290 research outputs found

    Modeling, design, and characterization of through vias in silicon and glass interposers

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    Advancements in very large scale integration (VLSI) technology have led to unprecedented transistor and interconnect scaling. Further miniaturization by traditional IC scaling in future planar CMOS technology faces significant challenges. Stacking of ICs (3D IC) using three dimensional (3D) integration technology helps in significantly reducing wiring lengths, interconnect latency and power dissipation while reducing the size of the chip and enhancing performance. Interposer technology with ultra-fine pitch interconnections needs to be developed to support the huge I/O connection requirement for packaging 3D ICs. Through vias in stacked silicon ICs and interposers are the key components of a 3D system. The objective of this dissertation is to model through vias in 3D silicon and glass interposers and, to address power and high-speed signal integrity issues in 3D interposers considering silicon biasing effects. An equivalent circuit model of the through via in silicon interposer (Si TPV) has been proposed considering the bias voltage dependent Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capacitance effect. Important design guidelines and optimizations are proposed for Si TPVs used in the signal delivery network, power delivery network (PDN), and as variable capacitors. Through vias in glass interposers (Glass TPVs) are modeled, designed and simulated by using electromagnetic field solvers. Signal and power integrity analyses are performed for silicon and glass interposers. PDN design is proposed by utilizing the MOS capacitance of the Si TPVs for decoupling.PhDCommittee Chair: Tummala, Rao; Committee Co-Chair: Swaminathan, Madhavan; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Mukhopadhyay, Saibal; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Suresh; Committee Member: Sundaram, Venk

    De-embedding method for electrical response extraction of through-silicon via (TSV) in silicon interposer technology and signal integrity performance comparison with embedded multi-die interconnect bridge (EMIB) technology

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    Traditional two-dimensional system-in-package (2D SiP) can no longer support the scaling of size, power, bandwidth, and cost at the same rate required by Moore\u27s Law. Three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-ICs), 2.5D silicon interposer technology in which through silicon vias are widely used, are implemented to meet these challenges. Embedded multi-die interconnect bridge (EMIB) technology are proposed as well. In Section 1, a novel de-embedding method is proposed for TSV characterization by using a set of simple yet efficient test patterns. Full wave models and corresponding equivalent circuits are provided to explain the electrical performance of the test patterns clearly. Furthermore, broadband measurement is performed for all test patterns up to 40 GHz, to verify the accuracy of the developed full wave models. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) measurements are taken for all the test patterns to optimize the full wave models. Finally, the proposed de-embedding method is applied to extract the response of the TSV pair. Good agreement between the de-embedded results with analytical characterization and the full-wave simulation for a single TSV pair indicates that the proposed de-embedding method works effectively up to 40 GHz. In Section 2, the signal integrity performance of EMIB technology is evaluated and compared with silicon interposer technology. Two examples are available for each technology, one is simple with only one single trace pair considered; the other is complex with three differential pairs considered in the full wave simulation. Results of insertion loss, return loss, crosstalk and eye diagram are provided as criteria to evaluate the signal integrity performance for both technologies. This work provides guidelines to both top-level decision and specific IC or channel design --Abstract, page iii

    Monad: Towards Cost-effective Specialization for Chiplet-based Spatial Accelerators

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    Advanced packaging offers a new design paradigm in the post-Moore era, where many small chiplets can be assembled into a large system. Based on heterogeneous integration, a chiplet-based accelerator can be highly specialized for a specific workload, demonstrating extreme efficiency and cost reduction. To fully leverage this potential, it is critical to explore both the architectural design space for individual chiplets and different integration options to assemble these chiplets, which have yet to be fully exploited by existing proposals. This paper proposes Monad, a cost-aware specialization approach for chiplet-based spatial accelerators that explores the tradeoffs between PPA and fabrication costs. To evaluate a specialized system, we introduce a modeling framework considering the non-uniformity in dataflow, pipelining, and communications when executing multiple tensor workloads on different chiplets. We propose to combine the architecture and integration design space by uniformly encoding the design aspects for both spaces and exploring them with a systematic ML-based approach. The experiments demonstrate that Monad can achieve an average of 16% and 30% EDP reduction compared with the state-of-the-art chiplet-based accelerators, Simba and NN-Baton, respectively.Comment: To be published in ICCAD 202

