7,074 research outputs found

    Neo-Kantianism and Cultural Sciences

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    [Italiano]: Il volume si propone di indagare, dal punto di vista sia storiografico che teoretico, la peculiare relazione che si instaurĂČ tra le diverse scuole di pensiero neokantiane e quelle discipline che tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento furono rubricate sotto il titolo di scienze della cultura o scienze dello spirito. Il neokantismo svolse, difatti, un ruolo di primissimo piano nella formazione dello scenario filosofico e culturale tedesco del secolo scorso, divenendo, da un lato, una fonte inesauribile di idee e metodi per le cosiddette Kulturwissenschaften, e accogliendo, dall’altro lato, entro il suo poliedrico sviluppo, alcune decisive istanze veicolate da tali scienze. Il volume prova a circoscrivere questa vasta problematica mediante incursioni storico-problematiche intorno ad alcune figure e problemi centrali della vasta costellazione neokantiana. I temi affrontati nei saggi concernono gli assetti sistematici della metodologia di impronta neokantiana e il loro riflettersi nelle molteplici applicazioni disciplinari, dalla giurisprudenza alla linguistica, dall’estetica alla storiografia filosofica, dalla sociologia alla psicologia. Non mancano infine contributi che provano ad isolare i motivi filosofici ultimi della riflessione neokantiana sulla Kultur./[English]: This volume aims to investigate, from both a historiographical and theoretical point of view, the peculiar relationship that was established between the various neo-Kantian schools of thought and other disciplines which in the late 19th and early 20th century were grouped under the name of cultural sciences or Geisteswissenschaften. In fact, Neo-Kantianism played a leading role in the formation of the German philosophical and cultural scenario of the 20th century, becoming on the one hand an inexhaustible source of ideas and methods for the so-called Kulturwissenschaften, and on the other hand embracing within its multifaceted development several crucial issues brought forward by these sciences. This volume attempts to circumscribe the vast issues by conducting historical-problematic incursions into and around certain scholars and central problems of the Neo-Kantian constellation. The themes addressed in the essays concern the systematic frameworks of neo-Kantian methodology and their reflections in multiple disciplinary applications, from jurisprudence to linguistics, from aesthetics to philosophical historiography, from sociology to psychology. Finally, there are also contributions that attempt to isolate the ultimate philosophical grounds of Neo-Kantian thinking on Kultu

    Neo-Kantianism and Cultural Sciences

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    This volume aims to investigate, from both a historiographical and theoretical point of view, the peculiar relationship that was established between the various neo-Kantian schools of thought and other disciplines which in the late 19th and early 20th century were grouped under the name of cultural sciences or Geisteswissenschaften. In fact, Neo-Kantianism played a leading role in the formation of the German philosophical and cultural scenario of the 20th century, becoming on the one hand an inexhaustible source of ideas and methods for the so-called Kulturwissenschaften, and on the other hand embracing within its multifaceted development several crucial issues brought forward by these sciences. This volume attempts to circumscribe the vast issues by conducting historical-problematic incursions into and around certain scholars and central problems of the Neo-Kantian constellation. The themes addressed in the essays concern the systematic frameworks of neo-Kantian methodology and their reflections in multiple disciplinary applications, from jurisprudence to linguistics, from aesthetics to philosophical historiography, from sociology to psychology. Finally, there are also contributions that attempt to isolate the ultimate philosophical grounds of Neo-Kantian thinking on Kultur.PublishedIl volume si propone di indagare, dal punto di vista sia storiografico che teoretico, la peculiare relazione che si instaurĂČ tra le diverse scuole di pensiero neokantiane e quelle discipline che tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento furono rubricate sotto il titolo di scienze della cultura o scienze dello spirito. Il neokantismo svolse, difatti, un ruolo di primissimo piano nella formazione dello scenario filosofico e culturale tedesco del secolo scorso, divenendo, da un lato, una fonte inesauribile di idee e metodi per le cosiddette Kulturwissenschaften, e accogliendo, dall’altro lato, entro il suo poliedrico sviluppo, alcune decisive istanze veicolate da tali scienze. Il volume prova a circoscrivere questa vasta problematica mediante incursioni storico-problematiche intorno ad alcune figure e problemi centrali della vasta costellazione neokantiana. I temi affrontati nei saggi concernono gli assetti sistematici della metodologia di impronta neokantiana e il loro riflettersi nelle molteplici applicazioni disciplinari, dalla giurisprudenza alla linguistica, dall’estetica alla storiografia filosofica, dalla sociologia alla psicologia. Non mancano infine contributi che provano ad isolare i motivi filosofici ultimi della riflessione neokantiana sulla Kultur

