2,392 research outputs found

    An Image Understanding System for Detecting Indoor Features

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    The capability of identifying physical structures of an unknown environment is very important for vision based robot navigation and scene understanding. Among physical structures in indoor environments, corridor lines and doors are important visual landmarks for robot navigation since they show the topological structure in an indoor environment and establish connections among the different places or regions in the indoor environment. Furthermore, they provide clues for understanding the image. In this thesis, I present two algorithms to detect the vanishing point, corridor lines, and doors respectively using a single digital video camera. In both algorithms, we utilize a hypothesis generation and verification method to detect corridor and door structures using low level linear features. The proposed method consists of low, intermediate, and high level processing stages which correspond to the extraction of low level features, the formation of hypotheses, and verification of the hypotheses via seeking evidence actively. In particular, we extend this single-pass framework by employing a feedback strategy for more robust hypothesis generation and verification. We demonstrate the robustness of the proposed methods on a large number of real video images in a variety of corridor environments, with image acquisitions under different illumination and reflection conditions, with different moving speeds, and with different viewpoints of the camera. Experimental results performed on the corridor line detection algorithm validate that the method can detect corridor line locations in the presence of many spurious line features about one second. Experimental results carried on the door detection algorithm show that the system can detect visually important doors in an image with a very high accuracy rate when a robot navigates along a corridor environment

    Conceptual spatial representations for indoor mobile robots

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    We present an approach for creating conceptual representations of human-made indoor environments using mobile robots. The concepts refer to spatial and functional properties of typical indoor environments. Following ļ¬ndings in cognitive psychology, our model is composed of layers representing maps at diļ¬€erent levels of abstraction. The complete system is integrated in a mobile robot endowed with laser and vision sensors for place and object recognition. The system also incorporates a linguistic framework that actively supports the map acquisition process, and which is used for situated dialogue. Finally, we discuss the capabilities of the integrated system

    Place Categorization and Semantic Mapping on a Mobile Robot

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    In this paper we focus on the challenging problem of place categorization and semantic mapping on a robot without environment-specific training. Motivated by their ongoing success in various visual recognition tasks, we build our system upon a state-of-the-art convolutional network. We overcome its closed-set limitations by complementing the network with a series of one-vs-all classifiers that can learn to recognize new semantic classes online. Prior domain knowledge is incorporated by embedding the classification system into a Bayesian filter framework that also ensures temporal coherence. We evaluate the classification accuracy of the system on a robot that maps a variety of places on our campus in real-time. We show how semantic information can boost robotic object detection performance and how the semantic map can be used to modulate the robot's behaviour during navigation tasks. The system is made available to the community as a ROS module

    Fast, Autonomous Flight in GPS-Denied and Cluttered Environments

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    One of the most challenging tasks for a flying robot is to autonomously navigate between target locations quickly and reliably while avoiding obstacles in its path, and with little to no a-priori knowledge of the operating environment. This challenge is addressed in the present paper. We describe the system design and software architecture of our proposed solution, and showcase how all the distinct components can be integrated to enable smooth robot operation. We provide critical insight on hardware and software component selection and development, and present results from extensive experimental testing in real-world warehouse environments. Experimental testing reveals that our proposed solution can deliver fast and robust aerial robot autonomous navigation in cluttered, GPS-denied environments.Comment: Pre-peer reviewed version of the article accepted in Journal of Field Robotic

    Autonomous Navigation and Mapping using Monocular Low-Resolution Grayscale Vision

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    Vision has been a powerful tool for navigation of intelligent and man-made systems ever since the cybernetics revolution in the 1970s. There have been two basic approaches to the navigation of computer controlled systems: The self-contained bottom-up development of sensorimotor abilities, namely perception and mobility, and the top-down approach, namely artificial intelligence, reasoning and knowledge based methods. The three-fold goal of autonomous exploration, mapping and localization of a mobile robot however, needs to be developed within a single framework. An algorithm is proposed to answer the challenges of autonomous corridor navigation and mapping by a mobile robot equipped with a single forward-facing camera. Using a combination of corridor ceiling lights, visual homing, and entropy, the robot is able to perform straight line navigation down the center of an unknown corridor. Turning at the end of a corridor is accomplished using Jeffrey divergence and time-to-collision, while deflection from dead ends and blank walls uses a scalar entropy measure of the entire image. When combined, these metrics allow the robot to navigate in both textured and untextured environments. The robot can autonomously explore an unknown indoor environment, recovering from difficult situations like corners, blank walls, and initial heading toward a wall. While exploring, the algorithm constructs a Voronoi-based topo-geometric map with nodes representing distinctive places like doors, water fountains, and other corridors. Because the algorithm is based entirely upon low-resolution (32 x 24) grayscale images, processing occurs at over 1000 frames per second
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