164 research outputs found

    Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing

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    Modern society is witnessing a sea change in ubiquitous computing, in which people have embraced computing systems as an indispensable part of day-to-day existence. Computation, storage, and communication abilities of smartphones, for example, have undergone monumental changes over the past decade. However, global emphasis on creating and sustaining green environments is leading to a rapid and ongoing proliferation of edge computing systems and applications. As a broad spectrum of healthcare, home, and transport applications shift to the edge of the network, near-threshold computing (NTC) is emerging as one of the promising low-power computing platforms. An NTC device sets its supply voltage close to its threshold voltage, dramatically reducing the energy consumption. Despite showing substantial promise in terms of energy efficiency, NTC is yet to see widescale commercial adoption. This is because circuits and systems operating with NTC suffer from several problems, including increased sensitivity to process variation, reliability problems, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities, to name a few. To realize its potential, we need designs, techniques, and solutions to overcome these challenges associated with NTC circuits and systems. The readers of this book will be able to familiarize themselves with recent advances in electronics systems, focusing on near-threshold computing

    Microarchitectural wire management for performance and power in partitioned architectures

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    Journal ArticleFuture high-performance billion-transistor processors are likely to employ partitioned architectures to achieve high clock speeds, high parallelism, low design complexity, and low power. In such architectures, inter-partition communication over global wires has a significant impact on overall processor performance and power consumption. VLSI techniques allow a variety of wire implementations, but these wire properties have previously never been exposed to the microarchitecture. This paper advocates global wire management at the microarchitecture level and proposes a heterogeneous interconnect that is comprised of wires with varying latency, bandwidth, and energy characteristics. We propose and evaluate microarchitectural techniques that can exploit such a heterogeneous interconnect to improve performance and reduce energy consumption. These techniques include a novel cache pipeline design, the identification of narrow bit-width operands, the classification of non-critical data, and the detection of interconnect load imbalance. For a dynamically scheduled partitioned architecture, our results demonstrate that the proposed innovations result in up to 11% reductions in overall processor ED2, compared to a baseline processor that employs a homogeneous interconnect

    An integrated soft- and hard-programmable multithreaded architecture

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    Improving processor efficiency by exploiting common-case behaviors of memory instructions

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    Processor efficiency can be described with the help of a number of  desirable effects or metrics, for example, performance, power, area, design complexity and access latency. These metrics serve as valuable tools used in designing new processors and they also act as  effective standards for comparing current processors. Various factors impact the efficiency of modern out-of-order processors and one important factor is the manner in which instructions are processed through the processor pipeline. In this dissertation research, we study the impact of load and store instructions (collectively known as memory instructions) on processor efficiency,  and show how to improve efficiency by exploiting common-case or  predictable patterns in the behavior of memory instructions. The memory behavior patterns that we focus on in our research are the predictability of memory dependences, the predictability in data forwarding patterns,   predictability in instruction criticality and conservativeness in resource allocation and deallocation policies. We first design a scalable  and high-performance memory dependence predictor and then apply accurate memory dependence prediction to improve the efficiency of the fetch engine of a simultaneous multi-threaded processor. We then use predictable data forwarding patterns to eliminate power-hungry  hardware in the processor with no loss in performance.  We then move to  studying instruction criticality to improve  processor efficiency. We study the behavior of critical load instructions  and propose applications that can be optimized using  predictable, load-criticality  information. Finally, we explore conventional techniques for allocation and deallocation  of critical structures that process memory instructions and propose new techniques to optimize the same.  Our new designs have the potential to reduce  the power and the area required by processors significantly without losing  performance, which lead to efficient designs of processors.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Loh, Gabriel H.; Committee Member: Clark, Nathan; Committee Member: Jaleel, Aamer; Committee Member: Kim, Hyesoon; Committee Member: Lee, Hsien-Hsin S.; Committee Member: Prvulovic, Milo

    Towards resource-aware computing for task-based runtimes and parallel architectures