    Department of social and cultural sciences

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    Selbstdarstellung des Fachbereichs Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften der Fachhochschule DĂƒÂŒsseldorf (ISBN 3-923669-68-2)

    First Looks: CATaC '98\ud

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    The First International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication (CATaC’98), and its affiliated publications, seek to bring together current insights from philosophy, communication theory, and cultural sciences in an interdisciplinary dialogue. The synthesis of disparate scholarly ideas will shed greater light on just how culture impacts on the use and appropriation of new communications technologies. Beyond the individual contributions themselves, some of our most significant insights will emerge as we listen and discuss carefully with one another during the conference itself. As a way of preparing for that discussion, I offer the following overview of the CATaC papers and abstracts, along with a summary of the insights and questions they suggest

    Media education as cultural sciences!? Thoughts on disciplinary openings and connections

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    Der Beitrag diskutiert Möglichkeiten einer verstĂ€rkten Einbringung kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektiven in die MedienpĂ€dagogik. Auf einem kulturwissenschaftlichen Programm im Anschluss an Reckwitz basierend, der Kultur als ein bedeutungsorientiertes und kontingenzgeprĂ€gtes Konstrukt begreift, wird gezeigt, wie diese Position durch ihre disziplinĂ€re Querschnittslagerung ein Ensemble von alternativen Denk- und Analysemodellen anbietet, das medienpĂ€dagogische Fragestellungen bereichern kann. Wie sich mit Blick auf die jĂŒngeren Diskussionen ĂŒber disziplinĂ€re AnschlĂŒsse zwischen Erziehungswissenschaft und Kulturwissenschaft zeigt, sensibilisiert ein solcher Zugang fĂŒr gegenwĂ€rtige gesellschaftliche VerĂ€nderungsprozesse und ermöglicht die Erschliessung heterogener und vielschichtiger PhĂ€nomene. Gerade aufgrund der zentralen Rolle der Medien in diesen Prozessen kann die Bedeutung einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Perspektivierung fĂŒr die MedienpĂ€dagogik kaum ĂŒberschĂ€tzt werden. Der Beitrag zeigt exemplarisch, wie kulturwissenschaftliche AnschlĂŒsse der MedienpĂ€dagogik neue theoretische wie empirische Perspektiven eröffnen können, um komplexe PhĂ€nomene ĂŒber ein praxeologisch-diskursanalytisch gerahmtes Forschungsprogramm zu erschliessen. Es wird dargelegt, wie sich hierdurch LĂŒcken im medienpĂ€dagogischen Fachdiskurs schliessen lassen, die sich unter anderem im marginalisierenden Umgang mit Macht-Wissen-Komplexen, SubjektivitĂ€t, Körperlichkeit, MaterialitĂ€t und MedialitĂ€t feststellen lassen.This contribution discusses possibilities of fostering the implementation of a cultural sciences-perspective into media education. Based on a program of cultural sciences referring to Reckwitz, who understands culture as a construct oriented towards meaning and contingency, the paper shows how this position offers an ensemble of alternative models for further discussion and analysis by its cross-sectional perspective on disciplines that can enrich the media educational scope of questions. Such an approach sensitizes for current processes of societal change and enables the exploration of heterogenous and multilayered phenomena, as recent discussions show about disciplinary connections between educational science and cultural sciences. Just because of the central role of media in these processes a cultural sciences-perspective in media education can barely be overrated. This contribution exemplifies, how cultural sciences-based connections can establish new theoretical and empirical perspectives in media education in order to access complex phenomena by a research programme that is framed in terms of practices and discourses. The paper demonstrates how this approach can close gaps in the professional discourse of media education that can be located in the marginalising handling of complexes of power and knowledge, subjectivities, physicality, materiality and mediality


