269 research outputs found

    E-transportation: the role of embedded systems in electric energy transfer from grid to vehicle

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are a promising solution to reduce the transportation dependency on oil, as well as the environmental concerns. Realization of E-transportation relies on providing electrical energy to the EVs in an effective way. Energy storage system (ESS) technologies, including batteries and ultra-capacitors, have been significantly improved in terms of stored energy and power. Beside technology advancements, a battery management system is necessary to enhance safety, reliability and efficiency of the battery. Moreover, charging infrastructure is crucial to transfer electrical energy from the grid to the EV in an effective and reliable way. Every aspect of E-transportation is permeated by the presence of an intelligent hardware platform, which is embedded in the vehicle components, provided with the proper interfaces to address the communication, control and sensing needs. This embedded system controls the power electronics devices, negotiates with the partners in multi-agent scenarios, and performs fundamental tasks such as power flow control and battery management. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the open challenges in E-transportation and to show the fundamental role played by embedded systems. The conclusion is that transportation electrification cannot fully be realized without the inclusion of the recent advancements in embedded systems

    Modular, Scalable Battery Systems with Integrated Cell Balancing and DC Bus Power Processing

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    Traditional electric vehicle and stationary battery systems use series-connected battery packs that employ centralized battery management and power processing architecture. Though, these systems meet the basic safety and power requirements with a simple hard- ware structure, the approach results in a battery pack that is energy and power limited by weak cells throughout life and most importantly at end-of-life. The applications of battery systems can benefit significantly from modular, scalable battery systems capable of advanced cell balancing, efficient power processing, and cost gains via reuse beyond first-use application. The design of modular battery systems has unique requirements for the power electronics designer, including architecture, design, modeling and control of power processing converters, and battery balancing methods. This dissertation considers the requirements imposed by electric vehicle and stationary applications and presents design and control of modular battery systems to overcome challenges associated with conventional systems. The modular battery system uses cell or substring-level power converters to combine battery balancing and power processing functionality and opens the door to new opportunities for advanced cell balancing methods. This approach enables balancing control to act on cell-level information, reroute power around weaker cells in a string of cells to optimally deploy the stored energy, and achieve performance gains throughout the life of the battery pack. With this approach, the integrated balancing power converters can achieve system cost and efficiency gains by replacing or eliminating some of the conventional components inside battery systems such as passive balancing circuits and high-voltage, high-power converters. In addition, when coupled with life prognostic based cell balancing control, the modular system can extend the lifetime of a battery pack by up to 40%. The modular architecture design and control concepts developed in this dissertation can be applied to designs of large battery packs and improve battery pack performance, lifetime, size, and cost

    State Estimation of Li-ion Batteries Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Lithium-ion batteries are mainly utilized in electric vehicles, electric ships, etc. due to their virtue of high energy density, low self-discharge, and low costs. Electric vehicles are prone to accelerated battery degradation due to the high charging/discharging cycles and high peak power demand. Hence, efficient management of the batteries is a dire need in this regard. Battery management systems (BMS) have been developing to control, monitor, and measure the variables of the battery such as voltage, current, and temperature, to estimate the states of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) of the battery. This study is divided into three parts; in the first part, the SOC of the battery is estimated utilizing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The EIS measurements are obtained at different SOC and temperature levels. The highly correlated measurements with the SOC are then extracted to be used as input features. Gaussian process regression (GPR) and linear regression (LR) are employed to estimate the SOC of the battery. In the second part of this study, the EIS measurements at different SOC and temperature levels are employed to estimate the SOH of the battery. In this part, transfer learning (TL) along with deep neural network (DNN) is adopted to estimate the SOH of the battery at another outrange temperature level. The effect of the number of fixed layers is also investigated to compare the performance of various DNN models. The results indicate that the DNN with no fixed layer outclasses the other DNN model with one or more fixed layers. In the third part of this dissertation, the co-estimation of SOC and SOH is conducted as SOC and SOH are intertwined characteristics of the battery, and a change in one affects the other variation. First, the SOH of the battery is estimated using EIS measurements by GPR and DNN. The estimated SOH, along with online-measurable variables of the battery, i.e., voltage and current, are then utilized as input features for long-short term memory (LSTM) and DNN algorithms to estimate the SOC of the battery

    An Overview on Functional Integration of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Multi-Energy Buildings

