183 research outputs found

    Collaborative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks

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    The radio frequency (RF) spectrum is a scarce natural resource, currently regulated by government agencies. With the explosive emergence of wireless applications, the demands for the RF spectrum are constantly increasing. On the other hand, it has been reported that localised temporal and geographic spectrum utilisation efficiency is extremely low. Cognitive radio is an innovative technology designed to improve spectrum utilisation by exploiting those spectrum opportunities. This ability is dependent upon spectrum sensing, which is one of most critical components in a cognitive radio system. A significant challenge is to sense the whole RF spectrum at a particular physical location in a short observation time. Otherwise, performance degrades with longer observation times since the lagging response to spectrum holes implies low spectrum utilisation efficiency. Hence, developing an efficient wideband spectrum sensing technique is prime important. In this thesis, a multirate asynchronous sub-Nyquist sampling (MASS) system that employs multiple low-rate analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is developed that implements wideband spectrum sensing. The key features of the MASS system are, 1) low implementation complexity, 2) energy-efficiency for sharing spectrum sensing data, and 3) robustness against the lack of time synchronisation. The conditions under which recovery of the full spectrum is unique are presented using compressive sensing (CS) analysis. The MASS system is applied to both centralised and distributed cognitive radio networks. When the spectra of the cognitive radio nodes have a common spectral support, using one low-rate ADC in each cognitive radio node can successfully recover the full spectrum. This is obtained by applying a hybrid matching pursuit (HMP) algorithm - a synthesis of distributed compressive sensing simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (DCS-SOMP) and compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP). Moreover, a multirate spectrum detection (MSD) system is introduced to detect the primary users from a small number of measurements without ever reconstructing the full spectrum. To achieve a better detection performance, a data fusion strategy is developed for combining sensing data from all cognitive radio nodes. Theoretical bounds on detection performance are derived for distributed cognitive radio nodes suffering from additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), Rayleigh fading, and log-normal fading channels. In conclusion, MASS and MSD both have a low implementation complexity, high energy efficiency, good data compression capability, and are applicable to distributed cognitive radio networks

    A Mathematical Approach for Hidden Node Problem in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio (CR) technology has emerged as a realistic solution to the spectrum scarcity problem in present day wireless networks. A major challenge in CR radio networks is the hidden node problem, which is the inability of the CR nodes to detect the primary user. This paper proposes energy detector-based distributed sequential cooperative spectrum sensing over Nakagami-m fading, as a tool to solve the hidden node problem. The derivation of energy detection performance over Nakagami-m fading channel is presented. Since the observation represents a random variable, likelihood ratio test (LRT) is known to be optimal in this type of detection problem. The LRT is implemented using the Neyman-Pearson Criterion (maximizing the probability of detection but at a constraint of false alarm probability). The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated both by numerical analysis and simulations. The effect of cooperation among a group of CR nodes and system parameters such as SNR, detection threshold and number of samples per CR nodes is investigated. Results show improved detection performance by implementing the proposed model

    Impact of Relay Location of STANC Bi-Directional Transmission for Future Autonomous Internet of Things Applications

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    Wireless communication using existing coding models poses several challenges for RF signals due to multipath scattering, rapid fluctuations in signal strength and path loss effect. Unlike existing works, this study presents a novel coding technique based on Analogue Network Coding (ANC) in conjunction with Space Time Block Coding (STBC), termed as Space Time Analogue Network Coding (STANC). STANC achieves the transmitting diversity (virtual MIMO) and supports big data networks under low transmitting power conditions. Furthermore, this study evaluates the impact of relay location on smart devices network performance in increasing interfering and scattering environments. The performance of STANC is analyzed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications in terms of Symbol Error Rate (SER) and the outage probability that are calculated using analytical derivation of expression for Moment Generating Function (MGF). In addition, the ergodic capacity is analyzed using mean and second moment. These expressions enable effective evaluation of the performance and capacity under different relay location scenario. Different fading models are used to evaluate the effect of multipath scattering and strong signal reflection. Under such unfavourable environments, the performance of STANC outperforms the conventional methods such as physical layer network coding (PNC) and ANC adopted for two way transmission

    A mathematical approach for hidden node problem in cognitive radio networks

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    Cognitive radio (CR) technology has emerged as a realistic solution to the spectrum scarcity problem in present day wireless networks. A major challenge in CR radio networks is the hidden node problem, which is the inability of the CR nodes to detect the primary user. This paper proposes energy detector-based distributed sequential cooperative spectrum sensing over Nakagami-m fading, as a tool to solve the hidden node problem. The derivation of energy detection performance over Nakagami-m fading channel is presented. Since the observation represents a random variable, likelihood ratio test (LRT) is known to be optimal in this type of detection problem. The LRT is implemented using the Neyman-Pearson Criterion (maximizing the probability of detection but at a constraint of false alarm probability). The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated both by numerical analysis and simulations. The effect of cooperation among a group of CR nodes and system parameters such as SNR, detection threshold and number of samples per CR nodes is investigated. Results show improved detection performance by implementing the proposed model

