3,100 research outputs found

    On Minimizing Crossings in Storyline Visualizations

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    In a storyline visualization, we visualize a collection of interacting characters (e.g., in a movie, play, etc.) by xx-monotone curves that converge for each interaction, and diverge otherwise. Given a storyline with nn characters, we show tight lower and upper bounds on the number of crossings required in any storyline visualization for a restricted case. In particular, we show that if (1) each meeting consists of exactly two characters and (2) the meetings can be modeled as a tree, then we can always find a storyline visualization with O(nlogn)O(n\log n) crossings. Furthermore, we show that there exist storylines in this restricted case that require Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n\log n) crossings. Lastly, we show that, in the general case, minimizing the number of crossings in a storyline visualization is fixed-parameter tractable, when parameterized on the number of characters kk. Our algorithm runs in time O(k!2klogk+k!2m)O(k!^2k\log k + k!^2m), where mm is the number of meetings.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear at the 23rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2015

    Algorithms for Visualizing Phylogenetic Networks

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    We study the problem of visualizing phylogenetic networks, which are extensions of the Tree of Life in biology. We use a space filling visualization method, called DAGmaps, in order to obtain clear visualizations using limited space. In this paper, we restrict our attention to galled trees and galled networks and present linear time algorithms for visualizing them as DAGmaps.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Connecting the Dots (with Minimum Crossings)

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    We study a prototype Crossing Minimization problem, defined as follows. Let F be an infinite family of (possibly vertex-labeled) graphs. Then, given a set P of (possibly labeled) n points in the Euclidean plane, a collection L subseteq Lines(P)={l: l is a line segment with both endpoints in P}, and a non-negative integer k, decide if there is a subcollection L\u27subseteq L such that the graph G=(P,L\u27) is isomorphic to a graph in F and L\u27 has at most k crossings. By G=(P,L\u27), we refer to the graph on vertex set P, where two vertices are adjacent if and only if there is a line segment that connects them in L\u27. Intuitively, in Crossing Minimization, we have a set of locations of interest, and we want to build/draw/exhibit connections between them (where L indicates where it is feasible to have these connections) so that we obtain a structure in F. Natural choices for F are the collections of perfect matchings, Hamiltonian paths, and graphs that contain an (s,t)-path (a path whose endpoints are labeled). While the objective of seeking a solution with few crossings is of interest from a theoretical point of view, it is also well motivated by a wide range of practical considerations. For example, links/roads (such as highways) may be cheaper to build and faster to traverse, and signals/moving objects would collide/interrupt each other less often. Further, graphs with fewer crossings are preferred for graphic user interfaces. As a starting point for a systematic study, we consider a special case of Crossing Minimization. Already for this case, we obtain NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness results, and ETH-based lower bounds. Specifically, suppose that the input also contains a collection D of d non-crossing line segments such that each point in P belongs to exactly one line in D, and L does not contain line segments between points on the same line in D. Clearly, Crossing Minimization is the case where d=n - then, P is in general position. The case of d=2 is of interest not only because it is the most restricted non-trivial case, but also since it corresponds to a class of graphs that has been well studied - specifically, it is Crossing Minimization where G=(P,L) is a (bipartite) graph with a so called two-layer drawing. For d=2, we consider three basic choices of F. For perfect matchings, we show (i) NP-hardness with an ETH-based lower bound, (ii) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (iii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Second, for Hamiltonian paths, we show (i) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (ii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Lastly, for graphs that contain an (s,t)-path, we show (i) NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness, and (ii) membership in XP

    Connecting the dots (with minimum crossings)

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    We study a prototype Crossing Minimization problem, defined as follows. Let F be an infinite family of (possibly vertex-labeled) graphs. Then, given a set P of (possibly labeled) n points in the Euclidean plane, a collection L subseteq Lines(P)={l: l is a line segment with both endpoints in P}, and a non-negative integer k, decide if there is a subcollection L'subseteq L such that the graph G=(P,L') is isomorphic to a graph in F and L' has at most k crossings. By G=(P,L'), we refer to the graph on vertex set P, where two vertices are adjacent if and only if there is a line segment that connects them in L'. Intuitively, in Crossing Minimization, we have a set of locations of interest, and we want to build/draw/exhibit connections between them (where L indicates where it is feasible to have these connections) so that we obtain a structure in F. Natural choices for F are the collections of perfect matchings, Hamiltonian paths, and graphs that contain an (s,t)-path (a path whose endpoints are labeled). While the objective of seeking a solution with few crossings is of interest from a theoretical point of view, it is also well motivated by a wide range of practical considerations. For example, links/roads (such as highways) may be cheaper to build and faster to traverse, and signals/moving objects would collide/interrupt each other less often. Further, graphs with fewer crossings are preferred for graphic user interfaces. As a starting point for a systematic study, we consider a special case of Crossing Minimization. Already for this case, we obtain NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness results, and ETH-based lower bounds. Specifically, suppose that the input also contains a collection D of d non-crossing line segments such that each point in P belongs to exactly one line in D, and L does not contain line segments between points on the same line in D. Clearly, Crossing Minimization is the case where d=n - then, P is in general position. The case of d=2 is of interest not only because it is the most restricted non-trivial case, but also since it corresponds to a class of graphs that has been well studied - specifically, it is Crossing Minimization where G=(P,L) is a (bipartite) graph with a so called two-layer drawing. For d=2, we consider three basic choices of F. For perfect matchings, we show (i) NP-hardness with an ETH-based lower bound, (ii) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (iii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Second, for Hamiltonian paths, we show (i) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (ii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Lastly, for graphs that contain an (s,t)-path, we show (i) NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness, and (ii) membership in XP

