29 research outputs found

    A case for merging the ILP and DLP paradigms

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    The goal of this paper is to show that instruction level parallelism (ILP) and data-level parallelism (DLP) can be merged in a single architecture to execute vectorizable code at a performance level that can not be achieved using either paradigm on its own. We will show that the combination of the two techniques yields very high performance at a low cost and a low complexity. We will show that this architecture can reach a performance equivalent to a superscalar processor that sustained 10 instructions per cycle. We will see that the machine exploiting both types of parallelism improves upon the ILP-only machine by factors of 1.5-1.8. We also present a study on the scalability of both paradigms and show that, when we increase resources to reach a 16-issue machine, the advantage of the ILP+DLP machine over the ILP-only machine increases up to 2.0-3.45. While the peak achieved IPC for the ILP machine is 4, the ILP+DLP machine exceeds 10 instructions per cycle.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Movement of vector elements inside a de-coupled vector processing unit for high-performance memory operations

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    This thesis is part of the eProcessor project. Within it, the BSC is developing a RISC-V based decoupled vector accelerator. This accelerator must support the execution of vector memory instructions. More specifically, I have worked on the development of a set of modules oriented to the displacement of data between the vector registers and the memory hierarchy, as well as their correct mapping. For this task, it is essential to elaborate a design that is able to meet the requirements faced by the project. This is a first implementation that may receive updates in the future.Aquesta tesi forma part del projecte eProcessor. Dins d'ell, el BSC està desenvolupant un accelerador vectorial desacoblat basat en RISC-V. Aquest accelerador ha de suportar l'execució d'instruccions de memòria vectorial. Més concretament, he treballat en el desenvolupament d'un conjunt de mòduls orientats al desplaçament de dades entre els registres vectorials i la jerarquia de memòria, així com el seu correcte mapeig. Per a aquesta tasca, és fonamental elaborar un disseny que sigui capaç de satisfer els requisits que afronta el projecte. Aquesta és una primera implementació que pot rebre actualitzacions en el futur

    Out-of-order vector architectures

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    Register renaming and out-of-order instruction issue are now commonly used in superscalar processors. These techniques can also be used to significant advantage in vector processors, as this paper shows. Performance is improved and available memory bandwidth is used more effectively. Using a trace driven simulation we compare a conventional vector implementation, based on the Convex C3400, with an out-of-order, register renaming, vector implementation. When the number of physical registers is above 12, out-of-order execution coupled with register renaming provides a speedup of 1.24-1.72 for realistic memory latencies. Out-of-order techniques also tolerate main memory latencies of 100 cycles with a performance degradation less than 6%. The mechanisms used for register renaming and out-of-order issue can be used to support precise interrupts-generally a difficult problem in vector machines. When precise interrupts are implemented, there is typically less than a 10% degradation in performance. A new technique based on register renaming is targeted at dynamically eliminating spill code; this technique is shown to provide an extra speedup ranging between 1.10 and 1.20 while reducing total memory traffic by an average of 15-20%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Looking to Parallel Algorithms for ILP and Decentralization

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    We introduce explicit multi-threading (XMT), a decentralized architecture that exploits fine-grained SPMD-style programming; a SPMD program can translate directly to MIPS assembly language using three additional instruction primitives. The motivation for XMT is: (i) to define an inherently decentralizable architecture, taking into account that the performance of future integrated circuits will be dominated by wire costs, (ii) to increase available instruction-level parallelism (ILP) by leveraging expertise in the world of parallel algorithms, and (iii) to reduce hardware complexity by alleviating the need to detect ILP at run-time: if parallel algorithms can give us an overabundance of work to do in the form of thread-level parallelism, one can extract instruction-level parallelism with greatly simplified dependence-checking. We show that implementations of such an architecture tend towards decentralization and that, when global communication is necessary, overall performance is relatively insensitive to large on-chip delays. We compare the performance of the design to more traditional parallel architectures and to a high-performance superscalar implementation, but the intent is merely to illustrate the performance behavior of the organization and to stimulate debate on the viability of introducing SPMD to the single-chip processor domain. We cannot offer at this stage hard comparisons with well-researched models of execution. When programming for the SPMD model, the total number of operations that the processor has to perform is often slightly higher. To counter this, we have observed that the length of the critical path through the dynamic execution graph is smaller than in the serial domain, and the amount of ILP is correspondingly larger. Fine-grained SPMD programming connects with a broad knowledge base in parallel algorithms and scales down to provide good performance relative to high-performance superscalar designs even with small input sizes and small numbers of functional units. Keywords: Fine-grained SPMD, parallel algorithms. spawn-join, prefix-sum, instruction-level parallelism, decentralized architecture. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR- 98-40

