61 research outputs found

    A Learning-Based Framework for Two-Dimensional Vehicle Maneuver Prediction over V2V Networks

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    Situational awareness in vehicular networks could be substantially improved utilizing reliable trajectory prediction methods. More precise situational awareness, in turn, results in notably better performance of critical safety applications, such as Forward Collision Warning (FCW), as well as comfort applications like Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC). Therefore, vehicle trajectory prediction problem needs to be deeply investigated in order to come up with an end to end framework with enough precision required by the safety applications' controllers. This problem has been tackled in the literature using different methods. However, machine learning, which is a promising and emerging field with remarkable potential for time series prediction, has not been explored enough for this purpose. In this paper, a two-layer neural network-based system is developed which predicts the future values of vehicle parameters, such as velocity, acceleration, and yaw rate, in the first layer and then predicts the two-dimensional, i.e. longitudinal and lateral, trajectory points based on the first layer's outputs. The performance of the proposed framework has been evaluated in realistic cut-in scenarios from Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) dataset and the results show a noticeable improvement in the prediction accuracy in comparison with the kinematics model which is the dominant employed model by the automotive industry. Both ideal and nonideal communication circumstances have been investigated for our system evaluation. For non-ideal case, an estimation step is included in the framework before the parameter prediction block to handle the drawbacks of packet drops or sensor failures and reconstruct the time series of vehicle parameters at a desirable frequency

    A Preliminary Security Assessment of 5G V2X

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    Research on intelligent transport systems (ITS) for improved traffic safety and efficiency has reached a high level of maturity and first applications will hit the market in 2019. Since 2004, the wireless standard 802.11p has been developed specifically for ITS services. Since then new telecommunication standards have been devised, and the new 5G telecommunication standard is nearing completion. Due to its technological advantages such as higher speeds and reliability, it is being considered to be used for ITS services.The new radio technology “NewRadio (NR)”, which is being developed as part of 5G, can complement or replace 802.11p in V2X applications. While there has been some work to compare 802.11p and 5G New Radio in terms of performance and applicability for safety-critical use cases, little work has been done to investigate the implications for security. In this paper, we provide an overview of the security requirements of known ETSI ITS use cases, and based on those use cases we compare and assess the security implications of replacing 802.11p with cellular V2X. We find that due to the use of millimeter waves, beamforming and massive MIMO, there will be an implicit improvement for confidentiality and privacy, and it may also be possible to shorten authentication procedures in certain cases. When a fully network-assisted C-V2X mode is chosen, it is also possible to outsource several of the ITS security requirements to the cellular network

    Adoption of vehicular ad hoc networking protocols by networked robots

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    This paper focuses on the utilization of wireless networking in the robotics domain. Many researchers have already equipped their robots with wireless communication capabilities, stimulated by the observation that multi-robot systems tend to have several advantages over their single-robot counterparts. Typically, this integration of wireless communication is tackled in a quite pragmatic manner, only a few authors presented novel Robotic Ad Hoc Network (RANET) protocols that were designed specifically with robotic use cases in mind. This is in sharp contrast with the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). This observation is the starting point of this paper. If the results of previous efforts focusing on VANET protocols could be reused in the RANET domain, this could lead to rapid progress in the field of networked robots. To investigate this possibility, this paper provides a thorough overview of the related work in the domain of robotic and vehicular ad hoc networks. Based on this information, an exhaustive list of requirements is defined for both types. It is concluded that the most significant difference lies in the fact that VANET protocols are oriented towards low throughput messaging, while RANET protocols have to support high throughput media streaming as well. Although not always with equal importance, all other defined requirements are valid for both protocols. This leads to the conclusion that cross-fertilization between them is an appealing approach for future RANET research. To support such developments, this paper concludes with the definition of an appropriate working plan

