160 research outputs found


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    Data survival sering dijumpai dalam pengamatan yang mengandung resiko ketikasubjek tidak dapat diamati sampai muncul kejadian yang dimaksud. Dalamkehidupan sehari-hari manusia selalu terlibat dengan waktu, sebagai contoh waktutunggu perceraian setelah melakukan gugatan. Data ini tidak bisa diamati secarautuh atau disebut juga dengan sensor karena terdapat objek yang belum berceraisesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan sehingga diperlukan metode yangsesuai untuk menganalisisnya. Tugas akhir ini menggunakan metode hazardWeibull waktu tunggu perceraian di Banda Aceh tahun 2012. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prosesgugatan perceraian di Banda Aceh tahun 2012 yang terdiri atas delapan variabelbebas yang mempengaruhi lama pernikahan yaitu usia nikah suami, usia nikahistri, pendidikan suami, pendidikan istri, pekerjaan suami, pekerjaan istri,penggugat, dan jumlah anak. Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode Weibull padamodel hazard Cox diperoleh 2 variabel bebas yang paling signifikanmempengaruhi gugatan perceraian di Banda Aceh tahun 2012 yaitu usia nikahsuami dan pekerjaan suami. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa suami yangberusia nikah tinggi memiliki peluang bercerai hingga 1.04 kali dibandingkan usianikah rendah sedangkan suami yang bekerja memiliki peluang bercerai hingga 5.2kali dibandingkan dengan suami yang tidak bekerja

    An experiment in audio classification from compressed data

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for automatic classification of sound into speech, instrumental sound/ music and silence. The method is based on thresholding of features derived from the modulation envelope of the frequency limited audio signal. Four characteristics are examined for discrimination: the occurrence and duration of energy peaks, rhythmic content and the level of harmonic content. The proposed algorithm allows classification directly on MPEG-1 audio bitstreams. The performance of the classifier was evaluated on TRECVID test data. The test results are above-average among all TREC participants. The approaches adopted by other research groups participating in TREC are also discussed

    Gender, grade-level and stream differences in learning environment and student attitudes in primary science classrooms in Singapore

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    A major focus of this research was the validity and reliability of a learning environment and attitude questionnaire in primary school classrooms in Singapore. The learning environment scales were chosen from Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) and What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC). The scales to assess the attitudes to science were chosen from the Test of Science Related Attitudes (TOSRA). The study also investigated gender, grade-level and stream differences in learning environment and attitudes to science and also investigated the relationships between attitudes and the learning environment. Data were gathered from 1081 students from 55 different classes in 4 different primary schools in Singapore.This study is the first in the Singapore context that focused on Gifted Education (GE) pupils and High Ability (HA) pupils in the primary school setting. It is also the first study in Singapore which focused on investigating gender, grade-level and stream differences in learning environment and attitudes to science and associations between students’ attitudes to science and their perceptions of the classroom learning environment within the one study.Factor analysis was conducted for the 70 items in the learning environment and attitude scales based on the CLES, WIHIC and TOSRA. From the original 70 items, 61 items were kept in the same 10-factor structure. The 61 items each had a factor loading of at least 0.40 on its a priori scale and lower than 0.40 on all of the other scales. The 61-item version of the questionnaire containing learning environment scales based on the WIHIC (5 scales with 4−8 items in each) and the CLES (3 scales with 4−5 items in each) and 2 six-item attitude scales based on the TOSRA was accepted. Also the learning environment scales based on the CLES and WIHIC were capable of differentiating significantly between classes, and all learning environment attitude scales were reliable when used with this sample of elementary school students in Singapore.The use of MANOVA and ANOVAs identified the presence of any gender, grade-level, stream, stream-by-gender, grade-by-stream, grade-by-gender and stream-by-gender-by-grade interactions for each scale. The statistically significant findings were: • significant gender differences for Involvement, Teacher Support, Task Orientation and Cooperation • significant grade-level differences for Teacher Support, Task Orientation, Cooperation and Enjoyment • significant stream differences for Involvement, Cooperation and Personal Relevance • significant stream-by-gender interactions for Task Orientation and Enjoyment • significant grade-by-stream interactions for Investigation, Student Negotiation, Scientific Inquiry and Enjoyment • no significant grade-by-gender interaction for any dependent variable • no significant three-way stream-by-gender-by-grade interaction for any dependent variable.Simple correlation and multiple regression analyses replicated considerable prior research into associations between student attitudes and the learning environment: improved student attitudes were associated with more emphasis on the aspects of learning environment assessed in this study

    Improved Depth Map Estimation from Stereo Images based on Hybrid Method

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    In this paper, a stereo matching algorithm based on image segments is presented. We propose the hybrid segmentation algorithm that is based on a combination of the Belief Propagation and Mean Shift algorithms with aim to refine the disparity and depth map by using a stereo pair of images. This algorithm utilizes image filtering and modified SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) stereo matching method. Firstly, a color based segmentation method is applied for segmenting the left image of the input stereo pair (reference image) into regions. The aim of the segmentation is to simplify representation of the image into the form that is easier to analyze and is able to locate objects in images. Secondly, results of the segmentation are used as an input of the local window-based matching method to determine the disparity estimate of each image pixel. The obtained experimental results demonstrate that the final depth map can be obtained by application of segment disparities to the original images. Experimental results with the stereo testing images show that our proposed Hybrid algorithm HSAD gives a good performance

