13,702 research outputs found

    Happily Ever After: Eliminating the 890 Usufruct to Protect the Blended Family

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    The article focuses on the failure of Louisiana\u27 succession law in the context of the stepfamily. Topics discussed include the theories underlying succession law and the role of these theories in intestacy, the societal evolution of the family from nuclear to blended as well as problems in implementation of the theories of succession and merits of approaches to the Cinderella Problem taken by France and other jurisdictions

    Notes on Phlebotomine sand flies of Michoacán, Mexico, with a key

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    Four species of phlebotomine sand flies were collected in the Municipality of Sahuayo, on the High Plateau of Michoacán, representing the first records of phlebotomine sand flies in this region. Two of them, Micropygomyia (Coquillettimyia) vindicator (Dampf) and Psathyromyia (Forattiniella) texana (Dampf), are new records for Michoacán. A total of ten phlebotomine species are now known to occur in this state, and we present a key for their identification

    Computational Methodologies for the Simulation and Analysis of Low-frequency Vibrations in Molecular Crystals

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    Quantum mechanical models are used to calculate a host of physical phenomena in molecular solids ranging from mechanical elasticity to the energetic stability ordering of polymorphs. However, with the many software packages and methodologies available, it can be difficult to select the most suitable model for the problem at hand without prior knowledge. A promising approach for evaluating the performance of solid-state models is the comparison of the simulations to experimentally measured low-frequency (sub-200 cm-1) vibrational spectra. As this region is dominated by weak intermolecular forces and shallow potential energy surfaces, even slight miscalculations in the solid-state packing arrangements can become readily apparent. In this work, terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy are used as benchmark experimental targets to develop computational methodologies for simulating and analyzing the lattice vibrations of molecular crystals such as torsions and translations. The developed computational approaches utilize solid-state density functional theory to account for the periodic nature of a molecular crystal and include careful consideration of the effects that functional choice, basis set composition, and energetic tolerances have on the frequencies and spectral intensities of the sub-200 cm-1 vibrations. These computational methodologies serve as standards for accurately modeling low-frequency vibrations across a range of molecular solids from a small molecule that exhibits unusual thermal behavior to the intricacies of an extensively hydrogen bonded oligopeptide

    Compositional imprints in density-distance-time: a rocky composition for close-in low-mass exoplanets from the location of the valley of evaporation

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    We use an end-to-end model of planet formation, thermodynamic evolution, and atmospheric escape to investigate how the statistical imprints of evaporation depend on the bulk composition of planetary cores (rocky vs. icy). We find that the population-wide imprints like the location of the "evaporation valley" in the distance-radius plane and the corresponding bimodal radius distribution clearly differ depending on the bulk composition of the cores. Comparison with the observed position of the valley (Fulton et al. 2017) suggests that close-in low-mass Kepler planets have a predominately Earth-like rocky composition. Combined with the excess of period ratios outside of MMR, this suggests that low-mass Kepler planets formed inside of the water iceline, but still undergoing orbital migration. The core radius becomes visible for planets losing all primordial H/He. For planets in this "triangle of evaporation" in the distance-radius plane, the degeneracy in compositions is reduced. In the observed diagram, we identify a trend to more volatile-rich compositions with increasing radius (R/R_Earth3: H/He). The mass-density diagram contains important information about formation and evolution. Its characteristic broken V-shape reveals the transitions from solid planets to low-mass core-dominated planets with H/He and finally to gas-dominated giants. Evaporation causes density and orbital distance to be anti-correlated for low-mass planets, in contrast to giants, where closer-in planets are less dense, likely due to inflation. The temporal evolution of the statistical properties reported here will be of interest for the PLATO 2.0 mission which will observe the temporal dimension.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. Accepted in ApJ. Minor changes relative to v

