15 research outputs found

    Coupling SAR C-band and optical data for soil moisture and leaf area index retrieval over irrigated grasslands

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    International audienceThe objective of this study was to develop an approach for estimating soil moisture and vegetation parameters in irrigated grasslands by coupling C-band polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data. A huge dataset of satellite images acquired from RADARSAT-2 and LANDSAT-7/8, and in situ measurements were used to assess the relevance of several inversion configurations. A neural network (NN) inversion technique was used. The approach for this study was to use RADARSAT-2 and LANDSAT-7/8 images to investigate the potential for the combined use of new data from the new SAR sensor SENTINEL-1 and the new optical sensors LANDSAT-8 and SENTINEL-2. First, the impact of SAR polarization (mono-, dual- and full-polarizations configurations) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) calculated from optical data for the estimation error of soil moisture and vegetation parameters was studied. Next, the effect of some polarimetric parameters (Shannon entropy and Pauli components) on the inversion technique was also analyzed. Finally, configurations using in situ measurements of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) and the fraction of green vegetation cover (FCover) were also tested.The results showed that HH polarization is the SAR polarization most relevant to soil moisture estimates. An RMSE for soil moisture estimates of approximately 6 vol.% was obtained even for dense grassland cover. The use of in situ FAPAR and FCover only improved the estimate of the leaf area index (LAI) with an RMSE of approximately 0.37 m²/m². The use of polarimetric parameters did not improve the estimate of soil moisture and vegetation parameters. Good results were obtained for the biomass (BIO) and vegetation water content (VWC) estimates for BIO and VWC values lower than 2 and 1.5 kg/m², respectively (RMSE is of 0.38 kg/m² for BIO and 0.32 kg/m² for VWC). In addition, a high under-estimate was observed for BIO and VWC higher than 2 and 1.5 kg/m², respectively (a bias of -0.65 kg/m² on BIO estimates and -0.49 kg/m² on VWC estimates). Finally, the estimation of vegetation height (VEH) was carried out with an RMSE of 13.45 cm

    Estimating biophysical variables of pasture cover using sentinel-1 data

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    Over the years, different optical remote sensing platforms and data have been used to estimate aboveground pasture biomass in a variety of landscapes, both heterogeneous and homogenous and at varying spatial scales. Optical methods are often confounded by target visibility, namely presence of cloud cover and haze, and are constrained to daylight conditions. In this study, we used the synthetic aperture radar data from the European Space Agency Sentinel-1 mission to estimate pasture biomass, sward height and leaf area index of a complex extensive grazing ‘farmscape’ comprising of a range of grass vegetation communities We observed that the quality of digital elevation model used in radar data pre-processing significantly influences the ability of eigenvector scattering decomposition in estimating biomass, sward height and leaf area index

    Estimating leaf area index and aboveground biomass of grazing pastures using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images

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    Grassland degradation has accelerated in recent decades in response to increased climate variability and human activity. Rangeland and grassland conditions directly affect forage quality, livestock production, and regional grassland resources. In this study, we examined the potential of integrating synthetic aperture radar (SAR, Sentinel-1) and optical remote sensing (Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2) data to monitor the conditions of a native pasture and an introduced pasture in Oklahoma, USA. Leaf area index (LAI) and aboveground biomass (AGB) were used as indicators of pasture conditions under varying climate and human activities. We estimated the seasonal dynamics of LAI and AGB using Sentinel-1 (S1), Landsat-8 (LC8), and Sentinel-2 (S2) data, both individually and integrally, applying three widely used algorithms: Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forest (RF). Results indicated that integration of LC8 and S2 data provided sufficient data to capture the seasonal dynamics of grasslands at a 10–30-m spatial resolution and improved assessments of critical phenology stages in both pluvial and dry years. The satellite-based LAI and AGB models developed from ground measurements in 2015 reasonably predicted the seasonal dynamics and spatial heterogeneity of LAI and AGB in 2016. By comparison, the integration of S1, LC8, and S2 has the potential to improve the estimation of LAI and AGB more than 30% relative to the performance of S1 at low vegetation cover (LAI \u3c 2m2/m2, AGB \u3c 500 g/m2) and optical data of LC8 and S2 at high vegetation cover (LAI \u3e 2m2/m2, AGB \u3e 500 g/m2). These results demonstrate the potential of combining S1, LC8, and S2 monitoring grazing tallgrass prairie to provide timely and accurate data for grassland management

