208 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning with semi-expert distillation for autonomous UAV cinematography

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, or drones) have revolutionized modern media production. Being rapidly deployable “flying cameras”, they can easily capture aesthetically pleasing aerial footage of static or moving filming targets/subjects. Current approaches rely either on manual UAV/gimbal control by human experts or on a combination of complex computer vision algorithms and hardware configurations for automating the flight+flying process. This paper explores an efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) alternative, which implicitly merges the target detection and path planning steps into a single algorithm. To achieve this, a baseline DRL approach is augmented with a novel policy distillation component, which transfers knowledge from a suitable, semi-expert Model Predictive Control (MPC) controller into the DRL agent. Thus, the latter is able to autonomously execute a specific UAV cinematography task with purely visual input. Unlike the MPC controller, the proposed DRL agent does not need to know the 3D world position of the filming target during inference. Experiments conducted in a photorealistic simulator showcase superior performance and training speed compared to the baseline agent while surpassing the MPC controller in terms of visual occlusion avoidance

    Guided Autonomy for Quadcopter Photography

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    Photographing small objects with a quadcopter is non-trivial to perform with many common user interfaces, especially when it requires maneuvering an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (C) to difficult angles in order to shoot high perspectives. The aim of this research is to employ machine learning to support better user interfaces for quadcopter photography. Human Robot Interaction (HRI) is supported by visual servoing, a specialized vision system for real-time object detection, and control policies acquired through reinforcement learning (RL). Two investigations of guided autonomy were conducted. In the first, the user directed the quadcopter with a sketch based interface, and periods of user direction were interspersed with periods of autonomous flight. In the second, the user directs the quadcopter by taking a single photo with a handheld mobile device, and the quadcopter autonomously flies to the requested vantage point. This dissertation focuses on the following problems: 1) evaluating different user interface paradigms for dynamic photography in a GPS-denied environment; 2) learning better Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) object detection models to assure a higher precision in detecting human subjects than the currently available state-of-the-art fast models; 3) transferring learning from the Gazebo simulation into the real world; 4) learning robust control policies using deep reinforcement learning to maneuver the quadcopter to multiple shooting positions with minimal human interaction

    Drone deep reinforcement learning: A review

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly being used in many challenging and diversified applications. These applications belong to the civilian and the military fields. To name a few; infrastructure inspection, traffic patrolling, remote sensing, mapping, surveillance, rescuing humans and animals, environment monitoring, and Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) operations. However, the use of UAVs in these applications needs a substantial level of autonomy. In other words, UAVs should have the ability to accomplish planned missions in unexpected situations without requiring human intervention. To ensure this level of autonomy, many artificial intelligence algorithms were designed. These algorithms targeted the guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) of UAVs. In this paper, we described the state of the art of one subset of these algorithms: the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques. We made a detailed description of them, and we deduced the current limitations in this area. We noted that most of these DRL methods were designed to ensure stable and smooth UAV navigation by training computer-simulated environments. We realized that further research efforts are needed to address the challenges that restrain their deployment in real-life scenarios

    Autonomous Drones for Trail Navigation using DNNs

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    Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, προτείνεται ο σχεδιασμός και η υλοποίηση ενός πρότυπου drone που έχει τη δυνατότητα αυτόνομης πλοήγησης σε δασικό μονοπάτι χωρίς πρότερη γνώση του περιβάλλοντα χώρου. Χρησιμοποιεί σύστημα τεχνητής όρασης τριών επιπέδων: (i) ένα νευρωνικό δίκτυο βάθους (DNN) για εκτίμηση πλευρικής μετατόπισης και προσανατολισμού ως προς το κέντρο του μονοπατιού, (ii) ένα DNN για αναγνώριση αντικειμένων, και (iii) ένα σύστημα αποφυγής εμποδίων. Η σύνθεση του μικρού εναέριου σκάφους (MAV) έγινε από διαθέσιμα εξαρτήματα (hardware) του εργαστηρίου. Για τον αλγόριθμο ακολουθίας δασικών μονοπατιών, ως βάση νευρωνικού δικτύου χρησιμοποιήθηκε το TrailNet. Στη συνέχεια επανεκπαιδεύτηκε και εμπλουτίστηκε με σύνολο δεδομένων που δημιουργήθηκε από την δασική περιοχή της Πανεπιστημιούπολης Ιλισίων, προσαρμόζοντάς το στην τοπική βλάστηση. Για την επιλογή των βέλτιστων αλγορίθμων αναγνώρισης αντικειμένων, έγινε δοκιμή και αξιολόγηση από αντίστοιχους της τελευταίας γενιάς στην πλακέτα επεξεργασίας Jetson TX2 της NVIDIA. Τέλος δίνεται πρόταση πειραματικής πτήσης με συγκεκριμένες παραμέτρους για την αξιολόγηση της ορθής λειτουργίας.This thesis proposes the design and implementation of a prototype drone stack that is able to autonomously navigate through a forest trail path without having prior knowledge of the surrounding area. It uses a 3 level vision system: (i) a deep neural network (DNN) for estimating the view orientation and lateral offset of the vehicle with respect to the trail center, (ii) a DNN for object detection and (iii) a Guidance system for obstacle avoidance. Hardware synthesis of the Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) was built upon hardware parts, available from the lab. Trail following algorithm makes use of TrailNet’s neural network. It was also retrained and enriched by a newly created dataset, formed with footage from the nearby forest canopy of Ilisia Univesity Campus. This also made the model more adaptive to local vegetation characteristics. For object detection service, a comparison between well-known algorithms was made and an evaluation was done in terms of accuracy and efficiency. These were tested on NVIDIA’s Jetson TX2 Dev Kit board. At last, a suggestion of an experimental flight is given with particular parameters, for the evaluation of the proper operation