    Heterogeneous 2.5D integration on through silicon interposer

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Driven by the need to reduce the power consumption of mobile devices, and servers/data centers, and yet continue to deliver improved performance and experience by the end consumer of digital data, the semiconductor industry is looking for new technologies for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). In this quest, power consumed in transferring data over copper interconnects is a sizeable portion that needs to be addressed now and continuing over the next few decades. 2.5D Through-Si-Interposer (TSI) is a strong candidate to deliver improved performance while consuming lower power than in previous generations of servers/data centers and mobile devices. These low-power/high-performance advantages are realized through achievement of high interconnect densities on the TSI (higher than ever seen on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) or organic substrates), and enabling heterogeneous integration on the TSI platform where individual ICs are assembled at close proximity

    ECO-CHIP: Estimation of Carbon Footprint of Chiplet-based Architectures for Sustainable VLSI

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    Decades of progress in energy-efficient and low-power design have successfully reduced the operational carbon footprint in the semiconductor industry. However, this has led to an increase in embodied emissions, encompassing carbon emissions arising from design, manufacturing, packaging, and other infrastructural activities. While existing research has developed tools to analyze embodied carbon at the computer architecture level for traditional monolithic systems, these tools do not apply to near-mainstream heterogeneous integration (HI) technologies. HI systems offer significant potential for sustainable computing by minimizing carbon emissions through two key strategies: ``reducing" computation by reusing pre-designed chiplet IP blocks and adopting hierarchical approaches to system design. The reuse of chiplets across multiple designs, even spanning multiple generations of integrated circuits (ICs), can substantially reduce embodied carbon emissions throughout the operational lifespan. This paper introduces a carbon analysis tool specifically designed to assess the potential of HI systems in facilitating greener VLSI system design and manufacturing approaches. The tool takes into account scaling, chiplet and packaging yields, design complexity, and even carbon overheads associated with advanced packaging techniques employed in heterogeneous systems. Experimental results demonstrate that HI can achieve a reduction of embodied carbon emissions up to 70\% compared to traditional large monolithic systems. These findings suggest that HI can pave the way for sustainable computing practices, contributing to a more environmentally conscious semiconductor industry.Comment: Under review at HPCA2

    Thermal performance enhancement of packaging substrates with integrated vapor chamber

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    The first part of this research investigates the effects of copper structures, such as copper through-package-vias (TPVs), and copper traces in redistribution layer (RDL), on the thermal performance of glass interposers through numerical and experimental approaches. Numerical parametric study on 2.5D interposers shows that as more copper structures are incorporated in glass interposers, the performance of silicon and glass interposers becomes closer, showing 31% difference in thermal resistance, compared to 53% difference without any copper structures in both interposers. In the second part of this study, a thermal model of glass interposer mounted on the vapor chamber integrated PCB is developed using multi-scale modeling scheme. The comparison of thermal performance between silicon and glass interposers shows that integration of vapor chamber with PCB makes thermal performance of both interposers almost identical, overcoming the limitation posed by low thermal conductivity of glass. The third part of this thesis focuses on design, fabrication, and performance measurement of PCB integrated with vapor chamber. Copper micropillar wick structure is fabricated on PCB with electroplating process, and its wettability is enhanced by silica nanoparticle coating. Design of the wick for the vapor chamber is determined based on the capillary performance and permeability test results. Fabricated device with ultra-thin thickness (~800 µm) shows higher thermal performance than copper plated PCB with the same thickness. Finally, 3D computational fluid dynamics/heat transfer model of the vapor chamber is developed, and modeling result is compared with test result.Ph.D