    Study on the Implementation of Autonomous Driving Communications with 5G

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    V zadnjih desetletjih je tehnološki napredek povzročil razvoj številnih novih idej in področij, ki pomembno prispevajo k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja ljudi. Ena od takšnih, ki se obeta v bližnji prihodnosti, je tudi avtonomna vožnja. Čeprav so v preteklosti znanstveniki že poskušali uresničiti izdelavo samovozečega avtomobila, razpoložljive tehnologije do danes niso zmogle izpolnjevati potrebnih zahtev. Peta generacija mobilnih sistemov, poznana kot 5G, je prvo tehnološko področje, ki predstavlja obetaven element pri realizaciji popolnoma avtonomne vožnje. Cilj tega magistrskega dela je bil raziskati, ali je omrežje 5G iz 3GPP Release 15 sposobno zagotoviti potrebna sredstva za popolno podporo avtonomni vožnji in drugih družin primerov uporabe C-V2X, hkrati pa delovati v izjemno zahtevnih (omrežnih) scenarijih cestnega prometa. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo najprej predstavili nekaj najpomembnejših konceptov v paradigmi avtonomnih vozil, ki nam bodo kasneje pomagali bolje razumeti praktični del. Najprej smo s komunikacijskega stališča definirali avtonomno vozilo in njegove komunikacijske potrebe in storitve. Nato smo našteli nekaj najpomembnejših prednosti avtonomnih vozil, pa tudi nekatere najbolj zaskrbljujoče izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo strokovnjaki, ki se razlikujejo od tehnoloških in okoljskih do zakonodajnih in filozofskih. Na kratko smo predstavili tudi Vehicular ad hoc networks, Intelligent transport systems, Vehicle-to-everything in kako bi nadaljnji razvoj takšnih konceptov pozitivno vplival na človeštvo. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela smo podrobneje razdelali tehnologijo C-V2X, kjer smo začeli s kratkim pregledom njenega razvoja skozi zgodovino. Gre za tehnologijo, ki uporablja obstoječe celično omrežje za zagotavljanje povezave med vozili, med vozili in infrastrukturo, med vozili in omrežjem ter med vozili in pešci. Vsak nov korak k popolnoma avtonomnemu vozilu prinaša nove sklope še bolj zapletenih izzivov. Na začetku sta bili najpomembnejši tehnologiji, ki sta bili uporabljeni za V2X, DSRC in LTE-based V2X. Čeprav ima LTE-based V2X več 18 Povzetek prednosti v primerjavi z DSRC, sta bila oba presežena z vidika zmogljivosti, ko je bil 5G NR-V2X predstavljen skupaj s 5G celičnim omrežjem. Aplikacije V2X, kot so kooperativno zaznavanje in manevriranje med vozili, vodenje z visoko gostoto vozil in daljinsko vodenje vozil, podajajo težko dosegljive računalniške in komunikacijske zahteve, ki presegajo LTE in DSRC. Večina varnostnih aplikacij V2X zahteva izjemno majhno zakasnitev (pod 10 ms), izjemno visoko zanesljivost (blizu 100 %) in visoko hitrost prenosa podatkov (v območju Gbps). Celično omrežje 5G ima edino dovolj napredno tehnologijo, ki lahko doseže takšne pragove zmogljivosti. Poleg tega smo predstavili načrt 5GAA, ki prikazuje rezultate in napovedi na ključnih prednostnih področjih, kot je pospešek razvoja celičnih tehnologij iz LTEbased V2X v 5G NR-V2X. Teoretični del se konča s prikazom, kako je 5G omogočil več primerov uporabe C-V2X, ki jih prej ni bilo mogoče vzdrževati z LTE kot nosilno tehnologijo, pa tudi kako lahko podpre novejše, bolj zapletene primere uporabe z višjimi zahtevami. Spoznali smo, da so nekateri primeri uporabe C-V2X izjemno zahtevni za omrežje, in sicer do te mere, da se pojavi dvom, ali bodo sploh sposobni delovati v resničnih situacijah. Teoretične raziskave smo dopolnili z vrsto simulacij, z namenom, da bi spremljali zakasnitev paketov in zanesljivost simuliranega omrežja 5G, in jo kasneje primerjali z zahtevami QoS družin primerov uporabe C-V2X. Simulacije