116,768 research outputs found

    An overview of evaluation methods in TREC ad hoc information retrieval and TREC question answering

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    Abstract This chapter gives an overview of the current evaluation strategies and problems in the fields of information retrieval (IR) and question answering (QA), as instantiated in the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). Whereas IR has a long tradition as a task, QA is a relatively new task which had to quickly develop its evaluation metrics, based on experiences gained in IR. This chapter will contrast the two tasks, their difficulties, and their evaluation metrics. We will end this chapter by pointing out limitations of the current evaluation strategies and potential future developments

    BEAR: Benchmarking the Efficiency of RDF Archiving

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    There is an emerging demand on techniques addressing the problem of efficiently archiving and (temporal) querying different versions of evolving semantic Web data. While systems archiving and/or temporal querying are still in their early days, we consider this a good time to discuss benchmarks for evaluating storage space efficiency for archives, retrieval functionality they serve, and the performance of various retrieval operations. To this end, we provide a blueprint on benchmarking archives of semantic data by defining a concise set of operators that cover the major aspects of querying of and interacting with such archives. Next, we introduce BEAR, which instantiates this blueprint to serve a concrete set of queries on the basis of real-world evolving data. Finally, we perform an empirical evaluation of current archiving techniques that is meant to serve as a first baseline of future developments on querying archives of evolving RDF data. (authors' abstract)Series: Working Papers on Information Systems, Information Business and Operation

    Thesauri on the Web: current developments and trends

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    This article provides an overview of recent developments relating to the application of thesauri in information organisation and retrieval on the World Wide Web. It describes some recent thesaurus projects undertaken to facilitate resource description and discovery and access to wide-ranging information resources on the Internet. Types of thesauri available on the Web, thesauri integrated in databases and information retrieval systems, and multiple-thesaurus systems for cross-database searching are also discussed. Collective efforts and events in addressing the standardisation and novel applications of thesauri are briefly reviewed

    Challenging Ubiquitous Inverted Files

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    Stand-alone ranking systems based on highly optimized inverted file structures are generally considered ‘the’ solution for building search engines. Observing various developments in software and hardware, we argue however that IR research faces a complex engineering problem in the quest for more flexible yet efficient retrieval systems. We propose to base the development of retrieval systems on ‘the database approach’: mapping high-level declarative specifications of the retrieval process into efficient query plans. We present the Mirror DBMS as a prototype implementation of a retrieval system based on this approach

    CHORUS Deliverable 4.3: Report from CHORUS workshops on national initiatives and metadata

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    Minutes of the following Workshops: ‱ National Initiatives on Multimedia Content Description and Retrieval, Geneva, October 10th, 2007. ‱ Metadata in Audio-Visual/Multimedia production and archiving, Munich, IRT, 21st – 22nd November 2007 Workshop in Geneva 10/10/2007 This highly successful workshop was organised in cooperation with the European Commission. The event brought together the technical, administrative and financial representatives of the various national initiatives, which have been established recently in some European countries to support research and technical development in the area of audio-visual content processing, indexing and searching for the next generation Internet using semantic technologies, and which may lead to an internet-based knowledge infrastructure. The objective of this workshop was to provide a platform for mutual information and exchange between these initiatives, the European Commission and the participants. Top speakers were present from each of the national initiatives. There was time for discussions with the audience and amongst the European National Initiatives. The challenges, communalities, difficulties, targeted/expected impact, success criteria, etc. were tackled. This workshop addressed how these national initiatives could work together and benefit from each other. Workshop in Munich 11/21-22/2007 Numerous EU and national research projects are working on the automatic or semi-automatic generation of descriptive and functional metadata derived from analysing audio-visual content. The owners of AV archives and production facilities are eagerly awaiting such methods which would help them to better exploit their assets.Hand in hand with the digitization of analogue archives and the archiving of digital AV material, metadatashould be generated on an as high semantic level as possible, preferably fully automatically. All users of metadata rely on a certain metadata model. All AV/multimedia search engines, developed or under current development, would have to respect some compatibility or compliance with the metadata models in use. The purpose of this workshop is to draw attention to the specific problem of metadata models in the context of (semi)-automatic multimedia search

    Using Search Engine Technology to Improve Library Catalogs

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    This chapter outlines how search engine technology can be used in online public access library catalogs (OPACs) to help improve users’ experiences, to identify users’ intentions, and to indicate how it can be applied in the library context, along with how sophisticated ranking criteria can be applied to the online library catalog. A review of the literature and current OPAC developments form the basis of recommendations on how to improve OPACs. Findings were that the major shortcomings of current OPACs are that they are not sufficiently user-centered and that their results presentations lack sophistication. Further, these shortcomings are not addressed in current 2.0 developments. It is argued that OPAC development should be made search-centered before additional features are applied. While the recommendations on ranking functionality and the use of user intentions are only conceptual and not yet applied to a library catalogue, practitioners will find recommendations for developing better OPACs in this chapter. In short, readers will find a systematic view on how the search engines’ strengths can be applied to improving libraries’ online catalogs

    Digital library research : current developments and trends

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    This column gives an overview of current trends in digital library research under the following headings: digital library architecture, systems, tools and technologies; digital content and collections; metadata; interoperability; standards; knowledge organisation systems; users and usability; legal, organisational, economic, and social issues in digital libraries

    Meeting of the MINDS: an information retrieval research agenda

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    Since its inception in the late 1950s, the field of Information Retrieval (IR) has developed tools that help people find, organize, and analyze information. The key early influences on the field are well-known. Among them are H. P. Luhn's pioneering work, the development of the vector space retrieval model by Salton and his students, Cleverdon's development of the Cranfield experimental methodology, SpÀrck Jones' development of idf, and a series of probabilistic retrieval models by Robertson and Croft. Until the development of the WorldWideWeb (Web), IR was of greatest interest to professional information analysts such as librarians, intelligence analysts, the legal community, and the pharmaceutical industry

    Indexing, browsing and searching of digital video

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    Video is a communications medium that normally brings together moving pictures with a synchronised audio track into a discrete piece or pieces of information. The size of a “piece ” of video can variously be referred to as a frame, a shot, a scene, a clip, a programme or an episode, and these are distinguished by their lengths and by their composition. We shall return to the definition of each of these in section 4 this chapter. In modern society, video is ver
