13 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Continuance Intention to Use Online Learning Management System Platform

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    Information technology (IT) developments and the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted learning processes, and all educational and organizational systems have adopted e-learning methods. A learning management system (LMS) is one of the most popular systems to support the e-learning process. This ubiquity, recent mass adoption, along with labor population trends in selfdevelopment, motivates us to investigate the factors involved in the continuance intention of LMS. Quantitative research was performed on a sample of 239 workers with LMS experience through an online questionnaire developed based on literature. We have found that the continuance intention was influenced by satisfaction and Task-Technology Fit (TTF). Furthermore, satisfaction was also influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and hedonic motivation. TTF was found to be influenced by task characteristics and technology characteristics. Finally, we have also found that performance expectancy is influenced by confirmation

    Virtual Learning Communities Mediated through Instagram: Pre-Teachers as Creators of Environments through Visual Narratives

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    Scientific literature shows that from an educational perspective, one of the constraints of using social media is that trainee teachers tend to refrain from assuming an active role in any educational context, despite themselves being significant consumers of non-professional content on social media This study aims to analyse the perception of students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at a University in Spain on an experience mediated by Instagram in order to determine factors related to motivation, creativity and intention to use it in the future. The methodology employed implemented an experience based on a four-phase sequence. A questionnaire was administered as a pre-test, and post-test and correlations were carried out using Spearman's statistic, the statistical difference with Mann-Whitney and multiple linear regression with the input method. This allowed for the influence of their role as creators of visual narratives on their future practice as teachers to be analysed. In terms of the results, the most notable were the marks for awareness of the process carried out, views on the usefulness of the activity and opinions on motivation. The use of Instagram and other social networks for future activities was significantly valued, considering the methodology used allowed creativity to flourish. This is a relevant indicator and demonstrates a significant gap in educational studies regarding future secondary education teachers' trends and social media profiles. Although they are familiar with these networks, the results show that they have yet to be incorporated into their professional world

    Exploring the effect of social media in Personal Learning Environments in the university settings: analysing experiences and detecting future challenges

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    The concept of PLEs as connected learning and the shaping of them as a socio-material framework in which people learn, overlaps with the intrinsic characteristics of social media. Consequently, it is important to analyse how academic literature has treated the direct relationship between the two realities in the university sector. Accordingly, the objective of this work is to determine how this relationship has been treated with regards to contexts, authorship and positions, types of social media, objectives pursued, methodologies and results. Regarding methodology, we used the PICOC strategy to design the research questions and the PRISMA protocol to document the systematic review of academic production in SCOPUS and Web of Science between 2012 and 2021. We ultimately obtained a sample of 35 works. The findings show that use of media to build PLEs that meet users’ needs should be explored in greater depth and analysed by using particular methodologies to reach conclusions that help to drive them. Academic and professional promotion stand out among the major challenges in the use of social media in PLEs, as does the possibility of bringing together non-formal, formal, and informal areas to create learning

    Ferramentas Tecnológicas e Metodologias de Apoio à Aprendizagem Personalizada no Ensino Superior: uma Revisão Sistemática

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    Tecnologias educacionais e e-learning são facilitadores da personalização do processo de aprendizagem e da promoção do self-paced learning. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os desafios e os pontos positivos das implementações e modelos que abordam esses conceitos e propor funcionalidades para uma ferramenta de apoio à aprendizagem. Para isso, foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura seguindo a metodologia de Kitchenham. Foram selecionados 31 artigos de 4 bases internacionais, os quais foram classificados segundo conceitos, metodologias, plataformas, pontos positivos e desafios apresentados. A análise indicou o blended learning como metodologia mais abordada, a flexibilidade como ponto positivo mais citado e a falta de interação como maior desafio encontrado. Os resultados mostraram que há elementos de e-learning presentes em universidades do mundo todo e que ferramentas tecnológicas de apoio são eficientes na personalização e melhoria do processo de aprendizagem

    Dimensions of the University Digital Ecosystem: Validation of the Instrument «University Digital Ecosystem» (UN-DIGECO)

