153 research outputs found

    Decentralized Sliding Mode Control of Islanded AC Microgrids with Arbitrary Topology

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    The present paper deals with modelling of complex microgrids and the design of advanced control strategies of sliding mode type to control them in a decentralized way. More specifically, the model of a microgrid including several distributed generation units (DGus), connected according to an arbitrary complex and meshed topology, and working in islanded operation mode (IOM), is proposed. Moreover, it takes into account all the connection line parameters and it is affected by unknown load dynamics, nonlinearities and unavoidable modelling uncertainties, which make sliding mode control algorithms suitable to solve the considered control problem. Then, a decentralized second order sliding mode (SOSM) control scheme, based on the Suboptimal algorithm is designed for each DGu. The overall control scheme is theoretically analyzed, proving the asymptotic stability of the whole microgrid system. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control approach

    A Robust Consensus Algorithm for Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation in DC Microgrids

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    In this paper a novel distributed control algorithm for current sharing and voltage regulation in Direct Current (DC) microgrids is proposed. The DC microgrid is composed of several Distributed Generation units (DGUs), including Buck converters and current loads. The considered model permits an arbitrary network topology and is affected by unknown load demand and modelling uncertainties. The proposed control strategy exploits a communication network to achieve proportional current sharing using a consensus-like algorithm. Voltage regulation is achieved by constraining the system to a suitable manifold. Two robust control strategies of Sliding Mode (SM) type are developed to reach the desired manifold in a finite time. The proposed control scheme is formally analyzed, proving the achievement of proportional current sharing, while guaranteeing that the weighted average voltage of the microgrid is identical to the weighted average of the voltage references.Comment: 12 page

