66 research outputs found

    Automated Debugging Methodology for FPGA-based Systems

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    Electronic devices make up a vital part of our lives. These are seen from mobiles, laptops, computers, home automation, etc. to name a few. The modern designs constitute billions of transistors. However, with this evolution, ensuring that the devices fulfill the designer’s expectation under variable conditions has also become a great challenge. This requires a lot of design time and effort. Whenever an error is encountered, the process is re-started. Hence, it is desired to minimize the number of spins required to achieve an error-free product, as each spin results in loss of time and effort. Software-based simulation systems present the main technique to ensure the verification of the design before fabrication. However, few design errors (bugs) are likely to escape the simulation process. Such bugs subsequently appear during the post-silicon phase. Finding such bugs is time-consuming due to inherent invisibility of the hardware. Instead of software simulation of the design in the pre-silicon phase, post-silicon techniques permit the designers to verify the functionality through the physical implementations of the design. The main benefit of the methodology is that the implemented design in the post-silicon phase runs many order-of-magnitude faster than its counterpart in pre-silicon. This allows the designers to validate their design more exhaustively. This thesis presents five main contributions to enable a fast and automated debugging solution for reconfigurable hardware. During the research work, we used an obstacle avoidance system for robotic vehicles as a use case to illustrate how to apply the proposed debugging solution in practical environments. The first contribution presents a debugging system capable of providing a lossless trace of debugging data which permits a cycle-accurate replay. This methodology ensures capturing permanent as well as intermittent errors in the implemented design. The contribution also describes a solution to enhance hardware observability. It is proposed to utilize processor-configurable concentration networks, employ debug data compression to transmit the data more efficiently, and partially reconfiguring the debugging system at run-time to save the time required for design re-compilation as well as preserve the timing closure. The second contribution presents a solution for communication-centric designs. Furthermore, solutions for designs with multi-clock domains are also discussed. The third contribution presents a priority-based signal selection methodology to identify the signals which can be more helpful during the debugging process. A connectivity generation tool is also presented which can map the identified signals to the debugging system. The fourth contribution presents an automated error detection solution which can help in capturing the permanent as well as intermittent errors without continuous monitoring of debugging data. The proposed solution works for designs even in the absence of golden reference. The fifth contribution proposes to use artificial intelligence for post-silicon debugging. We presented a novel idea of using a recurrent neural network for debugging when a golden reference is present for training the network. Furthermore, the idea was also extended to designs where golden reference is not present

    Locating Cache Performance Bottlenecks Using Data Profiling

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    Effective use of CPU data caches is critical to good performance, but poor cache use patterns are often hard to spot using existing execution profiling tools. Typical profilers attribute costs to specific code locations. The costs due to frequent cache misses on a given piece of data, however, may be spread over instructions throughout the application. The resulting individually small costs at a large number of instructions can easily appear insignificant in a code profiler's output. DProf helps programmers understand cache miss costs by attributing misses to data types instead of code. Associating cache misses with data helps programmers locate data structures that experience misses in many places in the application's code. DProf introduces a number of new views of cache miss data, including a data profile, which reports the data types with the most cache misses, and a data flow graph, which summarizes how objects of a given type are accessed throughout their lifetime, and which accesses incur expensive cross-CPU cache loads. We present two case studies of using DProf to find and fix cache performance bottlenecks in Linux. The improvements provide a 16-57% throughput improvement on a range of memcached and Apache workloads.MathWorks, Inc. FellowshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CNS-0834415