    The place of artificial reefs in the lives of small-scale fishers in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Mainly deployed with the objective of enhancing fisheries resources, artificial reefs began to gain scientific attention in the 1970s. They continue to be a popular agenda in fisheries management, largely due to their potential in improving the lives of coastal communities. Current performance evaluations of artificial reefs, however, continue to focus more on reef effects on the biology and fishing gain of the area where they are deployed. This is despite repeated calls to expand the performance evaluation to include input from artificial reefs users. This thesis examines the dimensions of small-scale fisher- folks' relations with artificial reefs in Terengganu, Malaysia. Using the livelihood approach, the research focuses on non bio-economics data and explores the "currently ignored" domains of artificial reefs to examine the various components of small-scale fishers' livelihood-making. It reveals important insights of the social, cultural, economic, political and ecological changes that have been affected by artificial reef programmes from the perspectives of fishing communities. Based on the results of in-depth interviews carried out in Setiu, Terengganu, it is concluded that although artificial reefs are perceived to enhance local fisheries resources, small-scale fisher-folks' opportunity to benefit from them depends much on how artificial reefs fit into these fishers' fishing strategies, which are strongly related to their livelihood assets, particularly their social and human capitals. Furthermore, artificial reefs' impacts on Setiu small-scale fishers' livelihood are related to their effect on illegal commercial fishery in the area, where although their presence do deter trawl fishery, artificial reefs are paradoxically an ideal fishing site for purse seine fishery. By exploring these various human dimensions of artificial reefs, the thesis offers a broader perspective on the evaluation of this complex marine phenomenon

    Rhythm detection for speech-music discrimination in MPEG compressed domain

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    A novel approach to speech-music discrimination based on rhythm (or beat) detection is introduced. Rhythmic pulses are detected by applying a long-term autocorrelation method on band-passed signals. This approach is combined with another, in which the features describe the energy peaks of the signal. The discriminator uses just three features that are computed from data directly taken from an MPEG-1 bitstream. The discriminator was tested on more than 3 hours of audio data. Average recognition rate is 97.7%

    Iterative Unsupervised GMM Training for Speaker Indexing

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    The paper addresses a novel algorithm for speaker searching and indexation based on unsupervised GMM training. The proposed method doesn\'t require a predefined set of generic background models, and the GMM speaker models are trained only from test samples. The constrain of the method is that the number of the speakers has to be known in advance. The results of initial experiments show that the proposed training method enables to create precise GMM speaker models from only a small amount of training data

    MPEG-1 bitstreams processing for audio content analysis

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    In this paper, we present the MPEG-1 Audio bitstreams processing work which our research group is involved in. This work is primarily based on the processing of the encoded bitstream, and the extraction of useful audio features for the purposes of analysis and browsing. In order to prepare for the discussion of these features, the MPEG-1 audio bitstream format is first described. The Application Interface Protocol (API) which we have been developing in C++ is then introduced, before completing the paper with a discussion on audio feature extraction

    A cross-sectional study to assess the morbidity pattern of ocular diseases in out-patient department of ophthalmology at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: In developing countries like India lower socioeconomic status and lack of proper eye care are responsible for increase in the number of preventable and avoidable causes of blindness as compared to developed countries of the world. One-third of India's blind population lose their eyesight before 20 years of age. Therefore, early detection and treatment of ocular morbidity is important. The best option to reduce ocular morbidity is to bring eye care services to their doorsteps in the form of outreach programs. The aim of the study was to assess the morbidity pattern of ocular disease in the region, which will show the trend of ocular morbidities in our society and help to provide basic data for planning and provision of adequate eye care services, appropriate treatment and intervention for management of these diseases.Methods: This was a prospective and cross-sectional type of study which has been conducted in Department of Ophthalmology, Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital. For the study, total of 600 patients who attended OPD of Ophthalmology, GMCH, Udaipur have been taken in the duration of 1 year i.e. 2013-2014.Results: Out of 600 patients majority (50.67%) of the patients were found to be in the age group of 30-60 years and there was no sex preponderance as ratio of male to female was found to be 1.2:1 among the patients which shows that common eye diseases are usually not sex linked but may be linked with age. Distribution of diseases treated in OPD showed that allergic conjunctivitis (43.33%) was the most common disease followed by infective conjunctivitis (14.00%) which was found to be the second most common problem. Other common ocular diseases were anterior blepharitis (12.33%), stye or hordeolum externum (7.5%) and vernal conjunctivitis (6%).Conclusions: It has been observed that allergic conjunctivitis is the most common disease due to hot and dry environment, dust and more of pollution due to marble mining in the region. Thus this study gives the picture of morbidity pattern of ocular disease in the region which is helpful in planning and management.

    Stacked Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Emotion Recognition

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    This paper studies the emotion recognition from musical tracks in the 2-dimensional valence-arousal (V-A) emotional space. We propose a method based on convolutional (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN), having significantly fewer parameters compared with the state-of-the-art method for the same task. We utilize one CNN layer followed by two branches of RNNs trained separately for arousal and valence. The method was evaluated using the 'MediaEval2015 emotion in music' dataset. We achieved an RMSE of 0.202 for arousal and 0.268 for valence, which is the best result reported on this dataset.Comment: Accepted for Sound and Music Computing (SMC 2017
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