    Control of voltage source converters for distributed generation in microgrids

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    Microgrids are the near future candidate to reduce the dependence on the carbon-based generation, towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy paradigm. The popularization of the use of renewable energy sources has fostered the development of better technologies for microgrids, particularly power electronics and storage systems. Following the improvements in microgrid technologies achieved in the last decade, a new challenge is being faced: the control and management of microgrids for its operation in islanded mode, in addition to its large scale integration into the current electrical power system. The unregulated introduction of distributed generation based on renewable energy sources into the power system could cause as many problems as it would solve. The unpredictability of the generated power would introduce large disturbances into the electric system, making it difficult to control, and eventually resulting in an unstable system. To overcome these issues, the paradigm of microgrids has been proposed: a small power system, able to operate islanded from the main grid, which will permit the large scale introduction of renewable energy sources interfaced with power electronic converters together with energy storage systems into the distribution grids. Microgrids¿ ability to allow their users to operate islanded from the utility grid, brings the potential to offer a high quality of service. It is in the islanded operation mode, particularly in microgrids with a high proportion of renewable based generation, where the major technical challenges are found. This thesis focuses in three of the main challenges of islanded and weak electrical grids: the power converter control of electrical storage systems, its decentralized control design, and also the improvement of power quality in grids disturbed by renewable generation. These topics are addressed from a control point of view, that is, to tackle the electrical problems, modelling them and proposing advanced control strategies to improve performance of microgrids. Energy storage system are a vital element to permit the islanded operation of microgrids, either in the long or short term. New control strategies are proposed in this thesis for the improvement of the converters¿ performance. In addition to the control of the converter, the management and control of different energy storage systems for microgrids are also studied. In particular, supercapacitors and batteries have been considered for the short and long term operation, respectively. Then, the control of islanded microgrids is addressed. Typical controls for islanded microgrids are analysed and new tools for designing stable controllers are proposed. Also, methodologies to analytically obtain the operating point (power flow) of droop controlled grids are studied and proposed. The high penetration of renewable energy sources in weak low-voltage grids results in undesirable electrical disturbances. This problematic in power quality is tackled and innovative solutions to mitigate it are proposed. In particular, a novel power smoothing scheme with simultaneous state of charge regulation of the ESS and power filtering. The new power smoothing scheme, along with the proposed control strategies for storage systems have been experimentally validated in a laboratory test bench, using a supercapacitor bank and a high power lithium-ion battery available at IREC's facilities.Les microxarxes són les candidates en un futur a curt termini, a substituir la generació basada en el carbó, de cara a assolir un sistema energètic més respectuós amb el medi ambient i més sostenible. La popularització de l'ús d'energies renovables ha fomentat la millora de les tecnologies per a microxarxes, en particular els sistemes d'emmagatzematge i l'electronica de potència. Desprès de les millores en tecnologies de microxarxes aconseguides durant l'última dècada, hi ha un nou repte al qual fer front: el control i gestió de microxarxes per la seva operació aïllada, a més de la integració a gran escala dins del sistema elèctric actual. La introducció descontrolada de fonts de generació distribuides en el sistema elèctric pot causar tants problemes com els que podria sol·lucionar. La incertesa en la producció elèctrica pot introduir grans pertorbacions al sistema elèctric, fent-lo difícil de controlar, i fins i tot el pot arribar a inestabilitzar. Per tal de fer front a aquestes dificultats, es proposa el paradigma de microxarxa: un petit sistema elèctric capaç d'operar de forma aïlla de la xarxa de distribució elèctrica, el qual hauria de permetre la integració a gran escala d'energies renovables a través de l'electrònica de potència, juntament amb sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia, dins de les xarxes de distribució. Les microxarxes permeten als seus usuaris a funcionar aillats de la xarxa elèctrica, donant la possibilitat d'oferir una alta qualitat de servei. És en el mode de funcionament aïllat, particularment en microxarxes amb una altra proporció de generació basada en renovables, on es troben la major part de reptes tecnològics. Aquesta tesi es centra en tres d'aquests reptes de les xarxes aillades i dèbils: el disseny del control per a convertidors de potència per a sistemes d'emmagatzematge elèctric, el control descentralitzat de les microxarxes i també la millora en la qualitat de subministre elèctric en xarxes afectades per generació renovable. Aquestes temes es tracten des d'el punt de vista de la teoria de control de sistemes, aixó significa, abordar el problema elèctric, modelar-lo, i proposar estrategies de control avançades per millorar el funcionament de les microxarxes. Els sistemes d'emmagatzematge són un element vital per permetre l'operació aïllada de les microxarxes, tant a llarg com a curt termini. En aquesta tesi es proposen noves estratègies de control per millorar el funcionament dels convertidors d'electrònica de potència. A més del control del convertidor, també s'estudia la gestió i control de diferents sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia per a microxarxes. En particular, supercondensador i bateries s'han considerat per l'operació a curt i llarg termini respectivament. Seguidament, s'enfila el control de microxarxes aïllades. S'analitzen els controls típics per a microxarxes i es proposen noves eines de disseny que permeten garantitzar l'estabilitat. A més a més, metodologies per a obtenir el punt d'operació (el flux de potènica) per a xarxes amb control tipus "droop" també s'estudien i proposen. L'alta penetració de fonts d'energia renovables en xarxes de baixa tensió i febles resulta en pertorbacions elèctriques indesitjables. Aquesta problematica en la qualitat de subministrament s'aborda i es proposen solucions inovadores per mitigar els efectes negatius. En particular, s'ha proposat un nou sistema de suavitzat de potència que regula simltaneament l'estat de càrrega del sistema d'emmagatzematge i filtra la potencia fluctuant. El nou esquema de suavitzat de potència, juntament amb les estrategies proposades per als sistemes d'emmagatzematge elèctric s'han validat experimentalment en un banc de laboratori, emprant superconsadors i una bateria d'alta potència, disponibles a les instal·lacions de l'IREC

    Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode command-filtered backstepping control for islanded PV microgrid with energy storage system

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    This study focuses on the control of islanded photovoltaic (PV) microgrid and design of a controller for PV system. Because the system operates in islanded mode, the reference voltage and frequency of AC bus are provided by the energy storage system. We mainly designed the controller for PV system in this study, and the control objective is to control the DC bus voltage and output current of PV system. First, a mathematical model of the PV system was set up. In the design of PV system controller, command-filtered backstepping control method was used to construct the virtual controller, and the final controller was designed by using sliding mode control. Considering the uncertainty of circuit parameters in the mathematical model and the unmodeled part of PV system, we have integrated adaptive control in the controller to achieve the on-line identification of component parameters of PV system. Moreover, fuzzy control was used to approximate the unmodeled part of the system. In addition, the projection operator guarantees the boundedness of adaptive estimation. Finally, the control effect of designed controller was verified by MATLAB/Simulink software. By comparing with the control results of proportion-integral (PI) and other controllers, the advanced design of controller was verified

    Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode command-filtered backstepping control for islanded PV microgrid with energy storage system