    Mit Dampf zu gesundem Saatgut

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    Mit Dampf zu gesundem Gemüsesaatgut? Werner E. Heller und Elisabeth Razavi, Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW, 8820 Wädenswil Für das Gelingen jeder Gemüsekultur ist die Gesundheit des Saatgutes von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Unter Gesundheit wird eine hohe biologische Qualität, das heisst eine gute Keimfähigkeit und Triebkraft, zusätzlich aber auch die Freiheit von Krankheitserregern verstanden. Es ist aber hinlänglich belegt, dass viele Krankheitserreger von Gemüsekulturen mit dem Saatgut übertragen werden können und dass kontaminiertes Saatgut auf dem Markt angeboten wird. Durch eine Desinfektion mit belüftetem Dampf während einer relativ kurzen Zeitspanne kann beim Saatgut vieler Gemüsearten eine signifikante Reduktion des Kontaminationsgrades mit pathogenen Keimen erreicht werden, ohne dass die Keimfähigkeit wesentlich beeinflusst wird. Wegen der kurzen Behandlungszeit dringt nur wenig Wasser in die Samenkörner ein, was zu einem nur kurzen Nachtrocknungsprozess mit relativ geringen Enegiekosten führt

    Non-Monogamous Individuals compared to Monogamous Individuals: The Differences in Their Relationships, Specifically Sexual Risk Behaviors and Level of Trust

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on January 20, 2011.Thesis advisor: Tamera B. Murdock.Vita.Includes bibliographic references (pages 32-36).Thesis (M.A.)--College of Arts & Sciences. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2010.The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sexual-risk behaviors and relationship style (i.e., non-monogamous versus monogamous individuals). Data were collected from an adult sample (ages 18 to 76) of 108 monogamous and 128 non-monogamous individuals via an internet survey. Individuals self-identifying as consensually non-monogamous were hypothesized to report engaging in more safer-sex practices/ fewer sexual-risk behavior) than individuals self-identifying as monogamous. The relationship between trust and condom use was also examined. Consistent with the hypothesis, as compared to monogamous individuals, non-monogamous individuals reported more frequent STI screenings and more frequent condom use when having sex with their non-primary partners. However, there were no differences between the two groups' condom use frequency with primary sexual partners. Among the monogamous group only, there was a significant positive relationship between partner distrust as measured by the perceived likelihood of a partner cheating and the frequency of STI screenings.Abstract -- List of Tables -- Acknowledgments -- Overview -- Introduction -- Methodology -- Results -- Discussion -- Appendix -- References -- Vita

    Optimized auxiliary oscillators for the simulation of general open quantum systems

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    A method for the systematic construction of few-body damped harmonic oscillator networks accurately reproducing the effect of general bosonic environments in open quantum systems is presented. Under the sole assumptions of a Gaussian environment and regardless of the system coupled to it, an algorithm to determine the parameters of an equivalent set of interacting damped oscillators obeying a Markovian quantum master equation is introduced. By choosing a suitable coupling to the system and minimizing an appropriate distance between the two-time correlation function of this effective bath and that of the target environment, the error induced in the reduced dynamics of the system is brought under rigorous control. The interactions among the effective modes provide remarkable flexibility in replicating non-Markovian effects on the system even with a small number of oscillators, and the resulting Lindblad equation may therefore be integrated at a very reasonable computational cost using standard methods for Markovian problems, even in strongly non-perturbative coupling regimes and at arbitrary temperatures including zero. We apply the method to an exactly solvable problem in order to demonstrate its accuracy, and present a study based on current research in the context of coherent transport in biological aggregates as a more realistic example of its use; performance and versatility are highlighted, and theoretical and numerical advantages over existing methods, as well as possible future improvements, are discussed.Comment: 23 + 9 pages, 11 + 2 figures. No changes from previous version except publication info and updated author affiliation

    Turumanipulatsiooniga tekitatud kahju hüvitamine Eesti õiguses

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    Der Einfluss der Kapazitätsgröße und -auslastung auf den Kostenverlauf ausgewählter Hilfskostenstellen von Molkereien - Abteilung Dampfversorgung

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    Die Kostenanalyse zur Bestimmung des Einflusses der Kapazitätsgröße und -auslastung auf den Kostenverlauf von Hilfskostenstellen (Hilfsabteilungen) erfolgt mit Hilfe von Modellkalkulationen. Eine spezielle Form der Teilkostenrechnung ermöglicht die Zurechnung der Kosten nach Kostenkategorien (jahresfix, tagesfix, ggf. chargenfix und mengenproportional) auf die entsprechenden Kostenträger (z. B. Kälte, Dampf) der jeweiligen Hilfskostenstelle. Durch computergestützte Simulationen können die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Kosteneinflußfaktoren im einzelnen quantifiziert werden