35 research outputs found

    Planning with curriculum materials: Interactions between prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ attention, interpretations and responses

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    This paper reports a study of four prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ (PSTs) attention to different sets of curriculum materials when planning lessons. Specifically, it addresses how this attention interacted with their interpretations of and responses to the materials and how the curriculum elements and format of each set of materials influenced the interaction. Attention, interpretations, and responses were analyzed by capturing quantitative data from eye tracking glasses the PSTs wore and qualitative data from coding the transcripts from two staged planning interviews. Results indicate that PSTs’ interpretations and responses were initiated by their attention and that the curriculum elements and format of each set of materials influenced this attention. The authors conclude with implications for curriculum development and teacher education

    Curriculum Development of Agricultural Educators in South Dakota

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    Curriculum development is an essential component of teaching. Understanding how agriculture education teachers utilize, develop, and adapt content to curriculum can benefit teachers to spend less time on curriculum development. Recognizing the way agriculture education teachers use content in curriculum implementation will allow curriculum developers to create materials that can effectively be used by teachers. This study also looked at the affects of how COVID19 pandemic affected the way teachers locate and develop curriculum. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the way agriculture education instructor’s usage of content for curriculum development, implementation decisions and the affects of the COVID19 pandemic. During this study, a questionnaire was sent out to all agriculture education instructors in South Dakota, using the Dillman Method. The survey was given four a total of four weeks, with reminders going out every week. The findings of this study showed that the most common place to find resources include online learning communities including NAAE Communities of Practice, Agriculture Education Discussion Lab and Teachers Pay Teachers. Teachers also used these online communities to help evaluate credibility of the resources. Along with checking the authors and sources the curriculum came from. The study also concluded that COVID19 pandemic had both positive and negative effects on teacher’s curriculum development, while the full affect will not be known for years to come

    Gambaran Sikap Ergonomi Mahasiswa Profesi Ners Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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    Latar Belakang: Perawat merupakan salah satu profesi yang memiliki risiko tinggi terkena gangguan muskuloskeletal. Ergonomi mempelajari tentang hubungan antara manusia dan sistem, hal ini menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab gangguan muskuloskeletal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran sikap ergonomi mahasiswa profesi Ners. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Jumlah sampel adalah 79 responden dengan teknik total sampling. Data diambil dengan kuesioner dan analisis univariat. Hasil Penelitian: Mayoritas responden memiliki sikap ergonomi dengan kategori cukup (72,2%). Sebagian besar responden berusia remaja akhir (73,4%) dengan rentang usia 17-25 tahun. Mayoritas responden adalah perempuan lebih banyak dibanding laki-laki (69,6%). Kemudian, sebagian besar responden memiliki IMT normal (77,2%). Kebanyakan responden tidak memiliki riwayat keluarga berprofesi sebagai perawat (67,1%). Dari berbagai kelompok usia, remaja akhr memiliki sikap ergonomi cukup lebih tinggi (81,1%). Mayoritas responden dengan jenis kelamin perempuan memiliki sikap ergonomi cukup (76,3%). Sebagian besar responden dengan IMT normal memiliki sikap ergonomi cukup (73,7%). Selain itu, mayoritas responden yang tidak memiliki riwayat keluarga berprofesi perawat mempunyai sikap ergonomi yang cukup (77,3%). Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar responden memiliki sikap ergonomi dengan kategori cuku

    The Man Creates Instruments that Transform Himself: An Overview of GERE Research within Mathematics Education

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    This paper discusses GERE (Study Group on Resources for Education) members’ research trajectory in three different lines: Teaching practice and practice management, Teacher education and identity, and Support for learning and resource generation. It discusses how researchers seek to understand technology integration in the practice of distance education in Brazil, with the instrumental orchestrations lens, revealing the changes made in the didactic configurations, from the multiplicity of teachers responsible for each discipline. Teachers’ documentation is discussed in the process of resource elaboration and use and guided by design, experimentation, and reflection of the generated instrument, such as digital textbooks and mathematical games. The notion of integrating artefacts is discussed both from the perspective of collaborative learning and of instrumental meta-orchestration, a teacher education model about instrumental orchestration. Finally, thinking about the artefact as a support for learning also made us work on generating devices aimed at specific concepts such as covariation in learning functions

    Analisis Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Guna Mengelola Pembelajaran Tematik Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 di MIM PK Kartasura

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    This study aims to describe the pedagogical competence of teachers for the management of thematic learning based on the 2013 curriculum at the MIM PK Kartasura. The type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive research design. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data is analyzed through steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification of data or conclusions. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation techniques and source triangulation. The informants in this study were the deputy headmaster or guardian angel, class I teacher and fourth grade students. The results showed that the application of pedagogical competencies in thematic learning began from the planning, implementation, and assessment stages which included the teacher must make a lesson plan, master the material, use strategies according to the student's learning style. Aspects that must be mastered by the teacher include mastering the characteristics of students, mastering learning theory and the principle of learning that is educational, curriculum development, educational activities that educate, development of potential students, communication of students

