55 research outputs found

    Temporal Variability of Cortical Gyral-Sulcal Resting State Functional Activity Correlates With Fluid Intelligence

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    The human cerebral cortex is highly convoluted as convex gyri and concave sulci. In the past decades, extensive studies have consistently revealed substantial differences between gyri and sulci in terms of genetics, anatomy, morphology, axonal fiber connections, and function. Although interesting findings have been reported to date to elucidate the functional difference between gyri and sulci, the temporal variability of functional activity, which could explain individual differences in learning and higher-order cognitive functions, and as well as differences in gyri and sulci, remains to be explored. The present study explored the temporal variability of cortical gyral-sulcal resting state functional activity and its association with fluid intelligence measures on the Human Connectome Project dataset. We found that the temporal variance of resting state fMRI BOLD signal was significantly larger in gyri than in sulci. We also found that the temporal variability of certain regions including middle frontal cortex, inferior parietal lobe and visual cortex was positively associated with fluid intelligence. Moreover, those regions were predominately located in gyri rather than in sulci. This study reports initial evidence for temporal variability difference of functional activity between gyri and sulci, and its association with fluid intelligence measures, and thus provides novel insights to understand the mechanism and functional relevance of gyri and sulci

    A 3D explainability framework to uncover learning patterns and crucial sub-regions in variable sulci recognition

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    Precisely identifying sulcal features in brain MRI is made challenging by the variability of brain folding. This research introduces an innovative 3D explainability frame-work that validates outputs from deep learning networks in their ability to detect the paracingulate sulcus, an anatomical feature that may or may not be present on the frontal medial surface of the human brain. This study trained and tested two networks, amalgamating local explainability techniques GradCam and SHAP with a dimensionality reduction method. The explainability framework provided both localized and global explanations, along with accuracy of classification results, revealing pertinent sub-regions contributing to the decision process through a post-fusion transformation of explanatory and statistical features. Leveraging the TOP-OSLO dataset of MRI acquired from patients with schizophrenia, greater accuracies of paracingulate sulcus detection (presence or absence) were found in the left compared to right hemispheres with distinct, but extensive sub-regions contributing to each classification outcome. The study also inadvertently highlighted the critical role of an unbiased annotation protocol in maintaining network performance fairness. Our proposed method not only offers automated, impartial annotations of a variable sulcus but also provides insights into the broader anatomical variations associated with its presence throughout the brain. The adoption of this methodology holds promise for instigating further explorations and inquiries in the field of neuroscience

    Phonatory and articulatory representations of speech production in cortical and subcortical fMRI responses

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    Speaking involves coordination of multiple neuromotor systems, including respiration, phonation and articulation. Developing non-invasive imaging methods to study how the brain controls these systems is critical for understanding the neurobiology of speech production. Recent models and animal research suggest that regions beyond the primary motor cortex (M1) help orchestrate the neuromotor control needed for speaking, including cortical and sub-cortical regions. Using contrasts between speech conditions with controlled respiratory behavior, this fMRI study investigates articulatory gestures involving the tongue, lips and velum (i.e., alveolars versus bilabials, and nasals versus orals), and phonatory gestures (i.e., voiced versus whispered speech). Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) was used to decode articulatory gestures in M1, cerebellum and basal ganglia. Furthermore, apart from confirming the role of a mid-M1 region for phonation, we found that a dorsal M1 region, linked to respiratory control, showed significant differences for voiced compared to whispered speech despite matched lung volume observations. This region was also functionally connected to tongue and lip M1 seed regions, underlying its importance in the coordination of speech. Our study confirms and extends current knowledge regarding the neural mechanisms underlying neuromotor speech control, which hold promise to study neural dysfunctions involved in motor-speech disorders non-invasively.Tis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (FJCI-2015-26814), and the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (RYC-2017- 21845), the Spanish State Research Agency through the BCBL “Severo Ochoa” excellence accreditation (SEV-2015-490), the Basque Government (BERC 2018- 2021) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant (No 799554).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigation of neural activity in Schizophrenia during resting-state MEG : using non-linear dynamics and machine-learning to shed light on information disruption in the brain