    Adaptable register file organization for vector processors

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    Contemporary Vector Processors (VPs) are de-signed either for short vector lengths, e.g., Fujitsu A64FX with 512-bit ARM SVE vector support, or long vectors, e.g., NEC Aurora Tsubasa with 16Kbits Maximum Vector Length (MVL1). Unfortunately, both approaches have drawbacks. On the one hand, short vector length VP designs struggle to provide high efficiency for applications featuring long vectors with high Data Level Parallelism (DLP). On the other hand, long vector VP designs waste resources and underutilize the Vector Register File (VRF) when executing low DLP applications with short vector lengths. Therefore, those long vector VP implementations are limited to a specialized subset of applications, where relatively high DLP must be present to achieve excellent performance with high efficiency. Modern scientific applications are getting more diverse, and the vector lengths in those applications vary widely. To overcome these limitations, we propose an Adaptable Vector Architecture (AVA) that leads to having the best of both worlds. AVA is designed for short vectors (MVL=16 elements) and is thus area and energy-efficient. However, AVA has the functionality to reconfigure the MVL, thereby allowing to exploit the benefits of having a longer vector of up to 128 elements microarchitecture when abundant DLP is present. We model AVA on the gem5 simulator and evaluate AVA performance with six applications taken from the RiVEC Benchmark Suite. To obtain area and power consumption metrics, we model AVA on McPAT for 22nm technology. Our results show that by reconfiguring our small VRF (8KB) plus our novel issue queue scheme, AVA yields a 2X speedup over the default configuration for short vectors. Additionally, AVA shows competitive performance when compared to a long vector VP, while saving 50% of area.Research reported in this publication is partially supported by CONACyT Mexico under Grant No. 472106, the Spanish State Research Agency - Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract PID2019-107255GB), and the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of the total cost eligible, under the DRAC project [001-P-001723].Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Vitruvius+: An area-efficient RISC-V decoupled vector coprocessor for high performance computing applications

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    The maturity level of RISC-V and the availability of domain-specific instruction set extensions, like vector processing, make RISC-V a good candidate for supporting the integration of specialized hardware in processor cores for the High Performance Computing (HPC) application domain. In this article,1 we present Vitruvius+, the vector processing acceleration engine that represents the core of vector instruction execution in the HPC challenge that comes within the EuroHPC initiative. It implements the RISC-V vector extension (RVV) 0.7.1 and can be easily connected to a scalar core using the Open Vector Interface standard. Vitruvius+ natively supports long vectors: 256 double precision floating-point elements in a single vector register. It is composed of a set of identical vector pipelines (lanes), each containing a slice of the Vector Register File and functional units (one integer, one floating point). The vector instruction execution scheme is hybrid in-order/out-of-order and is supported by register renaming and arithmetic/memory instruction decoupling. On a stand-alone synthesis, Vitruvius+ reaches a maximum frequency of 1.4 GHz in typical conditions (TT/0.80V/25°C) using GlobalFoundries 22FDX FD-SOI. The silicon implementation has a total area of 1.3 mm2 and maximum estimated power of ~920 mW for one instance of Vitruvius+ equipped with eight vector lanes.This research has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under Framework Partnership Agreement No 800928 (European Processor Initiative) and Specific Grant Agreement No 101036168 (EPI SGA2). The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and from Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The EPI-SGA2 project, PCI2022-132935 is also co-funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the UE NextGen- erationEU/PRTR. This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An integrated vector-scalar design on an in-order ARM core

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    In the low-end mobile processor market, power, energy, and area budgets are significantly lower than in the server/desktop/laptop/high-end mobile markets. It has been shown that vector processors are a highly energy-efficient way to increase performance; however, adding support for them incurs area and power overheads that would not be acceptable for low-end mobile processors. In this work, we propose an integrated vector-scalar design for the ARM architecture that mostly reuses scalar hardware to support the execution of vector instructions. The key element of the design is our proposed block-based model of execution that groups vector computational instructions together to execute them in a coordinated manner. We implemented a classic vector unit and compare its results against our integrated design. Our integrated design improves the performance (more than 6Ă—) and energy consumption (up to 5Ă—) of a scalar in-order core with negligible area overhead (only 4.7% when using a vector register with 32 elements). In contrast, the area overhead of the classic vector unit can be significant (around 44%) if a dedicated vector floating-point unit is incorporated. Our block-based vector execution outperforms the classic vector unit for all kernels with floating-point data and also consumes less energy. We also complement the integrated design with three energy/performance-efficient techniques that further reduce power and increase performance. The first proposal covers the design and implementation of chaining logic that is optimized to work with the cache hierarchy through vector memory instructions, the second proposal reduces the number of reads/writes from/to the vector register file, and the third idea optimizes complex memory access patterns with the memory shape instruction and unified indexed vector load.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant GA no 321253 and is supported in part by the European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TIN2015-65316-P. This research has been also supported the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR - FI-DGR 2014). O. Palomar is funded by a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A RISC-V simulator and benchmark suite for designing and evaluating vector architectures