    Observation mechanisms for in-field software-based self-test

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    When electronic systems are used in safety critical applications, as in the space, avionic, automotive or biomedical areas, it is required to maintain a very low probability of failures due to faults of any kind. Standards and regulations play a significant role, forcing companies to devise and adopt solutions able to achieve predefined targets in terms of dependability. Different techniques can be used to reduce fault occurrence or to minimize the probability that those faults produce critical failures (e.g., by introducing redundancy). Unfortunately, most of these techniques have a severe impact on the cost of the resulting product and, in some cases, the probability of failures is too large anyway. Hence, a solution commonly used in several scenarios lies on periodically performing a test able to detect the occurrence of any fault before it produces a failure (in-field test). This solution is normally based on forcing the processor inside the Device Under Test to execute a properly written test program, which is able to activate possible faults and to make their effects visible in some observable locations. This approach is also called Software-Based Self-Test, or SBST. If compared with testing in an end of manufacturing scenario, in-field testing has strong limitations in terms of access to the system inputs and outputs because Design for Testability structures and testing equipment are usually not available. As a consequence there are reduced possibilities to activate the faults and to observe their effects. This reduced observability particularly affects the ability to detect performance faults, i.e. faults that modify the timing but not the final value of computations. This kind of faults are hard to detect by only observing the final content of predefined memory locations, that is the usual test result observation method used in-field. Initially, the present work was focused on fault tolerance techniques against transient faults induced by ionizing radiation, the so called Single Event Upsets (SEUs). The main contribution of this early stage of the thesis lies in the experimental validation of the feasibility of achieving a safe system by using an architecture that combines task-level redundancy with already available IP cores, thus minimizing the development time. Task execution is replicated and Memory Protection is used to guarantee that any SEU may affect one and only one of the replicas. A proof of concept implementation was developed and validated using fault injection. Results outline the effectiveness of the architecture, and the overhead analysis shows that the proposed architecture is effective in reducing the resource occupation with respect to N-modular redundancy, at an affordable cost in terms of application execution time. The main part of the thesis is focused on in-field software-based self-test of permanent faults. A set of observation methods exploiting existing or ad-hoc hardware is proposed, aimed at obtaining a better coverage, in particular of performance faults. An extensive quantitative evaluation of the proposed methods is presented, including a comparison with the observation methods traditionally used in end of manufacturing and in-field testing. Results show that the proposed methods are a good complement to the traditionally used final memory content observation. Moreover, they show that an adequate combination of these complementary methods allows for achieving nearly the same fault coverage achieved when continuously observing all the processor outputs, which is an observation method commonly used for production test but usually not available in-field. A very interesting by-product of what is described above is a detailed description of how to compute the fault coverage achieved by functional in-field tests using a conventional fault simulator, a tool that is usually applied in an end of manufacturing testing scenario. Finally, another relevant result in the testing area is a method to detect permanent faults inside the cache coherence logic integrated in each cache controller of a multi-core system, based on the concurrent execution of a test program by the different cores in a coordinated manner. By construction, the method achieves full fault coverage of the static faults in the addressed logic.Cuando se utilizan sistemas electrónicos en aplicaciones críticas como en las áreas biomédica, aeroespacial o automotriz, se requiere mantener una muy baja probabilidad de malfuncionamientos debidos a cualquier tipo de fallas. Los estándares y normas juegan un papel importante, forzando a los desarrolladores a diseñar y adoptar soluciones que sean capaces de alcanzar objetivos predefinidos en cuanto a seguridad y confiabilidad. Pueden utilizarse diferentes técnicas para reducir la ocurrencia de fallas o para minimizar la probabilidad de que esas fallas produzcan mal funcionamientos críticos, por ejemplo a través de la incorporación de redundancia. Lamentablemente, muchas de esas técnicas afectan en gran medida el costo de los productos y, en algunos casos, la probabilidad de malfuncionamiento sigue siendo demasiado alta. En consecuencia, una solución usada a menudo en varios escenarios consiste en realizar periódicamente un test que sea capaz de detectar la ocurrencia de una falla antes de que esta produzca un mal funcionamiento (test en campo). En general, esta solución se basa en forzar a un procesador existente dentro del dispositivo bajo prueba a ejecutar un programa de test que sea capaz de activar las posibles fallas y de hacer que sus efectos sean visibles en puntos observables. A esta metodología también se la llama auto-test basado en software, o en inglés Software-Based Self-Test (SBST). Si se lo compara con un escenario de test de fin de fabricación, el test en campo tiene fuertes limitaciones en términos de posibilidad de acceso a las entradas y salidas del sistema, porque usualmente no se dispone de equipamiento de test ni de la infraestructura de Design for Testability. En consecuencia se tiene menos posibilidades de activar las fallas y de observar sus efectos. Esta observabilidad reducida afecta particularmente la habilidad para detectar fallas de performance, es decir fallas que modifican la temporización pero no el resultado final de los cálculos. Este tipo de fallas es difícil de detectar por la sola observación del contenido final de lugares de memoria, que es el método usual que se utiliza para observar los resultados de un test en campo. Inicialmente, el presente trabajo estuvo enfocado en técnicas para tolerar fallas transitorias inducidas por radiación ionizante, llamadas en inglés Single Event Upsets (SEUs). La principal contribución de esa etapa inicial de la tesis reside en la validación experimental de la viabilidad de obtener un sistema seguro, utilizando una arquitectura que combina redundancia a nivel de tareas con el uso de módulos hardware (IP cores) ya disponibles, que minimiza en consecuencia el tiempo de desarrollo. Se replica la ejecución de las tareas y se utiliza protección de memoria para garantizar que un SEU pueda afectar a lo sumo a una sola de las réplicas. Se desarrolló una implementación para prueba de concepto que fue validada mediante inyección de fallas. Los resultados muestran la efectividad de la arquitectura, y el análisis de los recursos utilizados muestra que la arquitectura propuesta es efectiva en reducir la ocupación con respecto a la redundancia modular con N réplicas, a un costo accesible en términos de tiempo de ejecución. La parte principal de esta tesis se enfoca en el área de auto-test en campo basado en software para la detección de fallas permanentes. Se propone un conjunto de métodos de observación utilizando hardware existente o ad-hoc, con el fin de obtener una mejor cobertura, en particular de las fallas de performance. Se presenta una extensa evaluación cuantitativa de los métodos propuestos, que incluye una comparación con los métodos tradicionalmente utilizados en tests de fin de fabricación y en campo. Los resultados muestran que los métodos propuestos son un buen complemento del método tradicionalmente usado que consiste en observar el valor final del contenido de memoria. Además muestran que una adecuada combinación de estos métodos complementarios permite alcanzar casi los mismos valores de cobertura de fallas que se obtienen mediante la observación continua de todas las salidas del procesador, método comúnmente usado en tests de fin de fabricación, pero que usualmente no está disponible en campo. Un subproducto muy interesante de lo arriba expuesto es la descripción detallada del procedimiento para calcular la cobertura de fallas lograda mediante tests funcionales en campo por medio de un simulador de fallas convencional, una herramienta que usualmente se aplica en escenarios de test de fin de fabricación. Finalmente, otro resultado relevante en el área de test es un método para detectar fallas permanentes dentro de la lógica de coherencia de cache que está integrada en el controlador de cache de cada procesador en un sistema multi procesador. El método está basado en la ejecución de un programa de test en forma coordinada por parte de los diferentes procesadores. Por construcción, el método cubre completamente las fallas de la lógica mencionad