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    Environ 25% de la population mondiale est atteinte de troubles psychiatriques qui sont typiquement associés à des problèmes comportementaux, fonctionnels et/ou cognitifs et dont les corrélats neurophysiologiques sont encore très mal compris. Non seulement ces dysfonctionnements réduisent la qualité de vie des individus touchés, mais ils peuvent aussi devenir un fardeau pour les proches et peser lourd dans l’économie d’une société. Cibler les mécanismes responsables du fonctionnement atypique du cerveau en identifiant des biomarqueurs plus robustes permettrait le développement de traitements plus efficaces. Ainsi, le premier objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à une meilleure caractérisation des changements dynamiques cérébraux impliqués dans les troubles mentaux, plus précisément dans la schizophrénie et les troubles d’humeur. Pour ce faire, les premiers chapitres de cette thèse présentent, en intégral, deux revues de littératures systématiques que nous avons menées sur les altérations de connectivité cérébrale, au repos, chez les patients schizophrènes, dépressifs et bipolaires. Ces revues révèlent que, malgré des avancées scientifiques considérables dans l’étude de l’altération de la connectivité cérébrale fonctionnelle, la dimension temporelle des mécanismes cérébraux à l’origine de l’atteinte de l’intégration de l’information dans ces maladies, particulièrement de la schizophrénie, est encore mal comprise. Par conséquent, le deuxième objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser les changements cérébraux associés à la schizophrénie dans le domaine temporel. Nous présentons deux études dans lesquelles nous testons l’hypothèse que la « disconnectivité temporelle » serait un biomarqueur important en schizophrénie. Ces études explorent les déficits d’intégration temporelle en schizophrénie, en quantifiant les changements de la dynamique neuronale dite invariante d’échelle à partir des données magnétoencéphalographiques (MEG) enregistrés au repos chez des patients et des sujets contrôles. En particulier, nous utilisons (1) la LRTCs (long-range temporal correlation, ou corrélation temporelle à longue-distance) calculée à partir des oscillations neuronales et (2) des analyses multifractales pour caractériser des modifications de l’activité cérébrale arythmique. Par ailleurs, nous développons des modèles de classification (en apprentissage-machine supervisé) pour mieux cerner les attributs corticaux et sous-corticaux permettant une distinction robuste entre les patients et les sujets sains. Vu que ces études se basent sur des données MEG spontanées enregistrées au repos soit avec les yeux ouvert, ou les yeux fermées, nous nous sommes par la suite intéressés à la possibilité de trouver un marqueur qui combinerait ces enregistrements. La troisième étude originale explore donc l’utilité des modulations de l’amplitude spectrale entre yeux ouverts et fermées comme prédicteur de schizophrénie. Les résultats de ces études démontrent des changements cérébraux importants chez les patients schizophrènes au niveau de la dynamique d’invariance d’échelle. Elles suggèrent une dégradation du traitement temporel de l’information chez les patients, qui pourrait être liée à leurs symptômes cognitifs et comportementaux. L’approche multimodale de cette thèse, combinant la magétoencéphalographie, analyses non-linéaires et apprentissage machine, permet de mieux caractériser l’organisation spatio-temporelle du signal cérébrale au repos chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie et chez des individus sains. Les résultats fournissent de nouvelles preuves supportant l’hypothèse d’une « disconnectivité temporelle » en schizophrénie, et étendent les recherches antérieures, en explorant la contribution des structures cérébrales profondes et en employant des mesures non-linéaires avancées encore sous-exploitées dans ce domaine. L’ensemble des résultats de cette thèse apporte une contribution significative à la quête de nouveaux biomarqueurs de la schizophrénie et démontre l’importance d’élucider les altérations des propriétés temporelles de l’activité cérébrales intrinsèque en psychiatrie. Les études présentées offrent également un cadre méthodologique pouvant être étendu à d’autres psychopathologie, telles que la dépression.Psychiatric disorders affect nearly a quarter of the world’s population. These typically bring about debilitating behavioural, functional and/or cognitive problems, for which the underlying neural mechanisms are poorly understood. These symptoms can significantly reduce the quality of life of affected individuals, impact those close to them, and bring on an economic burden on society. Hence, targeting the baseline neurophysiology associated with psychopathologies, by identifying more robust biomarkers, would improve the development of effective treatments. The first goal of this thesis is thus to contribute to a better characterization of neural dynamic alterations in mental health illnesses, specifically in schizophrenia and mood disorders. Accordingly, the first chapter of this thesis presents two systematic literature reviews, which investigate the resting-state changes in brain connectivity in schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder patients. Great strides have been made in neuroimaging research in identifying alterations in functional connectivity. However, these two reviews reveal a gap in the knowledge about the temporal basis of the neural mechanisms involved in the disruption of information integration in these pathologies, particularly in schizophrenia. Therefore, the second goal of this thesis is to characterize the baseline temporal neural alterations of schizophrenia. We present two studies for which we hypothesize that the resting temporal dysconnectivity could serve as a key biomarker in schizophrenia. These studies explore temporal integration deficits in schizophrenia by quantifying neural alterations of scale-free dynamics using resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Specifically, we use (1) long-range temporal correlation (LRTC) analysis on oscillatory activity and (2) multifractal analysis on arrhythmic brain activity. In addition, we develop classification models (based on supervised machine-learning) to detect the cortical and sub-cortical features that allow for a robust division of patients and healthy controls. Given that these studies are based on MEG spontaneous brain activity, recorded at rest with either eyes-open or eyes-closed, we then explored the possibility of finding a distinctive feature that would combine both types of resting-state recordings. Thus, the third study investigates whether alterations in spectral amplitude between eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions can be used as a possible marker for schizophrenia. Overall, the three studies show changes in the scale-free dynamics of schizophrenia patients at rest that suggest a deterioration of the temporal processing of information in patients, which might relate to their cognitive and behavioural symptoms. The multimodal approach of this thesis, combining MEG, non-linear analyses and machine-learning, improves the characterization of the resting spatiotemporal neural organization of schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. Our findings provide new evidence for the temporal dysconnectivity hypothesis in schizophrenia. The results extend on previous studies by characterizing scale-free properties of deep brain structures and applying advanced non-linear metrics that are underused in the field of psychiatry. The results of this thesis contribute significantly to the identification of novel biomarkers in schizophrenia and show the importance of clarifying the temporal properties of altered intrinsic neural dynamics. Moreover, the presented studies offer a methodological framework that can be extended to other psychopathologies, such as depression