so bile izvedene s pomočjo ogrodja OMNeT ++ 5G-Sim-V2I/N, ki omogoča simulacijo primerov uporabe 5G V2I / V2N z aplikacijami, ki obsegajo celotno uporabniško ravnino 5G. Simulirali smo dva različna scenarija cestnega prometa. V prvem scenariju smo simulirali avtocesto, kjer avtomobili vozijo z večjo hitrostjo, kar močno vpliva na delovanje omrežja. V drugem scenariju je bila pobuda izbrati nekaj povsem drugačnega, z namenom, da bi opazovali različne rezultate med dvema skrajnostnima. Zato je bila izbira za drugi scenarij urbano okolje, kjer je veliko ovir, kot so stavbe ali visoka drevesa, ki bi lahko motila komunikacijo. V obeh scenarijih sta bila izmerjena dva parametra QoS za štiri različne aplikacije UDP, ki delujejo vzporedno na več vozilih. Vzporedno izvajane aplikacije so vključevale aplikacije V2X, VoIP klic, video predvajanje in prenos podatkov od in k uporabniku, medtem ko so merjeni KPI vključevali zakasnitev in zanesljivost paketov. Izziv je bil spremljati zmogljivost omrežja v celotnem simulacijskem času in na koncu primerjati končne rezultate s celotnimi zahtevami glede zakasnitve in zanesljivosti nekaterih najzahtevnejših družin primerov uporabe C-V2X, ki naj bi bile Povzetek 19 s pomočjo 5G omrežja izvedljive. Cilj je bil ugotoviti, za katere od teh družin primerov uporabe simulirano omrežje 5G izpolnjuje zahteve. Simulirali smo omrežje 5G po specifikacijah 3GPP Release 15 in rezultate ocenili glede na zakasnitev na celotni komunikacijski poti in zanesljivost. Rezultati so pokazali, da omrežje ne izpolnjuje zahtev, potrebnih za podporo tako skrajnih primerov uporabe v simuliranih scenarijih. Te ugotovitve so nas pripeljale do zaključka, da simulirano omrežje potrebuje nadaljnje izboljšave zmogljivosti, zlasti z vidika znižanja zakasnitev in povečanja zanesljivosti, kar je bilo tudi obljubljeno za prihodnje izdaje 3GPP.In recent decades, technological advances have led to the development of many new ideas and areas that have made an important contribution to improving people\u27s quality of life. Autonomous driving is one area that has resulted from these advances. While attempts have been made in the past to try and facilitate the realization of the self-driving car, the available technologies have never met the needed requirements. However, the recently introduced 5G is believed to be a promising enabler for the fully autonomous vehicle. The goal of this thesis was to investigate whether the 5G network from 3GPP Release 15 is capable of providing the needed resources to fully support autonomous driving and other C-V2X use-case families while simultaneously operating in extremely demanding (network-wise) road traffic scenarios. In the theoretical part of the thesis (in the first four chapters), we firstly introduced some of the most relevant concepts in the autonomous vehicle paradigm, which would later help us better understand the practical part. We begin by defining the autonomous vehicle from a communication standpoint, and its communication needs and services. We continue by listing some of the most important benefits of autonomous vehicles, as well as some of the most troubling challenges that experts face, varying from technological and environmental challenges to legislative and philosophical ones. We also briefly present Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Intelligent Transport Systems, Vehicle-to-Everything and how the further development of such concepts would have a positive impact on humanity. The fourth chapter discusses the C-V2X technology, beginning with a brief overview of its evolution throughout history. It is a technology that uses the existing cellular network to provide the vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, vehicleto-network, and vehicle-to-pedestrian