351 research outputs found

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    A Decomposition Algorithm to Solve the Multi-Hop Peer-to-Peer Ride-Matching Problem

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    In this paper, we mathematically model the multi-hop Peer-to-Peer (P2P) ride-matching problem as a binary program. We formulate this problem as a many-to-many problem in which a rider can travel by transferring between multiple drivers, and a driver can carry multiple riders. We propose a pre-processing procedure to reduce the size of the problem, and devise a decomposition algorithm to solve the original ride-matching problem to optimality by means of solving multiple smaller problems. We conduct extensive numerical experiments to demonstrate the computational efficiency of the proposed algorithm and show its practical applicability to reasonably-sized dynamic ride-matching contexts. Finally, in the interest of even lower solution times, we propose heuristic solution methods, and investigate the trade-offs between solution time and accuracy

    Shared Mobility Optimization in Large Scale Transportation Networks: Methodology and Applications

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    abstract: Optimization of on-demand transportation systems and ride-sharing services involves solving a class of complex vehicle routing problems with pickup and delivery with time windows (VRPPDTW). Previous research has made a number of important contributions to the challenging pickup and delivery problem along different formulation or solution approaches. However, there are a number of modeling and algorithmic challenges for a large-scale deployment of a vehicle routing and scheduling algorithm, especially for regional networks with various road capacity and traffic delay constraints on freeway bottlenecks and signal timing on urban streets. The main thrust of this research is constructing hyper-networks to implicitly impose complicated constraints of a vehicle routing problem (VRP) into the model within the network construction. This research introduces a new methodology based on hyper-networks to solve the very important vehicle routing problem for the case of generic ride-sharing problem. Then, the idea of hyper-networks is applied for (1) solving the pickup and delivery problem with synchronized transfers, (2) computing resource hyper-prisms for sustainable transportation planning in the field of time-geography, and (3) providing an integrated framework that fully captures the interactions between supply and demand dimensions of travel to model the implications of advanced technologies and mobility services on traveler behavior.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 201

    Workload Equity in Vehicle Routing Problems: A Survey and Analysis

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    Over the past two decades, equity aspects have been considered in a growing number of models and methods for vehicle routing problems (VRPs). Equity concerns most often relate to fairly allocating workloads and to balancing the utilization of resources, and many practical applications have been reported in the literature. However, there has been only limited discussion about how workload equity should be modeled in VRPs, and various measures for optimizing such objectives have been proposed and implemented without a critical evaluation of their respective merits and consequences. This article addresses this gap with an analysis of classical and alternative equity functions for biobjective VRP models. In our survey, we review and categorize the existing literature on equitable VRPs. In the analysis, we identify a set of axiomatic properties that an ideal equity measure should satisfy, collect six common measures, and point out important connections between their properties and those of the resulting Pareto-optimal solutions. To gauge the extent of these implications, we also conduct a numerical study on small biobjective VRP instances solvable to optimality. Our study reveals two undesirable consequences when optimizing equity with nonmonotonic functions: Pareto-optimal solutions can consist of non-TSP-optimal tours, and even if all tours are TSP optimal, Pareto-optimal solutions can be workload inconsistent, i.e. composed of tours whose workloads are all equal to or longer than those of other Pareto-optimal solutions. We show that the extent of these phenomena should not be underestimated. The results of our biobjective analysis are valid also for weighted sum, constraint-based, or single-objective models. Based on this analysis, we conclude that monotonic equity functions are more appropriate for certain types of VRP models, and suggest promising avenues for further research.Comment: Accepted Manuscrip