    Influence of Incidence Angle in the Correlation of C-band Polarimetric Parameters with Biophysical Variables of Rain-fed Crops

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    A multi-temporal field experiment was conducted within the Soil Measurement Stations Network of the University of Salamanca (REMEDHUS) in Spain in order to retrieve useful crop information. The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of polarimetric observations for crop monitoring by exploiting a time series of 20 quad-pol RADARSAT-2 images at different incidence angles (i.e. 25°, 31°, and 36°) during an entire growing season of rain-fed crops, from February to July 2015. The time evolution of 6 crop biophysical variables was gathered from the field measurements, whereas 10 polarimetric parameters were derived from the images. Thus, a subsequent correlation analysis between both datasets was performed. The study demonstrates that the backscattering ratios (HH/VV and HV/VV), the normalized correlation between HH and VV (γHHVV), and the dominant alpha angle (α1), showed significant and relevant correlations with several biophysical variables such as biomass, height, or leaf area index (LAI) at incidence angles of 31° or 36°. The joint use of data acquired with different beams could be exploited effectively to increase the refresh rate of information about crop condition with respect to a single incidence acquisition scheme.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, [Projects ESP2015-67549-C3-3, ESP2017-89463-C3-3-R, and TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P] and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    Coupling SAR C-band and optical data for soil moisture and leaf area index retrieval over irrigated grasslands

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    International audienceThe main objective of this study is to develop an inversion technique based on neural networks to estimate soil surface moisture and leaf area index (LAI) in irrigated grasslands by combining fully polarimetric RADARSAT-2 C-band SAR and optical data (LANDSAT)

    Coupling SAR C-band and optical data for soil moisture and leaf area index retrieval over irrigated grasslands

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    International audienceL’objectif de cette étude est de développer une approche de couplage de données radar et optique pour l’estimation de l’humidité du sol sur des prairies irriguées. Une série temporelle d’images RADARSAT-2 et d’images optique (LANDSAT-7/8) ont été acquises sur une région agricole dans le sud de la France. Dans la plupart des cas, les acquisitions radar et optique n’ont été séparées que de quelques jours. Simultanément aux acquisitions radar et optique, des mesures terrain de paramètres du sol (humidité et rugosité du sol) et de végétation (LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER) ont été effectuées. Une technique d’inversion du signal radar basée sur la technique des réseaux de neurones a été utilisée pour estimer l’humidité du sol et les paramètres de la végétation par l’inversion du signal radar et des valeurs de NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) optiques. Différentes configurations d’inversion ont été testées en analysant les modes mono-polarisation, dual-polarisation, et full-polarisation (avec l’utilisation de paramètres polarimétriques). Les résultats montrent que la polarisation HH est la polarisation la plus pertinente pour l’estimation de l’humidité. Une erreur (RMSE) de l’ordre de 6 vol.% a été obtenue sur les estimations de l’humidité du sol, même pour un couvert végétal dense. L’utilisation des données in situ de FAPAR et FCOVER a permis d’améliorer seulement l’estimation de LAI avec un RMSE d’environ 0.37 m²/m², au lieu de 0.6 m²/m² quand le NDVI est utilisé. L’utilisation de données polarimétriques n’améliore pas la qualité des estimations

    Coupling SAR C-Band and Optical Data for Soil Moisture and Leaf Area Index Retrieval Over Irrigated Grasslands