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    Vector architectures lack tools for research. Consider the gem5 simulator, which is possibly the leading platform for computer-system architecture research. Unfortunately, gem5 does not have an available distribution that includes a flexible and customizable vector architecture model. In consequence, researchers have to develop their own simulation platform to test their ideas, which consume much research time. However, once the base simulator platform is developed, another question is the following: Which applications should be tested to perform the experiments? The lack of Vectorized Benchmark Suites is another limitation. To face these problems, this work presents a set of tools for designing and evaluating vector architectures. First, the gem5 simulator was extended to support the execution of RISC-V Vector instructions by adding a parameterizable Vector Architecture model for designers to evaluate different approaches according to the target they pursue. Second, a novel Vectorized Benchmark Suite is presented: a collection composed of seven data-parallel applications from different domains that can be classified according to the modules that are stressed in the vector architecture. Finally, a study of the Vectorized Benchmark Suite executing on the gem5-based Vector Architecture model is highlighted. This suite is the first in its category that covers the different possible usage scenarios that may occur within different vector architecture designs such as embedded systems, mainly focused on short vectors, or High-Performance-Computing (HPC), usually designed for large vectors.This work is partially supported by CONACyT Mexico under Grant No. 472106 and the DRAC project, which is co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of total cost eligible.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Vector support for multicore processors with major emphasis on configurable multiprocessors

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    It recently became increasingly difficult to build higher speed uniprocessor chips because of performance degradation and high power consumption. The quadratically increasing circuit complexity forbade the exploration of more instruction-level parallelism (JLP). To continue raising the performance, processor designers then focused on thread-level parallelism (TLP) to realize a new architecture design paradigm. Multicore processor design is the result of this trend. It has proven quite capable in performance increase and provides new opportunities in power management and system scalability. But current multicore processors do not provide powerful vector architecture support which could yield significant speedups for array operations while maintaining arealpower efficiency. This dissertation proposes and presents the realization of an FPGA-based prototype of a multicore architecture with a shared vector unit (MCwSV). FPGA stands for Filed-Programmable Gate Array. The idea is that rather than improving only scalar or TLP performance, some hardware budget could be used to realize a vector unit to greatly speedup applications abundant in data-level parallelism (DLP). To be realistic, limited by the parallelism in the application itself and by the compiler\u27s vectorizing abilities, most of the general-purpose programs can only be partially vectorized. Thus, for efficient resource usage, one vector unit should be shared by several scalar processors. This approach could also keep the overall budget within acceptable limits. We suggest that this type of vector-unit sharing be established in future multicore chips. The design, implementation and evaluation of an MCwSV system with two scalar processors and a shared vector unit are presented for FPGA prototyping. The MicroBlaze processor, which is a commercial IP (Intellectual Property) core from Xilinx, is used as the scalar processor; in the experiments the vector unit is connected to a pair of MicroBlaze processors through standard bus interfaces. The overall system is organized in a decoupled and multi-banked structure. This organization provides substantial system scalability and better vector performance. For a given area budget, benchmarks from several areas show that the MCwSV system can provide significant performance increase as compared to a multicore system without a vector unit. However, a MCwSV system with two MicroBlazes and a shared vector unit is not always an optimized system configuration for various applications with different percentages of vectorization. On the other hand, the MCwSV framework was designed for easy scalability to potentially incorporate various numbers of scalar/vector units and various function units. Also, the flexibility inherent to FPGAs can aid the task of matching target applications. These benefits can be taken into account to create optimized MCwSV systems for various applications. So the work eventually focused on building an architecture design framework incorporating performance and resource management for application-specific MCwSV (AS-MCwSV) systems. For embedded system design, resource usage, power consumption and execution latency are three metrics to be used in design tradeoffs. The product of these metrics is used here to choose the MCwSV system with the smallest value

    DeSC: Decoupled Supply-Compute Communication Management for Heterogeneous Architectures

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    ABSTRACT Today's computers employ significant heterogeneity to meet performance targets at manageable power. In adopting increased compute specialization, however, the relative amount of time spent on memory or communication latency has increased. System and software optimizations for memory and communication often come at the costs of increased complexity and reduced portability. We propose Decoupled Supply-Compute (DeSC) as a way to attack memory bottlenecks automatically, while maintaining good portability and low complexity. Drawing from Decoupled Access Execute (DAE) approaches, our work updates and expands on these techniques with increased specialization and automatic compiler support. Across the evaluated workloads, DeSC o↵ers an average of 2.04x speedup over baseline (on homogeneous CMPs) and 1.56x speedup when a DeSC data supplier feeds data to a hardware accelerator. Achieving performance very close to what a perfect cache hierarchy would o↵er, DeSC o↵ers the performance gains of specialized communication acceleration while maintaining useful generality across platforms