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    Buildings are responsible for over 30% of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total CO2 emissions. Thus, rapid penetration of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in this sector is required. Integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into residential buildings should not only guarantee an overall neutral energy balance over long term horizon (nZEB concept), but also provide a higher flexibility, a real-time monitoring and a real time interaction with end-users (smart-building concept). Thus, increasing interest is being given to the concepts of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) and Multi-Energy Buildings, in which several renewable and nonrenewable energy systems, the energy networks and the energy demand optimally interact with each other at various levels, exploring all possible interactions between systems and vectors (electricity, heat, cooling, fuels, transport) without them being treated separately. In this context, the present paper gives an overview of functional integration of HRES in Multi-Energy Buildings evidencing the numerous problems and potentialities related to the application of HRESs in the residential building sector. Buildingintegrated HRESs with at least two RESs (i.e., wind–solar, solar–geothermal and solar–biomass) are considered. The most applied HRES solutions in the residential sector are presented, and integration of HRES with thermal and electrical loads in residential buildings connected to external multiple energy grids is investigated. Attention is focused on the potentialities that functional integration can offer in terms of flexibility services to the energy grids. New holistic approaches to the management problems and more complex architectures for the optimal control are described

    Stand-Alone Direct Current Power Network Based on Photovoltaics and Lithium-Ion Batteries for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant

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    Plummeting reserves and increasing demand of freshwater resources have culminated into a global water crisis. Desalination is a potential solution to mitigate the freshwater shortage. However, the process of desalination is expensive and energy-intensive. Due to the water-energy-climate nexus, there is an urgent need to provide sustainable low-cost electrical power for desalination that has the lowest impact on climate and related ecosystem challenges. For a large-scale reverse osmosis desalination plant, we have proposed the design and analysis of a photovoltaics and battery-based stand-alone direct current power network. The design methodology focusses on appropriate sizing, optimum tilt and temperature compensation techniques based on 10 years of irradiation data for the Carlsbad Desalination Plant in California, USA. A decision-tree approach is employed for ensuring hourly load-generation balance. The power flow analysis evaluates self-sufficient generation even during cloud cover contingencies. The primary goal of the proposed system is to maximize the utilization of generated photovoltaic power and battery energy storage with minimal conversions and transmission losses. The direct current based topology includes high-voltage transmission, on-the-spot local inversion, situational awareness and cyber security features. Lastly, economic feasibility of the proposed system is carried out for a plant lifetime of 30 years. The variable effect of utility-scale battery storage costs for 16–18 h of operation is studied. Our results show that the proposed design will provide low electricity costs ranging from 3.79 to 6.43 ¢/kWh depending on the debt rate. Without employing the concept of baseload electric power, photovoltaics and battery-based direct current power networks for large-scale desalination plants can achieve tremendous energy savings and cost reduction with negligible carbon footprint, thereby providing affordable water for all

    Integration of AC/DC Microgrids into Power Grids

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    AC/DC Microgrids are a small part of low voltage distribution networks that are located far from power substations, and are interconnected through the point of common coupling to power grids. These systems are important keys for the flexible, techno-economic, and environmental-friendly generation of units for the reliable operation and cost-effective planning of smart electricity grids. Although AC/DC microgrids, with the integration of renewable energy resources and other energy systems, such as power-to-gas, combined heat and power, combined cooling heat and power, power-to-heat, power-to-vehicle, pump and compressed air storage, have several advantages, there are some technical aspects that must be addressed. This Special Issue aims to study the configuration, impacts, and prospects of AC/DC microgrids that enable enhanced solutions for intelligent and optimized electricity systems, energy storage systems, and demand-side management in power grids with an increasing share of distributed energy resources. It includes AC/DC microgrid modeling, simulation, control, operation, protection, dynamics, planning, reliability and security, as well as considering power quality improvement, load forecasting, market operations, energy conversion, cyber/physical security, supervisory and monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics systems

    Self-sufficiency of an autonomous self-reconfigurable modular robotic organism

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    In recent years, getting inspiration from simple but complex biological organisms, several advances have been seen in autonomous systems to mimic different behaviors that emerge from the interactions of a large group of simple individuals with each other and with the environment. Among several open issues a significantly important issue, not addressed so far, is the self-sufficiency, or in other words, the energetic autonomy of a modular robotic organism. This feature plays a pivotal role in maintaining a robotic organism\u27s autonomy for a longer period of time. To address the challenges of self-sufficiency, a novel dynamic power management system (PMS) with fault tolerant energy sharing is proposed, realized in the form of hardware and software, and tested. The innate fault tolerant feature of the proposed PMS ensures power sharing in an organism despite docked faulty robotic modules. Due to the unavailability of sufficient number of real robotic modules a simulation framework called Replicator Power Flow Simulator is devised for the implementation of application software layer power management components. The simulation framework was especially devised because at the time of writing this work no simulation tool was available that could be used to perform power sharing and fault tolerance experiments at an organism level. The simulation experiments showed that the proposed application software layer dynamic power sharing policies in combination with the distributed fault tolerance feature in addition to self-sufficiency are expected to enhance the robustness and stability of a real modular robotic organism under varying conditions.Inspiriert von einfachen aber komplexen biologischen Organismen wurden in den letzten Jahren verschiedenste autonome Systeme entwickelt, welche die Verhaltensweisen einer großen Gruppe einfacher Individuen nachahmen. Das zentrale und bis heute ungelöste Problem dieser Organismen ist deren autonome Energieversorgung. Zur Sicherstellung der Energieversorgung eines aus mehreren Robotern zusammengesetzten Organismus wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neuartiges Power-Management-System (PMS) konzipiert, aufgebaut und an einzelnen Robotermodulen und einem Roboterorganismus getestet. Die Hardware eines bestehenden Roboters wurde um ein neues Konzept erweitert, das auch bei fehlerhaften Robotermodulen einen Energieaustausch sicherstellt und so zu einer erhöhten Robustheit des PMS führen soll. Das entwickelte PMS wurde in modulare Roboter integriert und beispielhaft anhand eines Roboterorganismus getestet. In Ermangelung einer ausreichenden Anzahl von Robotermodulen wurde eine Simulationsumgebung entwickelt und die Software des PMS im Simulationsprogramm, anstatt im Roboter, implementiert. Dieses Simulationswerkzeug ist momentan das Einzige, das unter Berücksichtigung des Bewegungsmodells des Organismus den Energietransport im Roboterorganismus visuell darstellt und das Verhalten in verschiedenen Fehlerfällen simulieren kann. Die Simulationen und Messungen zeigen, dass das entwickelte PMS geeignet ist, die Energieversorgung von Roboterorganismen auch in Fehlerfällen sicherzustellen und so die Stabilität und Robustheit zu erhöhen

    Cross-layer Peer-to-Peer Computing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    The future information society is expected to rely heavily on wireless technology. Mobile access to the Internet is steadily gaining ground, and could easily end up exceeding the number of connections from the fixed infrastructure. Picking just one example, ad hoc networking is a new paradigm of wireless communication for mobile devices. Initially, ad hoc networking targeted at military applications as well as stretching the access to the Internet beyond one wireless hop. As a matter of fact, it is now expected to be employed in a variety of civilian applications. For this reason, the issue of how to make these systems working efficiently keeps the ad hoc research community active on topics ranging from wireless technologies to networking and application systems. In contrast to traditional wire-line and wireless networks, ad hoc networks are expected to operate in an environment in which some or all the nodes are mobile, and might suddenly disappear from, or show up in, the network. The lack of any centralized point, leads to the necessity of distributing application services and responsibilities to all available nodes in the network, making the task of developing and deploying application a hard task, and highlighting the necessity of suitable middleware platforms. This thesis studies the properties and performance of peer-to-peer overlay management algorithms, employing them as communication layers in data sharing oriented middleware platforms. The work primarily develops from the observation that efficient overlays have to be aware of the physical network topology, in order to reduce (or avoid) negative impacts of application layer traffic on the network functioning. We argue that cross-layer cooperation between overlay management algorithms and the underlying layer-3 status and protocols, represents a viable alternative to engineer effective decentralized communication layers, or eventually re-engineer existing ones to foster the interconnection of ad hoc networks with Internet infrastructures. The presented approach is twofold. Firstly, we present an innovative network stack component that supports, at an OS level, the realization of cross-layer protocol interactions. Secondly, we exploit cross-layering to optimize overlay management algorithms in unstructured, structured, and publish/subscribe platforms
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