connections. Every new step towards a fully autonomous vehicle brings about new sets of even more complicated challenges. In the very beginning, the two most relevant technologies used for V2X were DSRC and the LTE-based V2X. Although the LTE- 22 Abstract based V2X has multiple advantages compared to DSRC, they both got outclassed, in terms of performance, once 5G NR-V2X was introduced along with the 5G cellular network. V2X applications, such as cooperative sensing and maneuvering, high-density platooning and teleoperated driving, show hard-to-meet computing and communication demands, well beyond what LTE and DSRC can provide. Most V2X safety applications demand ultra-low latency (below 10 ms), ultra-high reliability (near 100%), and a high data rate (in the Gbps range). The 5G cellular network is the only cellular technology advanced enough to be capable of reaching such performance thresholds. In addition, we presented the 5GAA roadmap which shows the results and predictions in the key priority areas, such as the acceleration of the evolution of cellular technologies from the LTE-based V2X towards the 5G NR-V2X. The theoretical part ends by showing how 5G has enabled more C-V2X use cases that were previously impossible to sustain with LTE as the underlying technology, as well as how it has introduced newer, more complex use cases with higher requirements. It quickly became clear that some of the C-V2X use cases are extremely demanding on the network, to the point where a lot of doubts arose whether they would be able to operate in real-life situations. The theoretical research was complemented with a series of simulations in order to monitor the packet delay and reliability of the simulated 5G network, which would later be compared to the QoS requirements of the C-V2X use-case families. The simulations were executed with the help of the OMNeT++ framework 5G-Sim-V2I/N which enables to simulate 5G V2I/V2N use cases with applications comprising the whole 5G user plane. We have simulated two different road-traffic scenarios. In the first scenario, we simulated a motorway where the cars drive at higher speeds, which can have a huge effect on the network\u27s performance. In the second scenario, the initiative was to choose something completely different from the first one in order to observe different results between two extremes. Hence, the choice for the second scenario was an urban environment with heterogeneous road characteristics and buildings that act as obstacles which interfere with the signals. In both scenarios, two QoS parameters were measured for four different UDP applications running in parallel, on multiple cars. The running parallel applications included a V2X application, a VoIP call, a video stream, and a data download/upload, while the measured KPIs included packet delay and reliability. The challenge was to monitor the network performance throughout the simulation, and in the end compare Abstract 23 the final results with the end-to-end latency and reliability requirements of some of the most demanding C-V2X use-case families, which were said to have been enabled by the 5G network. The objective was to find out for which of these C-V2X use-case families the simulated network met the requirements. We have simulated the 5G network from 3GPP Release 15 and have evaluated our results in terms of end-to-end-latency and reliabilityit quickly became clear that the network did not meet the requirements needed to support such extreme use-case families in the simulated scenarios. These findings brought us to the conclusion that the simulated network is in need of serious performance enhancements, in terms of lowering its latency and increasing its reliability, both of which have been promised for future 3GPP release

