of web designs. Where relevant data is available, these can be further automatically personalized for the user and browsing device. The paper includes presentation of techniques for runtime adaptation of the designs generated into a fully responsive grid layout for web browsing. Results from our ratings-based online studies with end users (N = 86) and designers (N = 64) show that the proposed approach can automatically create high-quality responsive web layouts for a variety of real-world websites.Peer reviewe

    Interactive Topology Optimization

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