    Individual variability in value-based decision making: behavior, cognition, and functional brain topography

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    Decisions often require weighing the costs and benefits of available prospects. Value-based decision making depends on the coordination of multiple cognitive faculties, making it potentially susceptible to at least two forms of variability. First, there is heterogeneity in brain organization across individuals in areas of association cortex that exhibit decision-related activity. Second, a person’s preferences can fluctuate even for repetitive decision scenarios. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and behavioral experiments in humans, this project explored how these distinct sources of variability impact choice evaluation, localization of valuation in the brain, and the links between valuation and other cognitive phenomena. Group-level findings suggest that valuation processes share a neural representation with the “default network” (DN) in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). Study 1 examined brain network variability in an open dataset of resting-state fMRI (n=100) by quantitatively testing the hypothesis that the spatial layout of the DN is unique to each person. Functional network topography was well-aligned across individuals in PCC, but highly idiosyncratic in mPFC. These results highlighted that the apparent overlap of cognitive functions in these areas should be evaluated within individuals. Study 2 examined variability in the integration of rewards with subjective costs of time and effort. Two computerized behavioral experiments (total n=132) tested how accept-or-reject foraging decisions were influenced by demands for physical effort, cognitive effort, and unfilled delay. The results showed that people’s willingness to incur the three types of costs differed when they experienced a single type of demand, but gradually converged when all three were interleaved. The results could be accounted for by a computational model in which contextual factors altered the perceived cost of temporal delay. Finally, Study 3 asked whether the apparent cortical overlap between valuation effects and the DN persisted after accounting for individual variability in brain topography and behavior. Using fMRI scans designed to evoke valuation and DN-like effects (n=18), we reproduced the idiosyncratic network topography from Study 1, and observed valuation-related effects in individually identified DN regions. Collectively, these findings advance our taxonomic understanding of higher-order cognitive processes, suggesting that seemingly dissimilar valuation and DN-related functions engage overlapping cortical mechanisms