    UAV or Drones for Remote Sensing Applications in GPS/GNSS Enabled and GPS/GNSS Denied Environments

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    The design of novel UAV systems and the use of UAV platforms integrated with robotic sensing and imaging techniques, as well as the development of processing workflows and the capacity of ultra-high temporal and spatial resolution data, have enabled a rapid uptake of UAVs and drones across several industries and application domains.This book provides a forum for high-quality peer-reviewed papers that broaden awareness and understanding of single- and multiple-UAV developments for remote sensing applications, and associated developments in sensor technology, data processing and communications, and UAV system design and sensing capabilities in GPS-enabled and, more broadly, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled and GPS/GNSS-denied environments.Contributions include:UAV-based photogrammetry, laser scanning, multispectral imaging, hyperspectral imaging, and thermal imaging;UAV sensor applications; spatial ecology; pest detection; reef; forestry; volcanology; precision agriculture wildlife species tracking; search and rescue; target tracking; atmosphere monitoring; chemical, biological, and natural disaster phenomena; fire prevention, flood prevention; volcanic monitoring; pollution monitoring; microclimates; and land use;Wildlife and target detection and recognition from UAV imagery using deep learning and machine learning techniques;UAV-based change detection

    Visual and Camera Sensors

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    This book includes 13 papers published in Special Issue ("Visual and Camera Sensors") of the journal Sensors. The goal of this Special Issue was to invite high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers dealing with challenging issues in visual and camera sensors

    Data-centric Design and Training of Deep Neural Networks with Multiple Data Modalities for Vision-based Perception Systems

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    224 p.Los avances en visión artificial y aprendizaje automático han revolucionado la capacidad de construir sistemas que procesen e interpreten datos digitales, permitiéndoles imitar la percepción humana y abriendo el camino a un amplio rango de aplicaciones. En los últimos años, ambas disciplinas han logrado avances significativos,impulsadas por los progresos en las técnicas de aprendizaje profundo(deep learning). El aprendizaje profundo es una disciplina que utiliza redes neuronales profundas (DNNs, por sus siglas en inglés) para enseñar a las máquinas a reconocer patrones y hacer predicciones basadas en datos. Los sistemas de percepción basados en el aprendizaje profundo son cada vez más frecuentes en diversos campos, donde humanos y máquinas colaboran para combinar sus fortalezas.Estos campos incluyen la automoción, la industria o la medicina, donde mejorar la seguridad, apoyar el diagnóstico y automatizar tareas repetitivas son algunos de los objetivos perseguidos.Sin embargo, los datos son uno de los factores clave detrás del éxito de los algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo. La dependencia de datos limita fuertemente la creación y el éxito de nuevas DNN. La disponibilidad de datos de calidad para resolver un problema específico es esencial pero difícil de obtener, incluso impracticable,en la mayoría de los desarrollos. La inteligencia artificial centrada en datos enfatiza la importancia de usar datos de alta calidad que transmitan de manera efectiva lo que un modelo debe aprender. Motivada por los desafíos y la necesidad de los datos, esta tesis formula y valida cinco hipótesis sobre la adquisición y el impacto de los datos en el diseño y entrenamiento de las DNNs.Específicamente, investigamos y proponemos diferentes metodologías para obtener datos adecuados para entrenar DNNs en problemas con acceso limitado a fuentes de datos de gran escala. Exploramos dos posibles soluciones para la obtención de datos de entrenamiento, basadas en la generación de datos sintéticos. En primer lugar, investigamos la generación de datos sintéticos utilizando gráficos 3D y el impacto de diferentes opciones de diseño en la precisión de los DNN obtenidos. Además, proponemos una metodología para automatizar el proceso de generación de datos y producir datos anotados variados, mediante la replicación de un entorno 3D personalizado a partir de un archivo de configuración de entrada. En segundo lugar, proponemos una red neuronal generativa(GAN) que genera imágenes anotadas utilizando conjuntos de datos anotados limitados y datos sin anotaciones capturados en entornos no controlados

    Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats

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    CYBER-HUMAN SYSTEMS, SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, AND THREATS is our eighth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs / SPACE. Other textbooks in our series are Space Systems Emerging Technologies and Operations; Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous seven titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols, et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2022)https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1052/thumbnail.jp