2,613 research outputs found

    Microfluidic cartridge with integrated array of amorphous silicon photosensors for chemiluminescence detection of viral DNA

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    Portable and simple analytical devices based on microfluidics with chemiluminescence detection are particularly attractive for point-of-care applications, offering high detectability and specificity in a simple and miniaturized analytical format. Particularly relevant for infectious disease diagnosis is the ability to sensitively and specifically detect target nucleic acid sequences in biological fluids. To reach the goal of real-life applications for such devices, however, several technological challenges related to full device integration are still to be solved, one key aspect regarding on-chip integration of the chemiluminescence signal detection device. Nowadays, the most promising approach is on-chip integration of thin-film photosensors. We recently proposed a portable cartridge with microwells aligned with an array of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) photosensors, reaching attomole level limits of detection for different chemiluminescence model reactions. Herein, we explore its applicability and performance for multiplex and quantitative detection of viral DNA. In particular, the cartridge was modified to accommodate microfluidic channels and, upon immobilization of three oligonucleotide probes in different positions along each channel, each specific for a genotype of Parvovirus B19, viral nucleic acid sequences were captured and detected. With this system, taking advantage of oligoprobes specificity, chemiluminescence detectability, and photosensor sensitivity, accurate quantification of target analytes down to 70 pmol L-1 was obtained for each B19 DNA genotype, with high specificity and multiplexing ability. Results confirm the good detection capabilities and assay applicability of the proposed system, prompting the development of innovative portable analytical devices with enhanced sensitivity and multiplexed capabilities

    Gene regulatory networks elucidating huanglongbing disease mechanisms.

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    Next-generation sequencing was exploited to gain deeper insight into the response to infection by Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus (CaLas), especially the immune disregulation and metabolic dysfunction caused by source-sink disruption. Previous fruit transcriptome data were compared with additional RNA-Seq data in three tissues: immature fruit, and young and mature leaves. Four categories of orchard trees were studied: symptomatic, asymptomatic, apparently healthy, and healthy. Principal component analysis found distinct expression patterns between immature and mature fruits and leaf samples for all four categories of trees. A predicted protein - protein interaction network identified HLB-regulated genes for sugar transporters playing key roles in the overall plant responses. Gene set and pathway enrichment analyses highlight the role of sucrose and starch metabolism in disease symptom development in all tissues. HLB-regulated genes (glucose-phosphate-transporter, invertase, starch-related genes) would likely determine the source-sink relationship disruption. In infected leaves, transcriptomic changes were observed for light reactions genes (downregulation), sucrose metabolism (upregulation), and starch biosynthesis (upregulation). In parallel, symptomatic fruits over-expressed genes involved in photosynthesis, sucrose and raffinose metabolism, and downregulated starch biosynthesis. We visualized gene networks between tissues inducing a source-sink shift. CaLas alters the hormone crosstalk, resulting in weak and ineffective tissue-specific plant immune responses necessary for bacterial clearance. Accordingly, expression of WRKYs (including WRKY70) was higher in fruits than in leaves. Systemic acquired responses were inadequately activated in young leaves, generally considered the sites where most new infections occur

    A 16 x 16 CMOS amperometric microelectrode array for simultaneous electrochemical measurements

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    There is a requirement for an electrochemical sensor technology capable of making multivariate measurements in environmental, healthcare, and manufacturing applications. Here, we present a new device that is highly parallelized with an excellent bandwidth. For the first time, electrochemical cross-talk for a chip-based sensor is defined and characterized. The new CMOS electrochemical sensor chip is capable of simultaneously taking multiple, independent electroanalytical measurements. The chip is structured as an electrochemical cell microarray, comprised of a microelectrode array connected to embedded self-contained potentiostats. Speed and sensitivity are essential in dynamic variable electrochemical systems. Owing to the parallel function of the system, rapid data collection is possible while maintaining an appropriately low-scan rate. By performing multiple, simultaneous cyclic voltammetry scans in each of the electrochemical cells on the chip surface, we are able to show (with a cell-to-cell pitch of 456 μm) that the signal cross-talk is only 12% between nearest neighbors in a ferrocene rich solution. The system opens up the possibility to use multiple independently controlled electrochemical sensors on a single chip for applications in DNA sensing, medical diagnostics, environmental sensing, the food industry, neuronal sensing, and drug discovery

    Analysis of the root system architecture of Arabidopsis provides a quantitative readout of crosstalk between nutritional signals

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    As plant roots forage the soil for food and water, they translate a multifactorial input of environmental stimuli into a multifactorial developmental output that manifests itself as root system architecture (RSA). Our current understanding of the underlying regulatory network is limited because root responses have traditionally been studied separately for individual nutrient deficiencies. In this study, we quantified 13 RSA parameters of Arabidopsis thaliana in 32 binary combinations of N, P, K, S, and light. Analysis of variance showed that each RSA parameter was determined by a typical pattern of environmental signals and their interactions. P caused the most important single-nutrient effects, while N-effects were strongly light dependent. Effects of K and S occurred mostly through nutrient interactions in paired or multiple combinations. Several RSA parameters were selected for further analysis through mutant phenotyping, which revealed combinations of transporters, receptors, and kinases acting as signaling modules in K–N interactions. Furthermore, nutrient response profiles of individual RSA features across NPK combinations could be assigned to transcriptionally coregulated clusters of nutrient-responsive genes in the roots and to ionome patterns in the shoots. The obtained data set provides a quantitative basis for understanding how plants integrate multiple nutritional stimuli into complex developmental programs