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    Indra Setiawan. C1307045. 2015. “Elicitations Employed by The Army Characters in The Film Entitled BlackHawk Down” (Socio-Pragmatic Approach). Thesis : English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakart

    Contemporary Jewish Reality in Germany and Its Reflection in Film

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    The notion of "self" and "other" and its representation in artwork and literature is an important theme in current cultural sciences as well as in our everyday life in contemporary Western societies. Moreover, the concept of "self" and "other" and its imaginary dichotomy is gaining more and more political impact in a world of resurfacing ideology-ridden conflicts. The essays deal with Jewish reality in contemporary Germany and its reflection in movies from the special point of view of cultural sciences, political sciences, and religious studies. This anthology presents challengingly new insights into topics rarely covered, such as youth culture or humor, and finally discusses the images of Jewish life as realities still to be constructed

    Contemporary Jewish Reality in Germany and Its Reflection in Film

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    The notion of "self" and "other" and its representation in artwork and literature is an important theme in current cultural sciences as well as in our everyday life in contemporary Western societies. Moreover, the concept of "self" and "other" and its imaginary dichotomy is gaining more and more political impact in a world of resurfacing ideology-ridden conflicts. The essays deal with Jewish reality in contemporary Germany and its reflection in movies from the special point of view of cultural sciences, political sciences, and religious studies. This anthology presents challengingly new insights into topics rarely covered, such as youth culture or humor, and finally discusses the images of Jewish life as realities still to be constructed

    The Societal Unconscious

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    The Societal Unconscious sets a new broad horizon for in-depth understanding of learning in everyday life. The psychosocial approach re-integrates the societal and the psychodynamic dimensions in analyzing adult learners and learning processes, recognizing psychodynamic dimensions of learning. Readership: This book will be essential for scholars and advanced students working in interdisciplinary boundary zones in social and cultural sciences, education and psychology and other disciplines

    ‘Viral’ hunts? A cultural Darwinian analysis of witch persecutions

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    The theory of Darwinian cultural evolution is gaining currency in many parts of the socio-cultural sciences, but it remains contentious. Critics claim that the theory is either fundamentally mistaken or boils down to a fancy re-description of things we knew all along. We will argue that cultural Darwinism can indeed resolve long-standing socio-cultural puzzles; this is demonstrated through a cultural Darwinian analysis of the European witch persecutions. Two central and unresolved questions concerning witch-hunts will be addressed. From the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, a remarkable and highly specific concept of witchcraft was taking shape in Europe. The first question is: who constructed it? With hindsight, we can see that the concept contains many elements that appear to be intelligently designed to ensure the continuation of witch persecutions, such as the witches’ sabbat, the diabolical pact, nightly flight, and torture as a means of interrogation. The second question is: why did beliefs in witchcraft and witch-hunts persist and disseminate, despite the fact that, as many historians have concluded, no one appears to have substantially benefited from them? Historians have convincingly argued that witch-hunts were not inspired by some hidden agenda; persecutors genuinely believed in the threat of witchcraft to their communities. We propose that the apparent ‘design’ exhibited by concepts of witchcraft resulted from a Darwinian process of evolution, in which cultural variants that accidentally enhanced the reproduction of the witch-hunts were selected and accumulated. We argue that witch persecutions form a prime example of a ‘viral’ socio-cultural phenomenon that reproduces ‘selfishly’, even harming the interests of its human hosts