    Methods for Robust and Energy-Efficient Microprocessor Architectures

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    Σήμερα, η εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας επιτρέπει τη βελτίωση τριών βασικών στοιχείων της σχεδίασης των επεξεργαστών: αυξημένες επιδόσεις, χαμηλότερη κατανάλωση ισχύος και χαμηλότερο κόστος παραγωγής του τσιπ, ενώ οι σχεδιαστές επεξεργαστών έχουν επικεντρωθεί στην παραγωγή επεξεργαστών με περισσότερες λειτουργίες σε χαμηλότερο κόστος. Οι σημερινοί επεξεργαστές είναι πολύ ταχύτεροι και διαθέτουν εξελιγμένες λειτουργικές μονάδες συγκριτικά με τους προκατόχους τους, ωστόσο, καταναλώνουν αρκετά μεγάλη ενέργεια. Τα ποσά ηλεκτρικής ισχύος που καταναλώνονται, και η επακόλουθη έκλυση θερμότητας, αυξάνονται παρά τη μείωση του μεγέθους των τρανζίστορ. Αναπτύσσοντας όλο και πιο εξελιγμένους μηχανισμούς και λειτουργικές μονάδες για την αύξηση της απόδοσης και βελτίωση της ενέργειας, σε συνδυασμό με τη μείωση του μεγέθους των τρανζίστορ, οι επεξεργαστές έχουν γίνει εξαιρετικά πολύπλοκα συστήματα, καθιστώντας τη διαδικασία της επικύρωσής τους σημαντική πρόκληση για τη βιομηχανία ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων. Συνεπώς, οι κατασκευαστές επεξεργαστών αφιερώνουν επιπλέον χρόνο, προϋπολογισμό και χώρο στο τσιπ για να διασφαλίσουν ότι οι επεξεργαστές θα λειτουργούν σωστά κατά τη διάθεσή τους στη αγορά. Για τους λόγους αυτούς, η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζει νέες μεθόδους για την επιτάχυνση και τη βελτίωση της φάσης της επικύρωσης, καθώς και για τη βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης των σύγχρονων επεξεργαστών. Στο πρώτο μέρος της διατριβής προτείνονται δύο διαφορετικές μέθοδοι για την επικύρωση του επεξεργαστή, οι οποίες συμβάλλουν στην επιτάχυνση αυτής της διαδικασίας και στην αποκάλυψη σπάνιων σφαλμάτων στους μηχανισμούς μετάφρασης διευθύνσεων των σύγχρονων επεξεργαστών. Και οι δύο μέθοδοι καθιστούν ευκολότερη την ανίχνευση και τη διάγνωση σφαλμάτων, και επιταχύνουν την ανίχνευση του σφάλματος κατά τη φάση της επικύρωσης. Στο δεύτερο μέρος της διατριβής παρουσιάζεται μια λεπτομερής μελέτη χαρακτηρισμού των περιθωρίων τάσης σε επίπεδο συστήματος σε δύο σύγχρονους ARMv8 επεξεργαστές. Η μελέτη του χαρακτηρισμού προσδιορίζει τα αυξημένα περιθώρια τάσης που έχουν προκαθοριστεί κατά τη διάρκεια κατασκευής του κάθε μεμονωμένου πυρήνα του επεξεργαστή και αναλύει τυχόν απρόβλεπτες συμπεριφορές που μπορεί να προκύψουν σε συνθήκες μειωμένης τάσης. Για την μελέτη και καταγραφή της συμπεριφοράς του συστήματος υπό συνθήκες μειωμένης τάσης, παρουσιάζεται επίσης σε αυτή τη διατριβή μια απλή και ενοποιημένη συνάρτηση: η συνάρτηση πυκνότητας-σοβαρότητας. Στη συνέχεια, παρουσιάζεται αναλυτικά η ανάπτυξη ειδικά σχεδιασμένων προγραμμάτων (micro-viruses) τα οποία υποβάλουν της θεμελιώδεις δομές του επεξεργαστή σε μεγάλο φορτίο εργασίας. Αυτά τα προγράμματα στοχεύουν στην γρήγορη αναγνώριση των ασφαλών περιθωρίων τάσης. Τέλος, πραγματοποιείται ο χαρακτηρισμός των περιθωρίων τάσης σε εκτελέσεις πολλαπλών πυρήνων, καθώς επίσης και σε διαφορετικές συχνότητες, και προτείνεται ένα πρόγραμμα το οποίο εκμεταλλεύεται όλες τις διαφορετικές πτυχές του προβλήματος της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας και παρέχει μεγάλη εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας διατηρώντας παράλληλα υψηλά επίπεδα απόδοσης. Αυτή η μελέτη έχει ως στόχο τον εντοπισμό και την ανάλυση της σχέσης μεταξύ ενέργειας και απόδοσης σε διαφορετικούς συνδυασμούς τάσης και συχνότητας, καθώς και σε διαφορετικό αριθμό νημάτων/διεργασιών που εκτελούνται στο σύστημα, αλλά και κατανομής των προγραμμάτων στους διαθέσιμους πυρήνες.Technology scaling has enabled improvements in