7 research outputs found

    Automatic plankton quantification using deep features

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    The study of marine plankton data is vital to monitor the health of the world’s oceans. In recent decades, automatic plankton recognition systems have proved useful to address the vast amount of data collected by specially engineered in situ digital imaging systems. At the beginning, these systems were developed and put into operation using traditional automatic classification techniques, which were fed with handdesigned local image descriptors (such as Fourier features), obtaining quite successful results. In the past few years, there have been many advances in the computer vision community with the rebirth of neural networks. In this paper, we leverage how descriptors computed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained with out-of-domain data are useful to replace hand-designed descriptors in the task of estimating the prevalence of each plankton class in a water sample. To achieve this goal, we have designed a broad set of experiments that show how effective these deep features are when working in combination with state-of-the-art quantification algorithms

    Deep learning for Plankton and Coral Classification

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    Oceans are the essential lifeblood of the Earth: they provide over 70% of the oxygen and over 97% of the water. Plankton and corals are two of the most fundamental components of ocean ecosystems, the former due to their function at many levels of the oceans food chain, the latter because they provide spawning and nursery grounds to many fish populations. Studying and monitoring plankton distribution and coral reefs is vital for environment protection. In the last years there has been a massive proliferation of digital imagery for the monitoring of underwater ecosystems and much research is concentrated on the automated recognition of plankton and corals. In this paper, we present a study about an automated system for monitoring of underwater ecosystems. The system here proposed is based on the fusion of different deep learning methods. We study how to create an ensemble based of different CNN models, fine tuned on several datasets with the aim of exploiting their diversity. The aim of our study is to experiment the possibility of fine-tuning pretrained CNN for underwater imagery analysis, the opportunity of using different datasets for pretraining models, the possibility to design an ensemble using the same architecture with small variations in the training procedure. The experimental results are very encouraging, our experiments performed on 5 well-knowns datasets (3 plankton and 2 coral datasets) show that the fusion of such different CNN models in a heterogeneous ensemble grants a substantial performance improvement with respect to other state-of-the-art approaches in all the tested problems. One of the main contributions of this work is a wide experimental evaluation of famous CNN architectures to report performance of both single CNN and ensemble of CNNs in different problems. Moreover, we show how to create an ensemble which improves the performance of the best single model

    Collaborative Deep Learning Models to Handle Class Imbalance in FlowCam Plankton Imagery

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    Usingautomatedimagingtechnologies,itisnowpossibletogeneratepreviouslyunprecedented volumes of plankton image data which can be used to study the composition of plankton assemblages. However, the current need to manually classify individual images introduces a bottleneck into processing chains.AlthoughMachineLearningtechniqueshavebeenusedtotryandaddressthisissue,pasteffortshave suffered from accuracy limitations, especially in minority classes. Here we use state-of-the-art methods in Deep Learning to investigate suitable architectures for training an automated plankton classification system which achieves high efficacy for both abundant and rare taxa. We collected live plankton from Station L4 in the Western English Channel and imaged 11,371 particles covering 104 taxonomic groups using the automatedplanktonimagingsystemFlowCam.Theimagesetcontainedasevereclassimbalance,withsome taxa represented by > 600 images while other, rarer taxa were represented by just 14. We demonstrate that by allowing multiple Deep Learning models to collaborate in a single classification system, classification accuracyimprovesforminorityclasseswhencomparedwiththebestindividualmodel.Thetopcollaborative model achieved a 6 % improvement in F1 accuracy over the best individual model, while overall accuracy improved by 3.2 %. This resulted in a 97.4 % overall accuracy score and a 96.2 % F1 macro score on a separate holdout test set containing 104 taxonomic groups. Based on a survey of similar studies in the literature, we believe collaborative deep learning models can significantly improve the accuracy of existing automated plankton classification systems

    Vision-based techniques for automatic marine plankton classification

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    Plankton are an important component of life on Earth. Since the 19th century, scientists have attempted to quantify species distributions using many techniques, such as direct counting, sizing, and classification with microscopes. Since then, extraordinary work has been performed regarding the development of plankton imaging systems, producing a massive backlog of images that await classification. Automatic image processing and classification approaches are opening new avenues for avoiding time-consuming manual procedures. While some algorithms have been adapted from many other applications for use with plankton, other exciting techniques have been developed exclusively for this issue. Achieving higher accuracy than that of human taxonomists is not yet possible, but an expeditious analysis is essential for discovering the world beyond plankton. Recent studies have shown the imminent development of real-time, in situ plankton image classification systems, which have only been slowed down by the complex implementations of algorithms on low-power processing hardware. This article compiles the techniques that have been proposed for classifying marine plankton, focusing on automatic methods that utilize image processing, from the beginnings of this field to the present day.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The authors wish to thank Alonso Hernández-Guerra for his frm support in the development of oceanographic technology. Special thanks to Laia Armengol for her help in the domain of plankton. This study has been funded by Feder of the UE through the RES-COAST Mac-Interreg pro ject (MAC2/3.5b/314). We also acknowledge the European Union projects SUMMER (Grant Agreement 817806) and TRIATLAS (Grant Agreement 817578) from the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the Ministry of Science from the Spanish Government through the Project DESAFÍO (PID2020-118118RB-I00)

    A systematic review of deep learning microalgae classification and detection

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    Algae represent the majority of the diversity on Earth and are a large group of organisms that have photosynthetic properties that are important to life. The species of algae are estimated to be more than 1 million, they play an important role in many fields such as agriculture, industry, food, and medicine. It is important to determine the type of algae, to determine if it is harmful or useful, and to indicate the health of the ecosystem, water quality, health, and safety risks. The conventional process of classifying algae is difficult, tedious, and time-consuming. Recently various computer vision techniques have been used to classify algae to overcome challenges and automate the process of classification. This paper presents a review of research done on image classification for microorganism algae using machine learning and deep learning techniques. The paper focuses on three important research questions to highlight the challenges of classifying microalgae. A systematic literature review or SLR has been conducted to determine how deep learning and machine learning have improved and enhanced automatic microalgae classification rather than manual classification. 51 articles have been included from well-known databases. The outcome of this SLR is beneficial due to the detailed analysis and comprehensive overview of the algorithms and the architectures and information about the dataset used in each included article. The future work focuses on getting a large dataset with high resolution, trying different methods to manage imbalance problems, and giving more attention to the fusion of deep learning techniques and traditional machine learning techniques

    Sinking Organic Particles in the Ocean—Flux Estimates From in situ Optical Devices

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    Optical particle measurements are emerging as an important technique for understanding the ocean carbon cycle, including contributions to estimates of their downward flux, which sequesters carbon dioxide (CO2) in the deep sea. Optical instruments can be used from ships or installed on autonomous platforms, delivering much greater spatial and temporal coverage of particles in the mesopelagic zone of the ocean than traditional techniques, such as sediment traps. Technologies to image particles have advanced greatly over the last two decades, but the quantitative translation of these immense datasets into biogeochemical properties remains a challenge. In particular, advances are needed to enable the optimal translation of imaged objects into carbon content and sinking velocities. In addition, different devices often measure different optical properties, leading to difficulties in comparing results. Here we provide a practical overview of the challenges and potential of using these instruments, as a step toward improvement and expansion of their applications