    Drawing Layered Hypergraphs

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    Orthogonally drawn hypergraphs have important applications, e.g. in actor-oriented data flow diagrams for modeling complex software systems. Graph drawing algorithms based on the approach by Sugiyama et al. place nodes into consecutive layers and try to minimize the number of edge crossings by finding suitable orderings of the nodes in each layer. With orthogonal hyperedges, however, the exact number of crossings is not determined until the edges are actually routed in a later phase of the algorithm, which makes it hard to evaluate the quality of a given node ordering beforehand. In this report, we present and evaluate two crossing counting algorithms that predict the number of crossings between orthogonally routed hyperedges much more accurately than previous methods. We also describe methods for routing hyperedges that span multiple layers and for handling junction points

    Preserving Order during Crossing Minimization in Sugiyama Layouts

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    The Sugiyama algorithm, also known as the layered algorithm or hierarchical algorithm, is an established algorithm to produce crossing-minimal drawings of graphs. It does not, however, consider an initial order of the vertices and edges. We show how ordering real vertices, dummy vertices, and edge ports before crossing minimization may preserve the initial order given by the graph without compromising, on average, the quality of the drawing regarding edge crossings. Even for solutions in which the initial graph order produces more crossings than necessary or the vertex and edge order is conflicting, the proposed approach can produce better crossing-minimal drawings than the traditional approach

    Preserving Command Line Workflow for a Package Management System Using ASCII DAG Visualization

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    Package managers provide ease of access to applications by removing the time-consuming and sometimes completely prohibitive barrier of successfully building, installing, and maintaining the software for a system. A package dependency contains dependencies between all packages required to build and run the target software. Package management system developers, package maintainers, and users may consult the dependency graph when a simple listing is insufficient for their analyses. However, users working in a remote command line environment must disrupt their workflow to visualize dependency graphs in graphical programs, possibly needing to move files between devices or incur forwarding lag. Such is the case for users of Spack, an open source package management system originally developed to ease the complex builds required by supercomputing environments. To preserve the command line workflow of Spack, we develop an interactive ASCII visualization for its dependency graphs. Through interviews with Spack maintainers, we identify user goals and corresponding visual tasks for dependency graphs. We evaluate the use of our visualization through a command line-centered study, comparing it to the system's two existing approaches. We observe that despite the limitations of the ASCII representation, our visualization is preferred by participants when approached from a command line interface workflow.U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [DE-AC52-07NA27344, LLNL-JRNL-746358]This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Simple and Efficient Bilayer Cross Counting

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    We consider the problem of counting the interior edge crossings when a bipartite graph G=(V,E) with node set V and edge set E is drawn such that the nodes of the two shores of the bipartition are on two parallel lines and the edges are straight lines. The efficient solution of this problem is important in layered graph drawing.Our main observation is that it can be reduced to counting the inversions of a certain sequence. This leads to an O(|E|+|C|) algorithm, where C denotes the set of pairwise interior edge crossings, as well as to a simple O(|E|log|V_{m small}|) algorithm, where V_{m small} is the smaller cardinality node set in the bipartition of the node set |V| of the graph. We present the algorithms and the results of computational experiments with these and other algorithms on a large collection of instances

    Layered Drawing of Undirected Graphs with Generalized Port Constraints

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    The aim of this research is a practical method to draw cable plans of complex machines. Such plans consist of electronic components and cables connecting specific ports of the components. Since the machines are configured for each client individually, cable plans need to be drawn automatically. The drawings must be well readable so that technicians can use them to debug the machines. In order to model plug sockets, we introduce port groups; within a group, ports can change their position (which we use to improve the aesthetics of the layout), but together the ports of a group must form a contiguous block. We approach the problem of drawing such cable plans by extending the well-known Sugiyama framework such that it incorporates ports and port groups. Since the framework assumes directed graphs, we propose several ways to orient the edges of the given undirected graph. We compare these methods experimentally, both on real-world data and synthetic data that carefully simulates real-world data. We measure the aesthetics of the resulting drawings by counting bends and crossings. Using these metrics, we compare our approach to Kieler [JVLC 2014], a library for drawing graphs in the presence of port constraints.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2020