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    El presente estudio presenta el diseño y validación del instrumento UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem), orientado a conocer el Ecosistema Digital Universitario, identificando las dimensiones asociadas al uso que hacen los estudiantes de los medios sociales (MMSS) y/o aplicaciones digitales. La validación de contenido y comprensión se efectuó en tres fases: construcción, refinado y validación psicométrica, mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, apoyado en el constructo teórico inicial. Se diseñaron ítems –recabando información de instrumentos similares-, acordes a indicadores adscritos a seis dimensiones: aprendizaje, interacción social, creación de contenidos, consumo online, ocio y prácticas lúdicas. La versión preliminar del cuestionario se testó con 25 estudiantes para depurar y redefinir algunos ítems para facilitar su comprensión. Finalmente, el cuestionario constó de 44 ítems y se aplicó a 484 universitarios españoles y colombianos. Se analizó la estructura latente de los ítems mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio y tras analizar la estructura factorial de los indicadores se excluyeron los no pertinentes. Los resultados confirmaron la existencia de seis dimensiones definidas teóricamente a partir de 37 ítems, obteniendo un alfa de Cronbach mayor de 0,8. Concluyendo, se puede afirmar que el instrumento y los indicadores de sus dimensiones presentan adecuadas propiedades psicométricas de validez y confiabilidad para aplicarse en otros contextos. La originalidad de UN-DIGECO radica en la estructuración de la información, al contemplar las seis dimensiones de uso de los MMSS que hacen los universitarios.The purpose of the study was to design and validate the UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem) instrument, aimed at learning about the use that undergraduates make of social media and/or digital applications. The content and comprehension validation was carried out in three phases: construction, refining and psychometric validation, based on confirmatory factor analysis, supported by the initial theoretical construct. The items, designed by experts, are in line with indicators assigned to six theoretically defined dimensions: Learning, Social Interaction, Content Creation, Online Consumption, Leisure, and Recreational. Own indicators were integrated together with others adapted from similar published instruments. The preliminary version of the questionnaire was tested by a group of 25 students, some items were refined and redefined to facilitate their understanding. The pilot version included 44 items and involved 484 students from Spanish and Colombian universities. The authors analysed the latent structure of the items by applying exploratory factor analysis and, after examining the composition of the factor structure of the indicators, excluded the non-relevant ones. The results confirmed the existence of these six dimensions, which include 37 items, with a Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.8. The instrument and its components show appropriate psychometric properties of validity and reliability, being applicable to other contexts. The originality of the designed questionnaire lies in the structuring of the information, establishing and integrating six dimensions related to the use university students make of SM.peerReviewe

    Web-based videoconferencing for teaching online : continuance intention to use in the post-COVID-19 period

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    Web-based videoconferencing has gained a great momentum worldwide, with extremely high adoption rates during the COVID -19 pandemic. The current study aims to investigate the use of web-based videoconferencing for teaching in the post-COVID-19 landscape. The study proposes and evaluates a model to predict continuance intention to use videoconferencing systems, from the perspective of University teachers. The proposed model combines constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Expectancy Confirmation Model (ECM). Sixty-six academic staff members filled out a survey questionnaire about their attitudes towards continuing using videoconferencing systems for teaching in the post-Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) period. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the measurement and the structural model. The model explains and predicts 73% of the total variance in continuance intention to use. User satisfaction with web-based videoconferencing and perceived usefulness are the top two strong predictors. Implications for school administrators and instructional designers are discussed

    El uso de las redes sociales en educación: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica

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    Las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje han experimentado cambios en los últimos años debido a la irrupción de la tecnología digital y a la aparición de las redes sociales (RRSS) como mediadoras y facilitadoras de nuevos contextos. En este trabajo, se realiza una revisión de la literatura científica que ha tratado el uso de las RRSS genéricas en diferentes ámbitos educativos durante los últimos diez años. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis documental de los artículos indexados en la Journal Citation Reports (JCR) de la Web of Science que, tras proceder a su selección, han dado como resultado 160 trabajos. Para analizarlos se han divido en cinco ámbitos: competencia digital y competencia digital docente; RRSS como elemento vehicular para la creación de entornos virtuales y comunidades educativas; el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediado por RRSS como recurso didáctico; dilemas éticos, problemas y adicciones derivados del uso de las RRSS y movimientos y reivindicaciones sociales en el ámbito de la educación a través de RRSS. Los resultados revelan que, si bien se están estableciendo nuevos entornos y contextos en este sentido y que se intensifica la investigación sobre los mismos, en todas las categorías de análisis existe un amplio margen de implementación