    A DLL Based Test Solution for 3D ICs

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    Integrated circuits (ICs) are rapidly changing and vertical integration and packaging strategies have already become an important research topic. 2.5D and 3D IC integrations have obvious advantages over the conventional two dimensional IC implementations in performance, capacity, and power consumption. A passive Si interposer utilizing Through-Silicon via (TSV) technology is used for 2.5D IC integration. TSV is also the enabling technology for 3D IC integration. TSV manufacturing defects can affect the performance of stacked devices and reduce the yield. Manufacturing test methodologies for TSVs have to be developed to ensure fault-free devices. This thesis presents two test methods for TSVs in 2.5D and 3D ICs utilizing Delay-Locked Loop (DLL) modules. In the test method developed for TSVs in 2.5D ICs, a DLL is used to determine the propagation delay for fault detection. TSV faults in 3D ICs are detected through observation of the control voltage of a DLL. The proposed test methods present a robust performance against Process, supply Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations due to the inherent feedback of DLLs. 3D full-wave simulations are performed to extract circuit level models for TSVs and fragments of an interposer wires using HFSS simulation tools. The extracted TSV models are then used to perform circuit level simulations using ADS tools from Agilent. Simulation results indicate that the proposed test solution for TSVs can detect manufacturing defects affecting the TSV propagation delay

    Peec-Based On-Chip Pdn Impedance Modeling using Layered Green\u27s Function

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    This paper presents an impedance model of on-chip power distribution network (PDN), which is an efficient criterion for estimating simultaneous switching noises (SSNs) on 3-D integrated circuit (IC). The impedance of on-chip PDN, including the effect of silicon substrate, is accurately modeled based on partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) and layered Green\u27s function (LGF). The equivalent circuit model of PDN is extracted based on the physical dimensions and electrical material characteristic of PDN at first. And then the LGF is used to consider the effect of silicon substrate for improving the accuracy of on-chip PDN impedance model. The effectiveness of proposed model has been validated by full wave simulation. The high order resonance of PDN impedance can also be accurately predicted

    Enabling Technologies for 3D ICs: TSV Modeling and Analysis

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    Through silicon via (TSV) based three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuit (IC) aims to stack and interconnect dies or wafers vertically. This emerging technology offers a promising near-term solution for further miniaturization and the performance improvement of electronic systems and follows a more than Moore strategy. Along with the need for low-cost and high-yield process technology, the successful application of TSV technology requires further optimization of the TSV electrical modeling and design. In the millimeter wave (mmW) frequency range, the root mean square (rms) height of the TSV sidewall roughness is comparable to the skin depth and hence becomes a critical factor for TSV modeling and analysis. The impact of TSV sidewall roughness on electrical performance, such as the loss and impedance alteration in the mmW frequency range, is examined and analyzed following the second order small perturbation method. Then, an accurate and efficient electrical model for TSVs has been proposed considering the TSV sidewall roughness effect, the skin effect, and the metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) effect. However, the emerging application of 3D integration involves an advanced bio-inspired computing system which is currently experiencing an explosion of interest. In neuromorphic computing, the high density membrane capacitor plays a key role in the synaptic signaling process, especially in a spike firing analog implementation of neurons. We proposed a novel 3D neuromorphic design architecture in which the redundant and dummy TSVs are reconfigured as membrane capacitors. This modification has been achieved by taking advantage of the metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) structure along the sidewall, strategically engineering the fixed oxide charges in depletion region surrounding the TSVs, and the addition of oxide layer around the bump without changing any process technology. Without increasing the circuit area, these reconfiguration of TSVs can result in substantial power consumption reduction and a significant boost to chip performance and efficiency. Also, depending on the availability of the TSVs, we proposed a novel CAD framework for TSV assignments based on the force-directed optimization and linear perturbation
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