330 research outputs found

    Time-optimized high-resolution readout-segmented diffusion tensor imaging

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    Readout-segmented echo planar imaging with 2D navigator-based reacquisition is an uprising technique enabling the sampling of high-resolution diffusion images with reduced susceptibility artifacts. However, low signal from the small voxels and long scan times hamper the clinical applicability. Therefore, we introduce a regularization algorithm based on total variation that is applied directly on the entire diffusion tensor. The spatially varying regularization parameter is determined automatically dependent on spatial variations in signal-to-noise ratio thus, avoiding over- or under-regularization. Information about the noise distribution in the diffusion tensor is extracted from the diffusion weighted images by means of complex independent component analysis. Moreover, the combination of those features enables processing of the diffusion data absolutely user independent. Tractography from in vivo data and from a software phantom demonstrate the advantage of the spatially varying regularization compared to un-regularized data with respect to parameters relevant for fiber-tracking such as Mean Fiber Length, Track Count, Volume and Voxel Count. Specifically, for in vivo data findings suggest that tractography results from the regularized diffusion tensor based on one measurement (16 min) generates results comparable to the un-regularized data with three averages (48 min). This significant reduction in scan time renders high resolution (1×1×2.5 mm3) diffusion tensor imaging of the entire brain applicable in a clinical context

    Improving Estimation of Fiber Orientations in Diffusion MRI Using Inter-Subject Information Sharing

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging is widely used to investigate diffusion patterns of water molecules in the human brain. It provides information that is useful for tracing axonal bundles and inferring brain connectivity. Diffusion axonal tracing, namely tractography, relies on local directional information provided by the orientation distribution functions (ODFs) estimated at each voxel. To accurately estimate ODFs, data of good signal-to-noise ratio and sufficient angular samples are desired. This is however not always available in practice. In this paper, we propose to improve ODF estimation by using inter-subject image correlation. Specifically, we demonstrate that diffusion-weighted images acquired from different subjects can be transformed to the space of a target subject to drastically increase the number of angular samples to improve ODF estimation. This is largely due to the incoherence of the angular samples generated when the diffusion signals are reoriented and warped to the target space. To reorient the diffusion signals, we propose a new spatial normalization method that directly acts on diffusion signals using local affine transforms. Experiments on both synthetic data and real data show that our method can reduce noise-induced artifacts, such as spurious ODF peaks, and yield more coherent orientations

    Accelerated in vivo cardiac diffusion-tensor MRI using residual deep learning–based denoising in participants with obesity

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    Purpose: To develop and assess a residual deep learning algorithm to accelerate in vivo cardiac diffusion-tensor MRI (DT-MRI) by reducing the number of averages while preserving image quality and DT-MRI parameters. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, a denoising convolutional neural network (DnCNN) for DT-MRI was developed; a total of 26 participants, including 20 without obesity (body mass index [BMI], 30 kg/m2; mean age, 28 years 6 3 [standard deviation]; 11 women) and six with obesity (BMI 30 kg/m2; mean age, 48 years 6 11; five women), were recruited from June 19, 2019, to July 29, 2020. DT-MRI data were constructed at four averages (4Av), two averages (2Av), and one average (1Av) without and with the application of the DnCNN (4AvDnCNN, 2AvDnCNN, 1AvDnCNN). All data were compared against the reference DT-MRI data constructed at eight averages (8Av). Image quality, characterized by using the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM), and the DT-MRI parameters of mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), and helix angle transmurality (HAT) were quantified. Results: No differences were found in image quality or DT-MRI parameters between the accelerated 4AvDnCNN DT-MRI and the reference 8Av DT-MRI data for the SNR (29.1 6 2.7 vs 30.5 6 2.9), SSIM (0.97 6 0.01), MD (1.3 μm2/msec 6 0.1 vs 1.31 μm2/msec 6 0.11), FA (0.32 6 0.05 vs 0.30 6 0.04), or HAT (1.10°/% 6 0.13 vs 1.11°/% 6 0.09). The relationship of a higher MD and lower FA and HAT in individuals with obesity compared with individuals without obesity in reference 8Av DT-MRI measurements was retained in 4AvDnCNN and 2AvDnCNN DT-MRI measurements but was not retained in 4Av or 2Av DT-MRI measurements. Conclusion: Cardiac DT-MRI can be performed at an at least twofold-accelerated rate by using DnCNN to preserve image quality and DT-MRI parameter quantification

    Quantitative evaluation of 10 tractography algorithms on a realistic diffusion MR phantom.

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    International audienceAs it provides the only method for mapping white matter fibers in vivo, diffusion MRI tractography is gaining importance in clinical and neuroscience research. However, despite the increasing availability of different diffusion models and tractography algorithms, it remains unclear how to select the optimal fiber reconstruction method, given certain imaging parameters. Consequently, it is of utmost importance to have a quantitative comparison of these models and algorithms and a deeper understanding of the corresponding strengths and weaknesses. In this work, we use a common dataset with known ground truth and a reproducible methodology to quantitatively evaluate the performance of various diffusion models and tractography algorithms. To examine a wide range of methods, the dataset, but not the ground truth, was released to the public for evaluation in a contest, the "Fiber Cup". 10 fiber reconstruction methods were evaluated. The results provide evidence that: 1. For high SNR datasets, diffusion models such as (fiber) orientation distribution functions correctly model the underlying fiber distribution and can be used in conjunction with streamline tractography, and 2. For medium or low SNR datasets, a prior on the spatial smoothness of either the diffusion model or the fibers is recommended for correct modelling of the fiber distribution and proper tractography results. The phantom dataset, the ground truth fibers, the evaluation methodology and the results obtained so far will remain publicly available on: http://www.lnao.fr/spip.php?rubrique79 to serve as a comparison basis for existing or new tractography methods. New results can be submitted to [email protected] and updates will be published on the webpage

    Estimation of free water-corrected microscopic fractional anisotropy.