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    This study focuses on the control of islanded photovoltaic (PV) microgrid and design of a controller for PV system. Because the system operates in islanded mode, the reference voltage and frequency of AC bus are provided by the energy storage system. We mainly designed the controller for PV system in this study, and the control objective is to control the DC bus voltage and output current of PV system. First, a mathematical model of the PV system was set up. In the design of PV system controller, command-filtered backstepping control method was used to construct the virtual controller, and the final controller was designed by using sliding mode control. Considering the uncertainty of circuit parameters in the mathematical model and the unmodeled part of PV system, we have integrated adaptive control in the controller to achieve the on-line identification of component parameters of PV system. Moreover, fuzzy control was used to approximate the unmodeled part of the system. In addition, the projection operator guarantees the boundedness of adaptive estimation. Finally, the control effect of designed controller was verified by MATLAB/Simulink software. By comparing with the control results of proportion-integral (PI) and other controllers, the advanced design of controller was verified

    On the Robust Control and Optimization Strategies for Islanded Inverter-Based Microgrids

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    In recent years, the concept of Microgrids (MGs) has become more popular due to a significant integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into electric power systems. Microgrids are small-scale power grids consisting of localized grouping of heterogeneous Distributed Generators (DGs), storage systems, and loads. MGs may operate either in autonomous islanded mode or connected to the main power system. Despite the significant benefits of increasing RESs, many new challenges raise in controlling MGs. Hence, a three layered hierarchical architecture consisting of three control loops closed on the DGs dynamics has been introduced for MGs. The inner loop is called Primary Control (PC), and it provides the references for the DG’s DC-AC power converters. In general, the PC is implemented in a decentralized way with the aim to establish, by means of a droop control term, the desired sharing of power among DGs while preserving the MG stability. Then, because of inverterbased DGs have no inertia, a Secondary Control (SC) layer is needed to compensate the frequency and voltage deviations introduced by the PC’s droop control terms. Finally, an operation control is designed to optimize the operation of the MGs by providing power setpoints to the lower control layers. This thesis is mainly devoted to the design of robust distributed secondary frequency and voltage restoration control strategies for AC MGs to avoid central controllers and complexity of communication networks. Different distributed strategies are proposed in this work: (i) Robust Adaptive Distributed SC with Communication delays (ii) Robust Optimal Distributed Voltage SC with Communication Delays and (iii) Distributed Finite-Time SC by Coupled Sliding-Mode Technique. In all three proposed approaches, the problem is addressed in a multi-agent fashion where the generator plays the role of cooperative agents communicating over a network and physically coupled through the power system. The first approach provides an exponentially converging voltage and frequency restoration rate in the presence of both, model uncertainties, and multiple time-varying delays in the DGs’s communications. This approach consist of two terms: 1) a decentralized Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) aimed to enforce each agent (DG) to behaves as reference unperturbed dynamic; 2) an ad-hoc designed distributed protocol aimed to globally, exponentially, achieves the frequency and voltage restoration while fulfilling the power-sharing constraints in spite of the communication delays. The second approach extends the first one by including an optimization algorithm to find the optimal control gains and estimate the corresponding maximum delay tolerated by the controlled system. In the third approach, the problem of voltage and frequency restoration as well as active power sharing are solved in finite-time by exploiting delay-free communications among DGs and considering model uncertainties. In this approach, for DGs with no direct access to their reference values, a finite-time distributed sliding mode estimator is implemented for both secondary frequency and voltage schemes. The estimator determines local estimates of the global reference values of the voltage and frequency for DGs in a finite time and provides this information for the distributed SC schemes. This dissertation also proposes a novel certainty Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach for the operation of islanded MG with very high share of renewable energy sources. To this aim, the conversion losses of storage units are formulated by quadratic functions to reduce the error in storage units state of charge prediction

    Review on Control of DC Microgrids and Multiple Microgrid Clusters

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    This paper performs an extensive review on control schemes and architectures applied to dc microgrids (MGs). It covers multilayer hierarchical control schemes, coordinated control strategies, plug-and-play operations, stability and active damping aspects, as well as nonlinear control algorithms. Islanding detection, protection, and MG clusters control are also briefly summarized. All the mentioned issues are discussed with the goal of providing control design guidelines for dc MGs. The future research challenges, from the authors' point of view, are also provided in the final concluding part