the three major design optimization objectives: increased performance, lower power consumption, and lower die cost, while system design has focused on bringing more functionality into products at lower cost. While today's microprocessors, are much faster and much more versatile than their predecessors, they also consume much power. As operating frequency and integration density increase, the total chip power dissipation increases. This is evident from the fact that due to the demand for increased functionality on a single chip, more and more transistors are being packed on a single die and hence, the switching frequency increases in every technology generation. However, by developing aggressive and sophisticated mechanisms to boost performance and to enhance the energy efficiency in conjunction with the decrease of the size of transistors, microprocessors have become extremely complex systems, making the microprocessor verification and manufacturing testing a major challenge for the semiconductor industry. Manufacturers, therefore, choose to spend extra effort, time, budget and chip area to ensure that the delivered products are operating correctly. To meet high-dependability requirements, manufacturers apply a sequence of verification tasks throughout the entire life-cycle of the microprocessor to ensure the correct functionality of the microprocessor chips from the various types of errors that may occur after the products are released to the market. To this end, this work presents novel methods for ensuring the correctness of the microprocessor during the post-silicon validation phase and for improving the energy efficiency requirements of modern microprocessors. These methods can be applied during the prototyping phase of the microprocessors or after their release to the market. More specifically, in the first part of the thesis, we present and describe two different ISA-independent software-based post-silicon validation methods, which contribute to formalization and modeling as well as the acceleration of the post-silicon validation process and expose difficult-to-find bugs in the address translation mechanisms (ATM) of modern microprocessors. Both methods improve the detection and diagnosis of a hardware design bug in the ATM structures and significantly accelerate the bug detection during the post-silicon validation phase. In the second part of the thesis we present a detailed system-level voltage scaling characterization study for two state-of-the-art ARMv8-based multicore CPUs. We present an extensive characterization study which identifies the pessimistic voltage guardbands (the increased voltage margins set by the manufacturer) of each individual microprocessor core and analyze any abnormal behavior that may occur in off-nominal voltage conditions. Towards the formalization of the any abnormal behavior we also present a simple consolidated function; the Severity function, which aggregates the effects of reduced voltage operation. We then introduce the development of dedicated programs (diagnostic micro-viruses) that aim to accelerate the time-consuming voltage margins characterization studies by stressing the fundamental hardware components. Finally, we present a comprehensive exploration of how two server-grade systems behave in different frequency and core allocation configurations beyond nominal voltage operation in multicore executions. This analysis aims (1) to identify the best performance per watt operation points, (2) to reveal how and why the different core allocation options affect the energy consumption, and (3) to enhance the default Linux scheduler to take task allocation decisions for balanced performance and energy efficiency