    Characterizing functional and structural brain alterations driven by chronic alcohol drinking: a resting-state fMRI connectivity and voxel-based morphometry analysis

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    El balance del cerebro se altera a nivel estructural y funcional por el consumo de alcohol y puede causar trastornos por consumo de alcohol (TCA). El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue investigar los efectos del consumo crónico y excesivo de alcohol en el cerebro desde una perspectiva funcional y estructural, mediante análisis de imágenes multimodales de resonancia magnética (RM). Realizamos tres estudios con objetivos específicos: i) Para entender cómo las neuroadaptaciones desencadenadas por el consumo de alcohol se ven reflejadas en la conectividad cerebral funcional entre redes cerebrales, así como en la actividad cerebral, realizamos estudios en ratas msP en condiciones de control y tras un mes con acceso a alcohol. Para cada sujeto se obtuvieron las señales específicas de sus redes cerebrales tras aplicar análisis probabilístico de componentes independientes y regresión espacial a las imágenes funcionales de RM en estado de reposo (RMf-er). Después, estimamos la conectividad cerebral en estado de reposo mediante correlación parcial regularizada. Para una lectura de la actividad neuronal realizamos un experimento con imágenes de RM realzadas con manganeso. En la condición de alcohol encontramos hipoconectividades entre la red visual y las redes estriatal y sensorial; todas con incrementos en actividad. Por el contrario, hubo hiperconectividades entre tres pares de redes cerebrales: 1) red prefrontal cingulada media y red estriatal, 2) red sensorial y red parietal de asociación y 3) red motora-retroesplenial y red sensorial, siendo la red parietal de asociación la única red sin incremento de actividad. Estos resultados indican que las redes cerebrales ya se alteran desde una fase temprana de consumo continuo y prolongado de alcohol, disminuyendo el control ejecutivo y la flexibilidad comportamental. ii) Para comparar el volumen de materia gris (MG) cortical entre 34 controles sanos y 35 pacientes con dependencia al alcohol, desintoxicados y en abstinencia de 1 a 5 semanas, realizamos un análisis de morfometría basado en vóxel. Las principales estructuras cuyo volumen de MG disminuyó en los sujetos en abstinencia fueron el giro precentral (GPreC), el giro postcentral (GPostC), la corteza motora suplementaria (CMS), el giro frontal medio (GFM), el precúneo (PCUN) y el lóbulo parietal superior (LPS). Disminuciones de MG en el volumen de esas áreas pueden dar lugar a cambios en el control de los movimientos (GPreC y CMS), en el procesamiento de información táctil y propioceptiva (GPostC), personalidad, previsión (GFM), reconocimiento sensorial, entendimiento del lenguaje, orientación (PCUN) y reconocimiento de objetos a través de su forma (LPS). iii) Caracterizar estados cerebrales dinámicos en señales de RMf mediante una metodología basada en un modelo oculto de Markov (HMM en inglés)-Gaussiano en un paradigma con diseño de bloques, junto con distintas señales temporales de múltiples redes: componentes independientes y modos funcionales probabilísticos (PFMs en inglés) en 14 sujetos sanos. Cuatro condiciones experimentales formaron el paradigma de bloques: reposo, visual, motora y visual-motora. Mediante la aplicación de HMM-Gaussiano a los PFMs pudimos caracterizar cuatro estados cerebrales a partir de la actividad media de cada PFM. Los cuatro mapas espaciales obtenidos fueron llamados HMM-reposo, HMM-visual, HMM-motor y HMM-RND (red neuronal por defecto). HMM-RND apareció una vez el estado de tarea se había estabilizado. En un futuro cercano se espera obtener estados cerebrales en nuestros datos de RMf-er en ratas, para comparar dinámicamente el comportamiento de las redes cerebrales como un biomarcador de TCA. En conclusión, las técnicas de neuroimagen aplicadas en imagen de RM multimodal para estimar la conectividad cerebral en estado de reposo, la actividad cerebral y el volumen de materia gris han permitido avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos homeostáticoLa ingesta d'alcohol altera el balanç del cervell a nivell estructural i funcional i pot causar trastorns per consum d' alcohol (TCA). L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral fou estudiar els efectes en el cervell del consum crònic i excessiu d'alcohol, des d'un punt de vista funcional i estructural i per mitjà d'anàlisi d'imatges de ressonància magnètica (RM). Vam realitzar tres anàlisis amb objectius específics: i) Per a entendre com les neuroadaptacions desencadenades pel consum d'alcohol es veuen reflectides en la connectivitat cerebral funcional entre xarxes cerebrals, així com en l'activitat cerebral, vam realitzar estudis en rates msP en les condicions de control i després d'un mes amb accés a alcohol. Per a cada subjecte vam obtindre els senyals de les xarxes cerebrals tras aplicar a les imatges funcionals de RM en estat de repòs una anàlisi probabilística de components independents i regressió espacial. Després, estimàrem la connectivitat cerebral en estat de repòs per mitjà de correlació parcial regularitzada. Per a una lectura de l'activitat cerebral vam adquirir imatges de RM realçades amb manganés. En la condició d'alcohol vam trobar hipoconnectivitats entre la xarxa visual i les xarxes estriatal i sensorial, totes amb increments en activitat. Al contrari, va haver-hi hiperconnectivitats entre tres parells de xarxes cerebrals: 1) xarxa prefrontal cingulada mitja i xarxa estriatal, 2) xarxa sensorial i xarxa parietal d'associació i 3) xarxa motora-retroesplenial i xarxa sensorial, sent la xarxa parietal d'associació l'única xarxa sense increment d'activitat. Aquests resultats indiquen que les xarxes cerebrals ja s'alteren des d'una fase primerenca caracteritzada per consum continu i prolongat d'alcohol, disminuint el control executiu i la flexibilitat comportamental. ii) Per a comparar el volum de MG cortical entre 34 controls sans i 35 pacients amb dependència a l'alcohol, desintoxicats i en abstinència de 1 a 5 setmanes vam emprar anàlisi de morfometria basada en vòxel. Les principals estructures on el volum de MG va disminuir en els subjectes en abstinència van ser el gir precentral (GPreC), el gir postcentral (GPostC), la corteça motora suplementària (CMS), el gir frontal mig (GFM), el precuni (PCUN) i el lòbul parietal superior (LPS). Les disminucions de MG en eixes àrees poden donar lloc a canvis en el control dels moviments (GPreC i CMS), en el processament d'informació tàctil i propioceptiva (GPostC), personalitat, previsió (GFM), reconeixement sensorial, enteniment del llenguatge, orientació (PCUN) i reconeixement d'objectes a través de la seua forma (LPS). iii) Caracterització de les dinàmiques temporals del cervell com a diferents estats cerebrals, en senyals de RMf mitjançant una metodologia basada en un model ocult de Markov (HMM en anglès)-Gaussià en imatges de RMf, junt amb dos tipus de senyals temporals de múltiples xarxes cerebrals: components independents i modes funcionals probabilístics (PFMs en anglès) en 14 subjectes sans. Quatre condicions experimentals van formar el paradigma de blocs: repòs, visual, motora i visual-motora. HMM-Gaussià aplicat als PFMs (senyals de RM funcional de xarxes cerebrals) va permetre la millor caracterització dels quatre estats cerebrals a partir de l'activitat mitjana de cada PFM. Els quatre mapes espacials obtinguts van ser anomenats HMM-repòs, HMM-visual, HMM-motor i HMM-XND (xarxa neuronal per defecte). HMM-XND va aparèixer una vegada una tasca estava estabilitzada. En un futur pròxim s'espera obtindre estats cerebrals en les nostres dades de RMf-er en rates, per a comparar dinàmicament el comportament de les xarxes cerebrals com a biomarcador de TCA. En conclusió, s'han aplicat tècniques de neuroimatge per a estimar la connectivitat cerebral en estat de repòs, l'activitat cerebral i el volum de MG, aplicades a imatges multimodals de RM i s'han obtés resultats que han permés avançar en l'enteniment dels mAlcohol intake alters brain balance, affecting its structure and function, and it may cause Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs). We