    Automotive Intelligence Embedded in Electric Connected Autonomous and Shared Vehicles Technology for Sustainable Green Mobility

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    The automotive sector digitalization accelerates the technology convergence of perception, computing processing, connectivity, propulsion, and data fusion for electric connected autonomous and shared (ECAS) vehicles. This brings cutting-edge computing paradigms with embedded cognitive capabilities into vehicle domains and data infrastructure to provide holistic intrinsic and extrinsic intelligence for new mobility applications. Digital technologies are a significant enabler in achieving the sustainability goals of the green transformation of the mobility and transportation sectors. Innovation occurs predominantly in ECAS vehicles’ architecture, operations, intelligent functions, and automotive digital infrastructure. The traditional ownership model is moving toward multimodal and shared mobility services. The ECAS vehicle’s technology allows for the development of virtual automotive functions that run on shared hardware platforms with data unlocking value, and for introducing new, shared computing-based automotive features. Facilitating vehicle automation, vehicle electrification, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is accomplished by the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), cellular/wireless connectivity, edge computing, the Internet of things (IoT), the Internet of intelligent things (IoIT), digital twins (DTs), virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). Vehicles become more intelligent, connected, functioning as edge micro servers on wheels, powered by sensors/actuators, hardware (HW), software (SW) and smart virtual functions that are integrated into the digital infrastructure. Electrification, automation, connectivity, digitalization, decarbonization, decentralization, and standardization are the main drivers that unlock intelligent vehicles' potential for sustainable green mobility applications. ECAS vehicles act as autonomous agents using swarm intelligence to communicate and exchange information, either directly or indirectly, with each other and the infrastructure, accessing independent services such as energy, high-definition maps, routes, infrastructure information, traffic lights, tolls, parking (micropayments), and finding emergent/intelligent solutions. The article gives an overview of the advances in AI technologies and applications to realize intelligent functions and optimize vehicle performance, control, and decision-making for future ECAS vehicles to support the acceleration of deployment in various mobility scenarios. ECAS vehicles, systems, sub-systems, and components are subjected to stringent regulatory frameworks, which set rigorous requirements for autonomous vehicles. An in-depth assessment of existing standards, regulations, and laws, including a thorough gap analysis, is required. Global guidelines must be provided on how to fulfill the requirements. ECAS vehicle technology trustworthiness, including AI-based HW/SW and algorithms, is necessary for developing ECAS systems across the entire automotive ecosystem. The safety and transparency of AI-based technology and the explainability of the purpose, use, benefits, and limitations of AI systems are critical for fulfilling trustworthiness requirements. The article presents ECAS vehicles’ evolution toward domain controller, zonal vehicle, and federated vehicle/edge/cloud-centric based on distributed intelligence in the vehicle and infrastructure level architectures and the role of AI techniques and methods to implement the different autonomous driving and optimization functions for sustainable green mobility.publishedVersio

