140 research outputs found

    Detecting ditches using supervised learning on high-resolution digital elevation models

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    Drained wetlands can constitute a large source of greenhouse gas emissions, but the drainage networks in these wetlands are largely unmapped, and better maps are needed to aid in forest production and to better understand the climate consequences. We develop a method for detecting ditches in high resolution digital elevation models derived from LiDAR scans. Thresholding methods using digital terrain indices can be used to detect ditches. However, a single threshold generally does not capture the variability in the landscape, and generates many false positives and negatives. We hypothesise that, by combining the digital terrain indices using supervised learning, we can improve ditch detection at a landscape-scale. In addition to digital terrain indices, additional features are generated by transforming the data to include neighbouring cells for better ditch predictions. A Random Forests classifier is used to locate the ditches, and its probability output is processed to remove noise, and binarised to produce the final ditch prediction. The confidence interval for the Cohen’s Kappa index ranges [0.655 , 0.781] between the evaluation plots with a confidence level of 95%. The study demonstrates that combining information from a suite of digital terrain indices using machine learning provides an effective technique for automatic ditch detection at a landscape-scale, aiding in both practical forest management and in combatting climate change

    Landslide monitoring using mobile device and cloud-based photogrammetry

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    PhD ThesisLandslides are one of the most commonly occurring natural disasters that can cause a serious threat to human life and society, in addition to significant economic loss. Investigation and monitoring of landslides are important tasks in geotechnical engineering in order to mitigate the hazards created by such phenomena. However, current geomatics approaches used for precise landslide monitoring are largely inappropriate for initial assessment by an engineer over small areas due to the labourintensive and costly methods often adopted. Therefore, the development of a costeffective landslide monitoring system for real-time on-site investigation is essential to aid initial geotechnical interpretation and assessment. In this research, close-range photogrammetric techniques using imagery from a mobile device camera (e.g. a modern smartphone) were investigated as a low-cost, non-contact monitoring approach to on-site landslide investigation. The developed system was implemented on a mobile platform with cloud computing technology to enable the potential for real-time processing. The system comprised the front-end service of a mobile application controlled by the operator and a back-end service employed for photogrammetric measurement and landslide monitoring analysis. In terms of the backend service, Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry was implemented to provide fully-automated processing to offer user-friendliness to non-experts. This was integrated with developed functions that were used to enhance the processing performance and deliver appropriate photogrammetric results for assessing landslide deformations. In order to implement this system with a real-time response, the cloud-based system required data transfer using Internet services via a modern 4G/5G network. Furthermore, the relationship between the number of images and image size was investigated to optimize data processing. The potential of the developed system for monitoring landslides was investigated at two different real-world UK sites, comprising a natural earth-flow landslide and coastal cliff erosion. These investigations demonstrated that the cloud-based photogrammetric measurement system was capable of providing three-dimensional results to subdecimeter-level accuracy. The results of the initial assessments for on-site investigation could be effectively presented on the mobile device through visualisation and/or statistical quantification of the landslide changes at a local-scale.Royal Thai Government and Naresuan University for the scholarship and financial suppor

    Pre-Trained Driving in Localized Surroundings with Semantic Radar Information and Machine Learning

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    Entlang der Signalverarbeitungskette von Radar Detektionen bis zur Fahrzeugansteuerung, diskutiert diese Arbeit eine semantischen Radar Segmentierung, einen darauf aufbauenden Radar SLAM, sowie eine im Verbund realisierte autonome Parkfunktion. Die Radarsegmentierung der (statischen) Umgebung wird durch ein Radar-spezifisches neuronales Netzwerk RadarNet erreicht. Diese Segmentierung ermöglicht die Entwicklung des semantischen Radar Graph-SLAM SERALOC. Auf der Grundlage der semantischen Radar SLAM Karte wird eine beispielhafte autonome ParkfunktionalitĂ€t in einem realen VersuchstrĂ€ger umgesetzt. Entlang eines aufgezeichneten Referenzfades parkt die Funktion ausschließlich auf Basis der Radar Wahrnehmung mit bisher unerreichter Positioniergenauigkeit. Im ersten Schritt wird ein Datensatz von 8.2 · 10^6 punktweise semantisch gelabelten Radarpunktwolken ĂŒber eine Strecke von 2507.35m generiert. Es sind keine vergleichbaren DatensĂ€tze dieser Annotationsebene und Radarspezifikation öffentlich verfĂŒgbar. Das ĂŒberwachte Training der semantischen Segmentierung RadarNet erreicht 28.97% mIoU auf sechs Klassen. Außerdem wird ein automatisiertes Radar-Labeling-Framework SeRaLF vorgestellt, welches das Radarlabeling multimodal mittels Referenzkameras und LiDAR unterstĂŒtzt. FĂŒr die kohĂ€rente Kartierung wird ein Radarsignal-Vorfilter auf der Grundlage einer Aktivierungskarte entworfen, welcher Rauschen und andere dynamische Mehrwegreflektionen unterdrĂŒckt. Ein speziell fĂŒr Radar angepasstes Graph-SLAM-Frontend mit Radar-Odometrie Kanten zwischen Teil-Karten und semantisch separater NDT Registrierung setzt die vorgefilterten semantischen Radarscans zu einer konsistenten metrischen Karte zusammen. Die Kartierungsgenauigkeit und die Datenassoziation werden somit erhöht und der erste semantische Radar Graph-SLAM fĂŒr beliebige statische Umgebungen realisiert. Integriert in ein reales Testfahrzeug, wird das Zusammenspiel der live RadarNet Segmentierung und des semantischen Radar Graph-SLAM anhand einer rein Radar-basierten autonomen ParkfunktionalitĂ€t evaluiert. Im Durchschnitt ĂŒber 42 autonome Parkmanöver (∅3.73 km/h) bei durchschnittlicher ManöverlĂ€nge von ∅172.75m wird ein Median absoluter Posenfehler von 0.235m und End-Posenfehler von 0.2443m erreicht, der vergleichbare Radar-Lokalisierungsergebnisse um ≈ 50% ĂŒbertrifft. Die Kartengenauigkeit von verĂ€nderlichen, neukartierten Orten ĂŒber eine Kartierungsdistanz von ∅165m ergibt eine ≈ 56%-ige Kartenkonsistenz bei einer Abweichung von ∅0.163m. FĂŒr das autonome Parken wurde ein gegebener Trajektorienplaner und Regleransatz verwendet