    Dynamic vehicle routing problems: Three decades and counting

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    Since the late 70s, much research activity has taken place on the class of dynamic vehicle routing problems (DVRP), with the time period after year 2000 witnessing a real explosion in related papers. Our paper sheds more light into work in this area over more than 3 decades by developing a taxonomy of DVRP papers according to 11 criteria. These are (1) type of problem, (2) logistical context, (3) transportation mode, (4) objective function, (5) fleet size, (6) time constraints, (7) vehicle capacity constraints, (8) the ability to reject customers, (9) the nature of the dynamic element, (10) the nature of the stochasticity (if any), and (11) the solution method. We comment on technological vis-à-vis methodological advances for this class of problems and suggest directions for further research. The latter include alternative objective functions, vehicle speed as decision variable, more explicit linkages of methodology to technological advances and analysis of worst case or average case performance of heuristics.© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Modeling Framework and Solution Methodologies for On-Demand Mobility Services With Ridesharing and Transfer Options

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    The growing complexity of the urban travel pattern and its related traffic congestion, along with the extensive usage of mobile phones, invigorated On-Demand Mobility Services (ODMS) and opened the door to the emergence of Transportation Network Companies (TNC). By adopting the shared economy paradigm, TNCs enable private car owners to provide transportation services to passengers by providing user-friendly mobile phone applications that efficiently match passengers to service providers. Considering the high level of flexibility, convenience, and reliability of ODMS, compared to those offered by traditional public transportation systems, many metropolitan areas in the United States and abroad have reported rapid growth of such services. This dissertation presents a modeling framework to study the operation of on-demand mobility services (ODMS) in urban areas. The framework can analyze the operation of ODMS while representing emerging services such as ridesharing and transfer. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer program and an efficient decomposition-based methodology is developed for its solution. This solution methodology aims at solving the offline version of the problem, in which the passengers’ demand is assumed to be known ii for the entire planning horizon. The presented approach adopts a modified column generation algorithm, which integrates iterative decomposition and network augmentation techniques to analyze networks with moderate size. Besides, a novel methodology for integrated ride-matching and vehicle routing for dynamic (online) ODMS with ridesharing and transfer options is developed to solve the problem in real-time. The methodology adopts a hybrid heuristic approach, which enables solving large problem instances in near real-time, where the passengers’ demand is not known a priori. The heuristic allows to (1) promptly respond to individual ride requests and (2) periodically re-evaluate the generated solutions and recommend modifications to enhance the overall solution quality by increasing the number of served passengers and total profit of the system. The outcomes of experiments considering hypothetical and real-world networks are presented. The results show that the modified column generation approach provides a good quality solution in less computation time than the CPLEX solver. Additionally, the heuristic approach can provide an efficient solution for large networks while satisfying the real-time execution requirements. Additionally, investigation of the results of the experiments shows that increasing the number of passengers willing to rideshare and/or transfer increases the general performance of ODMS by increasing the number of served passengers and associated revenue and reducing the number of needed vehicles

    Revisión de la literatura del problema de ruteo de vehículos en un contexto de transporte verde

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    In the efficient management of the supply chain the optimal management of transport of consumables and finished products appears. The costs associated with transport have direct impact on the final value consumers must pay, which in addition to requiring competitive products also demand that they are generated in environmentally friendly organizations. Aware of this reality, this document is intended to be a starting point for Master’s and Doctoral degree students who want to work in a line of research recently proposed: green routing. The state of the art of the vehicle routing problem is presented in this paper, listing its variants, models and methodologies for solution. Furthermore, the proposed interaction between variants of classical routing problems and environmental effects of its operations, known in the literature as Green- VRP is presented. The goal is to generate a discussion in which mathematical models and solution strategies that can be applied within organizations that consider within their objectives an efficient and sustainable operation are posed.En el gerenciamiento eficiente de la cadena de suministro aparece la gestión óptima del transporte de insumos y productos terminados. Los costos asociados al transporte tienen impacto directo sobre el valor final que deben pagar los consumidores, que además de requerir productos competitivos también exigen que los mismos sean generados en organizaciones amigables con el medioambiente. Consientes de esa realidad este documento pretende ser un punto de partida para estudiantes de maestría y doctorado que quieran trabajar en una línea de investigación propuesta recientemente: el ruteo verde. En este trabajo se muestra un estado del arte del problema de ruteo de vehículos, enumerando sus variantes, modelos y metodologías de solución. Además, se presenta la interacción que se ha propuesto entre variantes clásicas de los problemas de ruteo y los efectos ambientales de su operación, denominados en la literatura como Green-VRP. El objetivo es generar una discusión donde se planteen modelos matemáticos y estrategias de solución que puedan ser aplicadas en organizaciones que consideren dentro de sus objetivos una operación eficiente y sustentable