    A Generic Qualitative Study of Primary Grade Reading Teachers\u27 Challenges and Personal Teaching Solutions

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    Not all children enter school with the same skill set. Teachers of young children know this. Despite this, schools prescribe curriculum and pacing guides as well as assessments that may fit only a subset of students’ instructional levels. Teachers are left to determine the best way to meet the student and mandated requirements. Teachers from two elementary schools from a neighborhood area were interviewed about their perspectives and how they manage instructional expectations to help students learn grade level expectations. The following research questions were addressed.1. How and why do teachers report adapting literacy instruction for students who are deficient in foundational reading skills? 2. How and why do teachers report adapting literacy instructional pacing of the prescribed district grade level literacy curriculum? 3. How do teachers evaluate the student data outcomes for evidence of the effectiveness of the adapted literacy instruction? Findings provided an understanding of the reflective processes and decision-making actions used to address foundational reading skill deficits in primary classrooms and emphasized a teacher’s voice in literacy curriculum adaptations while using the prescribed curriculum. Recommendations for future research are to consider replicating this study with a larger and more diverse sample. Additional recommendations are to investigate the impact of phonics instruction combined with writing instruction in third grade, whether a district provided adjusted pacing calendar for foundational reading skills would result in a reduction in lost writing instruction, and an increase in productivity during grade level PLC sessions

    Door opening mechanism for power wheelchairs

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    Magistritöö Ergonoomika õppekavalTöös antakse ülevaade ratastooli kasutajate probleemist, milleks on uste avamine ratastoolis ning sellele otsitakse lahendust. Varasemalt on välja pakutud mitmeid lahendusi uste avamiseks, aga vähem on uuritud elektrilise ratastooliga uste avamist. Töö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida erinevaid uste avamismehhanisme ning välja pakkuda autoripoolne prototüüp. Töös uuriti üheksat erinevat võimalust, neist neli olid mehaanilised ja viis elektroonilised. Uuriti ka ust ning uksesulgurit ja mõõdeti ukse avamiseks vajalikku jõudu. Töö tulemuseks loodi autoripoolsest ideest prototüüp, mis ei ole lõplikult valmis. Eelnevalt ei ole elektrilisele ratastoolile mehaanilist uste avamisseadist loodud. Kõik on keskendunud robotkäppade arendamisele. Tulemustest selgus, et hetkel on kõige efektiivsem ukse avamisseadis robotkäpp Jaco, mis on spetsiaalselt elektrilisele ratastoolile konstrueeritud. Autoripoolset lahendust tuleb edasi arendada.In the study the problem, of opening doors in a wheelchair, is reviwed and solutions for that problem are researched. Formerly several solutions for opening doors have been offered, but fewer for power wheelchair users. The purpose of this study was to analyse different door opening mechanisms and to present the authors protoype. Nine different possibilityes were researched, of of which four were mechanical and five elecronical. Also the door and the door-closing device were researched and the force, used to open a door, was measured. In result of the study, a prototype, which is not finished, based on the authors idea was created. Formerly a mechanical door-opening device for power wheelchairs has not been developed. Everything is focused on developing robotic arms. In conclusion the most effective devise for opening doors is a robotic arm, Jaco, which is specially constructed for electric wheelchairs. The solution given by the author needs to be developed further

    Roles de la resolución de problemas en el currículo oficial

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    En este trabajo describimos el papel de la resolución de problemas en distintos documentos que componen el currículo oficial de educación primaria en Chile. Nuestro marco teórico toma en cuenta tres dimensiones de la resolución de problemas: los roles que puede tomar según Schoenfeld (1992) y Schroeder y Lester (1989), las características que facilitan su incorporación al currículo y los tipos de problemas sugeridos en los documentos curriculares. Elaboramos un sistema de categorías y llevamos a cabo un análisis de contenido. Concluimos que los documentos reflejan visiones diferentes y hasta contradictorias sobre el papel que juega la resolución de problemas para la enseñanza de las matemáticas, dificultando su total implementación según lo dispuesto en la normativa oficial

    Uso de gestos –como recurso-mediador– por un profesor de bachillerato para enfrentar un desafío didáctico no previsto por él

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    En este artículo se reporta cómo un profesor de bachillerato (niveles 10- 12) usó gestos al enfrentarse a una situación en el aula no prevista por él. El uso de gestos ocurrió durante la interacción con tres estudiantes en torno al análisis del movimiento de un objeto en caída libre. Se llevó a cabo un análisis cualitativo de los datos a partir de un marco conceptual que coordina elementos de tres aproximaciones teóricas: aproximación documental de lo didáctico, la teoría de actividad y la epistemología histórica. La recopilación de datos se llevó a cabo mediante la videograbación de la interacción profesor-estudiantes al momento de tratar de dar significado al movimiento de un objeto en caída libre. Consideramos que el análisis de resultados muestra que la coordinación de gestos es, por una parte, un recurso semiótico que debe considerarse relevante en el sistema de recursos de los profesores; y por otra parte, representan, en sí mismo, una manera de visualizar la estructura cognitiva que guía las acciones del profesor