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    The integration of freely available medium resolution optical sensors with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery capabilities for American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius) invasion detection and mapping.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Pietermaritzburg.The emergence of American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius) across South Africa has caused severe ecological and economic damage. To date, most of the efforts to mitigate its effects have been largely unsuccessful due to its prolific growth and widespread distribution. Accurate and timeous detection and mapping of Bramble is therefore critical to the development of effective eradication management plans. Hence, this study sought to determine the potential of freely available, new generation medium spatial resolution satellite imagery for the detection and mapping of American Bramble infestations within the UNESCO world heritage site of the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park (UDP). The first part of the thesis determined the potential of conventional freely available remote sensing imagery for the detection and mapping of Bramble. Utilizing the Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning algorithm, it was established that Bramble could be detected with limited users (45%) and reasonable producers (80%) accuracies. Much of the confusion occurred between the grassland land cover class and Bramble. The second part of the study focused on fusing the new age optical imagery and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery for Bramble detection and mapping. The synergistic potential of fused imagery was evaluated using multiclass SVM classification algorithm. Feature level image fusion of optical imagery and SAR resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 76%, with increased users and producers’ accuracies for Bramble. These positive results offered an opportunity to explore the polarization variables associated with SAR imagery for improved classification accuracies. The final section of the study dwelt on the use of Vegetation Indices (VIs) derived from new age satellite imagery, in concert with SAR to improve Bramble classification accuracies. Whereas improvement in classification accuracies were minimal, the potential of stand-alone VIs to detect and map Bramble (80%) was noteworthy. Lastly, dual-polarized SAR was fused with new age optical imagery to determine the synergistic potential of dual-polarized SAR to increase Bramble mapping accuracies. Results indicated a marked increase in overall Bramble classification accuracy (85%), suggesting improved potential of dual-polarized SAR and optical imagery in invasive species detection and mapping. Overall, this study provides sufficient evidence of the complimentary and synergistic potential of active and passive remote sensing imagery for invasive alien species detection and mapping. Results of this study are important for supporting contemporary decision making relating to invasive species management and eradication in order to safeguard ecological biodiversity and pristine status of nationally protected areas

    A systematic review on the use of remote sensing technologies in quantifying grasslands ecosystem services

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    The last decade has seen considerable progress in scientific research on vegetation ecosystem services. While much research has focused on forests and wetlands, grasslands also provide a variety of different provisioning, supporting, cultural, and regulating services. With recent advances in remote sensing technology, there is a possibility that Earth observation data could contribute extensively to research on grassland ecosystem services. This study conducted a systematic review on progress, emerging gaps, and opportunities on the application of remote sensing technologies in quantifying all grassland ecosystem services including those that are related to water. The contribution of biomass, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Canopy Storage Capacity (CSC) as water-related ecosystem services derived from grasslands was explored. Two hundred and twenty-two peer-reviewed articles from Web of Science, Scopus, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers were analyzed. About 39% of the studies were conducted in Asia with most of the contributions coming from China while a few studies were from the global south regions such as Southern Africa. Overall, forage provision, climate regulation, and primary production were the most researched grassland ecosystem services in the context of Earth observation data applications. About 39 Earth observation sensors were used in the literature to map grassland ecosystem services and MODIS had the highest utilization frequency. The most widely used vegetation indices for mapping general grassland ecosystem services in literature included the red and near-infrared sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. Remote sensing algorithms used within the retrieved literature include process-based models, machine learning algorithms, and multivariate techniques. For water-related grassland ecosystem services, biomass, CSC, and LAI were the most prominent proxies characterized by remotely sensed data for under-standing evapotranspiration, infiltration, run-off, soil water availability, groundwater restoration and surface water balance. An understanding of such hydrological processes is crucial in providing insights on water redistribution and balance within grassland ecosystems which is important for water management

    Monitoring the Sustainable Intensification of Arable Agriculture:the Potential Role of Earth Observation

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    Sustainable intensification (SI) has been proposed as a possible solution to the conflicting problems of meeting projected increases in food demand and preserving environmental quality. SI would provide necessary production increases while simultaneously reducing or eliminating environmental degradation, without taking land from competing demands. An important component of achieving these aims is the development of suitable methods for assessing the temporal variability of both the intensification and sustainability of agriculture. Current assessments rely on traditional data collection methods that produce data of limited spatial and temporal resolution. Earth Observation (EO) provides a readily accessible, long-term dataset with global coverage at various spatial and temporal resolutions. In this paper we demonstrate how EO could significantly contribute to SI assessments, providing opportunities to quantify agricultural intensity and environmental sustainability. We review an extensive body of research on EO-based methods to assess multiple indicators of both agricultural intensity and environmental sustainability. To date these techniques have not been combined to assess SI; here we identify the opportunities and initial steps required to achieve this. In this context, we propose the development of a set of essential sustainable intensification variables (ESIVs) that could be derived from EO data