1,883 research outputs found

    Cramer-Rao bounds in the estimation of time of arrival in fading channels

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    This paper computes the Cramer-Rao bounds for the time of arrival estimation in a multipath Rice and Rayleigh fading scenario, conditioned to the previous estimation of a set of propagation channels, since these channel estimates (correlation between received signal and the pilot sequence) are sufficient statistics in the estimation of delays. Furthermore, channel estimation is a constitutive block in receivers, so we can take advantage of this information to improve timing estimation by using time and space diversity. The received signal is modeled as coming from a scattering environment that disperses the signal both in space and time. Spatial scattering is modeled with a Gaussian distribution and temporal dispersion as an exponential random variable. The impact of the sampling rate, the roll-off factor, the spatial and temporal correlation among channel estimates, the number of channel estimates, and the use of multiple sensors in the antenna at the receiver is studied and related to the mobile subscriber positioning issue. To our knowledge, this model is the only one of its kind as a result of the relationship between the space-time diversity and the accuracy of the timing estimation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Joint Communication and Positioning based on Channel Estimation

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    Mobile wireless communication systems have rapidly and globally become an integral part of everyday life and have brought forth the internet of things. With the evolution of mobile wireless communication systems, joint communication and positioning becomes increasingly important and enables a growing range of new applications. Humanity has already grown used to having access to multimedia data everywhere at every time and thereby employing all sorts of location-based services. Global navigation satellite systems can provide highly accurate positioning results whenever a line-of-sight path is available. Unfortunately, harsh physical environments are known to degrade the performance of existing systems. Therefore, ground-based systems can assist the existing position estimation gained by satellite systems. Determining positioning-relevant information from a unified signal structure designed for a ground-based joint communication and positioning system can either complement existing systems or substitute them. Such a system framework promises to enhance the existing systems by enabling a highly accurate and reliable positioning performance and increased coverage. Furthermore, the unified signal structure yields synergetic effects. In this thesis, I propose a channel estimation-based joint communication and positioning system that employs a virtual training matrix. This matrix consists of a relatively small training percentage, plus the detected communication data itself. Via a core semi- blind estimation approach, this iteratively includes the already detected data to accurately determine the positioning-relevant parameter, by mutually exchanging information between the communication part and the positioning part of the receiver. Synergy is created. I propose a generalized system framework, suitable to be used in conjunction with various communication system techniques. The most critical positioning-relevant parameter, the time-of-arrival, is part of a physical multipath parameter vector. Estimating the time-of-arrival, therefore, means solving a global, non-linear, multi-dimensional optimization problem. More precisely, it means solving the so-called inverse problem. I thoroughly assess various problem formulations and variations thereof, including several different measurements and estimation algorithms. A significant challenge, when it comes to solving the inverse problem to determine the positioning-relevant path parameters, is imposed by realistic multipath channels. Most parameter estimation algorithms have proven to perform well in moderate multipath environments. It is mathematically straightforward to optimize this performance in the sense that the number of observations has to exceed the number of parameters to be estimated. The typical parameter estimation problem, on the other hand, is based on channel estimates, and it assumes that so-called snapshot measurements are available. In the case of realistic channel models, however, the number of observations does not necessarily exceed the number of unknowns. In this thesis, I overcome this problem, proposing a method to reduce the problem dimensionality via joint model order selection and parameter estimation. Employing the approximated and estimated parameter covariance matrix inherently constrains the estimation problem’s model order selection to result in optimal parameter estimation performance and hence optimal positioning performance. To compare these results with the optimally achievable solution, I introduce a focused order-related lower bound in this thesis. Additionally, I use soft information as a weighting matrix to enhance the positioning algorithm positioning performance. For demonstrating the feasibility and the interplay of the proposed system components, I utilize a prototype system, based on multi-layer interleave division multiple access. This proposed system framework and the investigated techniques can be employed for multiple existing systems or build the basis for future joint communication and positioning systems. The assessed estimation algorithms are transferrable to all kinds of joint communication and positioning system designs. This thesis demonstrates their capability to, in principle, successfully cope with challenging estimation problems stemming from harsh physical environments

    Design and theoretical analysis of advanced power based positioning in RF system

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    Accurate locating and tracking of people and resources has become a fundamental requirement for many applications. The global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is widely used. But its accuracy suffers from signal obstruction by buildings, multipath fading, and disruption due to jamming and spoof. Hence, it is required to supplement GPS with inertial sensors and indoor localization schemes that make use of WiFi APs or beacon nodes. In the GPS-challenging or fault scenario, radio-frequency (RF) infrastructure based localization schemes can be a fallback solution for robust navigation. For the indoor/outdoor transition scenario, we propose hypothesis test based fusion method to integrate multi-modal localization sensors. In the first paper, a ubiquitous tracking using motion and location sensor (UTMLS) is proposed. As a fallback approach, power-based schemes are cost-effective when compared with the existing ToA or AoA schemes. However, traditional power-based positioning methods suffer from low accuracy and are vulnerable to environmental fading. Also, the expected accuracy of power-based localization is not well understood but is needed to derive the hypothesis test for the fusion scheme. Hence, in paper 2-5, we focus on developing more accurate power-based localization schemes. The second paper improves the power-based range estimation accuracy by estimating the LoS component. The ranging error model in fading channel is derived. The third paper introduces the LoS-based positioning method with corresponding theoretical limits and error models. In the fourth and fifth paper, a novel antenna radiation-pattern-aware power-based positioning (ARPAP) system and power contour circle fitting (PCCF) algorithm are proposed to address antenna directivity effect on power-based localization. Overall, a complete LoS signal power based positioning system has been developed that can be included in the fusion scheme --Abstract, page iv