aimed to study the effects of chronic, excessive alcohol consumption on the brain from a functional and structural point of view, via analysis of multimodal magnetic resonance (MR) images. We conducted three studies with specific aims: i) To understand how the neuroadaptations triggered by alcohol intake are reflected in between-network resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) and brain activity in the onset of alcohol dependence, we performed studies in msP rats in control and alcohol conditions. Group probabilistic independent component analysis (group-PICA) and spatial regression were applied to resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) images to obtain subject-specific time courses of seven resting-state networks (RSNs). Then, we estimated rs-FC via L2-regularized partial correlation. We performed a manganese-enhanced (MEMRI) experiment as a readout of neuronal activity. In alcohol condition, we found hypoconnectivities between the visual network (VN), and striatal (StrN) and sensory-cortex (SCN) networks, all with increased brain activity. On the contrary, hyperconnectivities were found between three pairs of RSNs: 1) medial prefrontal-cingulate (mPRN) and StrN, 2) SCN and parietal association (PAN) and 3) motor-retrosplenial (MRN) and SCN networks, being PAN the only network without brain activity rise. Interestingly, the hypoconnectivities could be explained as control to alcohol transitions from direct to indirect connectivity, whereas the hyperconnectivities reflected an indirect to an even more indirect connection. These findings indicate that RSNs are early altered by prolonged and moderate alcohol exposure, diminishing the executive control and behavioral flexibility. ii) To compare cortical gray matter (GM) volume between 34 healthy controls and 35 alcohol-dependent patients who were detoxified and remained abstinent for 1-5 weeks before MRI acquisition, we performed a voxel-based morphometry analysis. The main structures whose GM volume decreased in abstinent subjects compared to controls were precentral gyrus (PreCG), postcentral gyrus (PostCG), supplementary motor cortex (SMC), middle frontal gyrus (MFG), precuneus (PCUN) and superior parietal lobule (SPL). Decreases in GM volume in these areas may lead to changes in control of movement (PreCG and SMC), in processing tactile and proprioceptive information (PostCG), personality, insight, prevision (MFG), sensory appreciation, language understanding, orientation (PCUN) and the recognition of objects by touch and shapes (SPL). iii) To characterize dynamic brain states in functional MRI (fMRI) signals by means of an approach based on the Hidden Markov model (HMM). Several parameter configurations of HMM-Gaussian in a block-design paradigm were considered, together with different time series: independent components (ICs) and probabilistic functional modes (PFMs) on 14 healthy subjects. The block-design fMRI paradigm consisted of four experimental conditions: rest, visual, motor and visual-motor. Characterizing brain states' dynamics in fMRI data was possible applying the HMM-Gaussian approach to PFMs, with mean activity driving the states. The four spatial maps obtained were named HMM-rest, HMM-visual, HMM-motor and HMM-DMN (default mode network). HMM-DMN appeared once a task state had stabilized. The ultimate goal will be to obtain brain states in our rs-fMRI rat data, to dynamically compare the behavior of brain RSNs as a biomarker of AUD. In conclusion, neuroimaging techniques to estimate rs-FC, brain activity and GM volume can be successfully applied to multimodal MRI in the advance of the understanding of brain homeostasis in AUDs. These functional and structural alterations are a biomarker of chronic alcoholism to explain impairments in executive control, reward evaluation and visuospatial processing.Pérez Ramírez, MÚ. (2018). Characterizing functional and structural brain alterations driven by chronic alcohol drinking: a resting-state fMRI connectivity and voxel-based morphometry analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11316