    El uso de las redes sociales en educación: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica

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    Teaching-learning strategies have undergone changes in recent years due to the emergence of digital technology and the emergence of social media as mediators and facilitators of new contexts. A review of the scientific literature that has dealt with the use of generic social media in different educational settings during the last ten years is carried out in this work. For this, a documentary analysis of the articles indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Web of Science has been carried out. For this purpose, a documentary analysis of the articles indexed in the Journal Citation Reports of the Web of Science was carried out, which, after selection, resulted in 160 papers. To do their analysis they have been divided into five areas: digital competence and teaching digital competence; social media as a vehicle for the creation of virtual environments and educational communities; the teaching-learning process mediated by social media as a didactic resource at various educational levels; problems and addictions derived from the use of social media and social movements and demands in the field of education through social media. The results reveal that, although new environments and contexts are being established in this sense and that research on them is intensified, in all categories of analysis there is a wide margin for implementation. Las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje han experimentado cambios en los últimos años debido a la irrupción de la tecnología digital y a la aparición de las redes sociales como mediadoras y facilitadoras de nuevos contextos. En este trabajo, se realiza una revisión de la literatura científica que ha tratado el uso de las redes sociales genéricas diferentes ámbitos educativos durante los últimos diez años. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis documental de los artículos indexados en la Journal Citation Reports de la Web of Science que, tras proceder a su curación, han dado como resultado 160 trabajos. Para analizarlos se han divido en cinco ámbitos: competencia digital y competencia digital docente; redes sociales como elemento vehicular para la creación de entornos virtuales y comunidades educativas; el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediado por redes sociales como recurso didáctico; problemas y adicciones derivados del uso de las redes sociales y finalmente, movimientos y reivindicaciones sociales en el ámbito de la educación a través de redes sociales. Los resultados revelan que, si bien se están estableciendo nuevos entornos y contextos en este sentido y que se intensifica la investigación sobre los mismos, en todos los ámbitos de análisis existe un amplio margen de implementación

    El uso de las redes sociales en educación: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica

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    Las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje han experimentado cambios en los últimos años debido a la irrupción de la tecnología digital y a la aparición de las redes sociales como mediadoras y facilitadoras de nuevos contextos. En este trabajo, se realiza una revisión de la literatura científica que ha tratado el uso de las redes sociales genéricas diferentes ámbitos educativos durante los últimos diez años. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis documental de los artículos indexados en la Journal Citation Reports de la Web of Science que, tras proceder a su curación, han dado como resultado 160 trabajos. Para analizarlos se han divido en cinco ámbitos: competencia digital y competencia digital docente; redes sociales como elemento vehicular para la creación de entornos virtuales y comunidades educativas; el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediado por redes sociales como recurso didáctico; problemas y adicciones derivados del uso de las redes sociales y finalmente, movimientos y reivindicaciones sociales en el ámbito de la educación a través de redes sociales. Los resultados revelan que, si bien se están estableciendo nuevos entornos y contextos en este sentido y que se intensifica la investigación sobre los mismos, en todos los ámbitos de análisis existe un amplio margen de implementación

    Time to seize the digital evolution: Adoption of blockchain in operations and supply chain management among Malaysian SMEs

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    Abstract(#br)This study aims to investigate the effects of relative advantage, complexity, upper management support, cost, market dynamics, competitive pressure and regulatory support on blockchain adoption for operations and supply chain management among Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. Unlike existing studies that employed linear models with Technology Acceptance Model or United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology that ignores the organisational and environmental factors, we adopted the Technology, Organisation and Environment Framework that covers the technological dimensions of relative advantage and complexity, organisational dimensions of upper management support and cost and environmental dimensions of market dynamics, competitive pressure and regulatory support. Empirical data from 194 SMEs were investigated and ranked using a nonlinear non-compensatory PLS-ANN approach. Competitive pressure, complexity, cost and relative have significant effects on behavioural intention. Market dynamics, regulatory support and upper management support were insignificant predictors. SMEs often lack resources for technological investments but faces same requirements for streamlining business processes to optimise returns and blockchain presents a viable option for SMEs’ sustainability due to its features of immutability, transparency and security that have the potential to revolutionise businesses. This study contributes new knowledge to the literature on factors that affect blockchain adoption and justifications were discussed accordingly