    Real-time flutter identification

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    The techniques and a FORTRAN 77 MOdal Parameter IDentification (MOPID) computer program developed for identification of the frequencies and damping ratios of multiple flutter modes in real time are documented. Physically meaningful model parameterization was combined with state of the art recursive identification techniques and applied to the problem of real time flutter mode monitoring. The performance of the algorithm in terms of convergence speed and parameter estimation error is demonstrated for several simulated data cases, and the results of actual flight data analysis from two different vehicles are presented. It is indicated that the algorithm is capable of real time monitoring of aircraft flutter characteristics with a high degree of reliability

    Position location in wireless MIMO communication systems

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    Motivation and objectives -- Contributions -- Organization of the thesis -- Wireless communication channels -- Overview of wireless position location systems -- Fundamentals of array signal processing -- Mimo and space-time processing -- Bidirectional mimo channel model -- The system model -- The bidirectional beamforming MIMO channel -- Joint estimation of multipath parameters for Mimo systenms -- The proposed maximum likelihood multipath parameter estimation algorithms -- The proposed subspace-based multipath parameter estimation algorithm -- The cramer-rao lower bound -- Position location of mobile terminal in mimo systems -- The proposed hybrid TDOA/AOA/AOD location method for Mimo systems -- Analysis of the proposed location method for MIMO systems

    Space-time processing for wireless mobile communications

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    Intersymbol interference (ISI) and co-channel interference (CCI) are two major obstacles to high speed data transmission in wireless cellular communications systems. Unlike thermal noise, their effects cannot be removed by increasing the signal power and are time-varying due to the relative motion between the transmitters and receivers. Space-time processing offers a signal processing framework to optimally integrate the spatial and temporal properties of the signal for maximal signal reception and at the same time, mitigate the ISI and CCI impairments. In this thesis, we focus on the development of this emerging technology to combat the undesirable effects of ISI and CCL We first develop a convenient mathematical model to parameterize the space-time multipath channel based on signal path power, directions and times of arrival. Starting from the continuous time-domain, we derive compact expressions of the vector space-time channel model that lead to the notion of block space-time manifold, Under certain identifiability conditions, the noiseless vector-channel outputs will lie on a subspace constructed from a set. of basis belonging to the block space-time manifold. This is an important observation as many high resolution array processing algorithms Can be applied directly to estimate the multi path channel parameters. Next we focus on the development of semi-blind channel identification and equalization algorithms for fast time-varying multi path channels. Specifically. we develop space-time processing algorithms for wireless TDMA networks that use short burst data formats with extremely short training data. sequences. Due to the latter, the estimated channel parameters are extremely unreliable for equalization with conventional adaptive methods. We approach the channel acquisition, tracking and equalization problems jointly, and exploit the richness of the inherent structural relationship between the channel parameters and the data sequence by repeated use of available data through a forward- backward optimization procedure. This enables the fuller exploitation of the available data. Our simulation studies show that significant performance gains are achieved over conventional methods. In the final part of this thesis, we address the problem identifying and equalizing multi path communication channels in the presence of strong CCl. By considering CCI as stochasic processes, we find that temporal diversity can be gained by observing the channel outputs from a tapped delay line. Together with the assertion that the finite alphabet property of the information sequences can offer additional information about the channel parameters and the noise-plus-covariance matrix, we develop a spatial temporal algorithm, iterative reweighting alternating minimization, to estimate the channel parameters and information sequence in a weighted least squares framework. The proposed algorithm is robust as it does not require knowledge of the number of CCI nor their structural information. Simulation studies demonstrate its efficacy over many reported methods

    An extension of the RiMAX multipath estimation algorithm for ultra-wideband channel modeling

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    This work presents an extension of the high-resolution RiMAX multipath estimation algorithm, enabling the analysis of frequency-dependent propagation parameters for ultra-wideband (UWB) channel modeling. Since RiMAX is a narrowband algorithm, it does not account for the frequency-dependency of the radio channel or the environment. As such, the impact of certain materials in which these systems operate can no longer be considered constant with respect to frequency, preventing an accurate estimation of multipath parameters for UWB communication. In order to track both the specular and dense multipath components (SMC and DMC) over frequency, an extension to the RiMAX algorithm was developed that can process UWB measurement data. The advantage of our approach is that geometrical propagation parameters do not appear or disappear from one sub-band onto the next. The UWB-RiMAX algorithm makes it possible to re-evaluate common radio channel parameters for DMC in the wideband scenario, and to extend the well-known deterministic propagation model comprising of SMC alone, towards a more hybrid model containing the stochastic contributions from the DMC's distributed diffuse scattering as well. Our algorithm was tested with synthetic radio channel models in an indoor environment, which show that our algorithm can match up to 99% of the SMC parameters according to the multipath component distance (MCD) metric and that the DMC reverberation time known from the theory of room electromagnetics can be estimated on average with an error margin of less than 2 ns throughout the UWB frequency band. We also present some preliminary results in an indoor environment, which indicate a strong presence of DMC and thus diffuse scattering. The DMC power represents up to 50% of the total measured power for the lower UWB frequencies and reduces to around 30% for the higher UWB frequencies

    Realization Limits of Impulse-Radio UWB Indoor Localization Systems

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    In this work, the realization limits of an impulse-based Ultra-Wideband (UWB) localization system for indoor applications have been thoroughly investigated and verified by measurements. The analysis spans from the position calculation algorithms, through hardware realization and modeling, up to the localization experiments conducted in realistic scenarios. The main focus was put on identification and characterization of limiting factors as well as developing methods to overcome them
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