    Advanced photonic and electronic systems WILGA 2018

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    WILGA annual symposium on advanced photonic and electronic systems has been organized by young scientist for young scientists since two decades. It traditionally gathers around 400 young researchers and their tutors. Ph.D students and graduates present their recent achievements during well attended oral sessions. Wilga is a very good digest of Ph.D. works carried out at technical universities in electronics and photonics, as well as information sciences throughout Poland and some neighboring countries. Publishing patronage over Wilga keep Elektronika technical journal by SEP, IJET and Proceedings of SPIE. The latter world editorial series publishes annually more than 200 papers from Wilga. Wilga 2018 was the XLII edition of this meeting. The following topical tracks were distinguished: photonics, electronics, information technologies and system research. The article is a digest of some chosen works presented during Wilga 2018 symposium. WILGA 2017 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10445. WILGA 2018 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10808

    Locating cache performance bottlenecks using data profiling

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-48).Effective use of CPU data caches is critical to good performance, but poor cache use patterns are often hard to spot using existing execution profiling tools. Typical profilers attribute costs to specific code locations. The costs due to frequent cache misses on a given piece of data, however, may be spread over instructions throughout the application. The resulting individually small costs at a large number of instructions can easily appear insignificant in a code profiler's output. DProf helps programmers understand cache miss costs by attributing misses to data types instead of code. Associating cache misses with data helps programmers locate data structures that experience misses in many places in the application's code. DProf introduces a number of new views of cache miss data, including a data profile, which reports the data types with the most cache misses, and a data flow graph, which summarizes how objects of a given type are accessed throughout their lifetime, and which accesses incur expensive cross-CPU cache loads. We present two case studies of using DProf to find and fix cache performance bottlenecks in Linux. The improvements provide a 16-57% throughput improvement on a range of memcached and Apache workloads.by Aleksey Pesterev.S.M

    Monitoring-aware network-on-chip design

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    Avatar: A Framework to Support Dynamic Security Analysis of Embedded Systems’ Firmwares

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    Integrated shared-memory and message-passing communication in the Alewife multiprocessor

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-246) and index.by John David Kubiatowicz.Ph.D