    Comunicações sem fios confiáveis para aplicações veiculares

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaIn the last decades the number of vehicles travelling in European road has raised significantly. Unfortunately, this brought a very high number of road accidents and consequently various injuries and fatalities. Even after the introduction of passive safety systems, such as seat belts, airbags, and some active safety systems, such as electronic brake system (ABS) and electronic stabilization (ESP), the number of accidents is still too high. Approximately eight per cent of the fatal accidents occur in motorways, in the Portuguese case, the number of fatalities has remained constant in the first decade of the 21st century. The evolution of wireless communications, along with the north-American and European policies that reserve spectrum near the 5,9GHz band for safety applications in the vehicular environment, has lead to the development of several standards. Many of these applications are based on the possibility of using a wireless communication system to warn drivers and passengers of events occurring on the road that can put at risk their own safety. Some examples of safety applications are the hard-brake warning, the wrong-way warning and the accident warning. This work aims to contribute in defining a communication protocol that guarantees the timely dissemination of safety critical events, occurring in scenarios with a high number of vehicles or in the neighbourhood of so called motorway “blackspots”, to all vehicles in the zone of interest. To ensure information integrity and user trust, the proposed system is based on the motorway infrastructure, which will validate all events reported by the vehicles with the usage of several means, such as video surveillance or other sensors. The usage of motorway infrastructure that has full motorway coverage using fixed stations also known as road side units, allows to have a global vision of the interest zone, avoiding the problems associated to networks that depend solely on vehicle to vehicle communication, generally total ad-hoc networks. By using the infrastructure, it is possible to control medium access, avoiding possible badly intended intrusions and also avoiding the phenomenon known as alarm showers or broadcast storm that occur when all vehicles want to simultaneously access the medium to warn others of a safety event. The thesis presented in this document is that it is possible to guarantee in time information about safety events, using an architecture where the road side units are coordinated among themselves, and communicate with on board units (in vehicles) that dynamically register and deregister from the system. An exhaustive and systematic state of the art of safety applications and related research projects is done, followed by a study on the available wireless communications standards that are able to support them. The set of standards IEEE802.11p and ETSI-G5 was created for this purpose and is found to be the more adequate, but care is taken to define a scenario where WAVE enabled and non-enabled vehicles can coexist. The WAVE medium access control protocol suffers from collision problems that do not guarantee a bounded delay, therefore a new protocol (V-FTT) is proposed, based on the adaptation of the Flexible Time Triggered protocol to the vehicular field. A theoretical analysis of the V-FTT applied to WAVE and ETSI-G5 is done, including quantifying a real scenario based on the A5 motorway from Lisbon to Cascais, one of the busiest Portuguese motorways. We conclude the V-FTT protocol is feasible and guarantees a bounded delay.Nas últimas décadas tem-se assistido a um aumento do número de veículos a circular nas vias rodoviárias europeias, trazendo consigo um elevado número de acidentes e como consequência muitos feridos e vítimas mortais. Apesar da introdução de sistemas de segurança passivos, tais como cintos de segurança, airbags e de alguns sistemas de segurança activos, tais como o sistema electrónico de travagem (ABS) e o sistema electrónico de estabilidade (ESP), o número de acidentes continua a ser demasiado elevado. Aproximadamente oito por cento dos acidentes fatais na Europa ocorrem em auto-estradas, no caso Português, o número de vítimas mortais tem-se mantido constante ao longo da primeira década do século XXI. A evolução das comunicações sem fios, acompanhada de políticas europeias e norte-americanas no sentido de reservar frequências próximas dos 5,9GHz para aplicações de segurança no ambiente veicular, levou à especificação de várias normas. A maior parte destas aplicações baseiam-se na possibilidade de usar um sistema confiável de comunicação sem fios para alertar os condutores e passageiros de veículos para eventos ocorridos nas estradas que possam colocar em risco a sua segurança. Exemplos de aplicações de segurança crítica são o aviso de travagem brusca, o aviso de veículo em contra mão e o aviso de acidente na estrada. Este trabalho contribui para a definição de protocolos de comunicação capazes de garantir que a informação sobre eventos relacionados com situações de segurança crítica, que ocorram em cenários com um elevado número de veículos em zonas urbanas ou na vizinhança dos chamados “pontos negros” das auto-estradas, é disseminada com pontualidade por todos os veículos localizados na zona de interesse Por uma questão da integridade das comunicações e confiança dos condutores, o sistema proposto baseia-se na infra-estrutura do concessionário da auto-estrada, que validará os eventos reportados pelos veículos usando vários meios à sua disposição, como por exemplo sistemas de videovigilância e outros sensores. O uso de uma infra-estrutura de comunicações, que dispõe de cobertura integral a partir de estações fixas, permite uma visão global da zona coberta, evitando os problemas associados a redes baseadas apenas na comunicação entre veículos, que são em geral totalmente ad-hoc. O uso da infra-estrutura permite, entre outras vantagens, controlar o acesso ao meio, evitando simultaneamente intrusões de estranhos ao sistema e o fenómeno conhecido como “chuva de alarmes” desencadeado quando todos os veículos querem aceder simultaneamente ao meio para avisar os restantes da existência dum evento de segurança crítica. A tese apresentada neste documento defende que é possível garantir informação atempada sobre eventos que põem em risco a segurança dos veículos a partir de uma arquitectura de interligação entre as estações de comunicações fixas, coordenadas entre si, e unidades móveis (veículos) que se registam e se desligam dinamicamente do sistema. Nesta tese faz-se um levantamento exaustivo e sistemático das aplicações de segurança abordando projectos de investigação relacionados, estudam-se as tecnologias de comunicação sem fios disponíveis e a sua possibilidade de suportar aplicações de segurança rodoviária. Desta análise, conclui-se que a norma norte americana WAVE/IEEE802.11p e a europeia ETSI-G5, criadas especificamente para o efeito são as que mais se adequam à finalidade desejada. Considera-se que o cenário de utilização é evolutivo, podendo coexistirem veículos que não dispõem de sistemas de comunicação com outros que suportam a norma WAVE. Dado que o protocolo de acesso ao meio proposto pela norma WAVE não garante um acesso determinístico ao meio partilhado, propõe-se um novo protocolo, o Vehicular Flexible Time-Triggered protocol (VFTT). Faz-se a análise teórica da viabilidade do protocolo proposto para a norma WAVE e respectiva norma europeia (ETSI-G5). Quantifica-se o protocolo VFTT para um cenário real: a auto-estrada A5 Lisboa-Cascais, uma das autoestradas portuguesas mais movimentadas. Conclui-se que o protocolo é viável e garante um atraso restringido temporalmente

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu