142 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable cooperative control of networked lagrangian systems under actuator saturation constraints

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    In this paper, a reconfigurable control strategy is proposed for state synchronization and tracking control of networked (electro-) mechanical Euler-Lagrange (EL) systems that are subject to input saturation constraints that may arise due to actuator faults or failures. The reconfigurable controller consists of three main parts. The first part, known as the nominal controller, is a distributed controller that is employed to guarantee global stability of the multiagent networked EL system provided that certain mild connectivity conditions are satisfied in absence or presence of actuator saturation constraints. The second part, known as the reconfigured controller, is a constrained nonlinear smooth distributed controller that has a different structure and gains from the nominal controller. This controller can preserve the overall control objectives in presence of actuator faults and actuator saturation constraints. The third part is a switching strategy between the nominal and the reconfigured controllers. Global stability as well as asymptotic convergence of the synchronization and the tracking errors to origin for switchings under certain conditions between the nominal and the reconfigured controllers with non-vanishing dwell-times for a fixed network topology are shown to be guaranteed. Simulation results are reported to demonstrate and validate the merits of the proposed controllers

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    On-line estimation approaches to fault-tolerant control of uncertain systems

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    This thesis is concerned with fault estimation in Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) and as such involves the joint problem of on-line estimation within an adaptive control system. The faults that are considered are significant uncertainties affecting the control variables of the process and their estimates are used in an adaptive control compensation mechanism. The approach taken involves the active FTC, as the faults can be considered as uncertainties affecting the control system. The engineering (application domain) challenges that are addressed are: (1) On-line model-based fault estimation and compensation as an FTC problem, for systems with large but bounded fault magnitudes and for which the faults can be considered as a special form of dynamic uncertainty. (2) Fault-tolerance in the distributed control of uncertain inter-connected systems The thesis also describes how challenge (1) can be used in the distributed control problem of challenge (2). The basic principle adopted throughout the work is that the controller has two components, one involving the nominal control action and the second acting as an adaptive compensation for significant uncertainties and fault effects. The fault effects are a form of uncertainty which is considered too large for the application of passive FTC methods. The thesis considers several approaches to robust control and estimation: augmented state observer (ASO); sliding mode control (SMC); sliding mode fault estimation via Sliding Mode Observer (SMO); linear parameter-varying (LPV) control; two-level distributed control with learning coordination

    Fractional Order Fault Tolerant Control - A Survey

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    In this paper, a comprehensive review of recent advances and trends regarding Fractional Order Fault Tolerant Control (FOFTC) design is presented. This novel robust control approach has been emerging in the last decade and is still gathering great research efforts mainly because of its promising results and outcomes. The purpose of this study is to provide a useful overview for researchers interested in developing this interesting solution for plants that are subject to faults and disturbances with an obligation for a maintained performance level. Throughout the paper, the various works related to FOFTC in literature are categorized first by considering their research objective between fault detection with diagnosis and fault tolerance with accommodation, and second by considering the nature of the studied plants depending on whether they are modelized by integer order or fractional order models. One of the main drawbacks of these approaches lies in the increase in complexity associated with introducing the fractional operators, their approximation and especially during the stability analysis. A discussion on the main disadvantages and challenges that face this novel fractional order robust control research field is given in conjunction with motivations for its future development. This study provides a simulation example for the application of a FOFTC against actuator faults in a Boeing 747 civil transport aircraft is provided to illustrate the efficiency of such robust control strategies

    A Contribution to the Design of Highly Redundant Compliant Aerial Manipulation Systems