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    In the efficient management of the supply chain the optimal management of transport of consumables and finished products appears. The costs associated with transport have direct impact on the final value consumers must pay, which in addition to requiring competitive products also demand that they are generated in environmentally friendly organizations. Aware of this reality, this document is intended to be a starting point for Master's and Doctoral degree students who want to work in a line of research recently proposed: green routing. The state of the art of the vehicle routing problem is presented in this paper, listing its variants, models and methodologies for solution. Furthermore, the proposed interaction between variants of classical routing problems and environmental effects of its operations, known in the literature as Green-VRP is presented. The goal is to generate a discussion in which mathematical models and solution strategies that can be applied within organizations that consider within their objectives an efficient and sustainable operation are posed. En el gerenciamiento eficiente de la cadena de suministro aparece la gestión óptima del transporte de insumos y productos terminados. Los costos asociados al transporte tienen impacto directo sobre el valor final que deben pagar los consumidores, que además de requerir productos competitivos también exigen que los mismos sean generados en organizaciones amigables con el medioambiente. Consientes de esa realidad este documento pretende ser un punto de partida para estudiantes de maestría y doctorado que quieran trabajar en una línea de investigación propuesta recientemente: el ruteo verde. En este trabajo se muestra un estado del arte del problema de ruteo de vehículos, enumerando sus variantes, modelos y metodologías de solución. Además, se presenta la interacción que se ha propuesto entre variantes clásicas de los problemas de ruteo y los efectos ambientales de su operación, denominados en la literatura como Green-VRP. El objetivo es generar una discusión donde se planteen modelos matemáticos y estrategias de solución que puedan ser aplicadas en organizaciones que consideren dentro de sus objetivos una operación eficiente y sustentable. Document type: Articl

    Using group role assignment to solve Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (DVRP) is a more complex problem than the traditional Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in the combinatorial optimization of operations research. With more degrees of freedom, DVRP introduces new challenges while judging the merit of a given route plan. This thesis utilized the time slice strategy to solve dynamic and deterministic routing problems. Based on Group Role Assignment (GRA) and two different routing methods (Modified Insertion heuristic routing and Modified Composite Pairing Or-opt routing), a new ridesharing system has been designed to provide services in the real world. Simulation results are presented in this thesis. A qualitative comparison has been made to outline the advantages and performance of our solution framework. From the numerical results, the proposed method has a great potential to put into operation in the real world and provides a new transit option for the public.Master of Science (MSc) in Computational Scienc

    The Dynamic Multi-objective Multi-vehicle Covering Tour Problem

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    This work introduces a new routing problem called the Dynamic Multi-Objective Multi-vehicle Covering Tour Problem (DMOMCTP). The DMOMCTPs is a combinatorial optimization problem that represents the problem of routing multiple vehicles to survey an area in which unpredictable target nodes may appear during execution. The formulation includes multiple objectives that include minimizing the cost of the combined tour cost, minimizing the longest tour cost, minimizing the distance to nodes to be covered and maximizing the distance to hazardous nodes. This study adapts several existing algorithms to the problem with several operator and solution encoding variations. The efficacy of this set of solvers is measured against six problem instances created from existing Traveling Salesman Problem instances which represent several real countries. The results indicate that repair operators, variable length solution encodings and variable-length operators obtain a better approximation of the true Pareto front