    Amorphous silicon photosensors integrated in microfluidic structures as a technological demonstrator of a "true" Lab-on-Chip system

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    In this paper we present a compact technological demonstrator including on the same glass substrate an electrowetting-on-dielectrics (EWOD) system, a linear array of amorphous silicon photosensor and a capillary-driven microfluidic channel. The proposed system comprises also a compact modular electronics controlling the digital microfluidics through the USB interface of a computer. The system provides therefore both on-chip detection and microfluidic handling needed for the realization of a 'true' Lab-on-Chip. The geometry of the photosensors has been designed to maximize the radiation impinging on the photosensor and to minimize the inter-site crosstalk, while the fabrication process has been optimized taking into account the compatibility of all the technological steps for the fabrication of the EWOD system, the photosensor array and the microfluidics channels. As a proof of the successful integration of the different technological steps we demonstrated the ability of the a-Si:H photosensors to detect the presence of a droplet over an EWOD electrode and the effective coupling between the digital and the continuous microfluidics, that can allow for functionalization, immobilization and recognition of biomolecules without external optical devices or microfluidic interconnections

    Nitric oxide sensing in plants is mediated by proteolytic control of group VII ERF transcription factors

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling compound in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In plants, NO regulates critical developmental transitions and stress responses. Here, we identify a mechanism for NO sensing that coordinates responses throughout development based on targeted degradation of plant-specific transcriptional regulators, the group VII ethylene response factors (ERFs). We show that the N-end rule pathway of targeted proteolysis targets these proteins for destruction in the presence of NO, and we establish them as critical regulators of diverse NO-regulated processes, including seed germination, stomatal closure, and hypocotyl elongation. Furthermore, we define the molecular mechanism for NO control of germination and crosstalk with abscisic acid (ABA) signaling through ERF-regulated expression of ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE5 (ABI5). Our work demonstrates how NO sensing is integrated across multiple physiological processes by direct modulation of transcription factor stability and identifies group VII ERFs as central hubs for the perception of gaseous signals in plants

    Multiplexed immunosensors for point-of-care diagnostic applications

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    Accurate, reliable, and cost-effective immunosensors are clinically important for the early diagnosis and monitoring of progressive diseases, and multiplexed sensing is a promising strategy for the next generation of diagnostics. This strategy allows for the simultaneous detection and quantification of multiple biomarkers with significantly enhanced reproducibility and reliability, whilst requiring smaller sample volumes, fewer materials, and shorter average analysis time for individual biomarkers than individual tests. In this opinionated review, we compare different techniques for the development of multiplexed immunosensors. We review the state-of-the-art approaches in the field of multiplexed immunosensors using electrical, electrochemical, and optical methods. The barriers that prevent translating this sensing strategy into clinics are outlined together with the potential solutions. We also share our vision on how multiplexed immunosensors will continue their evolution in the coming years

    Strategies for Multiplexed Electrochemical Sensor Development

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    Detection of multiple biomarkers for disease diagnosis or treatment monitoring has received a lot of attention due to their potential impact on clinical decision making. Electrochemical biosensors have become one of the preferred detection approaches, due to the simplicity of the accompanying instrumentation. This chapter will explore how electrochemical sensors can be utilized for detection of multiple analytes by integration of sensors into microfluidic microsystems. Some key fabrication technologies for such devices will be presented utilizing polymer microfabrication, paper-based approaches, and the use of printed circuit boards. Next, the use of electrode arrays will be presented along with some commercial platforms, outlining plausible paths towards a successful electrochemical multiplexed sensor. Novel approaches based on microbeads and various labels will then be introduced along with various strategies and technologies utilized to achieve ultrasensitive multiplexed detection

    Theory and Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance, Resonant Mirror, Resonant Waveguide Grating, and Dual Polarization Interferometry Biosensors

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    Biosensors have been used extensively in the scientific community for several purposes, most notably to determine association and dissociation kinetics, protein-ligand, protein-protein, or nucleic acid hybridization interactions. A number of different types of biosensors are available in the field, each with real or perceived benefits over the others. This review discusses the basic theory and operational arrangements of four commercially available types of optical biosensors: surface plasmon resonance, resonant mirror, resonance waveguide grating, and dual polarization interferometry. The different applications these techniques offer are discussed from experiments and results reported in recently published literature. Additionally, recent advancements or modifications to the current techniques are also discussed

    Sensor-integrated fluorescent microarray for ultrahigh sensitivity direct-imaging bioassays: Role of a high rejection of excitation light

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    International audienceFluorescent microarrays exploit fluorescent labeled targets bound to immobilized biomolecular probes. Their signal-to-noise ratio is limited by the collection aperture in common confocal geometries. Taking advantage of a very high rejection filter deposited onto a silicon arrayed detector (coupled-charge device or complementary metal-oxide semiconductor), it is demonstrated that a highly compact lens-free assay with photon collection of order unity operates with a 30-fold improvement over a conventional (substrate + free-space optics) scheme. Through analysis of improvements over the present demonstrator, a single molecule per pixel sensitivity is predicted