    Roadmap on signal processing for next generation measurement systems

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    Signal processing is a fundamental component of almost any sensor-enabled system, with a wide range of applications across different scientific disciplines. Time series data, images, and video sequences comprise representative forms of signals that can be enhanced and analysed for information extraction and quantification. The recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning are shifting the research attention towards intelligent, data-driven, signal processing. This roadmap presents a critical overview of the state-of-the-art methods and applications aiming to highlight future challenges and research opportunities towards next generation measurement systems. It covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from basic to industrial research, organized in concise thematic sections that reflect the trends and the impacts of current and future developments per research field. Furthermore, it offers guidance to researchers and funding agencies in identifying new prospects.AerodynamicsMicrowave Sensing, Signals & System

    Image Restoration for Remote Sensing: Overview and Toolbox

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    Remote sensing provides valuable information about objects or areas from a distance in either active (e.g., RADAR and LiDAR) or passive (e.g., multispectral and hyperspectral) modes. The quality of data acquired by remotely sensed imaging sensors (both active and passive) is often degraded by a variety of noise types and artifacts. Image restoration, which is a vibrant field of research in the remote sensing community, is the task of recovering the true unknown image from the degraded observed image. Each imaging sensor induces unique noise types and artifacts into the observed image. This fact has led to the expansion of restoration techniques in different paths according to each sensor type. This review paper brings together the advances of image restoration techniques with particular focuses on synthetic aperture radar and hyperspectral images as the most active sub-fields of image restoration in the remote sensing community. We, therefore, provide a comprehensive, discipline-specific starting point for researchers at different levels (i.e., students, researchers, and senior researchers) willing to investigate the vibrant topic of data restoration by supplying sufficient detail and references. Additionally, this review paper accompanies a toolbox to provide a platform to encourage interested students and researchers in the field to further explore the restoration techniques and fast-forward the community. The toolboxes are provided in https://github.com/ImageRestorationToolbox.Comment: This paper is under review in GRS

    Research on railway track edge detection based on BM3D and Zernike moments

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    With the rapid development of intelligent rail transportation, the realization of intelligent detection of railroad foreign body intrusion has become an important topic of current research. Accurate detection of rail edge location, and then delineate the danger area is the premise and basis for railroad track foreign object intrusion detection. The application of a single edge detection algorithm in the process of rail identification is likely to cause the problem of missing important edges and weak gradient change edges of railroad tracks. It will affect the subsequent detection of track foreign objects. A combined global and local edge detection method is proposed to detect the edges of railroad tracks. In the global pixel-level edge detection, an improved blok-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D) algorithm combined with bilateral filtering is used for denoising to eliminate the interference information in the complex environment. Then the gradient direction is added to the Canny operator, the computational template is increased to achieve non-extreme value suppression, and the Otsu thresholding segmentation algorithm is used for thresholding improvement. It can effectively suppress noise while preserving image details, and improve the accuracy and efficiency of detection at the pixel level. For local subpixel-level edge detection, the improved Zernike moment algorithm is used to extract the edges of the obtained pixel-level images and obtain the corresponding subpixel-level images. It can enhance the extraction of tiny feature edges, effectively reduce the computational effort and obtain the subpixel edges of the orbit images. The experimental results show that compared with other improved algorithms, the method proposed in this paper can effectively extract the track edges of the detected images with higher accuracy, better preserve the track edge features, reduce the appearance of pseudo-edges, and shorten the edge detection time with certain noise immunity, which provides a reliable basis for subsequent track detection and analysis