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    Water diffusion anisotropy MRI is sensitive to microstructural changes in the brain that are hallmarks of various neurological conditions. However, conventional metrics like fractional anisotropy are confounded by neuron fiber orientation dispersion, and the relatively low resolution of diffusion-weighted MRI gives rise to significant free water partial volume effects in many brain regions that are adjacent to cerebrospinal fluid. Microscopic fractional anisotropy is a recent metric that can report water diffusion anisotropy independent of neuron fiber orientation dispersion but is still susceptible to free water contamination. In this paper, we present a free water elimination (FWE) technique to estimate microscopic fractional anisotropy and other related diffusion indices by implementing a signal representation in which the MRI signal within a voxel is assumed to come from two distinct sources: a tissue compartment and a free water compartment. A two-part algorithm is proposed to rapidly fit a set of diffusion-weighted MRI volumes containing both linear- and spherical-tensor encoding acquisitions to the representation. Simulations an

    HOT–Lines: Tracking Lines in Higher Order Tensor Fields

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    Tensors occur in many areas of science and engineering. Especially, they are used to describe charge, mass and energy transport (i.e. electrical conductivity tensor, diffusion tensor, thermal conduction tensor resp.) If the locale transport pattern is complicated, usual second order tensor representation is not sufficient. So far, there are no appropriate visualization methods for this case. We point out similarities of symmetric higher order tensors and spherical harmonics. A spherical harmonic representation is used to improve tensor glyphs. This paper unites the definition of streamlines and tensor lines and generalizes tensor lines to those applications where second order tensors representations fail. The algorithm is tested on the tractography problem in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) and improved for this special application

    CHIASM, the human brain albinism and achiasma MRI dataset

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    We describe a collection of T1-, diffusion- and functional T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from human individuals with albinism and achiasma. This repository can be used as a test-bed to develop and validate tractography methods like diffusion-signal modeling and fiber tracking as well as to investigate the properties of the human visual system in individuals with congenital abnormalities. The MRI data is provided together with tools and files allowing for its preprocessing and analysis, along with the data derivatives such as manually curated masks and regions of interest for performing tractography

    Diffusion Weighted Image Denoising using overcomplete Local PCA

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    Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI) normally shows a low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) due to the presence of noise from the measurement process that complicates and biases the estimation of quantitative diffusion parameters. In this paper, a new denoising methodology is proposed that takes into consideration the multicomponent nature of multi-directional DWI datasets such as those employed in diffusion imaging. This new filter reduces random noise in multicomponent DWI by locally shrinking less significant Principal Components using an overcomplete approach. The proposed method is compared with state-of-the-art methods using synthetic and real clinical MR images, showing improved performance in terms of denoising quality and estimation of diffusion parameters.This work has been supported by the Spanish grant TIN2011-26727 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. This work has been also partially supported by the French grant "HR-DTI" ANR-10-LABX-57 funded by the TRAIL from the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche within the context of the Investments for the Future program. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Manjón Herrera, JV.; Coupé, P.; Concha, L.; Buades, A.; Collins, L.; Robles Viejo, M. (2013). Diffusion Weighted Image Denoising using overcomplete Local PCA. PLoS ONE. 8(9):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0073021S11289Sundgren, P. C., Dong, Q., Gómez-Hassan, D., Mukherji, S. K., Maly, P., & Welsh, R. (2004). Diffusion tensor imaging of the brain: review of clinical applications. Neuroradiology, 46(5), 339-350. doi:10.1007/s00234-003-1114-xJohansen-Berg, H., & Behrens, T. E. (2006). Just pretty pictures? What diffusion tractography can add in clinical neuroscience. Current Opinion in Neurology, 19(4), 379-385. doi:10.1097/01.wco.0000236618.82086.01Jones DK, Basser PJ (2004) Squashing peanuts and smashing pumpkins: how noise distorts diffusion-weighted MR data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 52, 979–993.Chen, B., & Hsu, E. W. (2005). Noise removal in magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 54(2), 393-401. doi:10.1002/mrm.20582Aja-Fernandez, S., Niethammer, M., Kubicki, M., Shenton, M. E., & Westin, C.-F. (2008). Restoration of DWI Data Using a Rician LMMSE Estimator. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27(10), 1389-1403. doi:10.1109/tmi.2008.920609Basu S, Fletcher T, Whitaker R (2006) Rician noise removal in diffusion tensor MRI. MICCAI2006: 9,117–25.Hamarneh, G., & Hradsky, J. (2007). Bilateral Filtering of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 16(10), 2463-2475. doi:10.1109/tip.2007.904964Xu, Q., Anderson, A. W., Gore, J. C., & Ding, Z. (2010). Efficient anisotropic filtering of diffusion tensor images. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28(2), 200-211. doi:10.1016/j.mri.2009.10.001Parker, G. J. M., Schnabel, J. A., Symms, M. R., Werring, D. J., & Barker, G. J. (2000). Nonlinear smoothing for reduction of systematic and random errors in diffusion tensor imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 11(6), 702-710. doi:10.1002/1522-2586(200006)11:63.0.co;2-aWeickert J, Brox T (2002) Diffusion and regularization of vector and matrix valued images. Saarland Department of Mathematics, Saarland University. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=, Z., Vemuri, B. C., Chen, Y., & Mareci, T. H. (2004). A Constrained Variational Principle for Direct Estimation and Smoothing of the Diffusion Tensor Field From Complex DWI. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 23(8), 930-939. doi:10.1109/tmi.2004.831218Reisert, M., & Kiselev, V. G. (2011). Fiber Continuity: An Anisotropic Prior for ODF Estimation. 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