    Narrowband Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Networks

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    With the increase of different types of wireless devices, the radio frequency (RF) spectrum will not longer large enough to accommodate these increased devices for communication in the future under the traditional fixed spectrum access (FSA) policy. Therefore, cognitive radio (CR), which provides devices flexible spectrum access, has been proposed to solve this scarcity problem in RF spectrum. The ability of CR depends largely on its spectrum sensing since it provides device access to one spectrum band while avoiding interference to other devices. However, the results from single spectrum sensing is not reliable in real communication condition due to various fading effects. Thus, designing an efficient cooperative spectrum sensing scheme a significant task. In this thesis, two cooperative narrowed spectrum sensing schemes, multi-selective cooperation and selective cooperation, will be proposed. Multi-selective cooperation, an improved version from selection combining (SC), is based on ordered statistics of the reporting links between the cooperative nodes and fusion center where the links with high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are selected as reliable reporting links. Furthermore, we examine the optimum N-out-of-K rule of our scheme under different detection threshold and SNR. Another new scheme, selective-cooperation, is proposed based on multi-selective cooperation and it selects the links, whose SNRs are larger than fusion center's, as reliable reporting links. The performance of both new schemes are compared to other existing schemes in-terms of the probability of detection and probability of false alarm over independent identity distributed (i.i.d) and independent non-identical distributed (i.n.d) Rayleigh fading channels. Both simulations and analytical results show that the multi-selective scheme outperforms some traditional schemes, i.e. selection combining, general N-out-of-K rule and square-law selection (SLS) under different system parameters. Simulations and analytical results also show that the performance of the selective-cooperation scheme gets further improvement compared with multi-selective scheme and it outperforms some traditional schemes, i.e. square-law combining (SLC), under different communication environments

    Impact of Relay Location of STANC Bi-Directional Transmission for Future Autonomous Internet of Things Applications

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    Wireless communication using existing coding models poses several challenges for RF signals due tomultipath scattering, rapid fluctuations in signal strength and path loss effect. Unlike existing works, thisstudy presents a novel coding technique based on Analogue Network Coding (ANC) in conjunction withSpace Time Block Coding (STBC), termed as Space Time Analogue Network Coding (STANC). STANCachieves the transmitting diversity (virtual MIMO) and supports big data networks under low transmittingpower conditions. Furthermore, this study evaluates the impact of relay location on smart devices networkperformance in increasing interfering and scattering environments. The performance of STANC is analyzedfor Internet of Things (IoT) applications in terms of Symbol Error Rate (SER) and the outage probabilitythat are calculated using analytical derivation of expression for Moment Generating Function (MGF).In addition, the ergodic capacity is analyzed using mean and second moment. These expressions enableeffective evaluation of the performance and capacity under different relay location scenario. Differentfading models are used to evaluate the effect of multipath scattering and strong signal reflection. Undersuch unfavourable environments, the performance of STANC outperforms the conventional methods suchas physical layer network coding (PNC) and ANC adopted for two way transmission

    Spectrum sensing and occupancy prediction for cognitive machine-to-machine wireless networks

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfil ment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) introduces an additional challenge to the existing spectrum under-utilisation problem as large scale deployments of thousands devices are expected to require wireless connectivity. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) has been proposed as a means of improving the spectrum utilisation of wireless systems. Based on the Cognitive Radio (CR) paradigm, DSA enables unlicensed spectrum users to sense their spectral environment and adapt their operational parameters to opportunistically access any temporally unoccupied bands without causing interference to the primary spectrum users. In the same context, CR inspired Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications have recently been proposed as a potential solution to the spectrum utilisation problem, which has been driven by the ever increasing number of interconnected devices. M2M communications introduce new challenges for CR in terms of operational environments and design requirements. With spectrum sensing being the key function for CR, this thesis investigates the performance of spectrum sensing and proposes novel sensing approaches and models to address the sensing problem for cognitive M2M deployments. In this thesis, the behaviour of Energy Detection (ED) spectrum sensing for cognitive M2M nodes is modelled using the two-wave with dffi use power fading model. This channel model can describe a variety of realistic fading conditions including worse than Rayleigh scenarios that are expected to occur within the operational environments of cognitive M2M communication systems. The results suggest that ED based spectrum sensing fails to meet the sensing requirements over worse than Rayleigh conditions and consequently requires the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to be increased by up to 137%. However, by employing appropriate diversity and node cooperation techniques, the sensing performance can be improved by up to 11.5dB in terms of the required SNR. These results are particularly useful in analysing the eff ects of severe fading in cognitive M2M systems and thus they can be used to design effi cient CR transceivers and to quantify the trade-o s between detection performance and energy e fficiency. A novel predictive spectrum sensing scheme that exploits historical data of past sensing events to predict channel occupancy is proposed and analysed. This approach allows CR terminals to sense only the channels that are predicted to be unoccupied rather than the whole band of interest. Based on this approach, a spectrum occupancy predictor is developed and experimentally validated. The proposed scheme achieves a prediction accuracy of up to 93% which in turn can lead to up to 84% reduction of the spectrum sensing cost. Furthermore, a novel probabilistic model for describing the channel availability in both the vertical and horizontal polarisations is developed. The proposed model is validated based on a measurement campaign for operational scenarios where CR terminals may change their polarisation during their operation. A Gaussian approximation is used to model the empirical channel availability data with more than 95% confi dence bounds. The proposed model can be used as a means of improving spectrum sensing performance by using statistical knowledge on the primary users occupancy pattern