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    Current large scale systems show increasing power demands, to the point that it has become a huge strain on facilities and budgets. The increasing restrictions in terms of power consumption of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and data centers have forced hardware vendors to include power capping capabilities in their commodity processors. Power capping opens up new opportunities for applications to directly manage their power behavior at user level. However, constraining power consumption causes the individual sockets of a parallel system to deliver different performance levels under the same power cap, even when they are equally designed, which is an effect caused by manufacturing variability. Modern chips suffer from heterogeneous power consumption due to manufacturing issues, a problem known as manufacturing or process variability. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this thesis we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability, in terms of both performance and energy efficiency. In order to evaluate our work we have also implemented our own task-based version of the PARSEC benchmark suite. This allows to test our methodology using state-of-the-art parallelization techniques and real world workloads. We present two approaches to mitigate manufacturing variability, by power redistribution at runtime level and by power- and variability-aware job scheduling at system-wide level. A parallel runtime system can be used to effectively deal with this new kind of performance heterogeneity by compensating the uneven effects of power capping. In the context of a NUMA node composed of several multi core sockets, our system is able to optimize the energy and concurrency levels assigned to each socket to maximize performance. Applied transparently within the parallel runtime system, it does not require any programmer interaction like changing the application source code or manually reconfiguring the parallel system. We compare our novel runtime analysis with an offline approach and demonstrate that it can achieve equal performance at a fraction of the cost. The next approach presented in this theis, we show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensures that power consumption stays under a system wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications.Los sistemas modernos de gran escala muestran crecientes demandas de energía, hasta el punto de que se ha convertido en una gran presión para las instalaciones y los presupuestos. Las restricciones crecientes de consumo de energía de los sistemas de alto rendimiento (HPC) y los centros de datos han obligado a los proveedores de hardware a incluir capacidades de limitación de energía en sus procesadores. La limitación de energía abre nuevas oportunidades para que las aplicaciones administren directamente su comportamiento de energía a nivel de usuario. Sin embargo, la restricción en el consumo de energía de sockets individuales de un sistema paralelo resulta en diferentes niveles de rendimiento, por el mismo límite de potencia, incluso cuando están diseñados por igual. Esto es un efecto causado durante el proceso de la fabricación. Los chips modernos sufren de un consumo de energía heterogéneo debido a problemas de fabricación, un problema conocido como variabilidad del proceso o fabricación. Como resultado, los sistemas que no consideran este tipo de variabilidad causada por problemas de fabricación conducen a degradaciones del rendimiento y desperdicio de energía. Para evitar dicho impacto negativo, los usuarios y administradores del sistema deben contrarrestar activamente cualquier variabilidad de fabricación. En esta tesis, demostramos que los sistemas paralelos se benefician de tener en cuenta las consecuencias de la variabilidad de la fabricación, tanto en términos de rendimiento como de eficiencia energética. Para evaluar nuestro trabajo, también hemos implementado nuestra propia versión del paquete de aplicaciones de prueba PARSEC, basada en tareas paralelos. Esto permite probar nuestra metodología utilizando técnicas avanzadas de paralelización con cargas de trabajo del mundo real. Presentamos dos enfoques para mitigar la variabilidad de fabricación, mediante la redistribución de la energía a durante la ejecución de las aplicaciones y mediante la programación de trabajos a nivel de todo el sistema. Se puede utilizar un sistema runtime paralelo para tratar con eficacia este nuevo tipo de heterogeneidad de rendimiento, compensando los efectos desiguales de la limitación de potencia. En el contexto de un nodo NUMA compuesto de varios sockets y núcleos, nuestro sistema puede optimizar los niveles de energía y concurrencia asignados a cada socket para maximizar el rendimiento. Aplicado de manera transparente dentro del sistema runtime paralelo, no requiere ninguna interacción del programador como cambiar el código fuente de la aplicación o reconfigurar manualmente el sistema paralelo. Comparamos nuestro novedoso análisis de runtime con los resultados óptimos, obtenidos de una análisis manual exhaustiva, y demostramos que puede lograr el mismo rendimiento a una fracción del costo. El siguiente enfoque presentado en esta tesis, muestra que es posible predecir el impacto de la variabilidad de fabricación en aplicaciones específicas mediante el uso de modelos de predicción de potencia conscientes de la variabilidad. Basados ​​en estos modelos de predicción de energía, proponemos dos políticas de programación de trabajos que consideran los efectos de la variabilidad de fabricación para cada aplicación y que aseguran que el consumo se mantiene bajo un presupuesto de energía de todo el sistema. Evaluamos nuestras políticas con diferentes presupuestos de energía y escenarios de tráfico, que consisten en aplicaciones paralelas que corren en uno o varios nodos