    Fruit Detection and Tree Segmentation for Yield Mapping in Orchards

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    Accurate information gathering and processing is critical for precision horticulture, as growers aim to optimise their farm management practices. An accurate inventory of the crop that details its spatial distribution along with health and maturity, can help farmers efficiently target processes such as chemical and fertiliser spraying, crop thinning, harvest management, labour planning and marketing. Growers have traditionally obtained this information by using manual sampling techniques, which tend to be labour intensive, spatially sparse, expensive, inaccurate and prone to subjective biases. Recent advances in sensing and automation for field robotics allow for key measurements to be made for individual plants throughout an orchard in a timely and accurate manner. Farmer operated machines or unmanned robotic platforms can be equipped with a range of sensors to capture a detailed representation over large areas. Robust and accurate data processing techniques are therefore required to extract high level information needed by the grower to support precision farming. This thesis focuses on yield mapping in orchards using image and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data captured using an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The contribution is the framework and algorithmic components for orchard mapping and yield estimation that is applicable to different fruit types and orchard configurations. The framework includes detection of fruits in individual images and tracking them over subsequent frames. The fruit counts are then associated to individual trees, which are segmented from image and LiDAR data, resulting in a structured spatial representation of yield. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a generic and robust fruit detection algorithm. Images captured in the outdoor environment are susceptible to highly variable external factors that lead to significant appearance variations. Specifically in orchards, variability is caused by changes in illumination, target pose, tree types, etc. The proposed techniques address these issues by using state-of-the-art feature learning approaches for image classification, while investigating the utility of orchard domain knowledge for fruit detection. Detection is performed using both pixel-wise classification of images followed instance segmentation, and bounding-box regression approaches. The experimental results illustrate the versatility of complex deep learning approaches over a multitude of fruit types. The second contribution of this thesis is a tree segmentation approach to detect the individual trees that serve as a standard unit for structured orchard information systems. The work focuses on trellised trees, which present unique challenges for segmentation algorithms due to their intertwined nature. LiDAR data are used to segment the trellis face, and to generate proposals for individual trees trunks. Additional trunk proposals are provided using pixel-wise classification of the image data. The multi-modal observations are fine-tuned by modelling trunk locations using a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM), within which prior knowledge of tree spacing is incorporated. The final component of this thesis addresses the visual occlusion of fruit within geometrically complex canopies by using a multi-view detection and tracking approach. Single image fruit detections are tracked over a sequence of images, and associated to individual trees or farm rows, with the spatial distribution of the fruit counting forming a yield map over the farm. The results show the advantage of using multi-view imagery (instead of single view analysis) for fruit counting and yield mapping. This thesis includes extensive experimentation in almond, apple and mango orchards, with data captured by a UGV spanning a total of 5 hectares of farm area, over 30 km of vehicle traversal and more than 7,000 trees. The validation of the different processes is performed using manual annotations, which includes fruit and tree locations in image and LiDAR data respectively. Additional evaluation of yield mapping is performed by comparison against fruit counts on trees at the farm and counts made by the growers post-harvest. The framework developed in this thesis is demonstrated to be accurate compared to ground truth at all scales of the pipeline, including fruit detection and tree mapping, leading to accurate yield estimation, per tree and per row, for the different crops. Through the multitude of field experiments conducted over multiple seasons and years, the thesis presents key practical insights necessary for commercial development of an information gathering system in orchards

    Quantifying co-seismic and post-seismic slip on fault scarps and their erosional modification using high-resolution Pleiades optical satellite data and repeat Terrestrial Laser Scanning: the 2016 Mw 6.6 Norcia earthquake (Central Italy)

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    Fault scarps are a topographical expression of sharp gradients in ground movements in an active tectonic region. However, inferences of slip history and causative earthquake sizes may be biased by co-seismic slip gradients, near-fault deformation, afterslip and erosional processes. To address these biases, I investigate co-seismic and continuing post-seismic deformation of near-fault areas and degradation of fault scarps, using high resolution Pleiades optical satellite images and repeat Terrestrial Laser Scans (TLS). The study area is Monte Vettore in the Apennines, Cental Italy, which has extensive surface ruptures associated with the Mw 6.6 30th October 2016 Norcia earthquake, part of the Central Italy Earthquake Sequence. I combine image correlation techniques with novel median-based filtering to effectively de-noise the Pleiades data, creating Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from before and after the Norcia earthquake. Those DEMs are then differenced horizontally and vertically. The results identify detail of near-fault co-seismic surface deformation. I jointly invert those data with far-field InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) datasets to model co-seismic slip at depth. My model reveals detail of slip transfer from the Monte Vettore fault at shallow depth. This provides insights into the distribution of near-fault co-seismic slip in an area of complex faulting by slip being partitioned onto minor near-surface hanging wall structures, with slip vectors diverging from those at greater depth. The causes of post-seismic alteration or degradation of fault scarps are expected to be tectonic-related after-slip and/or erosion. Combining careful alignment of repeat TLS, use of an ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm, filtering and detrending techniques, I characterise post-seismic deformation at 6 individual sites at ~centimetre scale. This provides insights into how individual factors (e.g. underlying geology, topography, and co-seismic slip gradients and distribution) influence which causes dominate and how degradation develops spatially and temporally. I show that fault scarps are highly variable records of a fault’s slip history. Any assessment of previous slip history using fault scarps as evidence needs to have regard to all those factors.