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    Es ist vorhersehbar, dass die Luftmanipulatoren in den nächsten Jahrzehnten für viele Aufgaben eingesetzt werden, die entweder zu gefährlich oder zu teuer sind, um sie mit herkömmlichen Methoden zu bewältigen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige Lösung für die Gesamtsteuerung von hochredundanten Luftmanipulationssystemen vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden auf eine Referenzkonfiguration angewendet, die als universelle Plattform für die Durchführung verschiedener Luftmanipulationsaufgaben etabliert wird. Diese Plattform besteht aus einer omnidirektionalen Drohne und einem seriellen Manipulator. Um den modularen Regelungsentwurf zu gewährleisten, werden zwei rechnerisch effiziente Algorithmen untersucht, um den virtuellen Eingang den Aktuatorbefehlen zuzuordnen. Durch die Integration eines auf einem künstlichen neuronalen Netz basierenden Diagnosemoduls und der rekonfigurierbaren Steuerungszuordnung in den Regelkreis, wird die Fehlertoleranz für die Drohne erzielt. Außerdem wird die Motorsättigung durch Rekonfiguration der Geschwindigkeits- und Beschleunigungsprofile behandelt. Für die Beobachtung der externen Kräfte und Drehmomente werden zwei Filter vorgestellt. Dies ist notwendig, um ein nachgiebiges Verhalten des Endeffektors durch die achsenselektive Impedanzregelung zu erreichen. Unter Ausnutzung der Redundanz des vorgestellten Luftmanipulators wird ein Regler entworfen, der nicht nur die Referenz der Endeffektor-Bewegung verfolgt, sondern auch priorisierte sekundäre Aufgaben ausführt. Die Wirksamkeit der vorgestellten Lösungen wird durch umfangreiche Tests überprüft, und das vorgestellte Steuerungssystem wird als sehr vielseitig und effektiv bewertet.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 System Design and Modeling 4 Reconfigurable Control Allocation 5 Fault Diagnostics For Free Flight 6 Force and Torque Observer 7 Trajectory Generation 8 Hybrid Task Priority Control 9 System Integration and Performance Evaluation 10 ConclusionIn the following decades, aerial manipulators are expected to be deployed in scenarios that are either too dangerous for human beings or too expensive to be accomplished by traditional methods. This thesis presents a novel solution for the overall control of highly redundant aerial manipulation systems. The results are applied to a reference configuration established as a universal platform for performing various aerial manipulation tasks. The platform consists of an omnidirectional multirotor UAV and a serial manipulator. To ensure modular control design, two computationally efficient algorithms are studied to allocate the virtual input to actuator commands. Fault tolerance of the aerial vehicle is achieved by integrating a diagnostic module based on an artificial neural network and the reconfigurable control allocation into the control loop. Besides, the risk of input saturation of individual rotors is minimized by predicting and reconfiguring the speed and acceleration responses. Two filter-based observers are presented to provide the knowledge of external forces and torques, which is necessary to achieve compliant behavior of the end-effector through an axis-selective impedance control in the outer loop. Exploiting the redundancy of the proposed aerial manipulator, the author has designed a control law to achieve the desired end-effector motion and execute secondary tasks in order of priority. The effectiveness of the proposed designs is verified with extensive tests generated by following Monte Carlo method, and the presented control scheme is proved to be versatile and effective.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 System Design and Modeling 4 Reconfigurable Control Allocation 5 Fault Diagnostics For Free Flight 6 Force and Torque Observer 7 Trajectory Generation 8 Hybrid Task Priority Control 9 System Integration and Performance Evaluation 10 Conclusio

    Cooperative Control of Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots: Normal and Faulty Situations

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    Recently, cooperative control of multiple unmanned vehicles has attracted a great deal of attention from scientific, industrial, and military aspects. Groups of unmanned ground, aerial, or marine vehicles working cooperatively lead to many advantages in a variety of applications such as: surveillance, search and exploration, cooperative reconnaissance, environmental monitoring, and cooperative manipulation, respectively. During mission execution, unmanned systems should travel autonomously between different locations, maintain a pre-defined formation shape, avoid collisions of obstacles and also other team members, and accommodate occurred faults and mitigate their negative effect on mission execution. The main objectives of this dissertation are to design novel algorithms for single wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) trajectory tracking, cooperative control and obstacle avoidance of WMRs in fault-free situations. In addition, novel algorithms are developed for fault-tolerant cooperative control (FTCC) with integration of fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) scheme. In normal/fault-free cases, an integrated approach combining input-output feedback linearization and distributed model predictive control (MPC) techniques is designed and implemented on a team of WMRs to accomplish the trajectory tracking as well as the cooperative task. An obstacle avoidance algorithm based on mechanical impedance principle is proposed to avoid potential collisions of surrounding obstacles. Moreover, the proposed control algorithm is implemented to a team of WMRs for pairing with a team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for forest monitoring and fire detection applications. When actuator faults occur in one of the robots, two cases are explicitly considered: i) if the faulty robot cannot complete its assigned task due to a severe fault, then the faulty robot has to get out from the formation mission, and an FTCC strategy is designed such that the tasks of the WMRs team are re-assigned to the remaining healthy robots to complete the mission with graceful performance degradation. Two methods are used to investigate this case: the Graph Theory, and formulating the FTCC problem as an optimal assignment problem; and ii) if the faulty robot can continue the mission with degraded performance, then the other team members reconfigure the controllers considering the capability of the faulty robot. Thus, the FTCC strategy is designed to re-coordinate the motion of each robot in the team. Within the proposed scheme, an FDD unit using a two-stage Kalman filter (TSKF) to detect and diagnose actuator faults is presented. In case of using any other nonlinear controller in fault-free case rather than MPC, and in case of severe fault occurrence, another FTCC strategy is presented. First, the new reconfiguration is formulated by an optimal assignment problem where each healthy WMR is assigned to a unique place. Second, the new formation can be reconfigured, while the objective is to minimize the time to achieve the new formation within the constraints of the WMRs' dynamics and collision avoidance. A hybrid approach of control parametrization and time discretization (CPTD) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to address this problem. Since PSO cannot solve the continuous control inputs, CPTD is adopted to provide an approximate piecewise linearization of the control inputs. Therefore, PSO can be adopted to find the global optimum solution. In all cases, formation operation of the robot team is based on a leader-follower approach, whilst the control algorithm is implemented in a distributed manner. The results of the numerical simulations and real experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in various scenarios

    Cooperative Control of Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots: Normal and Faulty Situations

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    Recently, cooperative control of multiple unmanned vehicles has attracted a great deal of attention from scientific, industrial, and military aspects. Groups of unmanned ground, aerial, or marine vehicles working cooperatively lead to many advantages in a variety of applications such as: surveillance, search and exploration, cooperative reconnaissance, environmental monitoring, and cooperative manipulation, respectively. During mission execution, unmanned systems should travel autonomously between different locations, maintain a pre-defined formation shape, avoid collisions of obstacles and also other team members, and accommodate occurred faults and mitigate their negative effect on mission execution. The main objectives of this dissertation are to design novel algorithms for single wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) trajectory tracking, cooperative control and obstacle avoidance of WMRs in fault-free situations. In addition, novel algorithms are developed for fault-tolerant cooperative control (FTCC) with integration of fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) scheme. In normal/fault-free cases, an integrated approach combining input-output feedback linearization and distributed model predictive control (MPC) techniques is designed and implemented on a team of WMRs to accomplish the trajectory tracking as well as the cooperative task. An obstacle avoidance algorithm based on mechanical impedance principle is proposed to avoid potential collisions of surrounding obstacles. Moreover, the proposed control algorithm is implemented to a team of WMRs for pairing with a team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for forest monitoring and fire detection applications. When actuator faults occur in one of the robots, two cases are explicitly considered: i) if the faulty robot cannot complete its assigned task due to a severe fault, then the faulty robot has to get out from the formation mission, and an FTCC strategy is designed such that the tasks of the WMRs team are re-assigned to the remaining healthy robots to complete the mission with graceful performance degradation. Two methods are used to investigate this case: the Graph Theory, and formulating the FTCC problem as an optimal assignment problem; and ii) if the faulty robot can continue the mission with degraded performance, then the other team members reconfigure the controllers considering the capability of the faulty robot. Thus, the FTCC strategy is designed to re-coordinate the motion of each robot in the team. Within the proposed scheme, an FDD unit using a two-stage Kalman filter (TSKF) to detect and diagnose actuator faults is presented. In case of using any other nonlinear controller in fault-free case rather than MPC, and in case of severe fault occurrence, another FTCC strategy is presented. First, the new reconfiguration is formulated by an optimal assignment problem where each healthy WMR is assigned to a unique place. Second, the new formation can be reconfigured, while the objective is to minimize the time to achieve the new formation within the constraints of the WMRs' dynamics and collision avoidance. A hybrid approach of control parametrization and time discretization (CPTD) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to address this problem. Since PSO cannot solve the continuous control inputs, CPTD is adopted to provide an approximate piecewise linearization of the control inputs. Therefore, PSO can be adopted to find the global optimum solution. In all cases, formation operation of the robot team is based on a leader-follower approach, whilst the control algorithm is implemented in a distributed manner. The results of the numerical simulations and real experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in various scenarios

    Control algorithm implementation for a redundant degree of freedom manipulator

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    This project's purpose is to develop and implement control algorithms for a kinematically redundant robotic manipulator. The manipulator is being developed concurrently by Odetics Inc., under internal research and development funding. This SBIR contract supports algorithm conception, development, and simulation, as well as software implementation and integration with the manipulator hardware. The Odetics Dexterous Manipulator is a lightweight, high strength, modular manipulator being developed for space and commercial applications. It has seven fully active degrees of freedom, is electrically powered, and is fully operational in 1 G. The manipulator consists of five self-contained modules. These modules join via simple quick-disconnect couplings and self-mating connectors which allow rapid assembly/disassembly for reconfiguration, transport, or servicing. Each joint incorporates a unique drive train design which provides zero backlash operation, is insensitive to wear, and is single fault tolerant to motor or servo amplifier failure. The sensing system is also designed to be single fault tolerant. Although the initial prototype is not space qualified, the design is well-suited to meeting space qualification requirements. The control algorithm design approach is to develop a hierarchical system with well defined access and interfaces at each level. The high level endpoint/configuration control algorithm transforms manipulator endpoint position/orientation commands to joint angle commands, providing task space motion. At the same time, the kinematic redundancy is resolved by controlling the configuration (pose) of the manipulator, using several different optimizing criteria. The center level of the hierarchy servos the joints to their commanded trajectories using both linear feedback and model-based nonlinear control techniques. The lowest control level uses sensed joint torque to close torque servo loops, with the goal of improving the manipulator dynamic behavior. The control algorithms are subjected to a dynamic simulation before implementation