10 research outputs found

    Crowdsourcing user interface adaptations for minimizing the bloat in enterprise applications

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    Bloated software systems encompass a large number of features resulting in an increase in visual complexity. Enterprise applications are a common example of such types of systems. Since many users only use a distinct subset of the available features, providing a mechanism to tailor user interfaces according to each user鈥檚 needs helps in decreasing the bloat thereby reducing the visual complexity. Crowdsourcing can be a means for speeding up the adaptation process by engaging and leveraging the enterprise application communities. This paper presents a tool supported model-driven mechanism for crowdsourcing user interface adaptations. We evaluate our proposed mechanism and tool through a basic preliminary user study

    FaceMashup: An end-user development tool for social network data

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    Every day, each active social network user produces and shares texts, images and videos. While developers can access such data through application programming interfaces (APIs) for creating games, visualizations and routines, end users have less control on such information. Their access is mediated by the social application features, which limits them in combining sources, filtering results and performing actions on groups of elements. In order to fill this gap, we introduce FaceMashup, an end user development (EUD) environment supporting the manipulation of the Facebook graph. We describe the tool interface, documenting the choices we made during the design iterations. Data types are represented through widgets containing user interface (UI) elements similar to those used in the social network application. Widgets can be connected with each other with the drag and drop of their inner fields, and the application updates their content. Finally, we report the results of a user-test on the FaceMashup prototype, which shows a good acceptance of the environment by end-users

    Crowdsourcing in Product Development: Current State and Future Research Directions

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    The term crowdsourcing has been identified as a valuable paradigm in the open design movement. Despite its proven value, research focusing specifically on crowdsourcing in product development has been stagnating, with the general tone in this sector having moved from optimism to skepticism. In this paper, the authors present a literature analysis that reveals four hurdles limiting industry adoption. The authors are then able to suggest future research avenues that they anticipate will encourage adoption of crowdsourcing in professional product design and development settings in industry

    Adaptive model-driven user interface development systems

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    Adaptive user interfaces (UIs) were introduced to address some of the usability problems that plague many software applications. Model-driven engineering formed the basis for most of the systems targeting the development of such UIs. An overview of these systems is presented and a set of criteria is established to evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of the state-of-the-art, which is categorized under architectures, techniques, and tools. A summary of the evaluation is presented in tables that visually illustrate the fulfillment of each criterion by each system. The evaluation identified several gaps in the existing art and highlighted the areas of promising improvement

    Personalizing the web: A tool for empowering end-users to customize the web through browser-side modification

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    167 p.Web applications delegate to the browser the final rendering of their pages. Thispermits browser-based transcoding (a.k.a. Web Augmentation) that can be ultimately singularized for eachbrowser installation. This creates an opportunity for Web consumers to customize their Web experiences.This vision requires provisioning adequate tooling that makes Web Augmentation affordable to laymen.We consider this a special class of End-User Development, integrating Web Augmentation paradigms.The dominant paradigm in End-User Development is scripting languages through visual languages.This thesis advocates for a Google Chrome browser extension for Web Augmentation. This is carried outthrough WebMakeup, a visual DSL programming tool for end-users to customize their own websites.WebMakeup removes, moves and adds web nodes from different web pages in order to avoid tabswitching, scrolling, the number of clicks and cutting and pasting. Moreover, Web Augmentationextensions has difficulties in finding web elements after a website updating. As a consequence, browserextensions give up working and users might stop using these extensions. This is why two differentlocators have been implemented with the aim of improving web locator robustness

    Ingenier铆a de artefactos de aumentaci贸n web basada en crowdsourcing

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    Esta tesis doctoral propone, desde un punto de vista ingenieril, el involucramiento de todos los actores (usuarios finales, desarrolladores, due帽os de sitios webs) en el proceso de construcci贸n de los artefactos de Aumentaci贸n Web por usuarios finales. Esto es, a trav茅s de un proceso basado en el crowdsourcing de sus actividades, se provee a la masa de usuarios la posibilidad de delegar a la propia masa, distintas actividades que abarcan desde la elicitaci贸n y la definici贸n de los requerimientos de aumentaci贸n, hasta la construcci贸n, el testeo, la distribuci贸n y el mantenimiento de los artefactos de Aumentaci贸n Web obtenidos; en el marco de un proceso que provee la integraci贸n de los actores y fundamentalmente, de los artefactos de aumentaci贸n con los sitios webs aumentados. Este proceso fue denominado CrowdMock. CrowdMock involucra activamente tanto a los due帽os de los sitios webs, como a los desarrolladores y a los usuarios finales de los artefactos de aumentaci贸n. La masa de usuarios podr谩 descubrir y definir sus propios requerimientos, haciendo uso de herramientas provistas para ese objetivo, al tiempo que los usuarios con habilidades de programaci贸n (los desarrolladores), podr谩n completar las definiciones iniciales de los artefactos de aumentaci贸n que son originalmente derivadas de los requerimientos. Los due帽os de los sitios webs, tendr谩n oportunidad de certificar/aprobar estos artefactos de aumentaci贸n, para finalmente distribuirlos a todos los usuarios que navegan dichos sitios, provey茅ndoles la oportunidad de ejecutarlos e incluso involucrarse activamente en su mantenimiento en relaci贸n a las referencias DEOI (DOM Element Of Interest) que pudieran fallar durante su uso.Facultad de Inform谩tic