    Analysis of structural and functional brain networks

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    The brain is a representative example of a network. It consists of numerous spatially distributed regions that continuously exchange information through structural connections. In the past decade, an increasing number of studies have explored the brain network in both structural and functional aspects; they have begun to decipher complex brain wirings, as well as elucidate how the rich functionality emerges from this architecture. Based upon previous studies, this thesis addresses three critical gaps in the field. (I) Although it is known that the community structures of brain network are spatially overlapping, conventional studies have focused on grouping brain regions into communities such that each region belongs to only one community. Therefore, a recent “link community” concept was employed to disentangle those overlapping architectures. (II) Spatial independent component analysis (sICA) and k-means clustering are two representative data-driven algorithms used to analyze functional networks. However, it is still unclear how these two methods compare to each other in terms of their theoretical basis and biological relevance. Hence, the relationship between these two methods were investigated. (III) Despite the multi-scale functional organization of the brain, previous studies have primarily examined the large-scale networks of the entire brain. Complex neural activity patterns in relatively smaller spatial scales have been poorly understood. Therefore, the fine-scale spatiotemporal patterns within visual cortex were explored. The distinguishing results obtained in this study may provide new insights regarding the brain\u27s organization, as well as a better understanding of mathematical and statistical tools for functional and structural network analysis

    Parcellation of the human cerebral cortex using diffusion MRI

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    Histological methods have long been used to segment the cerebral cortex into structurally distinct cortical areas that have served as a basis for research into brain structure and function and remain in use today. There is great interest in adapting and extending these methods to be able to use non-invasive imaging, so that tighter structure-function relationships can be measured in living subjects. Whilst diffusion neuroimaging methods have been widely applied to white matter, the reduced anisotropy in the thin, complexly folded grey matter of the cortex has so far limited its study. In vivo parcellation pipelines have instead focussed on T1 and T2 weighted MRI. Recent advances in imaging hardware have reignited interest in grey matter diffusion MRI as a viable candidate for characterising architectonic domains. This Thesis explores the capabilities of dMRI as a measure of cortical microstructure using in vivo datasets from healthy adult participants. A cortical parcellation pipeline was developed in which both unsupervised and supervised algorithms were explored. Results were presented at both the group level and single subject level across the entire cortical sheet. The diffusion-based feature space characterised the known variation in cellular composition and fibre density relative to the local cortical surface normal. Thus they remain invariant to the confounding orientation changes associated with cortical folding, which usually inhibit studies of cortical microstructure. The features were compared to the alternative T1w/T2w myelin mapping methods to demonstrate that the diffusion MRI signal provides a complementary mode of contrast. A series of classification experiments were used to determine the most effective methods for utilising diffusion in grey matter applications. Several additional methods from the dMRI literature were compared to highlight the benefit of higher-order tissue representations. Similarly, classification tasks were used to corroborate the benefits of sampling multiple b-values in cortical studies. The experimental chapters provide strong evidence in favour of the future use of diffusion MRI as a measure of the varying microstructure that defines cortical areas
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